Took too much spice at once? what happens? Options
#1 Posted : 5/26/2009 12:41:42 AM

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What have others experienced when they used too much spice at once?

My friend experienced this the other day. He had a bout of bravado, and so took big hit of a heavily laden bowl, and then had this feeling of OH NO! He immediately knew it was too much chemical this time...then he basically curled up in a ball and waited a few minutes until things were cool again. Things in his head were a bit crazy, and he had a bit of fear that he had hurt himself -which passed very quickly, then he was fine in a few hard done.

Has anyone had worse than that?


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/26/2009 2:13:53 AM

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hey my brother, nice to see you again! as to your issue....probably a better idea to get that "bravado" in check! there's no room for bravado with this medicine my brother....sounds like the spice was kind to you if you just balled up and were able to ride it out after a few minutes. i've read reports on here of people experience some pretty nut-crunching bitch-slaps from the spirit molecule after over-doing it...
t'would be wise to get thine set arrow-straight before going off on a particularly deep one....i'm not averse to going big from time to time....but you gotta really be ready and willing. besides- a breakthrough is a beautiful thing...complete with epiphanies and healing. sometimes taking a "bravado-based" dose is just overkill. it used to take me about .045 to break through but now you'll RARELY catch me needing anything more than .02 to experience complete ego-death and re-integration into the oneness. any more would just make things inside hyperspace "too fast" and would hamper my ability to actually work with the spice.
that's just my two cents my brother. i'm very glad that you are okay and that you didn't get beat up too bad. then again, you seem to have a pretty iron-clad set and have worked extensively with the diviner's sage so there's no doubt you know how to surrender when you've gone a bit too far. be careful! Smile

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#3 Posted : 5/26/2009 4:27:19 AM

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SWIM wil see distorted fractals for a little then he closes his eye expecting to launch into hyperspace and then he just blacks out.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me
#4 Posted : 5/26/2009 5:24:12 AM

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IDK, I kinda feel like I took too much every time I do it. LOL!

The most I've ever done, lets just say that it was the most bizarre and terrifying thing I've ever experienced, and probably ever will. At first I was just thrust into a very vivid hyperspace. It was just too confusing and I got lost and forgot that I had smoked dmt. I was thrown into what I call The Fuck. It was basically like every sexual experience I had in my memory mashed up into one grotesque, immersive, and overwhelming hallucination. I really thought that I was fucking somebody (or someTHING, or that something was fucking ME) and for a second I wondered if I was being raped. It was absolutely terrifying. Finally I heard my friends' voices and I remembered "what was happening" so to speak, and realized that I had to stop fighting. Then I realized that I wasn't being attacked, but that the entities were trying to make love to me. I remembered something that McKenna (RIP) said and I decided to take back control of the situation. I opened up my mouth and bellowed "OM" and all of the fucked up fractal machinery and sexual imagery was pushed away by the flowering/radiating mandala that I had created with my voice. I had taken control of the energy matrix and was shaping it to my will. I didn't really know what I was doing and so I wasn't very skillful with it.

I eventually came down still groaning and moaning. The first words out of my mouth were "THAT was FuckinG... TERRIFYING!" and about a minute later, "I fought them ... and I won." My interpretation of the trip has changed over time, but that was what I said anyways.

My friends said that I was convulsing and that my back was arched off of the ground really high and that I was making very scary noises. Needless to say I'm a little traumatized and have way too much anxiety associated with smoking dmt. I've smoked a few small doses since then, but never in good conditions (always drunk or something) and it hasn't been good for me. Everybody else I've smoked with says the body high feels so euphoric, but I find it terribly uncomfortable, second only to salvia.

I'm planning to do a lot of preparing, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc. before I do my next dose.
#5 Posted : 5/26/2009 11:22:33 AM

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the last time I had too much, It came on with a very powerfully unpleasant bodyload, followed by OEV of the trees in front of me turning into watercolor paint and melting down. I remember thinking, oh shit not again, and then I blacked out. I sort of vaguely remember lying on my side thinking that it will be ok and it will all pass soon... but as far as recalling what I experienced visually I have absolutely no idea. Funnily enough this was from only .03 of some extremely chunky silver white (almost quartz looking) spice... the scales I use are only .00 so it makes it rather easy to over weigh things... there have been some other times though where I was totally bitch slapped and I will never forget.... never mix spice with lack of sleep and speed.
#6 Posted : 5/26/2009 4:24:25 PM

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Yeah I pretty much experienced what your friend did...but worse. Complete sensory overload, imminent feelings of abduction by extra terrestrials of another plane, pure terror, a bit like being electrocuted, the primitive 'flight or fight' brain takes over, unable to communicate with the higher brain functions...not fun or recommended. Its weird though as intense as it was, I can still remember a lot of it...althogh that may have been the Syrian Rue's influence. And as tortutous as it was...didn't last long (thank Shiva)
#7 Posted : 5/26/2009 10:52:54 PM

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antrocles wrote:
hey my brother, nice to see you again!

