Anyone else ever been there? Options
#1 Posted : 5/29/2009 6:19:58 PM

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So SWIM was wondering if anyone else had been to any 'worlds' like these. Swim uses the word world VERY loosely because that is the only conceivable word that makes some sense.

SWIM visited what he felt were three amazingly different planets. When he closed his eyes, SWIM was being blasted through space, sort of star trekie with stars whizzing by. Suddenly he's flying in between these huge beautiful trees. From near the ground they seem to touch the sky, from above the forest canopy the green(i think???) looks like a never ending ocean.

Woosh! Again through space, this time the planet looks like mercury. There are buildings that do touch the sky and every inch of this place is like flowing metal, just warm to the touch. The architecture was like nothing SWIM had ever seen or could ever imagine. Never ending, always changing, flowing. Another beautiful 'world'.

Woosh! SWIM is under liquid, maybe water, crystal clear but he can feel it surrounding him like an embrace from an old friend. SWIM can not breath under this 'water' but there is no need. Like he was transformed with this world, breathing a thing of the past. At the ocean floor there are buildings with huge domes and lights of indescribable colors everywhere.

Blink... it's over. SWIM is back in the basement under his blanket. Blink again... Nothing but an ecstatic feeling, a warm glow from somewhere inside him. Blink... SWIM can talk again... Holy shit...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SWIM vaguely remembers a place where it looked like an infinite wall of different blocks of different colors was being shows to SWIM. At the time SWIM was scared by the wall, he is unsure why but it seemed so overwhelming at the time. It only seemed to happen in SWIMS dreams and happened on several occasions (a long time ago) but has stopped. SWIM wishes he was stronger at the time and had no fear of this 'wall', who knows what it might have been able to teach him, show him, make him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The first and only time SWIM used saliva, it was the most intense, hellishly introspective thing that had ever happened to him. The first lungful almost made him choke. He holds it in as long as he can, exhales and takes another huge toke. SWIM thought he said goodbye to his girlfriend (his sitter on the bed with him) and kissed her on the cheek and laid down. The only thing that SWIM remembers was a loud roar, like the hum of machinery but almost deafening. Just when it gets to be almost to much to handle, silence. As SWIM looks around, he seems to be on a conveyor belt or something like it. All of a sudden something starts to look wrong, a fold in the space in front of him?!? SWIM knows that the air in front of him can not just fold over onto it's self, can it? Fold after fold it gets faster and faster, again louder and louder... Blink... SWIM is on the bedroom floor staring at his girlfriend. He jumps up off the floor and stands on the bed. "Is it ok to walk down there?" he asks his girlfriend. "Tell me it's safe to walk down there!" he shouts again. She is just laughing at swim for acting like, well someone who blasted off not knowing it was going to happen. After ten minutes SWIM is able to carry a conversation instead of just repating the words, "Holy Shit." SWIMs girlfriend had a different story of SWIMs actions. She said SWIM took two hugantic tokes, looked at her, went to give her a hug(?) and did a nose dive off the bed onto the floor where SWIM spoke gibberish for about fifteen minutes before looking stupified and leaping onto the bed. SWIM will use salvia again, only after first preparing for the trip (hehe)

Note - SWIM has yet to use or learn from the spice, but he couldn't find a post for 'DMT like expierences'. Thank you for reading
Why can't the supernatural just be, natural? After all, supernatural is just a term for aspects of nature that we do not understand...

Listen to your heart, it's telling you you're homesick for a place you've never been


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/30/2009 7:36:45 PM

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guess not... lol
Why can't the supernatural just be, natural? After all, supernatural is just a term for aspects of nature that we do not understand...

Listen to your heart, it's telling you you're homesick for a place you've never been

#3 Posted : 5/30/2009 7:47:49 PM

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Hey man,

That sounds incredible...I like the interstellar-alien-planet-transportation-vibe... I've been to some beaustiful places, but nothing like you describe...

One day I hope Smile
#4 Posted : 5/30/2009 11:24:46 PM

tryptamine photographer

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Did you leave any markers or pointers... I wanna go there too and build a treehouse!

I'm wondering if DMT is like a catalyst that sets consciousness completely free to roam whatever realm it's ready for.
#5 Posted : 5/31/2009 2:18:04 AM

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tryptographer wrote:
Did you leave any markers or pointers... I wanna go there too and build a treehouse!

