starway6 wrote:Today after a few hits everything became a world of bending and folding beings and objects including myself...
I also got the feeling that this was the [real reality] that your filters hide durring the hours when your at baseline...
Also this strange feeling of being observed by some audience of beings i couldent see...
Um, yes
It's definitely a folding type of effect, but I liked how gibran described it better. A "blooming" like the opening of a flower. You "bloom" into Salviaspace, and back out again.
The feeling that whatever place Salvia takes us to is the "real" reality is also something very common for me. At times I'm absolutely convinced that wherever that experience takes you is in fact a real place, separate from ourselves, our consciousness.
I have never had one experience, not one, where I didn't feel the presence of some kind of beings/entities who were observing me or fully interacting/communicating with me. And it most often feels like several, a small group or at least two or three. It seems as though they're studying me, talking to each other about my appearance as they see it, or some behavior I am exhibiting.
As for the tactile enhancements or the taste of certain foods, I've experimented with those as well. It definitely is a boosted awareness or heightened sensitivity. My sense of taste is magnified several times and even the textures of foods in my mouth is incredibly pleasurable and intriguing