3.5 grams of liberty caps gave me dmt trip Options
#1 Posted : 3/23/2015 4:38:18 PM

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Hey all!
been awhile that i posted here, but yesterday i had this wonderful trip on liberty caps that was so dmt-like i just need to write it down Smile..
So i took 3.5gr of dried liberty caps early in the morning on an empty stomach and i guess after 10 minutes i started feeling it creep up on me. I guess empty stomach really makes a difference...
It started with the strange feeling in my stomach you might all be aware of, something thats growing inside you, getting stronger while time flows by.
Now the weird thing is, that when i was younger and less experienced, these trips with shrooms never gave me a dmt-like state, it used to alter my mind, shift and warp things, throwing me in these aztec and egyptian landscapes.
Now this time it got different,
after about 1 - 2 hours the effects were getting at its peak, and i lost track of time while i started to have strong CEV of places exactly the same as smoken dmt. These vibrant chambers of alien colors flowing in and outside myself. One moment i recall that the shrooms/other beings took over my body and made my laugh histerically for no reason but i was so enjoyed by these laughter and felt so good Smile If anyone would have seen me they must have put me in the psych ward for sure Smile.
Then what happened with me, were these beings, although i didnt see them clearly, but looked like slimy beatle like reptilian spirits ( if that makes any sense ) made me open my mouth very wide, so they could slip into my body and i felt them going through my whole body. At this point i was unable to walk but wanted to go for a smoke, so i got on the ground sitting, and maybe for minutes or maybe half an hour, who knows, these feelings continued.
I started seeing hystory of ancient civilizations where people were sacrificed under the influence of mushrooms and saw that what happened, didnt hurt these people, they were sacrificed and were in peace so they could be with the spirits. I noticed that their pain was taken away and could transcend to the other place.
Maybe i saw the purpose / reason of ancient south american death culture and offering to the gods/spirits..
So this trip was mostly about all this, with flash images of great egyptian birds flowing over me and this rooms of dmt space flowing in and out on itself, collapsing and expanding, but very dmt-like. I dont know if i would have known the difference if it was given to me blindfolded.. Only difference of course was the duration which lasted only 5 - 6 hours and maybe 1 hour of vibrating after effects.
And when i got back to reality i felt my eyes after being opened and having seen all this ( like wide open eyes ) become constricted and went back to normal 'narrowminded' view on reality.
The whole day after this trip i felt like superman, normally on shrooms i feel like i have to take time to understand what happened and that i need time to integrate feelings / lessons.
But yesterday, there was no need for this. I didnt need to analyze, i just saw it and understood like i do when i do dmt, it comes and shows you, leave you behind with these thoughts that are not chaotic, it gave me a ride through space and time, and i felt at ease with it. no lessons, no thoughts about my life or handling my struggles, just like watching a movie and being part of it.
Hope this makes a little sense. Or not Smile doesnt matter ^^
All the best =)
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#2 Posted : 3/23/2015 4:51:44 PM

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Awesome report. Thanks for sharing. Thumbs up
#3 Posted : 3/24/2015 12:22:14 AM

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I think I need some liberty caps..
Doc Buxin
#4 Posted : 3/24/2015 12:30:07 AM

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1ce wrote:
I think I need some liberty caps..

Don't we all?Big grin
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Doc Buxin
#5 Posted : 3/24/2015 12:34:19 AM

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venom wrote:
...Now the weird thing is, that when i was younger and less experienced, these trips with shrooms never gave me a dmt-like state, it used to alter my mind, shift and warp things, throwing me in these aztec and egyptian landscapes...
Now this time it got different...

I've noticed how the effects of DMT can "bleed" into other experiences.

Even my Cannabis experiences as of late have taken on a DMT "flavor" or "essence".

It's difficult to describe if you haven't "been there", but I just wanted to say that I can totally relate to what you're stating here.

Thanks for the report.Smile
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#6 Posted : 3/24/2015 4:30:43 AM

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haha I totally know what you mean by that maniacal laugh. I get that every time I do shrooms lol.

Good report Thumbs up Thumbs up
#7 Posted : 3/24/2015 7:19:08 AM

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hehe thx Smile
I guessed i was going for a mild trip like 3.5gr of cubensis strain,
looks like those liberty caps are not too be underestimated ^^
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.

- in memorium of T MCK
#8 Posted : 3/24/2015 11:58:19 AM

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nice post!
It's funny, I'm planning to take the exact same dose of Liberty caps next week! Smile
I've only taken 1g until now, and that felt very nice and euphoric, but now I would like to dive a bit deeper. I was unsure if 3,5g is not too much, but this seems to be a solid dose, without beeing too much (off course this all depends on various factors like set and setting and what have you).
How did they compare to cubensis? Was it like 5g? 6g?
#9 Posted : 3/24/2015 12:40:00 PM

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i cant really say it was like a specific amount of cubes since the effects were so different,
but if i really have to put some weight on it, i would compare it to 5 or 6 grams good cubensis.
I have eaten up to 9grams of dried cubensis ( f+ strain ) before but never encountered the mental state like on 3.5gr liberty caps.
I think cubensis also varies much more with its alkaloid % so maybe i just had bad cubes when i took those 9grams.
Maybe also a difference now is that they were dry and powdered so i drank it in a glass of milk and made absorption much better and easier?
Well if you gonna take them i would love to hear your story Pleased
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.

