Ok for those who are wanting to produce white crystals with no goo follow these simple steps ( please do all pulls back to back ) as it helps stop confusion , and precipertating crystals sinking and making it harder to extract
Also for best results perform cleanup with multiple pulls ( I use 5 pulls from a simple ATB pulled back to back with fantastic results !!!
You can also find the full extraction here
https://www.dmt-nexus.me...;t=58064&find=unreadThis will work with any naphtha pulled from ACRB
❌ Step 1
In a glass bottle with a thin neck approx 1ltr in size , in this bottle place approx 500ml water with you're choice of acid to get a ph 2-3 as before !
❌ Step 2
place into this acidic water you're naphtha pulls that has been pulled from the basic soup !
Now shake this and let it separate atleast a minimum of 10 times !
❌ Step 3
Now pippet or syphon out all the naphtha along with the brown fatty liquid that sits animated in between the two layers and discard this as it contains the plant fats and oils and no longer contains any alkaloids !!
Now the 500ml acidic water solution contains the dmt !
❌ Step 4
Now get 200ml water add to this 50g of lye and add this to the acidic solution , it will turn white straight away and dmt will crash out of the mix and flout around on the top of the solution then top off with a futher amount off water to the bottle but leave enough room for you're 50ml naphtha pulls !!
❌ Step 5
Now you can pull just like with the extraction mixing and let seperate x 4 now pull with fresh hot naphtha I usually mix ( approx 50ml - 70ml ) for the first 2 pulls
as it will be very saturated and will turn white and thick as soon as it hits the cool pipette or syringe ) this is the dmt crashing out at a cooler temp and after the first two reduce the amount of naphtha to ( 50 ml ) do this atleast 4-5 times and this shaking won't cause an emulsion !
You will notice the pulls are crystal clear
You will notice there seems to be a white fatty layer between the water and new solvent , this is normal ! It is a mix of dmt particles and abit of fat that seems to still make it through the Backsalting stage !
Now with every pull it will get thinner just don't suck any off it up !
Do this until the mix is no longer white or until the mix is not any longer giving any dmt , I usually do about 5x pulls and place all 5 pulls in one precipe dish !
❌ Step 6
Then pre evap with a fan or fresh air from a open window blowing air across the dish until half the liquid has evaporated or until naphtha turns milky ( but don't just go off the liquid turning milky as it will turn milky with any cool air blowing over the dish ) so go off the volume
❌ Step 7
Then cover with plastic wrap or with anything that creates a air tight , watertight seal ! Large ziplock bags even if there's no other way and then freeze for 18+ hrs then once you get it out the freezer tip the naphtha of the top then place dish side on then fan dry
( please do this as quick as possible ) , after a couple of hours drying you then can scrape then smoke ! Good luck !
❌ this is the final end product from five 50ml pulls from 100g of ACRB ! Total weight was 1.74g which is a yield of 1.74%
Later pulls can be done and I suggest to do as many pulls as is required until the bark is spent ! But later pulls done singly don't require a defat and this is a good way of seeing if you're bark is still putting out !
IMHO This is Truely the best way to get fluffy white crystals from ACRB !
And it's as easy as it sounds !
Any questions just ask , but if you feel you don't understand any part please read again as many times as it takes to get it down pat !
Sorry for any spelling mistakes and my grammar isn't the best so sorry in advance !!