1st experience yesterday morning, kept eyes open Options
#1 Posted : 6/8/2009 6:23:19 PM
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I am completely in awe about what happened to me yesterday. I have not stopped thinking about it since, and ive been talking the ears off of whoever will listen, which im sure they are pretty sick of right now so im going to tell some people who care. if you havent tried it, you have no idea and its impossible to explain accurately.

i just spent the past 5 days at the Wakarusa music festival in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. I partied all night, indulged in many different things and was still up and running strong at about 8am when my good friend, his girlfriend and 2 others i just met decided to go up to the top of this grassy hill overlooking the entire festival, with the sun just barely above the tree line right in front of us. we were staring at a beautiful sea of tents, grass, mountains and trees, and the sky was blue with lots of trippy looking clouds. My buddy poured a pile of DMT onto a small bowl of weed and handed it to me. i was laying down in front of the other 4 on the hill when i hit it. after about 20 seconds i exhaled, and within 1 second i could feel it. i said "here we go" and within the next 5 seconds my entire world changed around me. im actually pretty sure i left earth and went to another dimension. i could talk the entire time and kept my eyes open. i heard "the scream", but it sounded more like a PA amp right before you plug in an instrument. pockets of space in front of me were expanding. the whole world seemed to stretch into infinity. the sun grew to 10 times its size and moved to the CENTER of the sky!!! the whole time i kept talking, yelling "HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! WHAT IS THIS STUFF?!?!" my legs expanded and grew to 4 times their size as did my hand. i looked behind me only briefly to see my friends had grown to giants. the sky turned into a digital pattern of blue and white squares. i had an inkling that this was not i was visiting where you go when you die, but i was totally at peace. the great thing about it is that i didnt change at all, the world did, and i just laid there and observed it. with other drugs the world more or less stays the same, but you change and feel strange in it. with DMT, the world changed and i remained the same. i felt like a visitor. the sea of tents below me looked smooth and plastic. i felt like i was on the set of teletubbies...everything was brilliantly colored and soft looking, like toys. the sun growing in size and moving to the center of the sky was probably the most moving part. afterwards i felt completely at peace and happy, like i had just discovered something not of this earth, something really special. i didnt experience any visuals of other beings or aliens though. is this because i kept my eyes open or i didnt "breakthrough"? if it can get better and more intense than that, then i have a lot of exploring to do. ive never been affected by anything like this in my life, im utterly fascinated. i cant believe the human mind is capable of such things. there are so many mysteries about this stuff that i want to solve. it truly is something put here by a higher power and i think its a window to communicate with it. im sorry im rambling, but im in awe. i want to know more, know everything. what is this stuff?!?!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/8/2009 7:16:45 PM

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well....a month or so ago i would have told you that since you were able to speak, you probably didn't break through....however, i had a DEEP breakthrough about a week ago on three huge leaves of salvia, 1gr. POTENT sativa and about .030 spice where i went deeper than i've ever been and at one point things started to feel that my journey could too easily go in a scary direction....what did i do? i SANG!

that's right...TOTALLY disconnected from my body....DEEEEEP in hyperspace.....ego long gone.....i SANG. i was simply a conduit for sound frequencies and i completely made up a beautiful tune with only the lyrics "i am love and light"....

this turned my journey around 180 and i experienced a bliss like no other.

sounds very much to me like you, if nothing else, peeked through the "chrysanthimum" at the beginnings of a breakthrough. the fact that you heard the carrier frequency (beautiful description of the amp right before you plug in an instrument!) and that you had a strong visual alteration says that you certainly had the spirit of jurema flowing through you. and -as a shaman told me once during a santo daime ceremony in the jungle years ago, "this is not a drug...juramidam is a spirit that inhabits you....and once she has entered you, a part of her will always stay with you."

so you see UTD, you are part of a family now. a family that shares a common parent... Smile

welcome....and THANK YOU for sharing that beautiful report!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#3 Posted : 6/8/2009 7:23:42 PM


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Welcome to the universe. The rabbit hole is as deep as you are willing to travel. Just remember to respect the spice. Its power is inestimable. Thanks for the post.



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#4 Posted : 6/8/2009 10:17:10 PM

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Yes, the other two have said it best. The rabbit hole IS as deep as you are willing to travel, respect, and never forget the more you learn the less you will know - it's a good thing and only a fool forgets, but everyone eventually remembers. Treat the spice right, and welcome! Great contribution already! ^_^
#5 Posted : 6/8/2009 10:41:07 PM

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antrocles wrote:
well....a month or so ago i would have told you that since you were able to speak, you probably didn't break through....however, i had a DEEP breakthrough about a week ago on three huge leaves of salvia, 1gr. POTENT sativa and about .030 spice where i went deeper than i've ever been and at one point things started to feel that my journey could too easily go in a scary direction....what did i do? i SANG!

that's right...TOTALLY disconnected from my body....DEEEEEP in hyperspace.....ego long gone.....i SANG. i was simply a conduit for sound frequencies and i completely made up a beautiful tune with only the lyrics "i am love and light"....

this turned my journey around 180 and i experienced a bliss like no other.

