Re-learning Woman - The more I know, the more I know nothing Options
#1 Posted : 6/6/2009 8:50:09 AM

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Hey guys, I was taking out some trash today as I cleaned the apartment and found a notepad sitting on the ground, page open. Noone was around so I figured someone threw it out, I began reading the open page and it's a trip report! Brought it home and typed it up, here it is for you guys to read too:

Just landed a while ago and began to write. I cannot begin to say how much lucid dreaming, or at least trying to remember or writing down your dreams helps in retrieving and paying attention and exploring hyperspace. To summarize in a preface, in my trip I learned about being woman. The stereotypes that have been instilled into me just weren't there. I watched, trying to take in every little bit as I could. The colors began dancing with each other and morphing around. I began going through many images, 'surfing' hyperspace if you will, until I found a familiar object - interestingly a crazy alien structure, and only a fragment of it. It was a white plastic clothes hamper, and it was exactly as I had seen it before.

The clothes hamper has particular interest to me: In my previous sacrament, it was what immediately arrested my attention upon closing my eyes. It was upside down, and the square holes that are on the sides of the real ones were circular in this one and the definition was very sharp, but all made of the dark sparkly colors that become so bright on our eyelids. I felt it was pure white, although it was all awash in color - the color forming it all to begin with, Anyway, the definition was so sharp, it left an anchor impression on me, allowing me to remember more of the trip and meditate upon it throughout the next day. When it appeared tonight it all made sense.

For some reason that hamper had child-like memories. I realized that I was willing and asking to experience some specific, wonderful dream evidently, and wasn't getting what I wanted, but understood that it was all necessary and would automatically invert to what I wanted if I just went with it. I want to note that in this there was no fretting that I wasn't getting what I wanted, it was though I had the duality to feel both with no complication at all. This is how I love the spice, as it coheses with my mind very well, and I simply experienced this dialog, feeling nothing but calm intrigue as I watched the flowing scenes form in the focus of my conscience. I saw the baby crib, and it transformed into a baby, in a moderately older woman's arms. I saw the beauty in her, mothering her child, and became one with the concept. I don't know any good way to explain this, but it felt as though it was morphing, and I understood all of it as it morphed - as if I was morphing in sync with it perhaps? This was in feeling of course, as how would you visualize understanding the concept? I guess by the vision then morphing, as it did. I noticed her hair, and how it flowed down and into the baby. As I followed this, it began to rise up like a wave, washing both the child and the mother into the silhouette of a slender woman, melding into the hair on her back as she was about to step into the shower. I should note here that I saw no shower, merely knew this was happening. I realized that she was myself, and simultaneously felt that she was a particular old friend of mine from back home. I realized why we connected so well, and it was partly the essence that was being shown here, which we both exhibited, but which there are no words to describe, as would be expected of such.

It continued to morph, but alas I can remember no further, this was the gist however. The second vision was MORE than what I wanted before the first vision, and so much better than I could have ever imagined. I am currently reading The Soul's Code by James Hillman, and am just reading what he has to about intuition. Has anyone else read any of his works? Some of this has some interesting mixings with DMT - I may try writing about it if it continues to speak to me like it has been. Does anyone else get this sort of thing happen to them? Where you see a vision, or an image, or scene, or what have you and 'know' the rest? It IS like intuition, you don't NEED to see the rest of the image because you are so well acquainted with whatever it is, you know it like the back of your hand or some such? Very interesting stuff.

Also, I've been reading Alan Watts today and whilst Salvia tricked me once again, DMT went above and beyond the call of duty. I know that one day Salvia and I will get along, but regardless, I also remember after seeing the woman in the shower and seeing myself and my friends essences all aligned, my mind filled with the thoughts of God playing hide-and-seek. It was immediately after, as it morphed much more, but it did eventually come. I am honestly unsure of any timing during any of this one, but I believe the entire event lasted roughly 20 minutes total, erring on the side of less, at least for more intensity of course - just going by the clock after I walked into the kitchen. Which reminds me, the vision stopped, I believe it was one of those "Do you want it to end? I can make it end if you'd like" and you don't but it feels like they didn't hear you and didn't intend to but accidentally made it end. I sat there and could still see the visuals, but they weren't morphing as fast and I had to relax or 'focus' in some way, although it's not entirely focusing because it's not difficult, but after doing it for a brief moment, and it working fine, I begin to tell myself "You shouldn't HAVE to do anything" because I've read it so much and I stop. I began to think about opening my eyes and wondering if it'd all look normal. I then decided no, I will focus a bit and then have full trust that it will be pretty, and did, and just that happened. It was quite amazing, I opened my eyes to a particular poster of .hack//SIGN with this glow around the characters floating in what appears to be a void, they always seem to pop out and they were popping out with that chroma-colored plastic effect and I just started giggling, partially in awe and partially in thanks to whatever allowed this to happen. I stood up and found myself stumbling like bambi for a step or two, but then I felt completely capable of doing anything and exploring the world in this atonished state. I walked into my bathroom and exclaimed out loud how awesome the patterns on the walls are for tripping and such. I pondered taking mushrooms tonight as I glanced into the mirror. I made faces and smiled at it and left to the kitchen, that's when I saw the clock, pretty sure it had been 20-ish minutes. Anyway I checked my water distiller to see if there's enough to start my next extraction, and unfortunately there wasn't. At some point during this physical world walking adventure, I did feel a tinge of nausea. It was easily faught but definitely detectable - I knew if I stopped moving it would go away, and that it was merely because I haven't eaten in a while. Before I pushed off I drank a sip of water and it actually felt bad because my stomach was so empty, not sure if anyone else gets that, but I decided it'd be better to push off and eat later, and now that I am done typing this I am going to go eat - and hopefully soon the water will be nice and distilled for ..drinking.


