My Changa Blend Recipe - Flower Power Options
#1 Posted : 10/25/2011 2:48:52 PM

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Hi guys, I have been having a lot of success with this blend recently. It is a real joy to smoke, and every journey with it so far has been incredible. If you have the ingredients or are inclined to give it a go, then please do and let me know what you think Smile

I have found that it is great as a supplement for meditation at lower doses, and yet does not keep one too grounded to enter hyperspace. Also the flavour is lovely, and I have had a couple of unmistakeable meetings with what may be considered the spirits of the participating plants Shocked I have had some very warm and friendly trips, and also some deeply touching and cathartic trips with this blend that I have not experienced with, for instance caapi leaf blends. Obviously YMMV, I am by no means disrespecting the caapi leaf based blends!

Also, please feel free to have a play with the ratios to suit your tastes - if you want a more harmala based blend for instance, who am I to tell you that you can't?! If you want a less potent blend, try a 1:3 ratio with spice - a la Chocobeastie. Personally I like to keep the amount of plant material smoked to a minimum, so I use a 1:1 ratio. This recipe will create about 1.75 grammes of yummy delicate Changa if followed to the letter.

So without further ado:

The Salad:
Spearmint - 250mg
Jasmine Flower - 150mg
Blue Lotus - 150mg
Damiana Leaf - 100mg
Lavender - 50mg
Sage - 50mg
Total - 750mg

Mix your ingredients together and tip them onto a chopping board and chop everything up to a uniform size - about the same size as freshly ground weed is good to aim for, you don't want massive chunks that don't SMOALK properly or tiny dusty bits that will fall through gauze now do you?!

Now dissolve 250mg Harmalas in some warm IsoPropyl Alcohol - use a heat bath, NEVER an open flame, this stuff is more flammable than petrol! Only use enough IPA to dissolve your alks or it will take days to evaporate. Acetone and Naptha are crap for dissolving harmalas so avoid these if possible.

Once all harmalas are dissolved, add 750mg DMT - if you want a weaker blend, 500mg will bring it down to a 1:2 ratio, 333mg will bring it down to 1:3 etc.

I usually use a shot glass for making Changa as it makes sure that everything evaps onto the leaf. Stir a few times a day to make sure everything is well mixed.

Wait until everything has evaporated and then tip the mixture onto a baking tray and spread out just to air it out a little more. Give it a smell, should be very floral and fresh.

Load up your preferred SMOALKING device and enjoy!
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#2 Posted : 10/25/2011 4:13:55 PM

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I keep hoping that some entrepreneur will open an ebay store and sell these wonderful mixes to indulge us lazy newbies.

#3 Posted : 10/25/2011 4:39:16 PM

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^really? It takes 5 minutes.

Lazy is an approach that is probabily best not geared towards DMT.
Long live the unwoke.
#4 Posted : 10/26/2011 8:30:59 AM

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EmptyHand wrote:

I keep hoping that some entrepreneur will open an ebay store and sell these wonderful mixes to indulge us lazy newbies.


You can order all the bits online very cheaply - I got 25g of each herb / flower that I used for about £7, besides the spearmint which was free as it was picked from a friends garden.

I still have TONS of stuff to experiment with later on as well, I have a Jasmine and Lavender blend which I am still road testing for instance. Once you have all the bits, it is easy to let your imagination run away with you. Why not have a try?

Selling blends like this may seem like a good idea, but Changa is such a niche thing any way that I doubt it would take off. I dunno, maybe I'll look into it Pleased
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#5 Posted : 10/26/2011 8:33:45 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
^really? It takes 5 minutes.

Lazy is an approach that is probabily best not geared towards DMT.

It really does take about 5 minutes to sling a blend together, and it is well worth the effort for such an outstanding end product Cool
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
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Parshvik Chintan
#6 Posted : 10/27/2011 2:05:30 AM

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5 mins if you start with extracted dmt....
just sayin..

(i do not condone lazyness with entheogens in general, least of all DMT)
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#7 Posted : 10/27/2011 9:27:17 AM

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but when making changa we use dried or fresh herbs?
I like to make things up, everything above is made up and not real, it is a story for my own amusement. Sorry if you felt mislead.

I normally have to edit my posts within a couple of minutes for prose, spelling and grammar. Just to let you know.
Parshvik Chintan
#8 Posted : 10/27/2011 12:41:14 PM

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Awakened wrote:
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but when making changa we use dried or fresh herbs?

i would imagine either, but dried would soak up the liquid, thus having the alkaloids permeate the herbs, and also i would imagine it would evap faster if dried.
other than that i don't think much of a difference.
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#9 Posted : 10/27/2011 1:08:24 PM

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smoking fresh herb might not be best.
Now you say Purges, sage, you meant whoite sage (salvia apiana), or was it salvia divinorum ? or salvia officinalis ? so many sage men !
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#10 Posted : 10/27/2011 2:48:30 PM

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A _single_ herb blend is quick, easy, and inexpensive. But there are many possible interesting blends. For someone interested in sampling several or even many blends, acquiring and preparing is more expensive, lengthy, and potentially wasteful of material. This is why I think a niche service may be workable. Economies of scale, and all that.

#11 Posted : 10/27/2011 7:09:43 PM

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Awakened wrote:
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but when making changa we use dried or fresh herbs?

Dried all the waySmile

Anyone interested in changa/enhanced leaf should get themselves a few different herbs to play around with and see what works best for them.

Everyone has different tastes when it comes to changa, but, caapi leaf is all that one needs, IMO!!
#12 Posted : 10/28/2011 1:33:55 PM

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I use dried herbs, for reasons already mentioned - it's going to absorb the goodies better than leaf that is already saturated with its own fluids.

rOm wrote:
smoking fresh herb might not be best.
Now you say Purges, sage, you meant whoite sage (salvia apiana), or was it salvia divinorum ? or salvia officinalis ? so many sage men !

Definitely not S. Divinorum. I'm pretty sure it was white, but not 100% I'm afraid Embarrased I would like to try a little enhanced S. Divinorum at some point, something tells me it would be Shocked
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
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Parshvik Chintan
#13 Posted : 10/31/2011 7:02:06 PM

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Purges wrote:
something tells me it would be Shocked

something = common sense Laughing
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#14 Posted : 11/3/2011 6:17:43 PM

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Wait... are you suggesting I have common sense?! You clearly don't know me in real life Razz
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#15 Posted : 2/5/2015 9:35:09 PM


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Hey Guys and Galz and Everyone in Between:

I'm sorry to resurect a dinosaur of a post like this one (2011), but I have a question. I have decided to take the Changa plunge. In the research that I've conducted so far, I have two different schools of thought popping up quite often.

This is the first, and it's the simpler of the two (I quote Anrchy from another thread here): "Measure out your 3 grams of dmt and infuse 3g of your preferred herbs. I like a caapi and blue lotus mix. So say 2g caapi, 1g Lotus, 3g dmt."

So that was the plan, but then I started searching around a bit and found that there are A LOT of different leaf blends that people use. That, I'm not too worried about. What worries me is that the second school of thought says that in order to be true Changa, you have to have an MAOI infused in there as well.

This is where my questions come from:
1) For those who have tried "changa" with and without the MAOI, can you describe the difference of effect? Intensity? Durration? Subjective experience? What's different between the two, and how much different?

2) Will I be good just going with the simple recipe of leaf and DMT? Will that really be "changa"?

3) How long a process is it to get a freebase MAOI? (Yes, I should just research this last question myself).

Thanks everyone! I'm excited to hear back from you soon. That said, I'm probably just going to make my order of leaves now and at least try the leaf+DMT blend.

Love, love, love you all!Love
All of my posts are entirely fictional. I am a writer, and as a means to research the life of a fictional character that I'm writing about, I post on the Nexus to get into character. In real life I have no interest or interaction with mind-altering substances.
Spaced Out 2
#16 Posted : 2/5/2015 10:31:24 PM

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I've just made my first changa blend, I have made enhanced leaf in the past. If your looking to prolong the effects, changa is the way to go. I made my blend with 3g herb, 3g spice, 2g harmalas, only because I've never messed with harmalas and didn't know what to expect. I can say now next time it will be a full 1:1:1 ratio. I made my harmalas out of shredded black caapi vine using Gibran2 pictorial guide which worked perfectly, only I used 100g. The herbal blend was damiana, mullein, lemon balm, yellow caapi leaf. Was going to add blue lotus afterwards for color but it's not needed. I used all them types cause that's some of the blends I seen others using, very smooth and yummy. Onset is very smooth as apposed to freebase spice, you will feel it before even exhaling, but still seems to come on slowly. Cev are longer and when they start subsiding you have oev to look forward to. 30 minutes from a good 1-2 hits on pipe. I definitely see why some find changa more enjoyable than freebase.
#17 Posted : 2/5/2015 11:18:16 PM


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Thanks for your reply, SpacedOut2.

