the red spice is nice..and scary! Options
#1 Posted : 5/28/2009 6:00:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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So my elf has been experimenting with full alkaloid extraction on mimosa after defatting with naptha and freebasing the rootbark...this yields usually redish to yellow spice. He has than been infusing this red spice from his first pull into some powdered cappi vine as one batch of changa, and with his second pull he infused it into a mix of crushed lavander buds and peppermint leaves.

The first pull was much lighter than the second pull, which was much ligher than the third(which he has yet to try). He says that the effetcs from the first pull are very nice and calming, a bit hard to break through(needs to use less cappi next time) but he gets really baeutiful crosshatched patterns accross his visual field over the enitre forest and ocean at his usual changa spot. When he closes his eyes as it is comming on he usually starts to see some sort of a sphere forming, sometimes with patterns in it..once it was like a really complex circular mandala with something simialr to the world inside of it in the center of my vision. heas looking at it expecting to blast off through it, but slowly backed off as it faded and I retured to the launch pad, leaving me in a euphoric state reminiscent of psilocybin and LSD for the next 15-20 mins. On another occasion he smoked at his spot in the woods overlooking the ocean, and as all the buzzing patturns flew in it was as if he was lifted above the forest and cliffs and out over the ocean immersed in the global internet system. It wasnt a breakthrough though, but it was VERY VERY beautiful and rewarding, and a continuation of my last mushroom experience.

he says he finds he is having really wonderful and ecstatic experiences with the spice..but that it is hard to fully break through.Aya seems easier to breakthrough with becasue he can ease into it more, but it is less reliable for him, sometimes it does nothing. Mushrooms alwasys blast him off, but the length and body effects anre not always desirable(festivals and such)...he has brocken through with spice..but he donesn't think he has gone nearly as far as it is capable of taking him. he knows so many here have gone MUCH farther than him with the spice..he compares it to where his humdreds of salvia trips and mushrooms trips have taken him. Mushrooms have held him there for hours giving him time to download it all, and salvia has shown him COMPLETE multi-dimensional living..parallel lives, inverse realities etc..Dmt has shown him worlds of beauty that he would not have recognised before, but still feels this is all just a test drive..who knows, maybe he just has too much N-oxide forming?

Anyway, he figues that his first pull of the full spectrum mimosa contains maily N,N, and that his second and third pulls contain more of the jungle spice than the first. Both my elf and his friend have confirmed this. 3 days ago he loaded up a full bowl of this second pull, red spice infused lavander and mint mix..he hit it hard, but coul only take 1 hit..there was still at least 2 hits in the bowl but he could NOT take them. It came over him like a stom, and he lay back on a log and closed his eyes...he watched a weird rainbow-gas bubble thing formed and began taking on a 3-dimensional shape. There was a buzzing and vibrating, and body load mush stronger than he would expect from pure N,N. His heart was beating so fast he thought it would explode, He stared into the luminous and colourful gas bubble, again, waiting to blast off into it, but was more sort of left in a state very similar to a STRONG but weird [psilocybin like state with the reeds and trees buzzing around and begginning to come to life.He was overwhelmed with euphoria and kept making errotic moaning noises and rolling around in the bush! He says he should have taken the whole damn bowl and will next seems way crazier though the redder the spice gets..but he likes it!

He walked down the trail through the woods to the beach, and sat down with a friend who happily told him that his "mushrooms had justkicked in!"..the perfect compainion to sit and smoke herb with in the wake of his experience.. is also VERY harmonic/musical for him as well, which is good and what he wants for spice-circles.
Long live the unwoke.

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#2 Posted : 5/28/2009 8:31:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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"he watched a weird rainbow-gas bubble thing formed and began taking on a 3-dimensional shape."

If we are talking about the same thing I call it a space amoeba.

Like a crude tubular type of amoeba with faceted edges to the point that it could be almost polygonal, except each pane makeing up the surface is like a glass sheet. and these sheets are like a coulour swatch of noeon greens and yellows and organge and gold and its kind of self luminating.
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