Madness, darkness, The Void was calling..... Options
#1 Posted : 6/12/2009 8:04:38 AM

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So, I have seen what many have not, but mine was not that sead to be colorful. No. Mine was darker, and rather scary. I was not terrified, I was a little scared. I will start from the beginning...

I 1st started to smoke just the herbal mix, Passionflower, Mullein, and Peppermint. It was a little harsh, I don't smoke. I then thought I would listen to some music, to get my mind set. I turned off the music, and was chatting with Dan on how he smoked it and stuff.

I took the 1st hit, not very harsh! So far so good, I held it well. But I am sure I did not get any spice, as I was about to find out... I took the 2nd hit, It was harsh, and I could hardly hold it. Then things started happening. My heart really started going, I knew this was normal and kept my cool. But before I went for the 3rd hit, I wimped out, for good reason! It just hit me, getting so intense by the second, so I thought it be best to stay cool and lay down on the bed. It just kept getting more and more heavy. Then a very very loud explosion, and then it kept getting even more intense! I started seeing flashes, of people. And was not sure what I was feeling, I just knew I had to just go with it. I remember thinking, that maybe it was not such a good idea, but I then thought just go with it or els. I was frightened, but at the same time I was not.

The, light. Little hard to remember, but I think it was bright white light. And there was a dark shadowy being, calling me, waving me over. As if to say, "comeon, lets go! What are you waiting for?" Well, I was just laying down, and I could not move... Through it all I remember hearing whispers, after the big loud bang. Much like the sound effect when you die in World of Warcraft, when you run back to your body. And when I think about it harder, these whispers where when "it" was calling me.

As soon as it came, it went. And I was pretty happy it did not last long. I did not even take the three hits, and part of me is happy for that. I did not see colors, morphing of shapes and such. After the 2nd hit it just came. Darkness and flashes that were hard to keep up with. It was like the madness of LSD, but times it by 100.

Funny enough, Dan took a hit of what was left. he only held it 3 seconds, cos he is sick and he coughed it back up Rolling eyes . But he sead he seen a CRAP load more on that 3 second hit then when he took the 40mg hits. So now he believes me. And he is probably gonna come over and he is going to give me 30mg of hes 80MG he has tomorrow.

I am not sure if I smoked enough, or not enough. I am not sure if I should smoke it again, as I did not see colors, happiness, anger, sadness. I felt some type of fear that I did not understand... All I know is. When I have my 30mg, I am going to hit it and hold no matter how I feel, no matter how freaky it starts to get.

This trip was much like my LSD trip. It was not bad, but not like many other peoples trips. I guess you should be mindful of what you wish for! I wished to explore a void-like realm, and I got it, to a go-to-the-speed-of-light-darkness extreme. I hope the next trip might make more sense, and They will help me along.

I am sure I have miss a few things, little hard to remember, and I have to eat before I go to work.

EDIT: Ended up finding the sound effect of when you die in world of warcraft, of the whispering.
How To Stop a Nightmare
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The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.

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Bill Cipher
#2 Posted : 6/12/2009 9:21:28 AM

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There is no wimping out with DMT, brother. It is absolutely no joke. But I think I can answer a couple of questions about what it is you just went through.

Threshold doses are all head fuck and body load - not particularly colorful (or even visual). In SWIM's experience, the true nature of this substance doesn't really reveal itself until maybe 30mgs (at which point it will be colorful for sure), and even then (for SWIM anyway) you can see it but not be it, if that makes any kind of sense (and I'm guessing that it really doesn't for you... yet).

