The folding world of salvia... Options
#1 Posted : 2/9/2015 2:13:36 AM

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Has anyone out here noticed that with a medium strong salvia extract experiance that your whole world starts foulding including you!

Today after a few hits everything became a world of bending and folding beings and objects including myself...

I also got the feeling that this was the [real reality] that your filters hide durring the hours when your at baseline...

Also this strange feeling of being observed by some audience of beings i couldent see...

Also everthing i experiance on salvia is experianced with a super sense of awareness...

I know that sex on salvia comes in every color of the rainbow..

I want to try some other tests tasting a fresh strawberry...or a bite of fresh apple...and a wide aray of other items to stimulate my boosted awareness...

I think these tests of the 6 senses.. [on salvorian A]..could stimulate visions...

Anyone who wants to add to this is welcome...


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#2 Posted : 2/9/2015 2:26:18 AM

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I had an amazing peach after my last ritual with the goddess, tasted like the first peach I had ever eaten. Very happy
Inconsistency is in my nature.
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I'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
#3 Posted : 2/9/2015 2:40:42 AM

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Sphorange wrote:
I had an amazing peach after my last ritual with the goddess, tasted like the first peach I had ever eaten. Very happy

Awesom!!Very happy
#4 Posted : 2/9/2015 10:31:19 PM

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starway6 wrote:
Today after a few hits everything became a world of bending and folding beings and objects including myself...

I also got the feeling that this was the [real reality] that your filters hide durring the hours when your at baseline...

Also this strange feeling of being observed by some audience of beings i couldent see...

Um, yes Very happy

It's definitely a folding type of effect, but I liked how gibran described it better. A "blooming" like the opening of a flower. You "bloom" into Salviaspace, and back out again.

The feeling that whatever place Salvia takes us to is the "real" reality is also something very common for me. At times I'm absolutely convinced that wherever that experience takes you is in fact a real place, separate from ourselves, our consciousness.

I have never had one experience, not one, where I didn't feel the presence of some kind of beings/entities who were observing me or fully interacting/communicating with me. And it most often feels like several, a small group or at least two or three. It seems as though they're studying me, talking to each other about my appearance as they see it, or some behavior I am exhibiting.

As for the tactile enhancements or the taste of certain foods, I've experimented with those as well. It definitely is a boosted awareness or heightened sensitivity. My sense of taste is magnified several times and even the textures of foods in my mouth is incredibly pleasurable and intriguing Smile
#5 Posted : 2/11/2015 5:38:55 AM

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Once on salvia 7x i was sitting on a couch comming up fast i heard a high pitched tone or whining noise.. and as i was siting there.. a spinning vortex came at me ...trees.. animals ..people and many images of the earth wizzed right past me !..or was i wizzing past them?

One thing for shure was.. that i felt an aceleration of dimentional time as i sudenly left my body sitting on the couch and entered a diferent dementional room in a dream body in same sitting position!

This was the first time ..[on salvia] ..i had the very realistic feeling of motion or flight leaving my physical body sitting on the couch ..but then felt the revers trip as i returned to it..

The sound i heard sounded like a flying saucer taking off..[or high speed vibration]..and making the return trip back into] my physical body hearing and feeling this vibrational sound!...

There was another trip where i became a salvia plant in a field full of other salvia plants..
I remember swaying left to right in a gentle breeze as the hundreds of other green salvia plants around me did..
I also remember feeling the breeze bend my stalk and leaves to and fro...
Also a sunny sky above with the whitest clouds contrasting a blue sky...

In Another salvia trip [60x]..i visualized a cloths line with hundreds of identicle white shirts hanging on it..

For some reason the colors and whiteness of the shirts shirts on the line under a blue sunny sky left me in awe! was like the most beautyfull sight ive ever seen??

Yes something so common as ..[a cloths line with shirts].. left me with an impression that still sticks in my memory like it hapened an hour ago?...

I dont know what was so special about this vision.. but i have a theory that the reason it was so special was because i was looking through my eyes many years ago as a child!

Thats the only thing it could be! be able to feel and see the wonder again that was in my mind as a child was like being a child for a short time again and with the experiance came the feeling of inocence...
Wow what a feeling...

