My Bizarre Entity Interactions.... Options
#1 Posted : 6/1/2009 6:56:37 AM
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I have had some very bizarre trips on dmt, especially have gotten very odd this year especially.

Earlier in the year, I had a trip where i was shown "snapshots" of if taken from above, and behind me. These were pictures of myself in places like the grocery store, at my house, at work, etc. Even recognized the exact same clothes i had on, it was bizarre. These were thrown at me like a slideshow of images. As if they were trying to let me know that they are overseeing me at all times.

I then went through a period of time, where the dmt trips were less intense. I would breakthrough to emptiness, and a presence would ask me "why are you here?, what is your goal by coming here?" That left me a bit speechless, because i had no clue why.

a few months later i trip again, and i get a female presence appear around me, and i am being introduced to her. She tells me her job is to follow me everywhere i go, and that they watch and know it all. She keeps asking me if i understand, do i get it? do you see now? I agree and communicate back "yes i understand", she then communicates that all i have to do is say so, and she will make the trip end. (there were little to no visuals really) So i somehow tell her ok, make it stop, and the trip immediately ended.

Next trip i remember after this one, was like i just entered into a large meeting hall, with all these various entity's of the dmt world having a meeting. They were discussing me, saying things like "we've showed him this, we've done that...what else can we do?" There was a large being up at the head of the meeting, sort of a leader type. This was all the trip was.

Then recently we did a little group dmt trip, and it was pretty amazing. Just like some of my first trips. Lots of hieroglyphics being projected, very Egyptian type of vibe. After the group left, before going to bed, i did a solo trip. It was very scary, all i was seeing were doors being shut, people waving good bye, then a large face appears in front of me, telling me I'm no longer welcome, telling me things like "you're born, you do this, you do that, then you die, case closed"...then they would not stop the trip until i consciously agreed to never come back again. I tried and tried, it's like they wanted me to shake on it, yet they were moving the hand i had to shake. I got very frustrated, and tried to just ignore it until the trip stopped, but it didn't. So i tried again, and they make it even harder, so i get up and walk around, and the trip finally fades away. They were telling me i live my life, without considering consequences, like i do not think about the negative side effects of my actions, and that's why I'm not welcome back.

Well, I'm not one to back down usually, so i awake the next morning, and take just a single toke. I bury my eyes into a blanket, and i enter upon a woman, everything is dark, and the only color are shades of blue creating the scene. She is showing me people having sex, babies being born, mothers caring for them, etc. The people were similar looking to some of alex grey's art of the human body, with all the nerves, veins, etc. This woman was saying to me to be quiet, shhhh, she's not supposed to be showing me this. Vivid images kept flashing up, and she was insisting that i pay attention to just her, she is trying to relay something very important. She feels like i'm not understanding, and tells me "hold on, I'll be right back" and she disappears from the scene, the imagery and other visuals overload her and the trip fades away.

Now I'm a very logical, and skeptical type of person when it comes to bizarre shit like this, but this was so mind-blowing, i do not even know what to think. These entity's seem to follow me, and keep tabs on my most inner thoughts, like someone peeping into your window, it's very creepy. After the trip above when they told me i'm not longer welcome, it was enough to make me want to just cry. It was very in your face, intimidating, and they were not nice about it at all. I had to give my word that i would never return, and i'm actually scared to do it again, not knowing what may happen.

Something else I find, is that even just a small toke of spice, not enough to produce visuals, makes my entire apartment look like it's sterile, and totally clean. The walls become white as can be, and all the surfaces become so crisp and almost fake looking.

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#2 Posted : 6/1/2009 8:49:15 AM

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First off - I really enjoyed your contribution, it was a fascinating read!
It's not the first time I read about people not beeing welcome to enter hyperspace again. I've also read about Salvia denying access to her dimension. Some say, that this is because the "ally" has choosen that it's not a good idea to work together. Some say, that it's to make you think about your life and actions before you enter again.

I've read about one guy who got denied adn somehow found the courage to smoke again and it was a forgiving experience. Another post was about someone beeing shown the fact that spice is a door opener to lots of different spaces with different you might not be welcome in the space you've been...but maybe to another one within the spice dimension.

I'd suggest to meditate about the problem (that is, you don't look for consequences of your action). They will see you making an effort ( if they really follow you all the time) , so they'll know if you have made progress before traveling again.
#3 Posted : 6/1/2009 2:37:44 PM

The Great Namah

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Don't let them scare you off. I find that hyperspace is a very large place. There are many different flora and fauna that inhabit its space.