Breaking through is a stressful process, and for SWIM it has never gotten much easier (after triple digit journies). It feels like a mule kick pretty much instantly (as it seems you've already discovered), but if you don't find a way to press on regardless, you'll never get what the hype is about. In some ways, sub-breakthroughs are actually more confusing and stressful (again, just speaking for SWIM - he can't attest to anyone else's experience), as when you do achieve real ego death, "you" are just not there to fear it. This is where the truely ineffable nature of spice reveals itself, but to muscle through 60mgs you are going to have to hit it repeatedly until you're just not physically able. You'll be well on your way as you're struggling mightily to take the last one (or two), but if you do, I guarantee your trip will not only be visual and colorful BEYOND YOUR WILDEST FUCKING IMAGININGS, but what you experience will be SO much deeper than 3rd person hallucination. You will be integrated COMPLETELY into what you are seeing - an active participant - transforming yourself in perpetual motion along with everything you see. You'll dissolve into (or reunite with) the source - God, the collective, the space between spaces, the eternal everything and nothing - and it will blow your mind beyond ANYTHING you could ever possibly imagine on this plane.

I'm not making a lot of sense, I know, but none of it does. Truly. Don't ever expect it to. Don't analyize it in the moment. This is IN NO WAY a rational experience. Just let go, receive and be.
#3 Posted : 6/12/2009 9:33:14 AM

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Geez Art, my heart starts racing when I hear stuff like that! Again and again the nexus demonstrates its infinite worth through its experienced members passing on the "secret knowledge" of the path to everywhere. It's being able to read stuff like that (and anticipate the utterly unpredictable and unfathomable) that has permanently rooted my feet in the nexus. time will come Pleased
#4 Posted : 6/12/2009 9:44:40 AM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Threshold doses are all head fuck and body load - not particularly colorful (or even visual). In SWIM's experience, the true nature of this substance doesn't really reveal itself until maybe 30mgs (at which point it will be colorful for sure), and even then (for SWIM anyway) you can see it but not be it, if that makes any kind of sense (and I'm guessing that it really doesn't for you... yet).

I hope you are right on this. As I sead, after, Dan took a hit of what I think was left. He held for just 3 seconds. Things got rather colorful for him, and sead I was made up of shapes kinda... He sead it was even brighter then LSD.

I hope tomorrow Dan is a little better so he can come over and have hes turn. I am sure I will take all the hits this time (Dans given me 30mg as I sead). I might be used to the abnormal feeling once it hits.

And SF, I hope you have that blood pressure under control! My heart went on pretty hard.

Thanks again for the advice.
How To Stop a Nightmare
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The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#5 Posted : 6/12/2009 9:48:20 AM

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Drake wrote:
...And SF, I hope you have that blood pressure under control! My heart went on pretty hard...

I do have that well in mind. Thanks for the report...and that reminder, as well!
#6 Posted : 6/12/2009 12:29:01 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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Drake I think maybe you are holding back a little to much, from my experience of spice is the more you let go the more beauty spice will show you. Maybe you are also scared to see what spice has to show you which is usually a mirror purely on ones self and consciousness? Just some thoughts and feelings of mine that came up while i was reading your experience. Let me know what you think, i would love to try and help in any way that i can. Very happy

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The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#7 Posted : 6/12/2009 1:55:11 PM

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Well I should of taken the last hit. I am somewhat afraid... I feel there is a darker side to me, that I don't want to see. I don't know why this might be, part of me is honestly sadistic I guess. Not in major ways, in smaller ways. But I feel maybe it gos deeper, possibly.

Or maybe I am overreacting, and I just need to start again, and go from 30mg. Take at least three massive hits like I should of. And see what I can see.

But I will dig deeper. I will hold myself to dig deep into my inner self. I started a quest to discover spice for answers, I intend to see what answers I will find. And I intend to explore The Void, like I sead I would.

I just need to have more trips with spice. I remind myself this last trip with spice, was my 2nd time ever taking any psychedelic. Will just take some time getting used to all this. Then I can start going deeper I feel. When i am more "used" to being 1st hit by spices power, I won't feel the need to hold back.

Also, I forgot to say. I think I might of been swallowing my tongue? I am not sure, I felt something in my throat/at the back of my mouth. Like someone had there fingers there, it was strange.