Man antrocles, seems you have really been getting better & better at navigating these places we go to...or that come to us...
Are you keeping track of the set, setting & other variables before & during the more lucid experiences?
Am I right in remember you mentioning that you've been experimenting with consuming DMT in some way, everyday for a while now, right?
How long has it been?

I remember the report you gave of embodying a your Asian woman, or something like that, I had an experience last night that reminded me of you talking about that. Haven't written a detailed report yet, but I think I'm going to.
Here is a quick the middle of the wrong thread...



All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill Cipher
#6 Posted : 6/8/2009 10:42:23 PM

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The rabbit hole runs SO much deeper. You have no idea. Truly.

If your current reality is altered (even dramatically) but still AT ALL intact, you haven't even scratched the surface. The real face of DMT will replace it completely. 100%. And whether your eyes are opened or closed, you'll be somewhere else entirely.

Welcome to the mystery. It will make you question everything.
#7 Posted : 6/8/2009 11:48:22 PM
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thank you all for your feedback. at this point i need all the feedback i can get. my experience was so intense, and to think that i havent even scratched the surface?? WOW...i cant WAIT to see what happens next time! i really do feel apart of something bigger now that ive tried part of a strange family or club that only understands each other, and i like it. ill keep you all up to date on my next experience, and you all do the same. thanks!!
#8 Posted : 6/9/2009 1:01:33 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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So awesome to have you aboard! It sounds like you need to start making your own as you've got some serious traveling to do. antrocles for instances is in his.. what 300-400th trip mark? I'm probably a little below that, and I'm sure there are many others - and what they'll all tell you is it's different and more amazing and more mind blowing nearly every time. It definietly sounds like you had an awesome time though, but remember that infinity you experienced.. well that's what the potential for DMT experiences are - infinite. Never ending measures of epitome.

Good luck! See you around .. over. right down up through under here no there sideup all over back in not no where but everywhere... soon
#9 Posted : 6/10/2009 3:26:24 PM

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I like your description, OP..

I'm also new. I tried extracting about 3 years or so ago and I got a small yield.. I waited my time out until I felt it was appropriate to try again.. I knew it would be a summer, but I didn't know when I'd be ready again. Last time I tried smoking, coughed too hard and had a horrible experience with the smoke.. then I capped most of what I had up and tried it with rue extract.. That was interesting and fun but at no point did I break through to anything other than a little OEV's..

Recently, the time came.. I realized it was time to try again.. this time, Noman's tek exists (or I know of it now) and last time I tried marsofold's.. I didn't have the proper equipment.. there's not a lot you need, but I didn't have good glass containers that could pour correctly..

This time I did it up right and am proud of my crystalline end-product I have.. I tried some yesterday.. mild tryptamine feeling.. today, I tried some more.. I got somewhere but it hurt my lungs so bad, I coughed really really hard and, I don't know if you guys have done this, but I coughed so hard it hurt my neck.. extremely badly.. my head felt like it was going to explode while I came up on it.. not good.. as the pain faded after a few minutes, I started to laugh.. I got further with it this time than any of the last times.. things were morphing and breathing.. melting.. I had never experienced this on LSA or anything else I tried.. I now finally know what it's like for things to look like they're melting. I almost began to think it was a metaphor.. like.. an exaggeration.. but no.. Things were melting.. lol.. It was pretty intense.. I closed my eyes while the pain was still so intense but opened them again, as I felt like I was dying from the pain and wanted to hold on to 'me'.. I think pharmahuasca using caapi copy and THH might be my next move.. Unfortunately, I don't have a scale.. I wonder if capping up 200 mg's of caapi copy and about twice what I smoked today would be ok.. Not having a scale makes me nervous.. and I don't know my actual yield.. but after holding in my hits today and suddenly having them coughed out in one huge cough, then that intense pain in my neck and head.. I don't want to experience that feeling again.. it felt dangerous in a way.. and it still hurts a bit when I fill my lungs with air..