Try lighting some white sage, or insence before lift off. Maybe try taking a shower first, I find that the water helps calm and center me. Yeah, sounds a little new-age, but taking a few minutes to meditiate, or calm and center yourself before hand really makes a difference.

If you already do something like this, change the way you do it. Basically change up your routiene and see if that takes you to a new place. Maybe even visualize water. I have found that doing that as I take my last toke can sometimes influence where I end up.

Good luck!
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
wake and bacon
#4 Posted : 6/2/2009 12:55:19 AM
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"water is a conduit!!"
DeadLizard wrote:
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#5 Posted : 6/2/2009 1:17:58 AM

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Good to see you back posting man. Strange to say the least but thats DMT have you changed your lifestyle lately maybe feeling guilty about something I dont know I geuss what I saying is besides smoking the spice is there any thing else in your that "they" dont approve of possibly in your life. Robert Hunter reported the same thing in his corespondence with the late TMC he quit smoking the spice because 'they" told him to stop or else. I think Noman posted it here a wile back if not it should be easy to find on the net.

#6 Posted : 6/2/2009 3:44:56 AM
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If someone suddenly climbed in through my window and knew not why they had done it, I'd be pretty pissed off, and I'd probably tell them not to do it again.

If on the other hand they wanted to know my views on various things, I'd be more than happy to chill with them. I might even make them a cup of tea.
wake and bacon
#7 Posted : 6/2/2009 5:09:19 AM
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Wow, some great posts in here.

My suggestion is to do some self-analyzation. To me, it sounds like the entities (possibly just 'metaphorical' facets of your inner self?) are undoubtedly trying to convey this to you with their actions (photographs of your past) and what they tell you. I am not one to judge by any means, but I always wonder if people getting this type of response from DMT and its realms have so-called 'inner demons' that they need to come to grips with. It's simply a thought.

It could very well be that you entered (I use this term lightly, maybe thrown is a btter word Razz) a realm of an unfriendly vibe, hence the unwelcoming. It could very well be that you entered a realm of negativity. Of 'the void'.

I think the thing here is to think about that any of one these can be correct. What DMT allows us to see, hear, feel... is different for every user, and thus the pathway for growth (or whatever it is that you are reaching for) will tend to be different as well. It is all what you make of it. I certainly hope you find something positive, friend. It's out there for each and every one of us, everyday. Why would the spice be any different? Smile

Thanks for posting your report, it was very interesting.
DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#8 Posted : 6/2/2009 6:13:33 AM
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No doubt that they are looking out for me, and pointing out my flaws, and i i now realize the things that i must work on personaly. This was an eye opener. But some of the entity interactions were so bizarre, it was just mind blowing. I did notice like someone posted about, every so often i would get great trips, elves being very playful and enjoyable, turning my living room into their own playground, but the next trip would be horrifying, like a game of Russian roulette.

I attempted another single hit today, and was again stopped at the gate. The response this time was due to the fact that when i first started with dmt, i put a "street value" on it (her exact words), and sold it to close friends, this was a novice mistake of course, and i now realize it. But it seemed to just add to the list of things I've done wrong throughout my dmt journeys

My only concern is that this isn't some sort of banned for life situation. DMT has opened my mind up beyond anything i could imagine. It is sad to think I may never be welcome back again. I think a very long break is due, and I'll try to make some changes in my life and give it another go later on in life.

I'm wondering if the same sort of reactions would occur with ayahuasca experiences, which i have yet to try.

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#9 Posted : 6/2/2009 6:29:54 AM

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wow. interesting. I'd say maybe take a break from the spice, take the message to heart for a bit and try to improve on any areas of your "self" that you feel need work. Then maybe go back once you feel that you have made some strides and see what happens. Stories from the DMT realm never cease to absolutely amaze me. powerful stuff.
#10 Posted : 6/2/2009 2:17:03 PM

tryptamine photographer

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I wouldn't worry about a life-long ban, 'they' are very forgiving (or can be)!
Probably just some work to be done in life down here first. Do good deeds, help people, love the world and 'they' will appreciate it and welcome you back (whether they are 'real' or unconscious projections). And know why you're going there: clear intent. Good luck!
#11 Posted : 6/3/2009 12:51:23 AM
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Yea, it's SO hard to differentiate between, is this an actual other realm, or level of some kind that we just are not capable of viewing, like a 2d figure not able to understand the concept of a 3d world, that kind of thing, Or is is just ourselves creating this world and projecting it outward. The fact that most everyone has an overall similar experience on dmt, shows that it is inside us all, something connected there for sure.