Much the same my good friend!

I'm not usually that piggy with the spice ( using that much,) just a new experimenter and testing the waters in general. I think I found that using it too often just doesn't work the same. I thought increasing the amount when used too often might help, but I think at some point one just has to back and learn! I'm so glad to have come to this realm of elf dust, light, color, and magic.
What a wonderful glow I still have several days after some spice experiences! I can see the effects and importance of simple acts of love and caring much more clearly. ( as well as still remembering the beautiful imagery of the experiences.) I think I must lay off it for a few weeks now though until more summer vacation time, but I am greatly looking forward to the next time the light surrounds me again.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#8 Posted : 6/7/2009 8:41:03 PM
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I had been doing spice for a few days in a row and had given it a break. Finally deciding to go back to hyperspace, I loaded some spice into the mini-bong and took my hits. What I did not know is that there was quite a lot of residue leftover from previous sessions (I lived in an apartment with other like-minded individuals, so the pipe was well used).

At first there was the concept that I had done way too much just before my visual field turned off. I had an overly intense feeling of rushing and when my visual field came back on, I was seeing myself in different parts of the room (like an astral projection of myself was standing in separate area's in the room). I looked down at my legs and saw that they looked as if they had been sectioned into separate distinct cube like chunks which were rotated at different angles. The oddest thing was the lack of any discernible CEV's.

I remember it being beyond intense. Normally if I do too much spice, I get the sensation that "yea, you did too much, you'll be fine" and I proceed to ride it out. With this experience, I was beyond the comprehension of knowing what was wrong, I simply had the feeling that something was very wrong. It wasn't unpleasant, it was just too fast and I was unprepared for it.

#9 Posted : 6/7/2009 10:16:00 PM

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I hope the Spice doesn't kick the shit out of me for saying this, but I'm not sure there is necessarily a level of "too much" when smoking spice. I think a lot of it has to do with intent and preparedness. I mean, how much can you truly inhale before the world before you is so twisted that you couldn't take another hit if you tried. Now, shoving 600mg up your ass is another story! That's just stupid! Laughing (check youtube if you don't know what I'm referring to).

I have notice that at extreme levels everything seems to just go black, or I just have no recollection what so ever of the event.

At any rate, glade you are OK sight_seeker!

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
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#10 Posted : 6/9/2009 1:56:03 AM

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idtravlr wrote:

At any rate, glade you are OK sight_seeker!


Thanks Idtravlr,

It seems to me that it can be a bit difficult to get the amount just right when you're looking for a heavy visit and when you're using the parsley sandwich method. I like to do it in one big hit, but its hard to get repeated results. Sometimes the packing is a little heavier on top, or the flame is a little too close, or maybe the way the spice is spread matters....

At any rate, its good to know others agree with what I found, that its just a matter of riding it out for a few minutes and all is fine. It sure can be one big "Oh Shit, now I've gone and done it!" feeling though after taking that hit that was a little too much! lol....


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#11 Posted : 6/9/2009 2:36:11 AM

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Yes, I am glad you are alright as well Smile

sight_seeker wrote:

It seems to me that it can be a bit difficult to get the amount just right when you're looking for a heavy visit and when you're using the parsley sandwich method. I like to do it in one big hit, but its hard to get repeated results. Sometimes the packing is a little heavier on top, or the flame is a little too close, or maybe the way the spice is spread matters....