I want to 'get there'.. I want an intense ride.. Without a scale, I could estimate from my experience, I put maybe 50mg's of DMT in my pipe today, but smoked maybe 20... maybe it was even less, considering I had used around 20-30 mg's of THH sublingually before smoking.. If I over-do it, I'd almost be glad.. I'm not afraid to experience whatever happens.. I can ride it out, hell, I'd even embrace anything beyond what I had today.. I'd smoke more, and usually i have pretty iron lungs (picked up that feat on level 3.. d&d nerds in the house?) but that stuff really fucked me up.. the pain seemed more from the intense coughing.. I think it happened last time I tried, but not that bad.. that pain in my muscles was extremely scary..

In any case, I think I'm going to be trying pharmahuasca.. I need to use the search engine a bit today, read more about different people's doses, experiences, advice, etc.. but I think orally might be the way to go. I anticipated the smoke might be too much for me again, that's why I ordered the harmala in the first place.. but I had hoped to smoke more this time because my product is no doubt more pure.. but DMT itself seems to just be really abrasive on the lungs. I'd like it to last longer anyway..

Maybe rectal is an option. I don't have any stigma attached to that part of my body, it is usually a good delivery method for other substances I've tried on occasion. Maybe I could try that without an MAOI to test what dose feels like what.. I have a bit to play around with and a 2nd naptha jar waiting for evaporation when my pan is cleaned out, but sooner or later I'll break through.. Having those OEV's however was pretty amazing in itself.. I was able to walk with only a little balance disruption and I went outside.. the trees seemed alive.. a hanging plant outside with purple flowers was freaking me out while I was having all that pain.. as it faded, I noticed the strange flowers melting together looked like they were staring at me.

Exciting times. I'm glad to be on the nexus. For some reason they didn't give me, banned me from their forum. I think because I was being sarcastic about their anti-smoking-blend rules.. Oh well.. they can be somewhat pretentious.. but I've been on there for years with only like 100 posts and it was odd to be banned. I didn't look at much on it anymore, whereas the DMT Nexus and some other forums have been extremely interesting to me lately. I'm glad I registered.. I'll share more when I have a breakthrough experience, or anything more intense.. While I'm typing something, anyone know what dose my effects sound like? Maybe 10 mg's or so? I'm not sure.. there were a lot of patterns with my eyes closed. Also, I'm going to look it up anyway, but I might as well ask: Would tolerance be an issue after 12+ hours? I'll find out either way I guess. It didn't seem to be an issue an hour or so ago from yesterday, so I doubt it.
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.
#10 Posted : 6/10/2009 3:40:05 PM

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Eclectic wrote:

I want to 'get there'.. I want an intense ride.. Without a scale, I could estimate from my experience, I put maybe 50mg's of DMT in my pipe today, but smoked maybe 20... maybe it was even less, considering I had used around 20-30 mg's of THH sublingually before smoking.. If I over-do it, I'd almost be glad.. I'm not afraid to experience whatever happens.. I can ride it out, hell, I'd even embrace anything beyond what I had today..

Pharma's definately the way to go for this. I find with this combo, even when it's way intense I can still maintain. Whereas with acid/mushrooms you can find yourself straight up freaking out, with pharma it's way more intense but you still have a voice somewhere inside you that says "hang in there, commit to this moment, it's all you have, you wanted this". Prepare, dose, get a bucket, lie down. One thing though I like to have some slightly sober company to get me a glass of water, because when it's at that level you can barely crawl. Be prepared to piss in a jar Smile, expect time to drag as well. I've never used THH in this combo but it's meant to lighten the load, but it also makes the experience last longer... I think?

#11 Posted : 6/10/2009 4:50:53 PM

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Welcome to the wonderful world of spice i found your experience intriguing because you mentioned that spice connected you with a higher being and i definitely feel spice does connect you with an awesome being with great warmth and compassion, this being seems to show you exactly what you need to see at the perfect time even though you may feel you aren't sure why you have experienced what you have experienced, it will come clear after some time. Its vital to respect the spice as much as possible maybe next time that you journey with spice it could be with a close friend as a watcher on a clear head in a special place and you will see the pure beauty that spice has to show you. I know how daunting the spice experience can be its very important to work your way up slowly with your dosages as well so that you can shake hands with spice and meet spice properly and get to know the spice on a deep and respectful level. Thank you for sharing your first experience UnderTheDome.

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#12 Posted : 6/10/2009 5:23:46 PM

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I'm totally in that club.. it makes you feel like the universe is as it is.. it makes reality clear to you.. seriously, any quantum physicist worth their salt should consider smoking DMT.. the little bit I've felt and seen has made me question things.. didn't even break through yet.. can't wait.

