in this place (or THE QUEEN AND THE HOLY MAN)... Options
#1 Posted : 6/4/2009 12:22:41 AM

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...i'm still very much here....just "came back" and wanted to try to share what i went/am going through right now..... beautiful....a very deep of my deepest in recent memory...

about 30 minutes ago i went to say hello to my beautiful salvia plant. she told me it was time....i looked out the window and saw the rain and the wind blowing and within 10 seconds a large, powerful peal of thunder....the elements are alive. the heavens have a message....this is powerful...surrender to it...

i pick 3 HUGE leaves. they are the size of my hand....and i have very big hands...

i pray.

T+10 minutes and i feel her inside me. runs of dominoes all over me....vortexes of energy spinning all around's hard to stand up with these cosmic forces making me twist and bend.


she has me. i am had. so gentle.....i want to show her something....i go into my freezer and grab my jar of spiced glass VG....and head into my room...
i put on "the eternal ohm" by robert slap and prepare.

two DEEP draws introduce my queen to my holy man and "the one who is friends with everyone"....weed is like that dream friend you can travel ANYWHERE with because he speaks the language no matter where you end up. the queen and the holy man acknowledge each other with respect and a seeming fondness for one another. my translator working with glee to translate between the four of us....the weed is very good!

i am gone now. i am a part of a deeply textured painting...the wind blows through me and i ripple up to the top, over the edge and into a world of machines....

insectoid....alien...familiar. i am part of these. their colors are pastel pinks, tangerines....colors of peace. i am enraptured by the futuristic beauty.

wait a minute. i have a body. what about "me" back in the other world??

(me back in the other world responds) "oh my god...this is too intense...i've crossed a line...look for an escape....." terror doesn't exactly grip me..but i become aware of it's presence and turn...amplifies it's intensity exponentially.

i know the only answer is surrender....but things are starting to take on scary overtones....but..really...nothing has changed. just my PERCEPTION of fear of surrendering to it lest i lose my "self"'s more of a battle within than a threat from without..

in an instant i know what to events of O.D.-style panic with Marijuana, Salvia, or DMT it is almost always a good idea to relax the left-brain and it's attempts to "rationalize" it's perceptions. the left-brain is where fear exists. the right-brain doesn't understand such constructs...
engage the right- brain. do something that is almost all right-brain....this will shift my vibration...this will bring about the change...

i sing. i sing a song that i have never heard prior. almost church-style hymn, i say only, "i am love and light".....the chorus builds....melodies follow...a capella vocal arrangements fly from a part somewhere inside of my soul. they are colors....they are water....i am "washing" this world. "clearing" my perception. i am in the deepest bliss.

i decide to try to open my eyes and find that i am still DEEPLY in hyperspace. the nexus between salvia's hyper-space and DMT's hyper-space...floating in a spaceship made out of marijuana. i decide to explore this world i "live" in a bit with my new set of eyes (see avatar).

deep bonding with my salvia plant and my jar of spiced weed! it's a little chilly outside.


i will just say that what i experienced in that shower was quite possibly one of the most transportational experiences of my life. hot steamy jungle rain pelting me as i stand beneath a giant banana tree. monkeys are at my feet and hanging from the stalk of this hands me a banana...
i'm back in my "here self" and i look at this bar of soap and mechanically use it.....
then i hand the banana back to the monkey...

i turn my back to a pair of warm hands and they are the hands of my love. she is massaging me..her hands are sooo warm!! i lean my head against the wall of the shower and it is a mirror now and she is looking at me from behind it. her hands are still behind me caressing me. i see the face of what i feel shall be my life partner. she is beautiful...brunette hair....deep, compassionate brown eyes....a sense of calm and tranquility...i am smitten beyond words..

so much more but i'll leave it at that for now Smile

i am so moved by this experience. the combination of 3 leaves of salvia picked and instantly chewed up slowly, about .020 spice infused into a bowlful of extremely potent sativa and vaporized twice to get it all in....

this was powerful my family. i'm still shaking a little...even now after just over an hour!! MANY BLESSINGS!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 6/4/2009 12:39:43 AM

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WOW! What a FANTASTIC, AMAZING, POETIC, and MOVING REPORT! The most inspiring report I've read in a long, long time. Thanks SO MUCH for sharing it...
#3 Posted : 6/4/2009 12:55:30 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Stop Very happy Stop

Very very nice.

antrocles wrote:
i am gone now. i am a part of a deeply textured painting...the wind blows through me and i ripple up to the top, over the edge and into a world of machines....
#4 Posted : 6/4/2009 1:08:24 AM

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Good stuff.