- in memorium of T MCK
#10 Posted : 4/6/2015 7:27:18 PM

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hey venom, I took the libs Smile
I took 3g because that was all that I had left.
My experience wasn't as spectacular as yours. I had a hard time letting go. I tried lying in the dark, listening to some chill music but after a while I had to stand up and go in the living room downstairs, because I was starting to get a bit scared.
I couldn't let go and it felt like I was going insane. I put on the nexus chat and was about to ask for help, but I managed to breath trough it, lying on the floor, looking pretty pathetic Smile
Then I decided to put on the album Psychogenica from AJJA and it blew my mind! It lifted me up and started dancing and lauging,acting like madman, and thanking the mushrooms.
After that I had a very nice and positive trip. I also smoked some changa and it was amazing. I should've smoke more tough, but I couldn't find the courage.
All in all I'm glad I took them, they really are superior to cubensis, no body load, and very strong! Very happy It has been a while since I took a decent dose of mushrooms, and this was the second time I tried liberty caps.
Next time I have to put more trust in the mushroom and let it take over without resisting.
#11 Posted : 4/10/2015 2:10:19 PM

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I know what you mean. The other night I did mushrooms for the first time in 15 years. Back then I only messed around with puny doses, but this time I ate 30 grams of fresh Cubeinsis with a small dose of harmalas extracted from rue & Passion flower. It was very ayahuasca like. Except for the Mayan visions and the geometry was slightly different. It's different yet the same. To me it seemed like a cross between dmt/ harmalas & a visionary dose of morning glories.

I love mushrooms, I think that if I would have taken this much back in the day, it might have woke me up and I might not have done some of the stupid shit I ended up doing. I was really insecure when I was younger, only when I began using entheogens seriously did I figure out who I was and became comfortable in my own skin.
#12 Posted : 4/11/2015 7:53:39 PM

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I used to take massive doses of liberty caps before I got to know DMT.
After breaking through on DMT my trips changed. Only 2 grams take me to a very DMT like state. I haven't broken through on mushrooms but I think I could easily do that with less than 5 grams. But I'm too scared to take big doses of shrooms now 'cause I've had VERY difficult DMT trips. Can't stand the thought of going there for hours.

My last heavy dose with shrooms was 6-7 grams of cubensis and it was quite difficult but mostly because I was going through a trip I had a year and a half earlier. I had to finish that trip there. Aftherwards I felt awesome Smile

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#13 Posted : 4/13/2015 12:35:24 PM
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I get this too, the CEVs i have on a high dose of liberty caps (especially w/lemon) are mostly indistinguishable from DMT hyperspace.
#14 Posted : 9/6/2015 6:33:05 AM

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Chronic wrote:
I get this too, the CEVs i have on a high dose of liberty caps (especially w/lemon) are mostly indistinguishable from DMT hyperspace.

I just had that happen two nights ago, though with a different species. I took around 3g of P. Azurescens, and by the time I was peaking, I was in full-on DMT hyperspace. I even heard the typical DMT carrier wave humming throughout most of my peak. Except for the normal mushroom mindfuck and the duration, it was practically indistinguishable from a changa ride.
#15 Posted : 9/6/2015 8:20:53 PM

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#16 Posted : 9/6/2015 9:35:42 PM

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Liberty caps is psilocybe semilanceolata ? because this kind of mushi is the one that grow on the hills near me...was the first psilo that i know harvest and take...they are potent...and the best experience that i had was with 5 very very young mushroom and very potent...not so dmtlike trip but very deeep :-) in my area this mush vary in potency think to take a low dose and you find yourself speak with the mud in autumn :-) like an animal :-)
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#17 Posted : 9/8/2015 9:37:18 AM


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1ce wrote:
I think I need some liberty caps..

That's what Thomas Jefferson said in 1797. Big grin
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#18 Posted : 9/8/2015 5:15:23 PM

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"3.5 grams of liberty caps gave me dmt trip"

That has been known to happen.
I don't have much experience with those due to location, but I've eaten lotsa Pan Cyans and had many similar experiences.
4 grams wasn't tripping, it was abduction time.

Now, I might not be THE most experienced fella around, but if I take some potent fungi and an maoi like rue, it can be hard to distinguish from a Pharmahuasca type brew.
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#19 Posted : 9/21/2015 6:05:18 PM

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I've noticed it's become increasingly easier to enter hyperspace via psilocybin since travelling there with DMT and pharmahuasca so often.
Now I move into hyperspace effortlessly every time I use mushrooms.
It is theorized that the neural network is strengthened by previous psychedelic experiences allowing you to access these states of mind more easily then before.
That could be why DMT has a reverse tolerance, requiring less and less.
Both of my psilocybin and LSD trips have adopted significant DMT characteristics. I can't help myself from going to hyperspace on these tools anymore.
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#20 Posted : 12/15/2015 12:54:27 AM

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Wow thanks for the report, I couldnt really imagine eating 3.5 of the liberties.

The one time I tried them this season, I ate 1.5g and it was the most intense mushroom experience I ever had. Lots of DMT like OEV and CEVs(no breakthrough though) and it was also the first time I got seriously convincing delusional thoughts on any psychedelic. Gave me quite some respect for them, but makes the fact that such a potent source of tryptamine just grows on our fields even more fascinating.
Crazily potent little things!

So sad that theres so little information about the history of their cultural use in europe..

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