I Can't Get Off!! Options
#1 Posted : 6/7/2009 7:20:49 PM
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Greetings all! I have been experimenting with dmt for some time now and have yet to have a successful experience. I'll wander over to the extraction threads to ask them about my freebase attempts as I extracted it myself. My topic here is ayahuasca. All over the internet are people having great experiences by making a simple mimosa/rue tea and drinking it. I have done it with up to 25grams of rootbark and had no success. Either nothing happens at all or I feel fucked up (just fucked up, not journeying..) for about twenty minutes and then cannot hold it down any longer. The only visuals I have ever experienced were during the purge and then they were gone as soon as i cleared out my system. I have been trying for over a year to get off, but cannot. I have always ordered my materials from BBB and am beginning to doubt their quality. I ate about 14" of San Pedro that I got from them and it did nothing. I mean I ate almost 3 whole 6" cuttings raw after fasting for over 24 hours. NOTHING HAPPENED!! WTF..? Does anyone else use them as a source for materials? I'm starting to get frustrated here. I'm buying the ticket and then getting on the bus, but i keep getting thrown of before we get out of the bus park. Please help me!

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#2 Posted : 6/7/2009 7:36:17 PM

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I think its the way with naturals. Potency from one plant to the next and that fact you can often be sick before the stuff has got home yet.

I'd just keep buying the stuff, extract the actives, then send them on a spy plane aimed right at the centre.
#3 Posted : 6/7/2009 7:45:18 PM
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Word. Ill keep trying. The only thing is that I have consumed and purged ayahuasca so many times that I can barely stand to smell it, let alone ingest it. Also, my body hates me. I can eat a large amount of any drug and not feel it as much as the people I took it with. Damnit Bobby!!
#4 Posted : 6/7/2009 8:06:15 PM

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Its the same for me with aya man.
I have been workin with it and have drunk around 7-8 times now in the last year.
All the times i have drunk have been in a ceremonial setting with other partcipants.
Most of the other participants report visoins of jewelled cities, meetings with beings and this one dude said he was shown a spaceship.
So i know its not a bad brew, but i dont seem to go on these "journies". At most i get pixilation of reality with my eyes open, and with them closed i see abstract shapes in mosaic form. I have "visuals" but no "visons". Alot of the time my thoughts will turn to family or other mundane things goin on in my life, but never anything quite as mystical as what others always seem to describe.

This has happened everytime now and im begining to wonder what it will take to have a journey. I must mention that the ceremonies i talk of are mimosa and rue brews, and am aware this lacks the "spirit" of mama aya, this plant intellegence, but others are still having great experiences so i dont realy know what to put it down to!!
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#5 Posted : 6/8/2009 1:29:10 AM


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My two cents...
Syrian Rue...doesn't work well for everyone. The experiences are 'rougher', 'meaner' than the vine. I have a huge jar of it and there it sits. From what I have gleaned from this site and some personal experience is that Rue contains very little THH compared to Caapi. For me, too much harmaline with not enough thh (and I have tried several combos with the individual harmala alkaloids) will not get me to the place I need to be. THH alone followed by the spice is MOST excellent!!

My suggestion to you both is find a vendor that provides either thh alone or a product with an alkaloid profile that equals that of Caapi. Something that you might call a 'caapi copy'. I am just guessing but maybe something like that exists. Maybe if you googled it.Laughing

Good luck, 'cause when you DO get there...WOW. Nothing like it.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#6 Posted : 6/8/2009 1:32:23 AM

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I've made quite a few brews of ayahuasca in the past. Tried different combinations of b. caapi, mimosa, syrian, peruvian t. etc The first time I made a brew, I got barely anything, a bit of visual and more space to sound. The second time I used a bit more material, kept it down for at least 30min with barely any change apart from the sense of syrian rue, then as soon as I allowed myself to throw it up, it was coming on smoothly fast (the fracticals in my sick looked rather nice) I wiped my mouth, then lay on my bed for some of the most forfulling hours of my life.
The third time also worked well. Now after the third time, got completely nothing. tried again -nothing.

