Exploring my new changa and enhanced leaf blends Options
#1 Posted : 1/9/2015 12:23:55 AM


Posts: 26
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Location: Australia, Queensland, Here
Hi guys, last night my changa and enhanced leaf blends finished curing so I thought it best to bioassay them and report some of my findings. I was extremely happy with my results Big grin
This is the second time I've made changa, curing it in the fridge makes all the difference! I broke through with every single blend last night.

Please forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this. If I've done anything incorrectly in my reports please let me know so I can remedy the errors. Smile

BLEND 1 - Electric Sheep (enhanced leaf) - white spice, Blue Lotus, Calea Z.
(mind)Set: nervous
(physical condition) Set: ate lightly a few hours beforehand, healthy, alert.
Setting: clean lounge room, comfy couch, pillow, David Arkenstone music playing.
time of day: 21:00, overcast, warm night
recent drug use: LSD 48 hrs previous, cannabis 2 hrs previous, caffeine several hrs previous.
last meal: 17:00 - coffee ice cream

Gender: M
body weight: 50 kg
known sensitivities: n/a
history of use: novice

Substance(s): Electric Sheep enhanced leaf - 1:1 white spice : Blue Lotus, calea z
Dose(s): ~40mg
Method of administration: vaporised - VG

Duration: ~5 mins
First effects: ~15 sec
Peak: ~1 min
Come down: ~1 min
Baseline: ~5 mins

Intensity (overall): 2
Evaluation / notes: Very gentle, came on gently, left me gently.

Pleasantness: 4
Unplesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 2

Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 3 euphoric afterglow

Folds and swirls of red orange and brown creamy colours and patterns, gnome like entities surrounding me, I feel laughter. The entities are loving and playful. This gentle launch was a perfect starting point for my explorations last night. It dismissed all my pre flight anxiety and enabled me to enjoy the other blends without hesitation. I am pretty happy with this blend, I wouldn't use it for deep explorations but its beautiful. If I were introducing someone to spice this would be the blend I'd share with them. The flavour of the calea and lotus work really well together, it leaves a delicious aftertaste Smile

BLEND 2 - Crystal Garden (enhanced leaf) - Gooey yellow/orange jungle spice, Calea Z, Mugwort, Mullein, Pink Lotus Stamen.
(mind)Set: enthused
(physical condition) Set: ate lightly a few hours beforehand, healthy, alert.
Setting: clean lounge room, comfy couch, pillow, David Arkenstone music playing.
time of day: 22:00, overcast, warm night
recent drug use: LSD 48 hrs previous, cannabis 2 hrs previous, caffeine several hrs previous.
last meal: 17:00 - coffee ice cream

Gender: M
body weight: 50 kg
known sensitivities: n/a
history of use: novice

Substance(s): Crystal Garden enhanced leaf - 1:1 yellow/orange gooey jungle spice : Calea Z, Mugwort, Mullein, Pink Lotus Stamen
Dose(s): ~40mg
Method of administration: vaporised - VG

Duration: ~10 mins
First effects: ~20 sec
Peak: ~2 min
Come down: ~10 min
Baseline: ~10 mins

Intensity (overall): 2
Evaluation / notes: Very gentle, longer comeup than the electric sheep, longer duration, more colourful.

Pleasantness: 4
Unplesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 3

Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 3 euphoric afterglow that lasted longer than electric sheep.

Folds of white beams, rainbow coloured self morphing flowers. A female entity was leading me through her garden, they were rainbow coloured crystal flowers that she could build and allow to grow. I think she was trying to show me how to do it but I was back before I could have much interaction. This breakthrough lasted longer than the electric sheep. A similar afterglow though, euphoric and slightly sleepy which I think would be the mugwort. I was pretty happy with this blend, another mild exploration blend good for first timers or pre flight anxiety. Smile

BLEND 3 - Fruit Warp (changa) - white spice, Harmine, Salvia D plain leaf, Damiana, 2 small pinches of powdered Mapacho.
(mind)Set: enthused
(physical condition) Set: ate lightly a few hours beforehand, healthy, alert.
Setting: clean lounge room, comfy couch, pillow, David Arkenstone music playing.
time of day: 22:30, overcast, warm night
recent drug use: LSD 48 hrs previous, cannabis 2 hrs previous, caffeine several hrs previous.
last meal: 17:00 - coffee ice cream

Gender: M
body weight: 50 kg
known sensitivities: n/a
history of use: novice

Substance(s): Fruit Warp changa - 1:1:1 white spice : Harmine : Salvia D plain leaf, Damiana, Powdered Mapacho
Dose(s): ~40mg
Method of administration: vaporised - VG

Duration: ~20 mins
First effects: ~30 sec
Peak: ~5-10 min
Come down: ~10 min
Baseline: ~30 mins

Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes: intense, the strongest breakthrough I have ever had!

Pleasantness: 4
Unplesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 4

Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 4 euphoric afterglow, strange but nice sensations, almost cried it was so amazing!

The comeup was different with this blend, after the second hit I could feel my whole being getting charged with some kind of cosmic electricity, I knew already I was going somewhere special. I have read the Salvia acts as an opener and enabler of spice and I must say I absolutely agree with that. I have worked with Sally a few times but had mixed and uncomfortable experiences generally. I believe the spice tames the sally somewhat, and the Sally definitely opens up hyperspace. I'm not sure how much of a role the Mapacho tobacco played here, I have heard that is has some MAOi Qualities which may have opened up the whole experience a little more.
I arrived at a vast castle, grey bricks, moat, draw bridge, the whole package. It was night time in this place, inside the castle I was met by a gigantic stick figure who was rotating and dancing around a vast dining hall, as it danced it would move these giant tables around as if setting up for a restaurant Smile This dance lasted for what seemed like forever, after that i zzoomed out of the castle and into a cavern where a blob of rainbow coloured morphing energy with an old womans face was vibrating and smiling as I passed her. It made me laugh. I swam through some of the most awesome coloured patterns ive ever encountered for 5-10 mins before slowly coming back to my room.
I spent the next 20 minutes in the 'WOW' zone "oh my god!, that was amazing!... etc."
I almost cried it was so beautiful. The clarity of the images was outstanding, there was a clearly defined location, landscape, building, entity, solid objects. Absolutely amazing and my most powerful spice experience ever. This blend is a keeper for sure, I will be making more of this blend. This is perfect for deep exploration. I may never go back to FB spice again!

