@ Germans on drugs
Germans are rich and decadent and there is a wave of drug reports going through the gutter press there for the last few years .
Germany is a transit land . That means that a large part of the european drug trade goes through germany to get to and from other countrys . A large part of that is the european hash trade from moroco that was started and set up by germans . They went there in the 50s and 60s and met a lot of criminal morocans that could speak good german because of the german ocupation .
The german police are not interested in drugs ...... except in ultra right wing states like bayern . In the civilised parts of germany a consumer can expect that he will be ignored unless he rubs it in the faces of the police ...... or at the most have the drugs confiscated .
There is no analog law in germany . That means that drugs that are not named in the law are not illegal .
A few montha ago there was a competition on german TV where they offered 1 million euros for a good cause . The viewers voted for cannabis legalisation = The legalisation movement got 1 million euros . Half of that went to cinmema adverts to legalise cannabis .
Germany has a BIG history of drug use in and since the 2nd world war . A large part of that was methamphetamine . That means that the general public opinion about it is not as bad as in other countrys .
Its a BIG fashion across europe at the moment that started again in the mid 90s . There has been a wave about every ten to twenty years . The one before that was in the 70s . The wave before that was in the 50s and 60 ....... mothers little helpers ...... that contained dexadrine or amphetamine sulphate or methamphetamine . Things like french blues and purple hearts . If one goes in any disco there are often loads of people hanging round the bar with a beer in one hand and a cigaret in the other .......... talking for hours and not dancing = Nose-o-sexuals . People that sniff white powdes = poor mans coke = very weak mixtures that sometimes contain amphetamine in very low doses . The proof of the pudding is that they then go home and sleep . If they had real speed they wouldnt sleep for days ........ AND ........ it must be REAL CRAP because you cant sniff speed . Unless you want to dance because of the pain , get a nose blead and eventualy have to have a new nose . Sniffing real speed HURTS .
Amphetamine is a prefomance drug and germans are preformance orientated people .
PS . Please add words like generaly where you think they are needed .
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .