Unbelievable!!! Options
#1 Posted : 5/24/2009 6:13:54 PM

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This is what my mate just said to me....

So today I had at my disposal, two lumps of acid dipped sugar cubes, which i stirred into my morning tea which accompanied my bacon sandwich.
After 2hrs i could feel the effects but it wasnt a full blown psychedelic thing like i woulda liked, so i decided to snort some 2cb that I also had at my disposal.
This added a nice feelin as i watched the people go by in the park and had a few beers. Again though, only a mere medium on the psychedelic rictor scale. Nothing too crazy.
It was dusk and i was contemplating giving one of my friends a call and see if he wanted to bring mary jane with him too, but before i acted on this, i decided to talk with my good friend....the vaporgenie.

So 50mg....took two tokes and the whole world changed.
Now iv had a little trouble finding my relashionship with dmt, as as iv stated on here a few time, and have shared with other fellow journiers, i generally cannot remember wtf has just happened after smokin dmt, and have wondered why i keep doing it. People say "do it with other psychedelics", but now i understand what the fuck they mean.
When you do it whilst you are already "up there" on other things, it slows shit down to a level where you can actualy stop and pick up the experience. And i mean slow shit right down.
Upon exhalation i noticed that everything statred to take on a srangley triangular like appearance. Everything. absolutley every fuckin thin. I could not believe my eyes. It was like i had had catarcts that had been removed and everything was in crystal clear high definintion. Everything looked brand spanking new, everything, even me, i looked in the mirror and i looked fresh, like i was about to head out on the town. But everything had this triangluar arramgement and everything looked so neat and new and shiney. I was fuckin mental. Even the trees. I shot downstairs and must have looked like a fuckin man gone insane to my flatmate, but everything had this triangular arrangment and looked brand spanking new in high def, and i was just running round the house lookin at everything like a blind man who had just been given vision. I shot out into the street and everything, the trees the cars the roads looked brand spanking new. It was like my whole relality had shifted to one that was exactly the same but everything was factory finish new. Just reading this back really does not do it justice, but i trust there are some of you who know what i am trying to convey here.
I still cannot believe the effect that these things can have on how we percive reality. Its fuckin immense.
Oh my days.....
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#2 Posted : 5/24/2009 10:39:52 PM

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congrats dude...SWIM loves mixing dmt with other really makes the experience something else entirely
it's a sound
#3 Posted : 5/24/2009 11:51:15 PM

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Thanks man
yeah your right, it really was somethin else. It reaaly opend a whole new aspect to it.
Theres plenty more work to be done : )
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#4 Posted : 5/25/2009 2:12:50 AM

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That sounds crazy... Pretty damn crazy (in a good way Smile ). More of these Trip Reports I read, the more excited I am to try Spice, through this week!
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#5 Posted : 5/25/2009 7:13:48 PM

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Hey Bro Very happy

Great to read you had such a wicked time! Sounds like quite a combo Shocked
Bit of a shame tho that the LSD didn't go as planned. I've been dreaming of one day getting my hands on some acid. Been a while...a bit like that other substance that i like..Pleased

Maybe try shrooms and dmt next?

Really cool that you had a different experience....and a really wacky one too! For me the change came when i just did more than i would normally dare to do!! Laughing

Peace and love, TPS Smile

acolon_5 wrote:
Welcome to club hypersex.

I've been there is amazing.

#6 Posted : 5/25/2009 10:54:28 PM

tryptamine photographer

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When you do it whilst you are already "up there" on other things, it slows shit down to a level where you can actualy stop and pick up the experience. And i mean slow shit right down.

Maybe try shrooms and dmt next?

Exactly! More and more reports confirm this. It's a pre-orbit launch and the transition is less of a shock!

Nice report, thanks for writing it down.
I just can't believe people are stumbling around eyes wide open but of course preferences vary.

I always instinctively close my eyes and even cover them with my hands to block out all light! If I'll ever have a go at an open-eye trance it will be in nature, not in this apartment with all the traffic noise etc.
#7 Posted : 5/26/2009 12:29:58 AM

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This weekend I had a perfect set and setting. On my boat, alone, after dark and in total darkness, all comfy in my sleeping bag in the safety and security of the aft cabin.
First I smoked some weed. Then waited a while and decided to get brave and lay some spice in the pipe on top of what was left of the weed, and then salvia 10x on top of that.
It was the most amazing wonderful experience ever. Every breath was a new experience. The weed was the rythm, the salvia the bass, and the spice the treble. The best high I've ever had, like total climax the whole way.

I tried to duplicate it again the next day. Just spice and salvia, but the salvia totally blocked the spice. I think the combination of having the weed in there made a huge difference. I will try this again at some other point this summer though. Heck, I may be trying to recreate that experience for the rest of my life it was SO awesome.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#8 Posted : 5/26/2009 11:07:31 AM

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tryptographer wrote:
When you do it whilst you are already "up there" on other things, it slows shit down to a level where you can actualy stop and pick up the experience. And i mean slow shit right down.

Maybe try shrooms and dmt next?

Exactly! More and more reports confirm this. It's a pre-orbit launch and the transition is less of a shock!

Nice report, thanks for writing it down.
I just can't believe people are stumbling around eyes wide open but of course preferences vary.

I always instinctively close my eyes and even cover them with my hands to block out all light! If I'll ever have a go at an open-eye trance it will be in nature, not in this apartment with all the traffic noise etc.

Well yeah, SWIM too normally closes his eyes during a journey.
However this time, after he had taken two hits, he felt that heavyness of the body set in, but there was no characteristic rush. It was a very gentle transition, so much so, that he opened his eyes to see f anything at all had happened. Now he normally feels almost incapacited whilst on the stuff, but this time he felt really normal and almost sober, and as the report states was able to walk around studying his new/altered environment in great detail. It was really something else.

He closes his eyes as he can find the alterations to the physical reality quite alamring and distracting, but this time it was so gentle and for the the first time ever, dmt actually made him laugh. he was giggleing at the funny appearance that he was presented with.
He cannot wait to try this again, but was not sure if it was due to the acid or the 2cb!!!
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#9 Posted : 5/26/2009 11:42:38 AM

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hehe, cool report Smile definitely goes a treat with cid, and all the 2c's ive tried combine divinely.
#10 Posted : 5/26/2009 3:34:10 PM

tryptamine photographer

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soulman wrote:
Well yeah, SWIM too normally closes his eyes during a journey.
However this time, after he had taken two hits, he felt that heavyness of the body set in, but there was no characteristic rush.

Yeah anything can happen especially with exotic combinations like LSD/2CB/DMT! I'm really curious if this is repeatable, good luck next time Smile
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