I sort of had a palm-to-forehead moment a bit ago when I realized that I may have just asked a stupid question. Since caapi is in the plant, doesn't caapi contain MAOI, and as such, invalidate my question?

I really hope that if this is the case I've posted early enough that you all haven't all completely lost faith in my ability to see completely obvious facts...

Funny thing is that my first post was sober from work, then I burned one and it immediately donned on me.

That all said, if any of you feel interested in sharing your subjective comparisons between freebase vs different Changa blends. The simpler the recipe, the better on my end--it's just my first batch.
All of my posts are entirely fictional. I am a writer, and as a means to research the life of a fictional character that I'm writing about, I post on the Nexus to get into character. In real life I have no interest or interaction with mind-altering substances.
#18 Posted : 2/5/2015 11:27:54 PM


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Oh, good lord. Feel free to "What The FAQ" me...
All of my posts are entirely fictional. I am a writer, and as a means to research the life of a fictional character that I'm writing about, I post on the Nexus to get into character. In real life I have no interest or interaction with mind-altering substances.
#19 Posted : 2/5/2015 11:39:44 PM

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ScientificMethod wrote:
Thanks for your reply, SpacedOut2.

I sort of had a palm-to-forehead moment a bit ago when I realized that I may have just asked a stupid question. Since caapi is in the plant, doesn't caapi contain MAOI, and as such, invalidate my question?

I really hope that if this is the case I've posted early enough that you all haven't all completely lost faith in my ability to see completely obvious facts...

Funny thing is that my first post was sober from work, then I burned one and it immediately donned on me.

That all said, if any of you feel interested in sharing your subjective comparisons between freebase vs different Changa blends. The simpler the recipe, the better on my end--it's just my first batch.

You may want to test this out on your own & see how it works out, but ime purified harmalas are the way to go.

I've tried making 5x, 10x, & 20x enhanced leaf then infusing with spice.
Harmala wise, it just doesn't cut it for me. It works, but 50+mg 1:1 dmt:herb is still needed from a bong.

I like to be able to get the full effect while consuming the least amount of smoke in the smallest hits very quickly.
My ratios are still being worked on, but i'm aiming to only need 20-25mg of changa to get to hyperspace without blasting me into oblivion.

At 1:1 dmt herb, 25mg is half dmt, 12.5mg, when purified harmalas are brought into the equation, 12.5mg is a decent sized dose for me.

The herbs are infused with dmt after the harmalas have been added, so ratios play out something like 0.5g caapi leaf infused 1:1 with purified harmalas from rue.
1g total now, then that is infused with 1g dmt.
That nets me a 2g changa which is extremely potent.
If you like your changa on the potent side, this works very well.
Just needs to be smoked in very small doses, weighed accurately, & used carefully & responsibly.
#20 Posted : 2/5/2015 11:58:24 PM

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It actually is confusing !
Some people say you just need 30% Caapi Leaf in the herb Mix , others say 10xCaapi is the real deal or even that you need extracted harmalas...

If you use plain leaf i would suggest to smoke a bowl of it (around 100 to 200 mg,whithout DMT) before the changa to make sure you have enouth MAOI .Thats my prefered way,because it eases me into the experience (meditate!) and is very natural.

Spaced Out 2 wrote:
I've just made my first changa blend, I have made enhanced leaf in the past. If your looking to prolong the effects, changa is the way to go. I made my blend with 3g herb, 3g spice, 2g harmalas, only because I've never messed with harmalas and didn't know what to expect. I can say now next time it will be a full 1:1:1 ratio.

Thats quite a lot of harmalas (Oly style Smile ).
Most People use around 300mg per gramm of the Spice.

In Lak'ech - I am another yourself
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