need of some help getting it done Options
#1 Posted : 11/12/2014 2:33:50 PM
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Hi, I finally have all the ingredients to make Changa.

Spice, herbs (blue lotus & passionflower) and shredded caapi vine (about 50g)

now, I'm kinda having a hard time with the extract harmalas from caapi tutorial

Preparation of the Brew

In the example shown, I started with 64g of shredded black caapi vine. 1g of fumaric acid was added to the vine. Other acidifying agents may be used, such as about 25ml of vinegar. (Some brews are made without addition of any acid.)

Add about 500ml water to the vine (enough to cover most of it), and gently boil for 30 minutes, covered. Pour off the resultant liquid through a strainer into a larger pot. Repeat this step three more times.

Boil the resultant brew (about one liter) and reduce to a volume of about 400ml. Cool to room temperature (if you want, add ice to speed cooling).

Alright, this is what I don't understand.

When it says "repeat this step three more times"

does it mean that I have to add 500ml water more to the remaining plant material then repeat the process, ending up with something like 2L liquid overall in the end? (probably a litte less tho)

so then it says "boil the resultant brew (about one liter) ..." does that mean that about 1L of water will evaporate?

Also, then it says "reduce to a volume of about 400ml.

this is what I don't understand at all, what does it mean to "reduce"? do I let it boil until roughly half of it evaporated?

then, I seem to find contradictory info on the ratio between spice, harmalas and herbs

do I want to go 1:1:1 (Spice/harmala/plant) or should I go easier on the harmalas?

thanks for your help

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/12/2014 3:45:40 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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hello hadoq,

When it says "repeat this step three more times"
does it mean that I have to add 500ml water more to the remaining plant material then repeat the process, ending up with something like 2L liquid overall in the end? (probably a litte less tho)

yes, boil with fresh water x4.

so then it says "boil the resultant brew (about one liter) ..." does that mean that about 1L of water will evaporate?
Also, then it says "reduce to a volume of about 400ml.
this is what I don't understand at all, what does it mean to "reduce"? do I let it boil until roughly half of it evaporated?

combine all 4 boild and reduce to a workable amount, eg.4-500ml

then, I seem to find contradictory info on the ratio between spice, harmalas and herbs
do I want to go 1:1:1 (Spice/harmala/plant) or should I go easier on the harmalas?

its personal preference, some people like lots of harmalas and some like a little.

make a few different batches you can then choose your favourite

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#3 Posted : 11/12/2014 4:17:52 PM
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hadoq wrote:

then, I seem to find contradictory info on the ratio between spice, harmalas and herbs

do I want to go 1:1:1 (Spice/harmala/plant) or should I go easier on the harmalas?

thanks for your help

1:1 ratio of harmalas to dmt is relatively heavy; can get rather physical during the experience.

If your wanting enough MAOI action without it being too heavy, then typically 280-300mg harmala freebase per 1g of DMT synergizes very nicely; which many here from what i've read seem to go in/around that range.

#4 Posted : 11/12/2014 4:58:15 PM
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3rdI wrote:

so then it says "boil the resultant brew (about one liter) ..." does that mean that about 1L of water will evaporate?
Also, then it says "reduce to a volume of about 400ml.
this is what I don't understand at all, what does it mean to "reduce"? do I let it boil until roughly half of it evaporated?

combine all 4 boild and reduce to a workable amount, eg.4-500ml

Thanks so much, but what do you mean by "reduce", how can I "reduce" it? I keep it boiling until it half of it evaporates?
#5 Posted : 11/12/2014 5:02:30 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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to reduce the water just keep it on a slow boil/simmer for a couple of hours until you have 4-500ml of liquid.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#6 Posted : 11/12/2014 5:09:47 PM
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3rdI wrote:
to reduce the water just keep it on a slow boil/simmer for a couple of hours until you have 4-500ml of liquid.

amazing, that's what I wanted to know.

thank you so much Thumbs up

my english isn't that bad, but every now and again, I stumble upon stuff I just can't seem to understand
#7 Posted : 11/13/2014 8:38:14 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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no worries, i hope all goes well

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#8 Posted : 11/14/2014 10:47:21 PM

It's better to have things, and not be running out than it is to be running out and not be having things.

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I have limited experience with that Caapi extraction but something to share. I got down to the last pull after basing acidfying basing with a whole lot of filtering going on. I was bummed it looked like all was lost from the last filter threw the liguid in pyrex pan in the stove which was turned off. Two days later I had freebase harmalas. Glad I didn't discard the clear nothing in it looking liquid.

Best of luck on this. I need to extract some rue, down to like a half g or so of spice too. looks round nervously like a heroin addict who realizes he has no wake up for the next day.Very happy

"Further up and Further In"
#9 Posted : 11/15/2014 12:58:54 AM
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HippingTrippY wrote:

I have limited experience with that Caapi extraction but something to share. I got down to the last pull after basing acidfying basing with a whole lot of filtering going on. I was bummed it looked like all was lost from the last filter threw the liguid in pyrex pan in the stove which was turned off. Two days later I had freebase harmalas. Glad I didn't discard the clear nothing in it looking liquid.

Best of luck on this. I need to extract some rue, down to like a half g or so of spice too. looks round nervously like a heroin addict who realizes he has no wake up for the next day.Very happy

"Further up and Further In"

thanks for the experience, I'll keep that in mind
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