I'm wondering if DMT is like a catalyst that sets consciousness completely free to roam whatever realm it's ready for.

Would be great!
#6 Posted : 5/31/2009 9:15:09 AM

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At the time of SWIMs 'visits' to... well... wherever it was... SWIM wasn't using drugs (SWIM HATES to use that word) for enlightenment, only entertainment. SWIM was more interested in seeing just how fucked up he could get himself. SWIMS planetary voyage started out with a freezer bag full of dark bluish tinted mushrooms and a lot of roll, and some kind of contest to see who could eat the most mushies before going over the edge. For some reason SWIM could feel something very different. It was like SWIM could sense an epiphany, like a message was coming directly to him from something or someone that felt warm, like home.

SWIM now believes that no matter what the substance, if you're just doing it to get fucked up, it will fuck with you. When SWIMs amazing and potentially life changing experience was happening, SWIMS friend was in the front yard, naked, eating grass. SWIMs friend believed he was dead, talking to his grandfather who had passed away years prior. Like SWIMs salvia trip, the 'drug' simply wanted nothing to do with him, made him think 2+2=9495872367435324 and sent his shattered mind across the universe with his physical body wandering this terrestrial plane in a stupor.

If SWIM knew then what he does now many things would have been different. SWIM believes that in the midst of the chaos and confusion his mind and soul were repaired in a way, made to think and feel differently, caused him to act differently, as if he was guided off the path of self destruction to something better, a real purpose...

SWIM would literally shit in his pants if he could return to those worlds, or to have the same guide, or to be the guide for another lost inner self like SWIM once was. SWIM hopes one day he can meet that guide, and thank them for saving him.

As for the tree house tryptographer, one awesome view... SWIM would have tried to leave a marker, a signature, something to help SWIM or others to find those worlds, but SWIM was simply watching, not interacting, to bewildered to do anything but let it happen.
Why can't the supernatural just be, natural? After all, supernatural is just a term for aspects of nature that we do not understand...

Listen to your heart, it's telling you you're homesick for a place you've never been

#7 Posted : 6/4/2009 10:08:42 AM

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richierich_931 wrote:

SWIM vaguely remembers a place where it looked like an infinite wall of different blocks of different colors was being shows to SWIM. At the time SWIM was scared by the wall, he is unsure why but it seemed so overwhelming at the time. It only seemed to happen in SWIMS dreams and happened on several occasions (a long time ago) but has stopped. SWIM wishes he was stronger at the time and had no fear of this 'wall', who knows what it might have been able to teach him, show him, make him.

YES!! SWIM's closest so far to breakthrough experience with spice was just this. It was fantastically colored HUGE rectangular, curved edged almost like flat glass panel bubbles but moving in multiple dimensions at once yet appearing flat as a huge wall. The immensity words can't describe, this WAS the universe, SWIM must have been compressed into this dimension, or expanded into these multiples. At first fear did the same trick, but right as it began to go away SWIM wanted to cry because she only then began to see what lessons it wanted to teach her and she began to beg it to come back. Felt like a 'good' punishment, if it had happened any other way I would have abused or not learnt the lesson. SWIM is confident she will meet that world again, or many others Smile Hope the same for you, glad to see we both went there though!

richierich_931 wrote:

The first and only time SWIM used saliva, it was the most intense, hellishly introspective thing that had ever happened to him. The first lungful almost made him choke. He holds it in as long as he can, exhales and takes another huge toke. SWIM thought he said goodbye to his girlfriend (his sitter on the bed with him) and kissed her on the cheek and laid down. The only thing that SWIM remembers was a loud roar, like the hum of machinery but almost deafening. Just when it gets to be almost to much to handle, silence. As SWIM looks around, he seems to be on a conveyor belt or something like it. All of a sudden something starts to look wrong, a fold in the space in front of him?!? SWIM knows that the air in front of him can not just fold over onto it's self, can it? Fold after fold it gets faster and faster, again louder and louder... Blink... SWIM is on the bedroom floor staring at his girlfriend. He jumps up off the floor and stands on the bed. "Is it ok to walk down there?" he asks his girlfriend. "Tell me it's safe to walk down there!" he shouts again. She is just laughing at swim for acting like, well someone who blasted off not knowing it was going to happen. After ten minutes SWIM is able to carry a conversation instead of just repating the words, "Holy Shit." SWIMs girlfriend had a different story of SWIMs actions. She said SWIM took two hugantic tokes, looked at her, went to give her a hug(?) and did a nose dive off the bed onto the floor where SWIM spoke gibberish for about fifteen minutes before looking stupified and leaping onto the bed. SWIM will use salvia again, only after first preparing for the trip (hehe)

