50mg DMT dose. Last time smoking? Options
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#1 Posted : 2/2/2015 4:19:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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(mind)Set: Relaxed, happy, yet restless: couldn't sleep.
(physical condition) Set: Returned home from an (after) party 4 hrs ago. Had a nice night out. Physically tired. Mentally, energetically unfocused. Last sleep 28 hrs ago. Full nights rest.
Setting (location):Alone. Living room. Laying on the carpet.
time of day: Sunday afternoon. Curtains closed.
recent drug use: In the after effects from a strong LSD trip taken +15 hrs prior. In the come down stage. Effects still present.
last meal: Full diner. 21 hrs prior.

Gender: (m)
body weight: average
known sensitivities: none
history of use: +12 smoking sessions so far? +30 hits in total? used to 40mg DMT in 1:1 changa smoked by waterpipe. Full break through. Sometimes hard to handle. & ayahuasca drinker.

Substance(s): freebase nn-DMT (yellow crystals). From Cybs tek with mimosa.
Dose(s): 1st: 30 mg, 2nd: 40mg.
Method of administration: Firewood 2.1 vape. DMT pre-melted into chore.


Administration time: T=0:00 30mg vaped
Duration: Felt like 10 min, didn't time.
Peak: 30 sec
Come down: 10 min total?
Baseline: Returned within minutes to normal.

Intensity (overall): 2 out of 4. Moderately.
Evaluation / notes: Did only 1 proper inhale instead of at least one more. Full dose not consumed.

Pleasantness: (3-4)
Unplesantness: (0-4)
Visual Intensity: (2-4)

Administration time: T=0:45 40mg vaped
Duration: Felt like 15 min, didn't time.
Peak: 30 sec
Come down: 15 min total?
Baseline: Returned within minutes to normal.

Intensity (overall): 4 out of 4. Extreme.
Evaluation / notes: Added 40 mg to same chore as previously. Must have been at least 1/3 of previous dose remaining, conservatively speaking. Totally to +50mg. Took multiple deep inhales to get everything in. Held breaths long. Reality disintegration during final tokes. Vape technique is so simple, managed to do it easily.

Pleasantness: (0-4)
Unplesantness: (4-4)
Visual Intensity: (4-4)

Hangover: None.
Afterglow: short lasting.

First off all, if you read through the above you should conclude that my decision to smoke DMT at this point was risky. I wanted to experience the combo of afterglow LSD with DMT. This was the perfect moment. I wanted to test my new vape. I didn't know how well it worked, I didn't know the effect of LSD, I wasn't well rested. But I saw it as an interesting experiment and took the opportunity.

First journey. Very mellow. Nice CEV. No breakthrough. Lasted much longer than usual. I figured due to LSD. Happy how easily the new vape worked. Got curious if it had the capacity to do what a 40mg DMT changa waterpipe could do. So I knew if I should use this tool for the next occasion with friends. To have it fully tested so all would be ready to go. With that in mind I reloaded.

Oh boy. The second journey was mindbogglingly intense. It started out very colorful. Very sharp. To the point the colors starting screening with energy. So bright. So strong. So repetitive. The dose must have been more than 40mg? The LSD amplified the effects? All I knew for sure it was beginning to sink in that whatever is happening is much more intense than my mind can handle. And then whatever made me think that, become even intenser, and it kept on growing.. This wasn't an escalation of psychological fear. It was simply the actual intensity that kept growing. Probably as each inhalation took its time to hit me. Until all peaked.

I forgot "don't worry this is just a smoke, will be over soon". There was just me vs the suffering. Processor over-clocked at 2x max capacity. Alarms going off. Overdrive. Melt down. Red alert. I managed to hold strong. Surrender to the pain. Not that I had a choice, not that was any other way. I kept feeling, look how easily it's too loose control. This is what happens when you don't have your act together. Why don't I have my act together? You can loose it all if you fail to give attention. The devil lies in the details. When not attended these grow out to become monsters. Don't get sloppy. Stay focused. This was not tactical. Be tactical. Pay attention in life, be conscious. However, this guild trip was mere background noise compared to the suffering felt. The pain was mumming. I forgot what was happening and where I was. Then it became to settle a bit.

I opened my eyes. Everything calmed down rapidly. I regained grip. Just realized what happened, what I just did. A vape test. A bloody vape test hahaha. I concluded the vape works more than perfect, the best tool for the job. I laughed. How insane. Wtf just happened. I stood up and danced. Let the energy out by stamping my feet. Shaking myself loose.

Why did I do this? It was horrible! Quit stupid also. LSD, long hrs no sleep. But in the end, a sour taste of my own medicine: refocus in life. Pure DMT is male energy. No harmine (ayahuasca, female energy) was used. This was a strict father lecture. I got my ass spanked hard!

However I also felt like my DMT smoking period has come to an end. There is not much more I can get out of it. I have perfected the technique and created a path for my friends to copy if willing. The only time I see myself smoke again is during the come down of an Aya session, not stand alone again. At least, that how I see it now.

First thing I did after that was clean the "drugs cabinet". Trew some stuff away. Organized the fragrances. Got rid of the laugh gas machine which I never use. It would have been weird for someone to have opened that cabinet before. Its better organized now. Sensitive stuff discreetly covered. Starting to get my act together. First step. Feels good..

Thank you dmt-nexus. For there to be a way to express myself online.

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#2 Posted : 2/2/2015 4:36:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1311
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Last visit: 18-Jul-2023
I go through trips like this every so often.
It can be rough, but in time i always find my way back to spice.

Several times i've thrown away bottles of aya & almost tossed a precious mhrb stash & lab gear.
I've also said i'd never do this again.

