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#41 Posted : 9/7/2014 5:12:33 AM

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In its original salt form, how high a temperature can plant matter sustain without releasing its desired components?

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#42 Posted : 9/7/2014 6:43:53 AM

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If this is about the bark drying in the oven , just let it dry naturally ...............
#43 Posted : 9/21/2014 8:03:14 PM
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The tittle is pretty straightforward. I want to know if an electric vaporizer like this one would be ok for an optimal vaporization. Knowing that it is used (usually) to vaporize THC, I don't see why it wouldn't be able to do it with some DMT. The only problem would be to reach the temperature the DMT needs, so, does anyone know what temperatures do these vaporizers get to?
For what I've read, I'm pretty sure the GVG is what I should be looking for, but it is really expensive and out of stock anyway. Any suggestions will be really appreciated Very happy
PD: Sorry If I have made any spelling mistakes, english is not my native language.

#44 Posted : 9/21/2014 9:44:30 PM

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Please do a search there are plenty of topics on similar devices
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#45 Posted : 9/22/2014 3:44:03 AM

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and what expandaneum said. It would take the same amount of money to build a proper vape pen to do not even half the job a GVG can do. FYI.
Open your Mind () Please read my DMT vaping guide () Fear is the mind killer

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#46 Posted : 10/3/2014 2:04:51 AM
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Hi guys I'm fairly new here although I have been around. I've been a ghost wandering the nexus and finally decided to make an account and now I have some basic questions.
Hypothetically speaking if I were to own the yugo strain philarus in the u.s do you guys think it's worth proposing to extract? I've heard many diffrent stories and done tremendous research but I'm still stuck. The gramine and horidine concentrations seem to bother me, can anyone shed some light?
#47 Posted : 10/18/2014 5:06:47 PM
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I have about an Oz of mimosa hostilis root bark, and yellow Caapi vine. Both are powdered. I also have my capsule filling machine, because I'm interested in pharma>tea. How can I use these ingredients to blast off?
#48 Posted : 10/19/2014 2:50:27 PM
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I was wondering what the best method is for vaporizing DMT; has anyone of you any experiences with the Ascent Da Vinci Vaporizer? As it is provided with glass oil cans, I was thinking if this vapo is the most suitable one in this matter.
#49 Posted : 10/19/2014 4:28:58 PM

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Did you try to search for your answer?
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#50 Posted : 10/19/2014 4:44:25 PM

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What expandeum said.

This forum is like 6-7 years old, and there's much info on it already. Search it, and if you can't find what you're seeking, then come open new thread and ask. There's also chat on Nexus.

Some of the best methods of vaping spice are The Machine, bong sandwich method, VaporGenie, and ultimately glass VaporGenie, which is loved by many on this forum.

Peace and love.
#51 Posted : 10/22/2014 8:52:21 AM

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I have had aya+acacia and rue+acacia a number of times, but I have little experience brewing myself.

Recently I prepared 3.5g of syrian rue and drank that about 45mins before drinking the acacia tea which contained approximately 150mg of alkaloids. I have done this a few times now. 150mg-200mg of alkaloids has been quite strong and I've had immersive and beautiful experiences.

I've got some Caapi vine now. It has been calling me and as the time comes to prepare it I can feel my heart warming.

I only have 150g. The person that gave it to me has suggested that the entire 150g makes a strong but not unduly strong cup of Ayahuasca.

My question is: do you suggest using the same amount of acacia that I have used with the Rue? My intuition is to dose it a bit less, maybe 80-100mg of alkaloids worth of the plant, but I am very interested in hearing some thoughts.

#52 Posted : 10/22/2014 9:13:17 PM

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One could just take some base crystals, dissolve them in an acid [edible kind of course ], take an MAOI then ingest, no? It's that simple, right? I've never done the oral route ...yet ..before I do I'd like some info please? I HAVE read up on it but I'm perplexed for some reason still...
Maybe because it seems so SIMPLE? I dunno ...
But please, some links here with the info would be greatly appreciated...
I owe you guys 'One' !
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#53 Posted : 10/22/2014 10:04:46 PM
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It sounds like you're looking for pharmahuasca information, so take a look in that forum would be your best bet.
#54 Posted : 10/23/2014 4:19:34 PM

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My friend did an DMT extraction 6 months ago, but something came up and he had no time to try his DMT for over 6 months. At this time he stored all of the DMT in vials with corks in a pantry. It's was later that he read that they should be stored in freezer. Now his question is if these DMT crystals could have been less potent? As he never done DMT before he can't tell, and I have no opportunity to try his out.

What do you think, could they be less potent now after 6 months?
If you see a post with me spelling badly, just remember that english it's not my native language.
#55 Posted : 10/23/2014 4:29:00 PM

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do a search before asking
Smile its easySmile
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#56 Posted : 10/24/2014 3:34:45 AM
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I've been looking up thimgs about dmt and it seems very interesting. I'm very interrested in spirituality. I want to have a life changing experience.

I rarely have dreams and when I do, they aren't so vivid and make no sense what so ever. I want to experience something wordly. Will dmt do this? The two things I'm most worried about are 1: it'll just be another recreational drug with pretty colors. 2: it won't work on me. (Maybe because I barely dream)


Also as a bonus, what is the difference between this and ayahuasca?
#57 Posted : 10/24/2014 2:18:47 PM

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Hello dear Nexians!

Im new to DMT and Changa, but finally got my mind on it more and more and decided I want to make some Changa.

So I got half a gram of DMT, dissolved it in acetone and poured it over some 10x Caapi leaf.
But even with all the reading ive done about making Changa, I somehow missed the point that you have to use Freebase!! Embarrased

So can someone maybe tell me, how can I know if what I have is Freebase or Fumerate?
The DMT was yellow powder, couldnt really see crystals, but it was very fine powder and didnt seem sticky.
Next to me is the bowl with acetone with spice and Caapi. When I swirl the liquid the powder dissolves and colours the acetone yellow, but while sitting, small amounts of powder start to form again inside the liquid. Is this a normal reaction and will it spread over the leaf equally?

Big probs for this lovely forum,

#58 Posted : 10/24/2014 3:31:01 PM

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Hi, I'm wondering what others have had with caapi only brews and how their experiences have varied by dosage.

I've only ever had experience with 50g brews and I want to give 100g a shot if it's worth my while. If say 100g lengthens the experience time and increases its "depth" then it's worth it to me. But if someone has experience with this prior to me "wasting" 50g I'd appreciate the info.

#59 Posted : 10/24/2014 4:48:21 PM

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There is dozens of threads on this sort of thing

The experience varies a lot by dosage. The most useful advice I can give is to just lay down in silent darkness, especially when the nausea of those higher doses hits. If 50g was mild for you then 100g should be a nice journey, but if it was already fairly strong vine then I'd start a little lower. Caapi only is often very gentle though.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#60 Posted : 10/28/2014 10:08:36 PM

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I know this thread is really old but its the only one I found that mentioned the same sort of issue, only mine has been closer to 20 hours and its still cloudy, i checked it around the 12 hour mark and took out the tiny bit of crystal that was built up in there but the naptha was still cloudy so i put it back in, should I leave it in the freezer until the naptha clears? does cloudy naptha after being frozen for 12+ hours always mean more spice is waiting to precip? Thanks!
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