Another salvia trip i entered a green countryside full of gingerbread people they all looked the same...

I noticed that the line of gingerbread people stretched miles back into the green countryside ..then sudenly .. the first gingerbread person fell backwards knocking the one behind him down ..then the one behid him untill the whole line of gingerbread people were falling one right after another like a long row of tumbling dominos!
And as each being hit the groung.. a beautyfull star would flash up from the earth where they hit.
It was so colorfull...!

In my first 60x trip using native american music playing in my room i remember splitting into slices of energy...
Everything that made me me was verticly sliced into energy particles...

Then i remember my body floating down a corrador in mid air inbetween a long line of beings..
They were there observing me ..
I couldent see their faces clearly but i slowly kept floating about 4 feet off the ground inbetween two lines of strange beings...

Then i noticed i was getting close to what looked like a skull with its mouth open or a cave entrence..
As my body started to horazontaly float into the open mouth of the cave ..a second later i found myself in the most beautyfull wooded forest!
And feeling of releif and happyness came over me!

These trips were imprinted in my memory and so easy to remember...
Salvia can be a little scary but mysterious and beautyfull to..

I think ones respect and aceptance of the shepardess can make for a nicer journey...
just my thoughts...
physics envy
#6 Posted : 4/10/2015 7:40:25 PM

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Starway6 wrote: "Everything that made me me was verticly sliced into energy particles..."

I have seen this several times - such an interesting view on how this baseline reality can be created. I tend to see it as many thin planes of energy/information adding together in a sort of holographic way or as if being projected like a movie from a film camera.
Salvia quid enthusiast
Cognitive Heart
#7 Posted : 4/10/2015 9:53:20 PM

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starway6 wrote:
Has anyone out here noticed that with a medium strong salvia extract experiance that your whole world starts foulding including you!

Yes! Very happy And how peculiar it is.. it's almost as if the boundless plane or 'world' of possibility salvia presents folds onto itself.. forever. I find the creative touch salvia has enhances this aspect of the experience and makes it a lot more appreciable and hands on. Wink Laughing
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#8 Posted : 4/13/2015 3:39:22 AM

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Yes its been a while since ive tryed my 7x but i guess its partly because of salvias awesome strenth!

I always keep some around and ever so often visit the shepardess...

There is something about salvia extracts that although similar in come up speed the trip is diferent...

With salvorian A it can wipe out your ability to think clearly if dose is too high .. and with me ive experianced a child like veiw of the world with its visions...

I once triped on some 7x and observed a cloths line with hundreds of white shirts hanging on it ..

I could see the shirts flutering in the breese on a sunny day with a beautyfull blue sky overhead...

[with salvias effect]...I could never forget that clothsline full of white shirts! it was one of the most beautyfull things ive ever seen in my life!

What was so special about that close line??

I think i may have experianced this awesomly real experiance or better yet....
[out of body experiance]

I think on this sunny day.. when i was standing near a clothsline with white shirts under a sunny blue sky it really hapened many years ago..and ..[with the shepardess]..i was able to travel back in time and visit that same moment in time again as a child..

And feel that same sense of awe that only a child can feel!

I have had many strange trips on salvia but this one was stood out by itself!

#9 Posted : 4/13/2015 11:55:37 PM

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I know what you mean starway. I have had several experiences with Salvia like you're describing. One where I became a sunflower in an endless field of sunflowers and we were all gently swaying in the breeze, soaking up the sunlight. It was glorious, and it remains a very vivid memory. Another one that felt like an old memory being relived as well. That childlike feeling of wonderment.
#10 Posted : 4/14/2015 9:13:22 PM

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Metanoia wrote:
I know what you mean starway. I have had several experiences with Salvia like you're describing. One where I became a sunflower in an endless field of sunflowers and we were all gently swaying in the breeze, soaking up the sunlight. It was glorious, and it remains a very vivid memory. Another one that felt like an old memory being relived as well. That childlike feeling of wonderment.

That reminds me...In another salvia trip....I once was a salvia plant ...
[in middle of a field of hundreds of salvia plants!]...Very happy swaying in the breese way down in south america some where near some mountains!Smile

With respect.. the shepardes can be very kind and gentle!...

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