Uncomfortable/Rough Trips - an integral, unavoidable part of the process? Options
#1 Posted : 1/27/2015 12:54:00 AM

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Before I was able to have truly blissful, 100% euphoric trips with zero anxiety, I had a lot of anxiety while tripping. I had many uncomfortable trips, with lots of vomitting.. I kept going at it, and eventually finally got the kind of trips I had always dreamed of, without a worry in the universe.

I've found with higher doses, as the ego dissolves, I could not possibly worry about my own life, but I may sometimes feel mild anxiety or concern for the human race as a whole, or for the planet. This is a fundamentally different kind of anxiety that does not reduce the immense pleasure of my trips.

However - if somebody is having uncomfortable trips, recommending they increase the dose may make it worse instead of better.

How do you recommend an individual who experiences uncomfortable trips go about overcoming this? I think it is so unfortunate that so many people never trip again because of one uncomfortable trip. I'm glad I did not make that choice.

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#2 Posted : 1/27/2015 1:16:43 AM

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I've had some very blissful psychedellic trips, but i'm very much still in the heat of the anxiety phase you describe.

I think it may have something to do with psychological issues that need to be worked through being brought to the surface from the subconscious.
Fear may be a big factor, once it's gone, your no longer anxious & being anxious in itself can cause you to get very worked up. In a psychedellic state it seems magnified.

Psychedellics are not everyones cup of tea & the ones who are so put off by a couple bad experiences are a perfect example of that.

i'd say don't force it. Just let time to it's thing & if they want to try again help them work through it at their own pace.

It may help alot to start very low & work up slowly. Maybe not increasing the dosage, but letting them get comfortable & accustomed to the range of effects produced by each dosage before moving on.
Trust & beimg farmilliar with the experience can be very comforting when first starting into psychedellics.
#3 Posted : 1/27/2015 1:33:42 AM

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It depends on the psychedelic in terms of methods of overcoming the rough trip. There are many methods for the more common ones like lsd and shrooms. Dmt though, the user often needs to find what works for them although there are a couple trips that can be tried by anyone.

Ultimately it comes down to sheer will power for all of them. If you have the ability to force the rough ride into a good one through mental thought processes you can at least come out of it with only a scratch or two.
Open your Mind () Please read my DMT vaping guide () Fear is the mind killer

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#4 Posted : 1/27/2015 5:46:25 AM
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Sing your heart out
#5 Posted : 1/27/2015 10:45:05 AM


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Ups what Tattvamasi recommended.
Singing and dancing,
motion generally,

As someone here told me once (and I didn't even get it then!) -
we are Stagnant till we flow

vaporized DMT is usually jarring, in that roller-coaster kind of way.
YMMV but I've discovered over the course of the years since I first experienced it
that smoking DMT just might not really be for me.
AND psychological set has lots to do w/ it of course - when I am depressed or generally anxious I have very ominous but ominous only in a way experiences.


I think of freebase dmt as not really a specific enitity like say Cacti shrooms or w/e;
DMT is like the spaceships the Angels must use,
As such, we should try to learn ways to steer this fuggin spaceship.

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Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#6 Posted : 1/27/2015 3:25:11 PM

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Vaporized DMT is an intense and shockingly weird experience at first. Set and setting are of the utmost importance but spending time with lower doses helps to adjust to the weirdness. Experience
with it over time eases the anxiety and you teach yourself how to deal with it to ultimately get the most From it.
Deep breathing chanting ,singing
movement ,any and all grounding techniques are helpful.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#7 Posted : 1/27/2015 6:53:13 PM

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Singing and dancing sound like great advice. Funny how i never came to that idea on my own so far.Shocked Big grin I will definitely try some singing and moving with my body next time i go for it.Stop
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#8 Posted : 1/27/2015 8:58:15 PM

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Vaper dmt might not be the way to go for an introduction.
Working up with brews very slowly & adjusting the the effects of each ingredient at different doses is much less of a shock to the system especially for someone without a whole lot of psychedellic experience.

#9 Posted : 1/28/2015 4:09:12 AM

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Even after years of experimenting with the spice I still get the pre-flight anxiety but I have definitely learnt to deal with the experience itself. Once I'm there it's not so bad. But IMO there is really nothing you can do to prepare yourself for some of the effects, especially with breakthrough dosages. Having ones ego completely dissolve can be a scary but enlightening thing and I guess you just have to let go. I have experimented with low doses of benzos before hand and this definitely helps with the anxiety and I have had some wonderful trips this way. I have found that on higher doses of benzos, klonopin/clonazepam in this instance, can dull the visuals, but this isn't always the case. But definitely some deep breathing or meditating before hand works very well. I definitely have had more anxiety during trips on lower sub-breakthrough doses though. But each to their own, it's definitely a learning curve!
“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
– Terence McKenna
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