Problems focusing on entities? Options
#1 Posted : 6/4/2009 5:50:17 PM
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SWIM has problems focusing on entities and other morphing objects while immersed in the pharma realm. It's as if things actively try to avoid his focus. It's frustrating, because he sees these incredible, impossible things and wants to examine them more closely, but they won't let him. Things tend to stay off in the periphery and when he tries to direct his focus to something it seems like it will do anything it can to avoid a closer look. It's hard to explain, because it's not like focusing your eyes on something. It's not really sight, since it's in his mind's eye, so he's more directing his mental focus than his eyes, as these are CEV (mostly).

He has a hard time explaining the lengths things will go to avoid his focus. They do anything from simply moving to another location still in his periphery, to these crazy...not sure what to call it...but like 4-th dimensional shifts, where the geometry will shift out of existence, like slipping behind a curtain, but the curtain is nothingness, and then reappear right where it was once that spot is back on the periphery.

This is especially true of faces. None of the entities will show him a face. It's bizarre. He feels like he has a blanket pulled over the focus.

Anyone else have anything like this happen? If so, any idea how to "lift the blanket from the minds eye?"

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/4/2009 8:42:08 PM

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Sounds really strange indeed. What doses are you using? Are you sure you're breaking through properly?
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
#3 Posted : 6/4/2009 11:25:24 PM
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The dosage was between 50-75 mg with 200 mg harmalas, usually taken twice in a night, which for SWIM is pretty heavy (weighing in at a whopping 150 lb). He wouldn't call it a "breakthrough" exactly. He's still fairly aware of his surrounding with eyes open, and can function enough to get a glass of water or whatever if he absolutely has to, but pretty deep in.

The only reason he mentions this is because he read another report on erowid about basically the same thing happening, so he thought maybe this is common. The difference here is that in the other report he claimed that the "elves" seemed to find it extremely amusing to avoid his focus, like a game, whereas SWIM's are completely indifferent, more just like "you can't look right at me, and that's the way it is" sort of mentality. However, just barely off to the periphery they are perfectly content to just hang out, anywhere except dead center in focus.
wake and bacon
#4 Posted : 6/5/2009 1:19:09 AM
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Have you considered not attempting to focus on 'them'? By not allowing you to see their fine detail, it might mean that it is unimportant - that there is something MUCH bigger to be found... something much more important. By throwing all your internal focus on this task, you are missing something greater.

Also, what's that saying people use regarding LSD?? "You don't find it, it finds you."

Maybe, it's like that. Maybe.

Good luck my friend!! Truly.
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#5 Posted : 6/5/2009 1:44:55 AM
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That had occurred to me, yes, and each time eventually the only option is to give up and just go with it and absorb the "lessons," which it always seems to have. It would be nice, however, sometimes like to be able to examine things more closely, especially when they are just absolutely mind-blowingly amazing.

It also occurred to me that what is being presented is maybe just a vague representation of something that people can sort of identify with in order to teach a lesson visually. Teaching in terms of things that can be understood when actually what's really there isn't necessarily something that a person can (yet) comprehend. When attempting to focus, maybe the mind isn't ready to see, or doesn't see because it doesn't make sense and is blocked out. All speculation really.

When trying to focus stops and the whole scene is taken in instead, there is so much going on that it's almost overload. Regardless of trying to focus visually, it's still almost overload with all of the emotion and the sort of telepathically transmitted information coming in.
#6 Posted : 6/5/2009 1:55:59 AM
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The elves do enjoy teasing sometimes. For SWIM, sometimes they like to hide behind pillars or zoom towards and across his vision too fast. I'd agree with the advice to stop trying to focus and just let them show you what they want. Maybe they'll come out of their shells then?

I'm sure an entity will decide to take centre stage eventually.

Concurrent journeys can have themes for a while, SWIM was going into medieval-esque palaces at first but doesn't go to those places anymore. Maybe you're just on an entities-hiding theme.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#7 Posted : 6/5/2009 3:26:56 AM


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I experienced much of the same thing when This first began. So much going on. Elves zipping from left to right, hiding behind 'pillars'(I like that term, mine hid behind 'strips' of matrix like energy). Then one approached and offered a multidimensional geometric oddity that made me feel utter bliss. It asked if I would trade my soul for it. I said yes. That was my first encounter. It felt SOOOO good, what else could I have said. I got tricked. Stoopid rookie mistake. But until then, everything zipped just out of focus.
Love all,
ps. Love the Avatar.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

wake and bacon
#8 Posted : 6/5/2009 4:16:13 AM
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Do you guys remember being a wee little one, when you first came across some higher level math (e.g. calculus) and just being blown away? Completely confused at what was in front of you? It made no sense, nothing makes sense...? I remember that quite well when I was younger. You are in a complete disarray because you do not have the "required" background knowledge to comprehend and learn from what's in front of you. It's like one of us layman walking into a chemistry lecture... a whole bunch of "what?!"s and such, it means "nothing".

It could be that hyperspace is like that, at least for some people. I made a mention a while ago that maybe when one launches into hyperspace, it is akin to walking into a highly-advanced ________ class, and we are just picking up lessons at a time, not gaining full understanding, but are able to put together pieces in a puzzle thanks to it... if we only chose to listen. Now, if you had taken all the courses before this high level class, you'd grasp more understanding, and have more meaning behind what you learn. There very well could be something to be said for experience in hyperspace. Look at antrocles and his reports... there is no 'confusion' or anything of that sort that he reports of... and after hundreds of launches, everytime he blasts off he is able to gain so much (it seems! Smile). Maybe, for the beginning journeys, one's inexperience can cloud up the ability to do this "focusing", and it is something learned with time.

DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#9 Posted : 6/5/2009 4:45:23 PM

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jasons741 wrote:
Then one approached and offered a multidimensional geometric oddity that made me feel utter bliss. It asked if I would trade my soul for it. I said yes. That was my first encounter. It felt SOOOO good, what else could I have said. I got tricked. Stoopid rookie mistake.

that's very interesting.
i wonder why 'it' would want possesion of your 'soul'?
seems sort of creepy! thanks for sharing Smile
#10 Posted : 6/5/2009 7:13:27 PM


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reflexion. I don't know. I am not nearly the only one has these types of experiences.
It is not the only time I have met soul suckers.

Let me say I believe you get out what you put in. Without proper set and setting, respect and understanding of the spice past your introductory phase or honeymoon, things can go badly...err..strangely, rather. Labeling experience is like passing judgement.

Anyway. At one point I had a strange series of journies where I sensed entities trying to trade 'bliss' for some component or fraction of my 'essence'. I was made aware that this is 'the deal'. Take it or leave it. Once I was in the presence of a pair of 'thugs' that explained DMT was used as a siphon for milking human souls. They tried to barter with some strangely erotic female forms. But then were downright rude when I didn't comply. They did their best to shock and scare me. Bully me. I came out utterly disconcerted. I wanted to tell my GF but they 'told' me that noone would believe me anyway.

That was my least pleasant journey with the spice. I have sensed other pesky 'mosquitoe' types in subsequent travels, but nothing like that.

It is my supposition that 'in my head' exist different types of entities reflecting my inner most facets of psyche. I have been cradled by the 'unversal mother'. I have seen blob like insectoid larvae in honeycombed cocoons that clearly wanted to show me love and esoteric knowledge. I have sensed 'evil spirits' in my house then banished them with a stern "Begone!". I have been stopped at the gate and been refused entry.

I have seen more than I could possibly type in a days time. And I have only had about thirty journies. I don't believe I have even come close to fully 'breaking through'. When that day comes, prepare to read every single detail that I CAN focus on.

This is the most amazing substance I have ever known on this side of good. I have had my share of riding the dark brown horse and all her cousins. But now the only bad things left in my life are salt and sugar. I am tobacco, drug and alcohol free thanks to the spice.

Forgive the long reply. Hope I was helpful.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#11 Posted : 6/7/2009 12:12:35 AM

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Tribal wrote:
SWIM has problems focusing on entities ...
Anyone else have anything like this happen? If so, any idea how to "lift the blanket from the minds eye?"

This is a subject that really means something to me. I see two aspects of this.

First of all, as I mentioned before, when I first enter hyperspace spice asks me to focus, foucs, focus, but not to give in to amazement. I am just beginning to realise that what I am focusing on is the understanding that we all seek the experience of life, and later in my trips I come to understand that putting the puzzle together to understand IS the sole purpose.
When in hyperspace one MUST go....just go with the experience. Trying to focus equals trying to stop and examine, but there is no stopping on a hyperspace trip.
I feel that first becoming a salvia divinorum psychonaut has very much blazed the way for me to know how to give in to the spice experience.
So, I recommend trying hard NOT to stop and look more closely.
I could be wrong person seems to have their own personal relationship with the elf dust, so do what works for you!


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
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