What you need to be carefull doing, is doing what I did out of fustration -"fuck this, it's not working so I'll just use back-up plan b & c now" only to be pounded within a minute with so much unbearable nausea. I can handle a lot of things in life of all the variations, but that nausea I experienced was absolutely awfull, and took more mental effort than anything I've done in my life, and ever will (I hope). I actually found it hard to breath, breathing became no more automatic, I had to manually do it, but I'd keep forgeting to, becuase the nausea would almost make me completely unconscious. That day was also the most embarressing day for myself, as I had to phone an ambulance for myself, as I was alone and it was getting more intense. I'm not at all afraid of the inevitable -death, and I'm not really close with my family, but the thought of them, and anyone discovering me dead from ayahuasca made me call them. It took me a whole year to even have a spliff after that. And what's most fustrating is that I still didn't even get much of a trip. It would of been nice to be entertained at the same time, but got nothing apart from a few white mosaics which I would see anyway during meditations or just trying to allow them to visually occur at that time in my life. If I didn't have the nausea it wouldn't have been much of a trip. That whole experience I think was a blessing for me, I thought about alot of crutial things that I needed to think about at that point in my life during moments of that experience. It's been years since that event now and I've now matured greatly.

All you need to do, is just a bit more research on it. Carefully make the brew. Make sure your getting enough dmt and maoi's out in the brew's preperation. Then when it's in you, wait longer for it to absorb in you. Even try some different combinations.

Let us know how it goes
#7 Posted : 6/8/2009 6:01:14 AM


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Use Caapi vine instead of syrian rue... and then just double your normal caapi dosage. If that doesn't work, triple it. This will do it.... Trust me!
All of the posts made are hypothetical and for educatiunal/entertainmint purposes only. SWIM (a fictional chaaracter) and his activities are completely fictional.
#8 Posted : 6/8/2009 7:15:05 AM
Don Juan

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I have done it both ways, two times with syrian rue and once with caapi. I can say from experience that the caapi works a heck of a lot better. I had a bad experience from the caapi as well but that is mosetly from using to much and having some deep down issues that I needed to work out. Either way good way of doing it is to make a smaller amount with a higher dosage. I boiled it down for about 6 hours, took the caapi first and waited for 30 or so min, and then had the dark red mix Smile

I think the biggest trick for me was that I boiled it down so long that I didn't have a lot of fluid. I also didnt drink anything for a long period of time prior to the experience.

Also if this does work, a bit of an warning. No reading about DMT can prepare you for the experience. You really need to have a sitter that has done this before (preferably one who had a bad trip so that have experience so they know what to do) and so that you don't feel alone encase you feel like your dieing. I took it and though that I had killed myself and was alone and it wasn't very cool.

Good luck and remember that even the "bad" trips may be your most profound and inspiring experience of your life.
#9 Posted : 6/8/2009 9:45:52 PM

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The thing is, i cant put it down to the brew.
Like i said, all the times i have drunk have been in a ceremonial setiing and the drink has been brewed by the dude who holds the ceremonies (twice a month) Every time nothing monumental has happened, where other participants have reported some fantastic times.

I even had a dabble with the old pharma.
Had 140mg THH and drunk 3drops of harmaline tincture in some water.
After 20mins i dissolved 80mg of spice in oj and downed it. 20mins later wasnt really feeling anything, so I dosed with another 80mg in oj. After another 20mins i was felling a liitle heavier and notice very slight visuals, but nothing great, soooo i decided to dose once more with 140mg.
I thought ths would do the job, but it just brought on some more light visuals.
Needless to say it was a very mild trip and instead of wasting the experiecne i decided to smoke a little too. Loaded 40mg into the vaporgenie. 2 hits later, and i didnt know what was happenin brother. I serously can not tell you what happened haha. I have fleeting memories, but nothing i can really make any sense of.