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#2 Posted : 6/6/2009 8:59:24 AM

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Just found the back of the page! Evidently as SWIM was walking to the bathroom she decided she was going to take a shower, and evidently forgot by the time she saw the walls. She just realized she had her outer layer shirt still pulled up ready to take off for the shower - completely forgot. This happens a lot to, memory gets foggy like crazy. Most of her lessons thus far seem to involve learning to appreciate something she had forgotten. This was all with just maybe a pencil eraser's size worth of whitish-yellowish crystals in a sandwich in a bowl, 2 hits, possibly 3, pretty sure was just two. Strangely whoever wrote this literally wrote that out on the paper! Go figure.

That's all there was, rest of the pages are blank. I wonder if anyone else receives those same lessons of newfound appreciation as this person does? Words never seem to capture even but a glimpse of any of it!
#3 Posted : 6/6/2009 9:16:36 AM

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LSA/LSH (HBWR, morning glories, ololiuqui, etc.) and LSD usually have that kind of effect more than DMT does. They allow you to see things in ways you never thought possible, as if looking through the eyes of a child or another person altogether.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#4 Posted : 6/6/2009 4:51:22 PM

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tell me about it....i've actually BEEN other people!! LOL!!

SpiceGirl- nice report! thanks for the share. as for your insight into intuition where you see an image and just "know" the rest... i was doing a little reading back when and came upon an interesting factoid that the looooongest dream you'll ever have will last no more than approx. 18 seconds!! sleep researchers found that despite folks claiming that their epic dream was eternal in length....only up to 18 seconds had passed. they went on to propose that dreams are NOT a linear progression of events. rather, like a multi-dimensional sandwich they are compressed all together and the mind....that amazing pile of noodley beef....would, IN A FLASH, attach entire lives to these images. this further (in my mind) affirms the notion that we are able to tap into a giant collective consciousness where ALL HAS ALREADY BEEN AND WILL FOREVER BE. our life experiences are simply contributing to this collective experience-bank as we slowly circle the sun...and the spice enables us to float up whatever cord we are attached by into this infinite expanse. it is such a powerful concept to me i've been thinking about trying my hand at painting just so i can try to somehow capture this concept...
anyways- i know that for me, my visions are so alien and yet, no matter what medicine i have decided to work with, they all have a touch of something familiar. i believe it is because they are part of that giant, infinite ocean of every thought, experience, feeling, etc... this is a massive gift.. MASSIVE.

as for your not eating....i have found that not only do i like to eat BEFORE....(in fact, i like to make sure that my physical body "here" is completely taken care of in every way: food, cozy clothes, cozy area to recline, nice music (sometimes), go to the bathroom, etc, etc...) but also, when i come back from hyperspace i am ALWAYS STARVING!!! i usually go straight to the kitchen after i've processed my day's teachings!

much love to you sister! thank you so much for finding that journal and sharing it's contents!! Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#5 Posted : 6/6/2009 5:56:39 PM

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That's amazing info antrocles! Right up my alley too! I've actually been experiencing the same urge to try and draw some of this too. I've always found it REALLY inspired me musically, sometimes I'd find myself singing an amazing song that I never knew before, just singing it for no reason, and these past few times I've definitely pondered on getting a nice canvas and going at it - not sure if I can come close though. That alien but familiar bit rings out too =)

That's a great idea about eating BEFORE, maybe just to that "content" feeling much before, but maybe right on - I like to do the same, set and setting are oh so important, but I guess after messing around with so many other drugs with work so much better with fasting I've gotten used to not taking my chances. My last time on shrooms was very, very intense but spent near..oh my God, it just hit me that purgatory has PURGE in the first half of it, never noticed it. But when I am at the toilet and it's all coming up, it really does sometimes feel like purgatory "when will this end...oh my god, so intense, so ..brrf...long..." and honestly, the good tasted like DIFFERENT food that wasn't eaten yet, so it was beyond disgusting but somehow also delicious. o.O I actually have some miracle fruit coming in, and did think the other day about what strawberries would taste like while voyaging. Experimentation time!

Oh, and so glad you mentioned (sometimes) on the music - this was my first time debating not having music, I have always been aware of how it influences the voyage and it can sometimes be a handy tool to keep anchored or focused, or for riding some neat waves, but this time beforehand I had a weird thought, and now that I think about it - I'm pretty sure it's the music that actually made this voyage end prematurely - I remember the song changing course and everything going with it and me wishing that it would somehow turn itself off (funny how you just don't simply think "press stop" when your out in hyperspace lol)
#6 Posted : 6/6/2009 7:02:48 PM

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Good read, thanks SG!Nice to see a lady in our presence!!
On my back and tumbling
Down that hole and back again
Rising up
And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.
#7 Posted : 6/9/2009 10:51:39 PM
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Very lucid description. Good read indeed. The feeling of profound appreciation of the precious harmony of all interconnectedness is a familiar and enjoyable one.

Nice references too.

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