Good stuff Smile
#5 Posted : 6/4/2009 1:27:45 AM

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VERY deep. Very deep indeed.
How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#6 Posted : 6/4/2009 2:38:18 AM

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Dude, seriously, write a book. Just a collection of experiences and ideas learned from these plants and your life. Smile
Nothing said on this account is true. It's all fictional for artistic writing purposes.
#7 Posted : 6/4/2009 4:03:23 AM

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thanks guys...that was really a big one...3 1/2 hours later and i'm still feeling the profound mind-full of wow i just experienced... this is a REALLY MAJOR COMBO my friends...take it VERY seriously....something about putting one of the most potent psychedelic entheogens together with one of the most VISUAL entheogens makes for one SERIOUSLY deep ride...i give DEEP thanks to my friend marijuana for air-bagging that one for me....seriously...

i will continue to work with these two entheogens....but together only once in a while when i'm really called to it. it's a BIG be honest i feel pretty mentally drained...kinda like i just had a monster "workout" with my noodle...and my consciousness....


leap- thanks for the love my friend. i would love to take a stab at penning a little something....i'll keep compiling experiences and consulting with my dear buddy Uncle Knucles (who could EASILY be a professional writer...)...

you guys....let me say one last time that this particular combo is HUGE. HUGE on every front.....for those who really want to take a major spelunk into their infiniteness....this is one i'd recommend....with the deepest humility and respect...


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#8 Posted : 6/4/2009 8:30:30 AM

The Root

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very kewl as always antrocles - i dig the monkey scene, very very kewl.

antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#9 Posted : 6/4/2009 9:14:35 AM


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all I can say is ditto. love and gratitude, brother. *bows
#10 Posted : 6/4/2009 10:15:26 AM

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So beautiful! You have even empowered me with some of the strength I need to make amends with Maria Pastora!

"runs of dominoes all over me" is such a perfect description of what I feel as well. Not being able to identify what I was feeling made me apprehensive and my hair would stand up like a cat. Lately I've managed to relax through it, but I have a feeling it will be so much easier now.

The beauty of love and its infinite capacity to heal in ways completely unpredictable to anything but love itself!
#11 Posted : 6/4/2009 11:17:07 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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WOW what a beautiful experience Antrocles Salvia and you seem to really get along.
For me though we sadly do not but at least i get to read your experience so i can peep into its world through you.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your reports and i second that suggestion that you should write a book with your experience's.

Much Peace and Compassion
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For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Following a Path of Compassion and Heart
#12 Posted : 6/4/2009 1:39:46 PM

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Leap wrote:
Dude, seriously, write a book. Just a collection of experiences and ideas learned from these plants and your life. Smile

I agree,


what an amazing report bro. You are truly a humble prophet and have the courage to travel freely where many of us fear to go.

i know the only answer is surrender....but things are starting to take on scary overtones....but..really...nothing has changed. just my PERCEPTION of fear of surrendering to it lest i lose my "self"'s more of a battle within than a threat from without..

in an instant i know what to events of O.D.-style panic with Marijuana, Salvia, or DMT it is almost always a good idea to relax the left-brain and it's attempts to "rationalize" it's perceptions. the left-brain is where fear exists. the right-brain doesn't understand such constructs...
engage the right- brain. do something that is almost all right-brain....this will shift my vibration...this will bring about the change...

i sing. i sing a song that i have never heard prior. almost church-style hymn, i say only, "i am love and light".....the chorus builds....melodies follow...a capella vocal arrangements fly from a part somewhere inside of my soul. they are colors....they are water....i am "washing" this world. "clearing" my perception. i am in the deepest bliss.

that is seriously deep. wise advice that I hope one day I will recall.

wake and bacon
#13 Posted : 6/5/2009 1:14:07 AM
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Some of the wisest advice SWIM's read on here... thank you very much ant. SWIM just came back from a very righteous, profound journey, and the love in here is flowing freely.

DeadLizard wrote:
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#14 Posted : 6/5/2009 2:23:20 AM

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antrocles wrote:
thanks guys...that was really a big one...3 1/2 hours later and i'm still feeling the profound mind-full of wow i just experienced... this is a REALLY MAJOR COMBO my friends...take it VERY seriously....something about putting one of the most potent psychedelic entheogens together with one of the most VISUAL entheogens makes for one SERIOUSLY deep ride...i give DEEP thanks to my friend marijuana for air-bagging that one for me....seriously...

I discovered this combination for myself a few weeks ago. Cannabis, salvia, and spice. As you say, it was ASTOUNDING.
Then I tried the next day just spice and saliva, and the salvia acted as a total block to the spice. I fully agree that cannabis seems to act as an enabler for these two to work together. I'll have to try this combination again, but I'm on a temporary sabatical from my tools right now. In a few weeks, I'll visit this combo again.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
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