Drying time and curing Options
#1 Posted : 2/25/2015 8:23:36 PM

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Hey guys, I've noticed my changa has caused a couple of non-smoker friends to have a heavy chest after and the next day. I'm an ex smoker and I too have noticed this harshness at times. Also I get a heavy feeling in the head after, almost like a hangover with a slight headache sometimes.

Is this normal or am I not drying out my changa properly and these symptoms are due to traces of solvent still left in. I tend to leave it overnight and then the following day under a fan then once it feels totally dry I keep it in an airtight container. I wonder if it could just be the act of smoking rather than vaporizing that is causing this.

Even mixes that are over a week old can be a little harsh.

What do you changa experts recommend for drying time? I saw in Oly's post he mentions curing it by opening and closing the container periodically over a period of time.

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#2 Posted : 2/25/2015 8:39:22 PM

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Probably the smoking itself, properly vaped DMT has no ill effects. When I used to smoke it, I would notice the harshness actually increase as it dried out (presumably because the leftover water from wet acetone was protecting it from burning).

I usually let it dry at least a day before I would use any. With acetone that is usually enough, especially with moving air.
#3 Posted : 2/26/2015 5:58:46 AM

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What I do to cure my Changa is :
Make sure its completely dry via a fan, then I place in front of a halogen heater thingy for an hour (I have it in my mind that that melts the spice), then I place in an air tight jam jar with desiccant gel bags for a few days.
Probably a few weeks in the jam jar would be better.
Your also supposed to let it breath now and then during the air tight process .

What kind of herbs are you using? Passion flower gives me a head ache and makes me feel awful.
Also try using IPA. My Changas are not harsh.
#4 Posted : 2/26/2015 11:26:15 AM

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One mix I currently have is wild dagga, jasmine flowers, lavender and damiana.

Another one is blue lotus and mullein, and another is passionflower and pink lotus.

All of them seem to give the same negative effects.

I have a couple of friends who have got ill before from changa, almost like an allergic reaction . Not being able to sleep after, coughing and feeling awful. It's so strange. Those guys now only want to vape the freebase, which is a shame because changa is great to do together in a group setting. Freebase doesn't lend itself so well to that. Being a hash smoker and ex tobacco smoker I have iron lungs but for non smokers it can be a problem.

I am using IPA to make it and I should say it's enhanced leaf and not changa as I'm not adding harmalas right now.
#5 Posted : 2/26/2015 6:39:40 PM

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I too don't smoke apart from Changa and never have lung issues.
Have you tried a Changa joint? Use mullein like tobacco and then add say 150mg Changa to the joint or less if its enhanced leaf.
Get some Harmala, its worth it.
I think Harmala isn't there for the DMT, The DMT is there for the Harmala.

Are you washing your DMT?
#6 Posted : 2/27/2015 11:29:10 AM

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I'll def give the changa joint a try.

Another thing - I always try to dose it very specifically and put in just a pinch and then inhale while holding a flame to it.

Last night I packed the bowl instead and got the whole thing smouldering before I started inhaling and it definitely was a lot smoother. That might be what it is, by inhaling with the flame it's getting too hot and the spice is burning which is creating the harshness.

I do wash my spice but it's not pure white.
#7 Posted : 2/27/2015 6:46:29 PM

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MachineElf88 wrote:
I'll def give the changa joint a try.

Another thing - I always try to dose it very specifically and put in just a pinch and then inhale while holding a flame to it.

Last night I packed the bowl instead and got the whole thing smouldering before I started inhaling and it definitely was a lot smoother. That might be what it is, by inhaling with the flame it's getting too hot and the spice is burning which is creating the harshness.

I do wash my spice but it's not pure white.

That sounds like your inhaling hot hot smoke.
I have a water bubbler thing to cool down the smoke but still the mullein joint is the smoothest you can get it I think.
Also try to get your spice white for purer nicer experiences, save all the yellow and then one day take all the spice from it.
#8 Posted : 3/24/2015 12:28:56 PM
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Try to hit slowly and gently like you were smoking a cigar or pipe and didnt want it to go hot. Also most plant material greatly improves during fermentation which breaks down proteins and other components of the plant that burn harsh. To find out if it is related to your infusion process or the DMT itself next time spare some of the same base material and try both, the infused one and the natural one.
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QUESTION: What common materials are soluble in acetone?

ANSWER: Styrofoam
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