I have been wondering these same questions myself. Perhaps this would make a great discussion or space on the Wiki - the art of sandwiching. If the DMT melts into the material, can it then be burned or should the heat still be used? SWIM has noticed that pure material hits with no DMT later on still give the hints of smell and taste of DMT, although this is perception is not shared by anyone else, and there is no real affects other than placebo from it as far as SWIM can tell. The pipe used is beautiful but opaque, looks amazing from hyperspace, all flowy and outlined at the same time, a great duality - SWIM wonders if the spice has instead melted into the resin inside, and perhaps somehow trying to heat the glass from under might unlock goodies? SWIM just wants a vapor genie Razz
#12 Posted : 6/9/2009 4:04:38 AM

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SpiceGirl wrote:
I have been wondering these same questions myself. Perhaps this would make a great discussion or space on the Wiki - the art of sandwiching. If the DMT melts into the material, can it then be burned or should the heat still be used? SWIM has noticed that pure material hits with no DMT later on still give the hints of smell and taste of DMT, although this is perception is not shared by anyone else, and there is no real affects other than placebo from it as far as SWIM can tell. The pipe used is beautiful but opaque, looks amazing from hyperspace, all flowy and outlined at the same time, a great duality - SWIM wonders if the spice has instead melted into the resin inside, and perhaps somehow trying to heat the glass from under might unlock goodies? SWIM just wants a vapor genie Razz

I think some spice does collect inside the glass pipe and heating it from underneath after several uses releases some additional spice.

What do we think about layering as far as how much parsley to use on top? Has anyone experimented with this?
Should one just cover the spice lightly, or would a thicker top layer of parsley work better? When sandwiching, does a lower temp flame, say from a match, work better than a butane lighter? ( I'm not sure a match is lower temp, just guessing maybe.)


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#13 Posted : 6/9/2009 4:33:56 AM

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VisualDistortion wrote:
and then he just blacks out.

to my understanding, that's a classic dmt overdose. just like salvia, you'd pass out
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#14 Posted : 6/11/2009 11:31:16 PM

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Here is the link to when a friend of mine bought a new pipe and took too much:

But to be honest, since then my cat has learned that it isn't necissarilly the purity or the amount of spice that you take that determines the intensity of the experience, but some other factor. Be it intention, situation, setting, mood, or perhaps endogenous neurotransmitter levels, of the type involved with dmt but asof yet unknown to science; depends I guess on your school of thought.

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#15 Posted : 6/12/2009 7:08:47 AM

The Root

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shoe - swim feels the same about mushies - there is some factor - perhaps current brain chemistry - that dictates the strength of the experience - swim can feel when he is open for the spice or mushies - not sure how to describe it but swim knows when its best to dose, if he goes against that it doesnt work out well.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

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#16 Posted : 6/12/2009 9:17:24 AM

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I had too much and it was my first time breaking through.. there's a topic about it in this subforum.. It's a warning to those who follow me.. be careful.. lol

I have a friend who was there when I did mine and he couldn't understand what I went through.. he had no idea.. but I knew if I said "You can't try it, you don't wanna go where I do" he would be pissed off about it, like, wishing he could.. I knew it was up to him.. He had it tonight, about what I had, and for much of the experience he was in the fetal position, as was I.. we both agreed it felt like being reborn.. it was the craziest experience of our lives, we agreed, and we both feel lucky to have had such a bad trip and both took good things away from it.

At one point it was like he was singing in some alien language.. i recorded 17 seconds of it on my mp3 player, but then felt guilty, like I was taking advantage of a vulnerable person.. but he was cool with it and wanted to hear it, I said "I recorded some but felt guilty and stopped, but if you wanna hear it it's on here, if not I'll delete it right now, I didn't even listen yet, but I heard you while it happened" and that made sense to me, I already heard it, I just felt guilty in a way at the time, but it was his choice.. but anyway maybe I'll upload it.. lol it was crazy. You can hear me whisper "Jared.. JARED".. trying to get him to stop.. turning on a CD he liked seemed to make him stop and have a focus.. He didn't know what I was going through last night though when it was my trip and he was watching some show and flipping the channels. I had to tell him to stop flipping because he was changing my reality every time.. it was such a bombardment.. and tonight when he started to feel himself again after an hour or so (but to us we both agreed it felt like an eternity.. and for me, time was actually literally ticking backwards on my watch) he was saying he knows now, and how bad he felt for watching TV and bein a dick.. I was like "It's cool, but yea I couldn't really tell you to turn off the TV, I sorta wanted to focus on something familiar to bring me back anyway but the flipping was insane"..

..the show Chelsea Lately I've never seen while normal, but during the trip it was like some cruel parody of human life.. like they were being brutally honest about the worst ways people can be.. that one commercial with Sleestaks, the monster/alien things in Land of the Lost, and that was SO scary, that monster seemed like I created it and put it on the TV.. behind the set on that show I was watching, I saw aliens and things peeking out at me.. it was extremely frightening.
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

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