DMT Dream Options
#1 Posted : 5/27/2009 10:15:03 AM
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I had a DMT experience last night.. Without smoking anything. They say that DMT is produced naturally in the brain, and to me this shows that it's true. I couldn't believe it when it was happening, it was one of the most intense experiences I've had, almost overwhelming. The last time I tripped was a DMT hit a couple of weeks ago. I haven't had a full on breakthrough experience on DMT before, this would probably be the closest.

The dream:

I was in a college art room, talking about how I would love to do more schooling, but schools make things "so mundane".

I was looking at all the pictures in the room. A lot of them looked liked crude attempts to show the patterns seen through closed eyes on DMT. I commented to one artist about this and somebody else also became interested.

One of his pictures had a balloon that began to float up, and I caught it ... by a beard hair caught under the paint apparently. When I looked back the artist's head began to ripple and melt acid style for a couple of seconds, and then his jaw suddenly crumpled up and folded in on itself.

Then his jaw sprang out, and everything exploded into full on DMT style shape formed patterns, everything taking green hues, and everyone and everything began doing this patterned dance, and they asked me to join in. Everything was pattern, all connected and, well, I couldn't really describe it, but it was extremely similar to portions of DMT trips I've had whilst smoking it with open eyes, where everything becomes part of an all encompassing pattern and you loose yourself into it, but this was a hell of a lot more intense. I became part of the pattern, and danced and went along with the drums of time for a while before fading to black, becoming aware of my body once more, and waking up.

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#2 Posted : 5/27/2009 1:35:45 PM
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I´ve had some similar experiences (sleep paralysis). I´ve never actually ingested dmt before though..

One experience was that I was sleeping on my back and when I woke up I saw a strong looking dark man with no face sitting above my head on my piano, "looking" straight at me. I live quite north and it was summer so my room was well lit. I could see the skin tone and the texture very well. What later puzzled me was that he fit so perfectly to the environment; he was a little bigger than an average sized man and he was very naturally attached (in a crouching position) to the surface of my piano. If I remember correctly he even had subtle shadows and highlights on him. Everything else in my room was as it was supposed to be.. The vision lasted for about 10 seconds and kind of faded/fused to the surroundings.

On other occasion I once again woke up in the middle of the night and saw snakes and crabs going vertically on my wall above my feet. This experience was scarier than the first, for some reason.

The similar thing to these two experiences was that I could not move at all, I could move my eyes but that was about it. But I´ve had a third experience when I was fully functioning; I went to the bathroom, again in the night, and saw a bright light coming throught the wall and moving across my feet along the floor. It disappeared for 30 seconds and came back going to the direction where it originally came from. For this I don´t have a decent explanation. It certainly wasn´t a classical sleep paralysis attack..
#3 Posted : 5/27/2009 3:37:25 PM

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That's cool. I've had quite a few powerfully psychedelic dreams, including one where me and a friend brewed some ayahuasca...and it was more potent than I've managed to brew in my waking life...

I remember my first psychedelic dream vividly. I was in an old castle, looking out this window high up in the room, and then suddenly the rocks in the wall started to pour down the wall like a waterfall.

I remember hearing about one of Terrence McKenna's DMT his dream he smoked DMT and experienced the full DMT psychedelic visionairy trance...and then awoke to find he was still in the DMT realm...

Ah, and I almost forgot to mention, I have had an experience sort of resembling Terrence's. After returning from the Peruvian Amazon, having drank ayahuasca on three different occassions, and I awoke one night in bed, to be confronted by definite visual activity, spiral like visions in the drakness, subtle yet very much present. They evaporated quickly, but they were definitely there, and I was definitely awake while experiencing them (as oppose to a false awakening).
#4 Posted : 5/27/2009 3:50:56 PM
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Haha, a few nights ago I loaded a DMT pipe, toked on it reallllllllllllly hard and had an amazing trip. As it wore off, I freaked out thinking I dropped the pipe and it was going to light something on fire... I couldn't find it anywhere... My wife mumbled "what the fuck are you rummaging around for?" "MY DMT PIPE!"
"Go back to sleep. You haven't smoked DMT in a few nights"

...Oh. Heh. I normally launch from my Bed in the dark. I guess I dreamed the whole thing.
#5 Posted : 5/27/2009 3:56:03 PM

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Smile That is awesome.
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