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#1 Posted : 6/8/2009 7:40:30 AM
Don Juan

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My friend wanted to share this experience with your site since it seems to be a place that people care about each other and really read the posts. I have shared this experience with a few other people but not many and well just wanted to see what you guys thought.

My friend went into this knowing what others had said, how they had felt, and reacted from the DMT. He never in his right mind thought it would have effected him this way, or change his life in the way it did. After witting up the experience some of you may think that he is full of crap and that he made this up, well he may have either way, but he believes that what he experienced was real or as some would say, more real than real. He respects DMT more than anything in the world now, and is scared shitless of taking advantage of this wonderful tool and hope that you all respect it the same.

Here it is in the word of my friend:

0 Min-
Felt dizzy and felt a change in temperature, started to get a little woozy.

50 Min-
When I opened my eyes I started to see the walls and area around me look fake and as though space and time was starting to fall apart. Like the world around me was fake and that I was entering another place. Everything seemed to emit energy.

I had a profound experience where a being asked me if I had any questions. I ask him (or her) why I treated people so badly. It said to me that since I didn't learn the first time (second time doing dmt) I had this experience that it was going to teach me the lesson this time (in a more than strong tone of voice) it put me in the position of a slave creature on another planet and left me there for a while, to feel how small I was and unimportant I was. I thought to myself that if I was left there for ever that it would maybe be the worst feeling I could ever have and would never be able to be human again. It brought me back and told me, " See how it feels to be a slave, to be something so small that no one cares about you." I said yes, I understand.

It then took me to another place by breaking down the fabric of what makes up everything we see, as though everything was made of energy even the guide. I said I wanted to see what things looked like because I wouldn't understand other wise as at this point I could only feel the presence of the guide and everything around me. It said ok and showed me something that I saw before from my other experience but only for a moment. The last time I saw the face of a lady with a large head and yellow eyes, she was dominate but uninvolved with me. This time it showed me the big picture, the lady was not a lady at all but a octopus like being with a huge head of what seemed to be a feminine figure. Its tentacles were massive and rapped around the world and I could see bits of energy flying into the receptors of the being. The guide told me that this was what happened when we died and that the being learned from our experiences on earth this way. The guide then went on to say, " I don't understand why you humans treat each other so badly when your life is so small and when we die we have so much to look forward to." It continued, "You should treat others good for the time on this planet because your all there and all are going to die and should live as best as possible while dealing with this experience." I told the being that I understood and the intensity of the psychedelic started to die down.

I looked at my watch and noticed that the effects of the drug didn't last as long as last time since the last time it lasted for about 6 hours. I got up out of my bed and walked into the kitchen where my roommate was sitting and talked to her about some of the things that had happened.

Mid speech the walls started to show the same effects of before but this time much more intense and at a speed of which I never have felt before. I told my roommate that I needed to go lay down.

This is where all hell broke loose, where it was no longer fun, and the lesson was still being made clear to me. Soon after laying down I noticed how intense things had started to get. Time started to fall part and I soon became the mud of the earth and could not move. I heard a sound like the sound of energy rushing over my body and faster, and then it stopped and everything was just bland and silent. I knew it, I was dead. I could not move and I knew that I had died. I felt so sad and alone and that I was such a dumb ass for doing something so dumb that would destroy all my friends and my parents just to prove a point, to learn something that I already knew. I tried to close my eyes and I could see through my eye lids. I put my hands over my eyes and could see through them. I gave up and could not blink could not do anything and everything was just peaceful but bland, all the pain gone but I was able to still think. I started to feel warm in my pants and though, "am I about to piss myself? Oh god I'm going to piss myself because I'm dead." I started to think about all that I had read from other peoples experiences on DMT and realized I wasn't dead, I was alive and just going through a faze. I focused, clasped my hands together and managed to come back to myself and walk myself into the bathroom. I used the bathroom and manged to get back into my room at what point I realized I needed to get this out of my system. I tried to puke but nothing came up and as I did that I was transported in front of a type of being.