Very difficult to get a grasp on it all. But i plan to take a very long break for sure and try to go about my life and put dmt on the backburner, lol.

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#12 Posted : 6/3/2009 7:05:19 PM

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This happened to swims friend in more subtle way. He too was stopped at the gates after "playing" with the spice a little too much. In Swim's opinion he wasn't giving it the respect it deserved. He was taking small hits all night, until he told me he blacked out or something, woke up on the floor with his shoe off. He said he cant remember really what happened, but it wasnt a positive experience. In the end he said to himself, "geez what am i doing, this stuff is supposed to be sacred." Xeno im sure youll be "allowed" back in, you seem to have built a good relationship with the sacred spice. Id say definitely give it some time before you head back there.
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#13 Posted : 6/5/2009 11:54:02 PM

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Something else I find, is that even just a small toke of spice, not enough to produce visuals, makes my entire apartment look like it's sterile, and totally clean. The walls become white as can be, and all the surfaces become so crisp and almost fake looking.

Awesome. The whole post was a great read. This last bit intrigues me however. It seems we have this in common as well. I call this state "Candyland" and I've experienced it a couple times. It usually only happens when I'm over-using, many sessions in one sitting. You describe it exactly as I perceive it though. Everything is crisp and clean to a shiny polish, like a freshly waxed black car w/o a spec of dust on it. The really strange thing about this "candyland" state for me is that psychologically I feel completely normal. Zero disassociation, zero euphoria, etc. Closed eyes offer nothing but blackness, but the OEV's are this immaculate clean, polished beyond perfection perception of the objects in the room. The state seems to last a long time for me as well (like a solid 15 min or more) before I even begin to return to normal.

Great to hear that I'm not the only one. I'm curious if others have experienced this?

Thanks for the link to this thread Xenonsion!

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…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#14 Posted : 6/6/2009 6:29:20 AM

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Oh my God! I actually experience candyland as well, although it is a bit different for me, it's one of my favorite parts. I have been taking it slow and easy with the spice though, but when I dreamed about introducing my friend to it last night, in my dream the pipe became shiny and 'basic' (was only word I could use to describe it) beautiful and BOLD colors were behind everything, encased in this perfectly clean glossy glass finish. My pipe already actually is double-layered glass or some sort which actually kind of resembles the effect in a very meager way - I think it makes it even more intense, but I have a bright sky blue lighter, and my hands appeared very bright and colorful as well, and it was as if they were floating in my vision, and I wasn't having to control anything - it was so amazing, and the colors seemed to run out of the pipe and objects into everything. I have a bookcase with DVDS and the like all varying colors and styles, and they were these solid beautiful glass enclosed colors, like blocks of them. I remember exclaiming, "OH MY GOD! There's words, and all sorts of stuff on each one - they were solid colors and even more beautiful before" It was a humbling experience.

But just a dream unfortunately, maybe someday! ;P Just though this was intriguing, I guess one man's trash is another man's chill and another girl's thrill lol
#15 Posted : 6/12/2009 2:49:38 AM
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idtravlr wrote:
Something else I find, is that even just a small toke of spice, not enough to produce visuals, makes my entire apartment look like it's sterile, and totally clean. The walls become white as can be, and all the surfaces become so crisp and almost fake looking.

Awesome. The whole post was a great read. This last bit intrigues me however. It seems we have this in common as well. I call this state "Candyland" and I've experienced it a couple times. It usually only happens when I'm over-using, many sessions in one sitting. You describe it exactly as I perceive it though. Everything is crisp and clean to a shiny polish, like a freshly waxed black car w/o a spec of dust on it. The really strange thing about this "candyland" state for me is that psychologically I feel completely normal. Zero disassociation, zero euphoria, etc. Closed eyes offer nothing but blackness, but the OEV's are this immaculate clean, polished beyond perfection perception of the objects in the room. The state seems to last a long time for me as well (like a solid 15 min or more) before I even begin to return to normal.

Great to hear that I'm not the only one. I'm curious if others have experienced this?

Thanks for the link to this thread Xenonsion!


candyland is a very good analogy!!

This does seem to linger on for awhile after a strong trip as well. After it's all over, and you feel normal, but yet...aren't. Or are you? lol.

candyland is the name for it, fits it perfectly!! thank you for that!

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