BLEND 4 - Rainbow Dragon changa (white spice, Harmine, Passionflower, Motherwort, Skullcap, Blue Lotus, Wormwood.
(mind)Set: tired but content
(physical condition) Set: ate lightly a few hours beforehand, healthy, alert.
Setting: clean lounge room, comfy couch, pillow, David Arkenstone music playing.
time of day: 23:00, overcast, warm night
recent drug use: LSD 48 hrs previous, cannabis 2 hrs previous, caffeine several hrs previous.
last meal: 17:00 - coffee ice cream

Gender: M
body weight: 50 kg
known sensitivities: n/a
history of use: novice

Substance(s): Rainbow Dragon - 1:1:1 white spice : Harmine : Passionflower, Blue Lotus, Motherwort, Skullcap, Wormwood.
Dose(s): ~40mg
Method of administration: vaporised - VG

Duration: ~10 mins
First effects: ~30 sec
Peak: ~5 min
Come down: ~20 min
Baseline: ~30 mins

Intensity (overall): 1
Evaluation / notes: Wasn't very intense, almost felt like mild LSD.

Pleasantness: 2
Unplesantness: 2
Visual Intensity: 1

Hangover: 3
Afterglow: 3 nauseating afterglow, felt detached and a little disoriented.

I wasn't too impressed with this blend. The visuals were okay but it felt more like a weird mild LSD trip than spice. It felt like a rainbow dragon had vomited a whole bunch of different coloured paints and I was swimming through it. Nice colours but it felt very messy. I think the problem here was too many herbal ingredients. Too many spirits, some of which may have conflicted. I want to know why I felt that nausea also.

Okay folks, that was my report. Now in regards to the Fruit Warp blend, do you think Mapacho acts as an opener as Sally does, or was the expansion of my experience simply due to the Harmine and Sally?
If I were to make this blend again, but use Salvia 5X instead of plain leaf would this increase the visual activity?
Would Salvia 5X make it too intense?
Anyone have experience or recommendations in regards to using Salvia extracts in changa blends?
With the Rainbow Dragon blend, what caused the nausea?
Could it have been one of the herbs I used? I'm thinking maybe the Skullcap caused this reaction?
Could it be too many harmalas?
Do any of the mentioned herbs react badly with Harmalas?

Hope you enjoyed my report and I hope someone out there can help me with my questions so I can fine tune these blends Smile

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#2 Posted : 1/9/2015 6:38:27 AM

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Congratulations on your blends! It is marvellous to be able to craft such breath taking tools, no?

With regards to deep / shallow exploration, it's just a case of dose I think. Also remember that there will be more dmt in a 1:1 blend than a 1:1:1 blend. I do find that when smoking once I have had a 'big one' that the magic doesn't seem to repeat if I keep pushing, so that could be a factor in your last experience.

Blue lotus is excellent. I made some 10x Blue Lotus mullein for my most recent concoction and it tastes phenomenal in a vape. Very playful, cheeky vibes but also very healing. I highly recommend reading Olympus Mons' 'art of changa' thread if you haven't already.

I do have some experience with salvia 5x enhanced leaf, and there definitely is something there. I like to put a pinch in with my Changa. It's hard to describe the effects but it seems to add some solidity and 'other' influence to the experience. I haven't really bonded with straight Sally for whatever reason but it seems we are much more compatible with a little spice / harmalas in the mix.
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#3 Posted : 1/9/2015 8:51:32 AM


Posts: 26
Joined: 02-Mar-2009
Last visit: 25-Apr-2016
Location: Australia, Queensland, Here
Thank you Purges Smile It's a certainly an art for sure! I was rather impressed with my experiences, normally on fb spice I will only break through once or twice per night. This led me to long breaks in between big launches.

Yes I was thinking about this today and I think I need to give the Rainbow Dragon another dose on a separate occasion to re evaluate its effects. I felt nauseous after it so to rule out the accumulation of harmalas in my system I will only use the Rainbow Dragon and see if the physical effects are altered in any way.

I have some 20x Blue Lotus laying around somewhere I may add that into a blend soon, I am just unsure about dosage. The extract works well orally but have never smoked it.
I read that article a little while ago it is what had sparked my interest into making blends Smile not only are the end results rewarding, but the process is a lot of fun!

I have 2 blends evaporating now, which are variations of my Fruit Warp blend, one has a small amount of salvia 5x enhanced leaf and slightly more Mapacho, the other is slightly less Mapacho, some salvia 10x enhanced leaf
and a tiny amount of Canvalia rosea (Baybean) I have read that Baybean is known to potentiate Salvia, so I'm interested to look at these herbs more closely.
I experienced a definite enhancement to the clarity and solidity of the environment, normally there is a great deal of movement to landscapes and objects with just spice, with the Salvia everything was super-defined solid castle walls, solid furniture, solid outdoor landscape. The Quality of the vision was remarkable.
I definitely feel more comfortable with Sally around spice.

So many possibilities, I believe I have found my hobby Laughing
Everything I write is pure fiction.

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