The being was so massive that word massive can not describe. The only thing that describes it is that it was as massive as god. It told me in the most angry voice and most fear dwelling way it could that I was nothing but a slave and that I was not allowed to be where I was. It asked me what I was doing there. I answered that I didn't know and that I would do anything for it to leave me be. It told me to never come back and never challenge it again. As I came back to myself I noticed that my knee was on the ground and I had it bent with my hand up in the air as though I knew how to be in that position all my life, like it was engraved into my body to know how to conduct myself in that situation with that being.

I laid back on my bed and knew that I was going to have to live with this experience and not be able to get it out of myself and that I wasn't going to die even though I felt like it. I realized at this point how much I wanted to live, how much everything in my body wants to service and fight to keep me alive and live to do something with my life even if that's just to live. I understood how important life is and how treating others good is important and I learned my lesson.

I am not sure what that god like creature was or where it came from. It was the most intense thing I have ever encountered and for some reason it felt as though I was challenging it in some way. If that was the case and what ever it was, was real... I am not sure how anything could over come it.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/8/2009 3:00:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thats a very serious experience you had there. Glad you came out ok and you seem to have got what you asked for!!
I will leave it to the more experienced peeps to comment further, I have yet to have such direct entity communication in my journeys.
Thanks for sharing.
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#3 Posted : 6/8/2009 3:05:39 PM

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Excellently archetypal and familiar sounding report. For something so bizarrely idiosyncratic, there sure are a lot of weirdly recurring motifs in hyperspace. The octopoid certainly sounds like my symbiontTwisted Evil I wonder if your association with the entity encountered will continue?
#4 Posted : 6/8/2009 3:46:20 PM


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dreamdweller wrote:
As I came back to myself I noticed that my knee was on the ground and I had it bent with my hand up in the air as though I knew how to be in that position all my life, like it was engraved into my body to know how to conduct myself in that situation with that being.

I am not sure what that god like creature was or where it came from. It was the most intense thing I have ever encountered and for some reason it felt as though I was challenging it in some way. If that was the case and what ever it was, was real... I am not sure how anything could over come it.

Thanks for the write-up, and welcome to the Nexus, dweller.

First off, do you know about mudras? sounds to me like you were making one. :]

It's amazing what you can do and what can happen when you're face to face with a seemingly god like being.
Sometimes all you have to do is love. Try having no fear. they sense know?
much more than k9s.

although an experience like sounds almost necessary for some reason. you often find swords in the ground near a shamans mesa.

#5 Posted : 6/8/2009 4:16:13 PM
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Interesting report Dreamdweller.

dreamdweller wrote:
" I don't understand why you humans treat each other so badly when your life is so small and when we die we have so much to look forward to." It continued, "You should treat others good for the time on this planet because your all there and all are going to die and should live as best as possible while dealing with this experience." I told the being that I understood and the intensity of the psychedelic started to die down.

I'm getting a bit frustrated with these entities. It is all well and good to be love personified as a multi-dimensional hyperspace angel, but when you're an aggressive primate with 3.7 billion years of red tooth and claw in your DNA, living in a world of dog eat dog, it's not so easy feeling the love.

dreamdweller wrote:
I am not sure what that god like creature was or where it came from. It was the most intense thing I have ever encountered and for some reason it felt as though I was challenging it in some way. If that was the case and what ever it was, was real... I am not sure how anything could over come it.

Maybe it is the aggressive primate in me, but I've a feeling we have to defeat this thing. One man alone will quiver in fear, but if we all join together and swarm the thing, we might present a real challenge.

Opticuswrangler has a fondness for this creature, but what if it is our enemy, sucking us dry, keeping us down?
#6 Posted : 6/8/2009 5:31:46 PM

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Well, that was kind of a weird reply.Confused

Morphane wrote:
I'm getting a bit frustrated with these entities. It is all well and good to be love personified as a multi-dimensional hyperspace angel, but when you're an aggressive primate with 3.7 billion years of red tooth and claw in your DNA, living in a world of dog eat dog, it's not so easy feeling the love.

Actually it can be as easy as just letting it happen!!
It's the "aggressive primate" in us, that we had to learn (and un-learn!!), in order to get along in this physical world!!
Have you ever seen a newborn act aggressive or angry at all? I'm not talking about crying, but truly aggressive behaviors?
Not until they are a few months old & have begun learning how to survive in this world from their parents, does the aggressiveness start to show up.
And only if that is what the child is aggressive an individual person is, tends to be a direct result of the environment they grew up in & the people they had to learn from.

These meat-cars we drive around this life in, are temporary!!
If using DMT & Ayahuasca has taught me anything over the years, that I feel I know, it's that we are something before this & we'll be something after the meat dies!

BTW, I used to be quite the lost, angry, opiate addict & back then, when I was drowning in aggressive hatred of my life & thinking I couldn't do anything about it, I would have never thought that I would ever give that advice to another person...and believe it!!
But it is as easy as letting it be. (Thanks John Lennon!!!Wink )

Morphane wrote:
Maybe it is the aggressive primate in me, but I've a feeling we have to defeat this thing. One man alone will quiver in fear, but if we all join together and swarm the thing, we might present a real challenge.

Opticuswrangler has a fondness for this creature, but what if it is our enemy, sucking us dry, keeping us down?

Remember, that most of the entities encountered with DMT usually end up just being you, or a part of you, when one really gets down to thinking about it!!

Now of course, this is just how I've grown to see it from my experiences.
But every time I have another ultra-heavy experience, that leaves me wondering about this again & after thinking about the details of the experience for a few days/weeks, I always seem to come back to seeing how it was my own subconscious being represented in the experience, every time!! (even the really whacked out, completely alien ones...)
In order to give to me, or show to me, exactly what I needed at that time. Whether I knew it, or not!!

Oh & Relax...DMT is not after you...WinkLaughing

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#7 Posted : 6/8/2009 7:33:00 PM
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You brokethrough and then re-brokethrough with smoked DMT?
Big Inhale
#8 Posted : 6/8/2009 8:07:52 PM

The Enlightend One

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omiko wrote:
You brokethrough and then re-brokethrough with smoked DMT?
Yea im confused how did your trip last so long?
Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here.

Here in the Prime Creators universe all things are possible,because all things are possible many lessons are learned.

None Of This Is Real!
#9 Posted : 6/8/2009 9:02:10 PM
Don Juan

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Thanks everyone for the posts.

I guess I should have clarified some things since I haven't really posted on a forum like this before. To have this effect I used the ayawaska as the method. That is why my trips have been over 6 hours long. I really don't understand why anyone would want to smoke DMT other than the effects dont last as long so if you go through a bad trip you don't have 6 hours of it like I did. For about 2 hours of it I really thought I was insane and was going to be stuck in this state. I managed to find my phone call up and old friend and have them just talk for as long as they could so I didn't get swept back into crazy land. I think the god fearing part of the trip is really what scared me. Also for me I am not really into smoking things, as I wanted to follow the shamanistic tradition of drinking the brew. I thought it would give me more respect if I had an experience like I did. It did the first time, but not this time.

I think it was so much different this time because when I was feeling the effects I kept on telling myself that I was ready. The first time I did DMT (and really any hallucinogen) was during Christmas time with a friend. We (my good friend and I) made the brew and drunk it down and had one of the most profound experiences (next to this one) we ever had. I had a talk with a nice shaman guy who told me that I wasn't ready yet to go all the way, that I had a lot to learn yet before I could continue. He had me talk with other people that were in my body as well, mainly a thing called the turning lady. She was also like a Hispanic shaman looking lady but had this big pot that she would turn while controlling how sick I was. Every time she turned the stone in the pot, it would make me sicker and sicker, until the ayawaska could be held down no longer. At the point I threw up the brew I saw the chick, she had more than 2 eyes, eyes of yellowish glow, and had a leather like choker with spikes going up her neck. She seemed very massive and in control of the whole situation but careless of who I was or the events taking place. Shes the same one I saw the second time but this time I saw she was the octopus creature.