I am also thinking I am going to by a packet of balloons. If the smokes just to harsh I am going to blow the spicy air back into the balloon so its not a big waste. It was pretty harsh, and I really don't think I held it that long.
How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#8 Posted : 6/12/2009 2:09:49 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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Drake wrote:
Well I should of taken the last hit. I am somewhat afraid... I feel there is a darker side to me, that I don't want to see. I don't know why this might be, part of me is honestly sadistic I guess. Not in major ways, in smaller ways. But I feel maybe it gos deeper, possibly.

Or maybe I am overreacting, and I just need to start again, and go from 30mg. Take at least three massive hits like I should of. And see what I can see.

But I will dig deeper. I will hold myself to dig deep into my inner self. I started a quest to discover spice for answers, I intend to see what answers I will find. And I intend to explore The Void, like I sead I would.

I just need to have more trips with spice. I remind myself this last trip with spice, was my 2nd time ever taking any psychedelic. Will just take some time getting used to all this. Then I can start going deeper I feel. When i am more "used" to being 1st hit by spices power, I won't feel the need to hold back.

Also, I forgot to say. I think I might of been swallowing my tongue? I am not sure, I felt something in my throat/at the back of my mouth. Like someone had there fingers there, it was strange.

I am also thinking I am going to by a packet of balloons. If the smokes just to harsh I am going to blow the spicy air back into the balloon so its not a big waste. It was pretty harsh, and I really don't think I held it that long.

Drake i think we all have a so called dark side that we need to work on and face that's why we are still human i guess. Some have more of a dark side than others and i think it really depends on what type of person you are and your spirits nature. I commend you on your willingness to dig deeper and to face that part of you and to deal with the issues head on, this is the only way that we as human beings can grow. There is a trick to holding in the smoke that i use as i am not a smoker and i have very sensitive lungs the trick is to breath in and out completely before you take your first smoke and than breath in the smoke as gently and as slowly as possible as this helps to tone down the harshness of the smoke in turn enabling you to hold the smoke in for longer. I wish you luck on your next journey Drake. Very happy

Much Peace and Compassion
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For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#9 Posted : 6/12/2009 2:19:00 PM

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Thanks for the advice. I will try that trick! If you have not seen another trip report from me by Monday, you know Dans to sick to have hes turn.
How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
Bill Cipher
#10 Posted : 6/12/2009 7:42:00 PM

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You weren't swallowing your tongue - I guarantee you - and you absolutely won't. Sub-breakthrough doses just tend to have a physically twisting effect. You may feel as though you've swallowed your forehead - but again - you probably haven't. Higher doses won't have this effect, as your body is left behind. The process of getting there is what many describe when they say they're shot out of a cannon. It's an overwhelming ordeal for sure (try to imagine a MASSIVE orgasm of the brain, accompanied by simultaneous death through a combination of drowning and electrocution), but it only lasts for maybe a minute, and as strange as this sounds, it's FANTASTIC.

Your balloon trick won't work, as DMT vapor recondenses too quickly. If you're smoking it out of glass, in fact, you'll see afterwards that crystals have most likely reformed on some part of the inside of the pipe. Don't worry about this. Just try to hit it slow and steady, hold each one as long as you can and CLOSE YOUR EYES FOR THE DURATION. A dropper full of mullein extract (available at your neighborhood health food store) right before you take your hits can also be very helpful, allowing you to inhale deeper and hold them a little bit longer. 30mgs probably won't "break you through" completely (but it might - everyone's different), and it's not like you're going to have a frame of reference to compare it to anyway. It's a great jumping off point IMO - you'll get the hype, but not be overwhelmed to the point of hysteria. But don't expect to be any more prepared when you feel it coming on next time (or the time after that, or the time after that). The come up will ALWAYS test your fight or flight response. When the moment is right, you'll push your way through it - and this may take you a number of attempts. In a way, the process was actually easier for SWIM in the very beginning. After you know what you're actually in for, it takes a nutsack of steel to commit.

