PRE-CONDITIONS(mind)Set: Calm/nervous
(physical condition) Set: healthy
Setting (location): Living room, laying on couch
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) 1:30 am
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) none
last meal: (Time and type) pasta 4 hours ago
PARTICIPANTGender: (m / f) M
body weight: (in kg pls) 62.59
known sensitivities: zero
history of use: experienced
BIOASSAYSubstance(s): (list all taken substances) DMT freebase
Dose(s): 16mg
Method of administration: GVG
EFFECTSAdministration time: T=0:00
Duration: 12 minutes
First effects: 20 seconds
Peak: T=0:01
Come down: T=0:12
Baseline: not there yet
Intensity (overall): 2-3
Evaluation / notes:
OPTIONALPleasantness: (0-4)
Implesantness: (0-4)
Visual Intensity: (0-4)
REPORTI'm just gonna cut right to the chase. Loaded 16mg in the gvg, was nervous as heck so it took me awhile to calm down. Eventually I ended up saying screw it and sat up and dosed, laid down, closed my eyes, and kept my mind as clear as possible as everything unfolded in front of me. At first it came on kind of slow, then I just shot straight to the waiting room. I have been to this specific one a handful of times now. Its like I am inside living geometric fractal folding transformer internals.
So then I go through my normal loop of, ok I need to breakthrough... my breathing... ok slow my breathing to a stop cause you know you arent actually doing so... no it feels like im actually not breathing now... started breathing again... over and over again.
Then some idea came to me, and it was "just let go, forget about slowing your breathing..." Then it started to feel like I might be coming down from the peak just before I start to let go annnnnnnddddd then... everything ramps up again but doesn't go anywhere. I repeated this I think at least 3 or more times.
Then I feel like I was actually starting to come down and I had a memory lapse, the visuals started to fade and it caused me to think the visuals had been this dark the whole time. Which they most certainly had not. Then I feel this darkness inside me, and it started to get sucked into the visuals. That's literally what it looked like, they were filling with this black stuff and almost had a gooey sensation to it. It then materialized as my inner demons face with tendrils attached to me.
This face resembled part hyperspace graphics, part transformers face, part demonic looking geometric goo. It had more than 2 eyes although I didnt observe that part much. At first he hovered over me grinning with an evil looking smile in an attempt to intimidate me. Somehow my first reaction was to start smiling at him. This gave me a very peculiar sensation in my mind, body, and soul. I could sense that he was trying to overpower me but I was able to stand my ground. As I smiled up at it, I said OUTLOUD (like with my actual voice) the following things to him.
I no longer need you.
Leave me.
You are not wanted here anymore.
You serve me no purpose.
Leave, now.
I have no need for you.
As I kept saying these things to him the experience started to fade. I could feel his influence still, as if he was now hanging on to my body rather than inhabiting it. I quickly opened my eyes because it dawned on me that this felt like a very long experience. I inhaled at 1:30am, and the time was now 1:42. 12 minutes on 16mg.
Now I do not know if there are actually entities or demons or spirits what have you, existing in us or attached to us or influencing us, or if i was just able to materialize my inner negatives into a being in my head. To me this answer does not matter, although is interesting to ponder about. I know why the waiting room, I have been pretty scared to dose and knew that I most likely wouldnt breakthrough on this amount as I used to be able to. Thats all I can muster for this trip report.
This picture is the closest resemblance I can find of the transformers looking face. Although what I saw had hyperspatial aspects to it with goo and geometrics involved.
"Energy flows where attention goes"
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