I looked up mudras because I had never head of that before. I am not sure the relationship because it was not even close to being "nice". The best way of describing it would be like something out of the movie stargate, where the alien like being was in control of all those people and would destroy them if they challenged them in any way. Sure it would be great if guns worked like they did in the movie, but this thing didn't have a body per say, it was like it controlled everything and wanted to know how the hell I was where I was and its reaction was that I was trying to take its place. After I started to come down off of the brew, I had this feeling inside of me that I really did want to challenge that thing, to kill it or what ever I could do, I am not sure why I did but I guess I don't like having something controlling me and all my friends calling us slaves. Like Morphane said, I really did want to mess this thing up but am scare shitless of it.

Warrensaged, I know what you mean about the concepts of the entities being your subconsciousness trying to teach you something. I would agree that most the time this is true. I am a very avid dreamer and have had lucid experiences may times. Many of those times I have had entities much like those I experienced during use of DMT but only in some ways. One, if I am lucid enough I can either control them or mess around with them because they don't know very much about whats going on, and two, if its a fear type of thing I always have the power to defeat them, no matter how scary they are. I did DMT for the reason of finding out if what you guys experienced was anything like lucid dreaming, to find out if its all in my head. I strongly believe that this stuff is not in our heads, that something is going on that we normally can not see, and that this show that we experience called life, is nothing close to the real deal. I am sure many of you have read around on the internet from peoples other experiences and have seem the correlations between the trips. I am not one to make up data to show relationships, but even as I am very skeptical I cant deny the fact that many of the things people are seeing are very real sounding. Dr. Strassman pointed this out in his experiments that some of these people went into the experience to see angels and demons and came out seeing aliens. I am not only going to limit these types of experiences to DMT as I have had similar experiences while dreaming. I once had a profound dream that seemed very out of place. I was in bed and felt something in the sheets so I popped up the sheets and saw that it was some cat like creature with a face of diamonds. It said to me that I was not alone and that many more of its kind was coming. I looked out into the darkness of the room and from a light (like a sun in space) I saw millions of other cat like creatures getting closer to earth. I woke up and wondered what the hell that was all about. At any rate I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore but I don't believe that its fake in any sense.

I also don't understand why really I had a horrible trip. All my friends know me as a nice person, very relaxed and open minded. The day before I did the brew I was wrongly arrested for a crime I didn't do (just got it cleared up) and was so chill and not upset that I thanked the cops for being so nice to me. I think that the only explanation that I can muster, is that the brew I made was strong as hell, and that I blew into a realm I shouldn't have been.

I also brought back some after effects from this experience. The first is that days after the drinking of the brew my brain still felt a little fed up. Shit didnt seem to work in real life how it did before. I also noticed that I can scare the shit out of myself from just laying on my bed and If I focus I can start to see that same electric/rainbow stuff that I saw on the brew. Shit starts to fall apart and I have to cover my face so I don't keep going. The second is that as embarrassing as it was I used to be scared of the dark up until I was 24 when I had this experience of whats called the stranger in lucid dreaming. It makes it so you can face you fear. I over came it and was ok after that, until now. I am more scared of the dark than ever because now I don't know what the hell is out there or how real it is. Its fing creepy. Maybe one of you can give advice on how to get over this?

In the long run of things though, I don't think DMT is something to be messed around with as a game of any short. Only people that intend to use it as a tool should ever do the substance. I think that my DMT doing days are over with and I learned my lesson. Life is sooo very important and I truly do not want to die because this life is a wonderful gift. Because of my experience I don't believe that when I die I go to heaven or hell, I don't think we see our ancestors, but are put to better use. I am not sure what that is but it to me didn't seem like the happy go to place I read in the bible all the time. I also learned that when I feel like shit and the world seems to be falling apart that its ok because I am not dead yet and I know how that feels. If I get that feeling again then I know I am in the shit because I am dead. The last thing I learned from DMT use is that it is truly a drug that can kill all other drugs. It made me not want to abuse my body, to do shit that's bad for me. I think it could help a lot of people with addictions.

Again thanks for all your help and comments.

#10 Posted : 6/8/2009 9:19:23 PM

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Big Inhale wrote:
omiko wrote:
You brokethrough and then re-brokethrough with smoked DMT?
Yea im confused how did your trip last so long?

Yeah i know, that was gonna be my question.
Did he smoke DMT or drink aya? Did he take a maoi?

Sounds like quite a harrowing experience though brother
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