I just smoked out of the bowl I smoked out of earlier ... smoking some xxx smoking blend.. and holy shit.. there was a good amount of DMT in there.. I held it without coughing.. the key to stuff that makes you cough is trying to breathe it all out before you cough.. something about coughing or talking while smoke is in my lungs makes it so much worse.. I am almost as high as I was earlier.. only a hit or so of xxx, and I figured some DMT left would burn up.. but it was a pretty damn good amount.. I'm about to take a 3rd hit which is no longer xxx and mainly DMT left in the bowl.. We'll see how far I get Pleased

Thanks for the input soulfood.. I have spent the last hour or so capping up increments of eyeballed DMT.. I figure the most I yielded was 1% then the pile would have been about 1 gram.. I split it a bunch of times so I have an eyeballed 100 mg's or 10%.. if .5 yield or less I have another cap I can take with the same amount.. me and a friend are likely going to do it at the same time. Never tripped with anyone else before so it's cool I met someone who lived up the street and I never even knew.. but yea.. caapi copy, little THH extra thrown in.. and some estimated amount of DMT..

Questions that are important for tonight:

What hour mark or time mark would you say "Ok it's been this long, I know it wasn't enough" and at that point is it ok to redose? Do people have luck with just taking more DMT on the same MAOI to get to where they wanna be? I know someone said "You can always take more" in this topic or another.. sounds like it could work.. that's why I got 2 caps.. if I dont get as far gone as I want, popping the second. At what time into the experience, say from taking the DMT cap (waiting like maybe an hour aftter the MAOI cap since it's capsuled and needs to dissolve, I estimate?) will I know "This isn't going to be as intense as I want".. Is there a safe time you can say that with confidence? Maybe 2 hour mark?
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.
#13 Posted : 6/10/2009 5:29:03 PM


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..Eclectic. You may be burning your spice. When spice is properly vaporized it is not bad on the lungs. Technique is everything when smoking. If you are using a pipe then put a layer of ash, then your spice, then a layer of parsley. This keeps the flame off of the spice while allowing the heat to first liquify and then vaporise the spice, the ash keeps it from dripping into the pipe and too far from the flame. Play around with the thickness of the parsley layer. Also, pull slow and steady on the pipe, don't force it. A flame on naked spice will burn and waste it.

please be nice and dont burn spice...Rolling eyes

Good luck.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#14 Posted : 6/10/2009 6:01:29 PM

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I agree, I had it on a layer of ash but was smoking it out of a home made bong.. so it was somewhat hard to get the flame to dance above the product and not touch it.. the bong usually sucks the flame right in.. When I smoked my blendage it seemed smoother and easier to not cough like crazy even though there was DMT burned in it too.. I'm thinking of using a little mullein on the bottom.. DMT in the middle.. mullein on the top.. Mullein isn't psychoactive, grows everywhere here in the northeast and almost anywhere there's water and dirt lol and it'd burn with the DMT between to help it to get melted and vaporized without scorching it.

I'll do my best to be kind to the DMT sir. lol
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.
#15 Posted : 6/10/2009 6:09:36 PM

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I wouldn't put your extract in caps. It takes longer to work. I'd dissolve it in a glass of juice, drink it down and swirl a little more juice in the bottom to wash out any that didn't dissolve and drink that too.

Also if you use orange juice it will convert freebase DMT to DMT citrate which absorbs a lot faster and hopefully as you won't have an acid/base conversion going on in your stomach, it should ease the nausea too.
#16 Posted : 6/12/2009 4:09:35 AM

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This post is my first experience.. I did it in capsules.. I didn't read the replies to some of my questions before I tried it, and it took so long I thought it didn't work.. I dosed the MAOI at 11:15, then the DMT capsule at 12:15.. then at 1:10 or so I took another DMT capsule, foolishly thinking it wouldn't work.. I describe it all in detail, the first post of the topic describes my thoughts as of last night much better, but yea, a lot of the trip happened between 2:45 and 3:30.. at 2:50-3:00 time was ticking backwards, forwards, and incredibly slow..

My friend up the street who I was with last night wants to try it, despite my dire warnings.. he might handle it better than me, he has done shrooms a few times and salvia.. but I don't think anything can prepare one for DMT at it's full dose.. Hopefully tolerance won't be an issue, he had a smaller dose last night.. He has chosen to try it, and I think I'll put the stuff in juice this time.. I have country time lemonade, which is citric enough to convert DXM to DXM Citrate, so I imagine it'll work for DMT as well.. I used to do the Agent Lemon extraction of syrup a lot years back, so I'll give it to him in that form..

Thanks a lot soulfood Smile
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.
#17 Posted : 6/12/2009 9:33:35 AM

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Upon reading UnderTheDome's first post in this, I want to just say how much I wonder those same things..
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.
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