Salvia always does this for SWIM, the whole folding bit. It always folds reality in the most mind-bending ways, like one is sitting wedged between two flaps in a paddle-wheel, each 'space' inbetween the paddles being an instance of existence. The folding on SWIM's last attempt was a massive wall, folded in two (SWIM saw the corner of it) that was once her ceiling but she then realized it was a orange and yellow and pale greenish colored fractal morphing pattern (the folded solid was NOT morphing). A smaller, not really counting as last attempt, but still experienced was that same thing happening, then a sexual energy entering in as a valley formed in the fold and it began to melt away - the hit was small and it all faded out here, but the fold used to scare SWIM so much that she felt immense relief when the sexual energy made it go away.

The first time on Salvia, SWIM thought her room was haunted, as her door made the entire wall a paddle, and when she tried to open it, there was a SUCTION and the door was HARD to open. Once she got it open, her mind bent as the paddle continued down her wall, not caring and somehow not breaking reality that it just took a 90 degree bend. Her brother (anti-'drugs'Pleased was asleep in a nearby room and she began to wonder if she would ever see him again. She tried to open the door because she felt a gravity pull from the paddle wheel as if it was spinning and it scared her. SWIM now knows the salvia gravity has not as threatening as she once did, but emotional issues were at the forefront at this time and exacerbated it. On a second attempt she found her room DID INDEED SPIN. If he entered the hallway, the spinning ceased as she got further away. If she looked back through the open door into the room, she would feel the universe begin to spin ever so slowly again. She could walk into her kitchen, to where she was closer, but couldn't see the room, stillness, no spinning at all. SWIM now lives across the country from that apartment, but still wonders what caused this strangeness. The spinning paddle-wheel came at her again once later on in trying it whilst standing on a small sandbar in a large creek/river - she thought the open space would dampen it - it was the weirdest sensation ever.

SWIM is still intrigued and wants to gain more respect and learn how to utilize Salvia more - it has too much potential and didn't scare her away, it just scared her, increasing intrigue if anything else. SWIM does notice apprehension before smoking it. DMT sometimes does this, and every time she finds herself giggling as she feels it come on and wonders why she was EVER apprehensive.
#8 Posted : 6/5/2009 3:17:59 AM

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Holy shit SpiceGirl !!!

Your avatar or whatever just gave me the chills. What SWIM saw in his dreams was almost identical, more colors (the ones we don't have words for) and an more wall instead of the lines of interlacing geometry but still...

Too weird...
Why can't the supernatural just be, natural? After all, supernatural is just a term for aspects of nature that we do not understand...

Listen to your heart, it's telling you you're homesick for a place you've never been

#9 Posted : 6/5/2009 10:18:52 AM

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Haha that's amazing, it did the same for me too! When I first saw it I was like "How did they think to do that! Genius!"

If only it could ever represent even a fraction of what's really there! *mind goes *pop**
#10 Posted : 6/5/2009 10:26:15 AM

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Ha! Two things. Yeah, I love spicegirl's avatar. It's one of the most authentic visions besides 69rons. The other thing is that... Damn I wish I could remember my travels like you guys describe yours. i.e. I know I've been there (or somewhere similar) but when I come back it all fades too fast. Sad

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#11 Posted : 6/6/2009 6:32:23 AM

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The only reason SWIM vividly remembers anything from recently or 10 years ago, is that the experience made such a profound impact on SWIMs life, both positive and somewhat negative... That and a few times he thought he was starting to go off the deep end.

SWIM has told other non-ethnogen non-substance using people a few stories and SWIM watched their eyes go from awe, to shock, to "I think you need to see someone about that..."

Belief comes with experience, and the inexperienced will NEVER know just what to believe
Why can't the supernatural just be, natural? After all, supernatural is just a term for aspects of nature that we do not understand...

Listen to your heart, it's telling you you're homesick for a place you've never been

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