To my knowledge there has yet to be established empirical evidence of the hypothesized neuro-genesis effect of iboga, or the constituent alkaloids within it. However, as pointed out above, the rational evidence is abundant. Due to the irrational oppression of these substances by by people with anti-narcotic standpoints, we as a society are being denied potential pharmacological CURES (yes, i said it) for certain addictions.
I don't understand your vehemence against this. Novel modalities to treat addiction are sorely needed. Heroin addiction is a condition with a 75percent mortality rate, I've said it before, here again-I'm tired of losing friends to ineffective treatment models that teach them lies. Lies like they are powerless, etc. I lost my temper with your stance on another occasion, GOD, it seems to me to be needlessly dogmatic and bombastic- ignorant at best and goading at worst.
Sorry, OP, trying to steer this back...
exp with 5meo DMT being the catalyst for my ultimate recovery from opiates (heroin, methadone) was do due entirely to the spiritual nature if it's revelations to me. My opiate addiction was born out of depression, a slow passive suicide. There was no pharmacological action that cured me of that depression, the positive result came out of being shown something greater than myself, that beyond a doubt to me, is real.
It set me on the path to real healing, like i said, as a catalyst rather than an actual agent for change. From what I've gleaned from the published results of psilocybin studies with nicotine dependant subjects, the effect has been similar. Tobacco is a bitch. I was shown the extent of damage done to my lungs and a possible horrid future death by an alien dr in hyperspace (
), but just snubbed out another cigarette a minute ago. Is the mother of all addiction. Good luck
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*