It all comes down to your dosage. If it's too much for you to handle comfortably, you need to figure out what dose is.
50mg is most deffinately not going to be comfortable for anyone.

Take the time to work on life & if you feel you'd like to return to using spice, do it. If not you've at least gained direction in your life.

Maybe the spice is telling you to improve your life before you come back Razz
some one
#3 Posted : 2/3/2015 2:14:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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It sure was telling me something.

In the end I felt that the best thing to do is take another dose, a smaller one. So I wouldn't end the day with a bad experience. But no way could I persuade myself to take another hit after that one haha.

Good to know this happens from time to time. And in the end most choose to return.
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#4 Posted : 2/3/2015 5:56:35 PM
I compulsively post from time to time

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Sometimes the sheer shock of such an experience is enough to change the attitude towards the spice and the next vape session is entirely different. The white dmt i've smoked never had a result like this but I was in a way different mindspace than now. It used to be much better. Now it is more like ur experience. Good energy though. Always feel better afterwards.
#5 Posted : 2/3/2015 6:40:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Congratulations, man!

You have experienced something that very few people have the opportunity to engage in. Whether you decide to retire the DMT, or push forward, you have gained And given. Smile

If you have the calling to pick up the vape and go back at it - you know how to make that happen. If you don't decide to pick it back up, that's OK too Smile

Thumbs up
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
#6 Posted : 2/4/2015 6:27:47 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I enjoyed this report very much!

I know that feeling as you say - when it just keeps building and building, squeezing you tighter and tighter, not stopping...hehe. Wondering "When is this going to let up!?!? o_O" {{{{Hyperspacial hugsz.}}}}}}

LSD and DMT is magnificent. Never have taken it on the tale end of the experience, as you described, but id certainly like to try after reading this. Drool

some one wrote:

I got my ass spanked hard!

some one
#7 Posted : 2/9/2015 1:28:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 524
Joined: 02-Dec-2012
Last visit: 22-Feb-2023
Thanks for the nice words guys, the good advice AcaciaConfusedYah and Hyperspacial hugsz Tattvamasi Smile

I smoked one more time to regain confidence. Then took Ayahuasca to intergrade the hard experience reported. It worked. Concombres you are right. I am far from a regular user, but during the Ayahuasca I finally concluded that it's good for me to take a break from triptamines (the only substances I use) for a while:

This weekend I held the dmt-smoking session that I was testing the vape for the other day. With some friends at my house. I wasn't sure at first, but in the end decided to give it a go. Loaded 30mg, inhaled ones very deep and long. Felt the dmt frequency kick off. Decided not to inhale again, for an easier ride. Probably got 2/3 in. Nice colors and geometry etc. No breakthrought, which was fine. I felt a bit anxious at the start hoping it wouldn't be very intense again. Ego scars haha. But it was very manageable and I was glad I did it to help overcome my trauma.

This time I used Harmine. I experienced the commonly felt increase in body vibration (electro magnetism?). The vibe lasted longer than half and hour, slowly fading out yet remaining in the background if concentrating on. I figured this vibe is one of the main therapeutic effects. Shaking everything in place. It seems to be the Harmala's that create it and make it last, as it doesn't if you take dmt without. My respect for the healing powers of Ayahuasca grew.

This train of thought led me to take a dose of 100g Ayahuasca + 100mg dmt (dissolved in lemon) a day later (yesterday). I took it at night and went to bed. The experience was not easy. Low visuals, yet high physical (and hence mental) struggle. The struggle was telling me something. It felt like intuition or coming to realization, but I like to believe its the spirit of Ayahuasca, or better yet my inner guide giving me advice (which is part of me as well, as all is one). I felt physically (and mentally) weak. I meditated on the intention to focus on what I am doing wrong that makes me feel this way. The answers I got were quite simple..

1) Condition
First of all I should start sporting again. I used to regularly, but haven't for several years. I realized this made my body weak with less energy. When the body is weak, you feel less good mentally. I must get back in shape to regain strenght.

2) Memory
Second of all, as far as I can remember (lol) my memory has always been my weakness. By not using alcohol (heavy drinking), smoking weed or party drugs since puberty my memory has improved. Counter intuitively the psychedelics I started using the last few years seem to have improved it compared to the many years I did nothing. However it's still not perfect. I realized this is slowing me down. With consequences for my personal life. Both professionally and socially. The brain is very flexible and like a muscle it can be trained and repaired. This takes effort which I wasn't giving. I must start training my memory.

3) Concentration
The last thing I realized that was wrong was my concentration. Another mental aspect. I have too many projects, busy with so many things. And I really like my Internet. Information gathering. It's my main addiction. The human brain is not made for the amount of stimulus we get bombarded with nowadays. We also can't deal with multitasking. I realized I should drastically limit the input of information. Stop reading 100 different blogs. Stop focusing on 200 different things. Focus on one at a time and go in depth. Be creative, create output, instead of only taking things in. And also, meditate daily - the best remedy.

So, I realized that my mind is overloaded with stimuli (information). My memory poor as it is, makes the issue worse. And mental strength to overcome it all can't arises from a body physically weak due to lack of exercise. Stimuli overload creates stress. Psychedelics create more stimuli hence (for me at this stage) more stress. I realized the struggle I felt during Ayahuasca arose because of this. The logical thing to do is stop the stimuli, hence stop using psychedelics. At least until I get my physical/mental state in order.

I am really thankful for these simple realizations. The Ayahuasca told clearly and persuasively what the smoked DMT yelled and screamed earlier: change your path! You are right Infectedstyle, it does feel good afterwards. I guess that's what makes most of us come back again eventually. One day I will..

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