But it seems that i am immune/incapable of journying with oral administation.
I do have some thh so i may take some before i have my next ceremony and see of this effects the outcome.
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#10 Posted : 6/8/2009 11:44:20 PM
Don Juan

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I remember reading in Dr. Strassmans book that DMT sometimes doesn't effect a select few people no matter how much you give them. Its rare but does happen. Maybe you are just one of those people who doesn't get effected by it?
#11 Posted : 6/9/2009 8:43:31 AM

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A friend of a friend whom I met in a dream had a similar experience with oral ingestion. He consumed a capsule of THH and waited roughly 30 minutes. He then proceeded to ingest 70mg of jungles spice. After about another hour or so, he decided to double up on the spice if you will and took another 70mg of stronger (aged) jungle spice. He too, was sure that this would yield the results he was looking for, but unfortunately, only the slightest effects were felt.

He is not all too sure why the medicine did not take full effect. He reasons that it may have had to do with not eating for a day and a half as well as a massive purge (brought on by Morning Glory) earlier that day. His guess is that because his stomach had not been active, the medicine just sat there instead of getting broken down and metabolized by the body.

If anybody can offer insight, my friend of a friend whom I met in a dream would be much appreciative. He has not yet had an orally administered journey and would very much like to experience one. He has got 2 THH capsules and some caapi vine on standby. He would like to know how the oral experience differs between regular nn and jungle spice.

Fluid Travels Everybody
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Please note that all my posts are 99% fictional. The remaining 1% is a direct manifestation of my overactive imagination and exaggerated accounts of things that may or may not have happened. Therefore, I shall not be held accountable for any statements, beliefs, or ideas expressed here. Furthermore, by choosing to accept what I say as fact, you are subjecting yourself to the viewpoints of an individual who in accordance with societal standards, might just be considered "crazy".
#12 Posted : 6/9/2009 10:17:41 AM

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dreamdweller wrote:
I remember reading in Dr. Strassmans book that DMT sometimes doesn't effect a select few people no matter how much you give them. Its rare but does happen. Maybe you are just one of those people who doesn't get effected by it?

Well one did begin to wonder, but its not like hes not effected at all. He definitley feels something and sees visuals, but it just seems to lack visions, lessons, insights and whatever else people have.

It does effect SWIM coz when he smokes it, its like the total opposite. Too much happens too quickly and he cant remember shit! SWIMS next stop is gonna be changa which sound like it may lie somewhere in between the two experiences. Alot more gentle and comprehendable than straight spice

Its interesting that a few people experience the same thing here. It would be good if we could try and get to the bottom of this and help people finally journey with an oral dose of aya.
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#13 Posted : 6/9/2009 2:56:33 PM

The Great Namah

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olderROM wrote:
Use Caapi vine instead of syrian rue... and then just double your normal caapi dosage. If that doesn't work, triple it. This will do it.... Trust me!


Maya ethno is the place for Aya supplies. Use Chaliponga instead of mimosa. I'm a hard head and it takes about 20-30g of Maya's good chali for me to have a voyage.

30grams of mimosa is A LOT of spice to be ingesting. Mimosa is also really, really hard to keep down.

Another option is to try pharmahuasca. Then you can fine tune your dosage as low or as high as you need to go.

You may have answered this, but can you breakthrough with vaporized DMT? what dosage?

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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#14 Posted : 6/9/2009 4:09:50 PM

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acolon_5 wrote:
olderROM wrote:
Use Caapi vine instead of syrian rue... and then just double your normal caapi dosage. If that doesn't work, triple it. This will do it.... Trust me!

You may have answered this, but can you breakthrough with vaporized DMT? what dosage?