Finally, your preoccupation with seeing the shapes and colors won't do you any favors - and I can't be emphatic enough about this - if you go all the way, you are not going to be "seeing" anything per se (in the same sense as watching a movie anyway). YOU ARE THE MOVIE, and you need to get your head around this ahead of time. The visuals, though MASSIVE, are almost incidental. The experience, at its core, is about integration and transformation, perpetual de- and reconstruction.

Try to let go of your preconceptions. They just won't help you in there.

#11 Posted : 6/13/2009 4:08:13 AM

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One quest is over another begins. Sounds normal to me I also get the explosion effect but never seen a dome that many describe. Now all you have to do is get your garden growing and you will have all the spice you will ever need and live happily ever afterVery happy

Art I could not have said it better great summary and advise

Hey S F I am sure when the time comes the spice will welcome you as you have shown yourself to be more than worthyWink

#12 Posted : 6/13/2009 7:43:39 AM

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Took some looking into. But I found a video with the sound effect of "the whispers" that I could only best explain as being when you die in World of Warcraft.
How To Stop a Nightmare
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The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#13 Posted : 6/13/2009 10:40:40 AM

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May I ask about how you are lighting/heating the stuff?
I noticed that when you "burn" it too hot, it tastes bad and can be enough of a chestblocker to cause an uncomfortable journey.

Dang, Magicvenom, I wish it is easier fo rme to pus hthe dome away some times...
#14 Posted : 6/13/2009 11:00:03 AM

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There's nothing wrong with starting off slow.. at some point, you might want that third hit, but if you need to work off the anxieties awhile doing 2 hits I see nothing wrong with that.. I started with a massive amount orally so it lasted over an hour and was way too much.. I'm sure there is value to working your way up, just so long as you eventually take the third hit and totally experience it at least once.. I don't regret taking such a plunge, but it was a bit foolish for the first time.. If I had done 2 other doses, maybe 1/4th as much and 1/2 as much, I might not have spent most of the trip grasping to stay 'me'.

Good luck with it all. I might try smoking some properly today.. sandwich method, which I've not tried.. if successful I'll report back on the effects in that topic I made.. I wouldn't mind only getting a bit.. a wisp might be cool and trippy.. now that I experienced such a dramatic effect, I figure whatever I manage to smoke will be cool with me.

Oh, and I also noticed that pulling it slowly from a bong seemed to help a lot with the coughing all at once and getting a major headache from coughing so hard and feeling horrible when coming up.. I'm gonna try this sammich method with my homemade bong (a bong shaped vinegar bottle with a hole drilled and a glass bowl).. I have a screen in it and on top of the screen a small marble.. I thought using that, I could heat the marble enough to liquefy and vaporize the DMT without directly contacting it.. It's hard to picture but I think it could work quite well.. The marble was a recent idea, but smoking herbal blends has gone well with the marble in there.. at first I put it in cause I lost a screen.. steel screens fall out of glass bowls too easy, but so do glass screens and they're way more expensive.. a marble seems to be a nice screen and let a little air through.. I can put the DMT where the air goes through and heat the other side of the marble while drawing on it real slow, I think it will work well..

I'm gonna try a sammich of one of my weaker blends first though.. it shouldn't add much effect..
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

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#15 Posted : 6/14/2009 12:21:10 PM

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Nordic wrote:
May I ask about how you are lighting/heating the stuff?
I noticed that when you "burn" it too hot, it tastes bad and can be enough of a chestblocker to cause an uncomfortable journey.

I just used a good old Jet lighter, with a water bong. I am not sure if I burnt it or not. It was a little harsh but that's normal anyway I think. I had an uncomfortable journey anyway, but I cannot recall feeling the burning once it started to hit me.

I got Dans cough, and cold Sad . Looks like I am gonna start on really looking into extracting, next week or so.
How To Stop a Nightmare
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The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
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