US Federal Cannabis Law Options
#1 Posted : 2/26/2015 7:21:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm on probation for Federal, so it doesn't matter if I live in a legal state (Pacific NW).

My question is, does anyone here think that it'll be legal on a federal level in the next two years, or will my probation expire before we see federal unscheduling?

There were two new bill recently proposed in the senate about it, but I think the high-profile federal case happening in California is more likely to have a greater effect on things...

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/26/2015 12:22:56 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I don't think it's going to take them two years to legalize and set up framework to regulate it. This country is in a financial crisis and legal marijuana will bring them disgusting amounts of tax revenue that is desperately needed, and they know this.

Weather they do it because they believe it's harmless, or to get more tax revenue, either way I don't see it taking more then a year. The American people have voiced their opinion time and time again about how it should be legalized, and with all the states starting to pass laws about it, the Feds are at a point of either giving in and legaliZing, or continue to waste disgusting amounts of money fighting it. The better choice is to obviously legalize it. They know this...its a matter of time...
Everything published by Gone-and-Back are the mad rantings and ravings of a mind who yearns to be free and thinks he knows what he is talking about. However, these are just delusions made to feel that freedom, because that freedom will never come. Any experiments done are purely figments of the imagination, and are falsified to the highest degree. Nothing should be taken seriously from a crazy mans mind.
#3 Posted : 2/26/2015 3:08:21 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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" its a matter of time "

Lenny Bruce said in the sixtys that it would only be a few years untill " legalisation " because all the cops , judges and lawyers that he knew smoked cannabis .

Poly-trickers have a dilema .......... They should " legalise " it because it isnt realy dangerous and has very many beneficial uses for us .......... BUT ...... if thats true now it was always true = Poly-trickers were wrong . As they have swollen egos thats hard for them to admit .

AND ....... think of the war crimes trials . IF there is the slightest chance to prosecute them for the damage that they have done to me i will DEFINATELY use it . I want compensating for arrest , torture , rape and prison time , for a ruined life and a broken family .
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#4 Posted : 2/26/2015 4:08:38 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think you all are being optimistic. The So. Cons. are too powerful to let this one go that easily. I think it'll happen sometime after 2016, unless Obama does something really out-of-the-blue in his last year in office.

I'm sort of hoping for universal pardon for all nonviolent drug offenders.

And GOD: there will never be a war crimes trial. The people who make money imprisoning cannabis users will just change to making money imprisoning illegal immigrants.

"There are many paths up the same mountain."

#5 Posted : 2/26/2015 5:00:00 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 290
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Obomber and co . will loose the next elections so we need to wait to see what the republicans do after they win . Will they acept the situation as it is now or make it worse ?

@ War cimes trials

There are several ...... at least theoretical possibilitys .

A national criminal inquiery .
An international ciminal inquiery .
Civil court cases .
Public trials = The public organises public meetings and discusses the problem .

All of them either now or later . The last two probably being the most promising .

When we get " legalisation " we have the duty to ourselves and future generations to use the situation to point out that ---- >

THE WORLD HAS ONLY ONE PROBLEM = POLY-TRICKERS . They are the only thing between the people of the world and freedom .

We can use the facts of the situation to show / prove their vanity and at best incompetence . Being honest politiciaans come on a scale between village idiots and profesional criminals .
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
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