SWIM will generally smoke 40-50mg in a VG. But he can never really remember what happens, so not to sure if he breaks through or not
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#15 Posted : 6/9/2009 8:47:49 PM

The Great Namah

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Wow, sounds like you are not a hardhead when it comes to smoked dmt.

Yeah, I would try pharmahuasca. You'll keep it all down, you can adjust your dosage to exactly where you need it, you can space out the MAOI from the DMT.

I usually don't sugest pharma, because I really believe in the spirit of Aya, however if you are just unable to get results from mimosa and rue (which is unusual to say the least) maybe switching to Caapi/Syrian rue/pure harmala alkaloids and crystal DMT might be the way to go. I guess with Caapi you will still get the healing of the vine, so yeah, go for it!
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#16 Posted : 6/10/2009 4:52:04 PM

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But i tried pharma, i explained that in an earlier post.
Do you thing my doses were too low?
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#17 Posted : 6/10/2009 5:34:05 PM

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I'm going the Pharmahuasca route, as the last time I tried I didn't get where I wanted to.. this time I bought all the supplies, nothing lacking, did it up right.. now I have Caapi Copy (there's a topic here about it that I really liked, thank you nexus populous) and extracted DMT.. not too yellow.. think it's fairly pure.. smells great in that "I know what DMT smells like and that there is DMT" way.. lol

I wish you the best of luck, but I tried it mimosahuasca with rue.. it worked but the body load and nausea were too intense for me to get anything from it.. I didn't 'breakthrough' as they say.. I layed on the couch.. my focus seemed to drain the colors out of the room and there was a blanket of waving colors, similar to the colored pattern coming out of the pineal gland/third eye area on the cover of DMT: The Spirit Molecule.. all rainbowy and wavy.. and it was awesome but not a journey.. I felt too bad..

Tonight I shall do pharmahuasca right.. I got my DMT and Caapi Copy from a trusted vendor here (well I think you guys like them anyway from my lurking) and THH.. I have my pills ready to go.. after work, I'm gonna do it.. wish me luck, I hope to get the best trip of my life out of this, as I've only experienced OEV's from a crazy cannabis overdose (you think you cant but this stuff made me trip lol) and slight visual aspects of LSA containing seeds.. Never true OEV's (except this morning my first time smoking my newest batch things were melting, which was the first time I experienced that and it was incredible to look at) so I want to go places.. I want to see things.. I want to have my world replaced by an alternate dimension.. I want to talk to the entities, whatever they may be.. I want the full experience, and I aim to get it tonight.. my DMT capsule is a possible huge amount.. I have no scale, I basically took about 1/5th of my yield.. if I got .5% out of my 90 grams of mimosa, I got a 110 mg dose or so (which is like .6 mg per pound for me, good dose) but if I yielded more, well, it will be more.. I figure any way I look at it, I can take another pill I have loaded with a little less.. I will get there.. wish me luck. Smile
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#18 Posted : 6/10/2009 6:32:07 PM

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Good luck. Keep us posted
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#19 Posted : 6/10/2009 9:24:51 PM

The Great Namah

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soulman wrote:
But i tried pharma, i explained that in an earlier post.
Do you thing my doses were too low?

Yes, your experience sounds like a classic case of an underdose.

You may be one of those rare people that need a really large dose to journey. I've tried dosing almost exactly like you said, 80mgs then 80mgs, then up and up and up with the dose but only minor effects. You may be like me, I need 250mgs+ at the begining for a decent experience (all 250-400mgs taken at once 10-15 minutes after a large dose of Caapi, when I start to feel Her effects). Redosing after an hour or so will probably require more harmala alkaloids to be effective at all.

For either poster having issues:

Are you on any meds, ESP. SSRI's/SNRI's,& major tranqs like stelazine, thorazine, etc..

Some medications can completely block the effects of psycadelics.
The Spice extends life
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#20 Posted : 6/10/2009 9:28:34 PM

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Good luck Eclectic! Please give us a report of your experience!
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