For some people the look and the way of the world might be frustrating. They might have worried about the future of the planet, environment and human species. One who looks out and sees only bad sides of the world is creating his own view of the world, that it is dumb, unconscious and etc. Basically in this way of seeing things the World seems to be going into jaws of doom and despair. It is totally negative way of thinking.
As all we know the world is made of opposites, where is negativity, there must be positive side to it. There is always the equilibrium of those two. It is the way of energy to exist and everything since the beginning of the universe to the moment of now and to the end of it all, was, is and always will be one energy. This energy as you see in your daily experience is conscious. This consciousness stands behind all creation, it is on every level of the existence from the thinnest particle of an atom in ones smallest toe to the deepest thought and feeling of ones soul. It is the matrix of all existence, from which everything that is emerges. Its intelligence arranges all that was, is and always will be. There is no person, there is no object, there is no thought and feeling that is not it. In other words everything was, is and always will be connected. It is a whole oneness of all being.
One as a construct of it might think, see and feel this way but do one really creates ones views? Ain't this way that all which is here and now emerges spontaneously in ones human head, dependent on the level of ones understanding, the consciousness? If it is so that what one think, feels, sees and perceives depends on the consciousness, which is universal oneness, then all that one does in life is what all consciousness is manifesting by its existence.
Because we as humans in our daily experience sees the world in separated way, not a totality of oneness and consciousness, we divide and categorizes the world into independent parts and its labels. But if we look deep enough into our self, we can cross the brier and the illusion of the separation, walking into deeper oneness, the higher order of the all existence, not only material universe but also spiritual, cause that which manages all universe stands behind it all.
As one perceives and labels the universe here and now, is totally observable by ones consciousness but is not totally made up by its feeling of individuality and individual will. It is just a sens of an ego that tells ones in experience that one is doing something totally independent and oneself created act.
The point of all this writing is to focus the attention of the reader not on act but on the observer of an act. In this one may see that all which is called here willful ignorance is just manifestation of the conscious energy. There is no point of adding a person and its will to it except in order to create a world which has a direction and complex elements of its drama.
In other words the existence, so called universe is unfolding consciously in its own direction. One sees only a small part of its own perception, in an human experience. There is no point to worry or not to worry, it is only and not only an observable act of the whole creation. Only because one consciousness is always still and observing the act of creation. Not only because through and identification with the perceived form one becomes a part of the scene. It is an illusion of reality and reality of illusions.
What one feel in heart of ones consciousness, one will do. But only in observing as the story unfolds not through an identification, one is liberated and fully conscious. The complete clarity of view is this without judgement. Afterwards we are one. All acts perceived as dumb and unconscious are just an actors of the stage called existence. There is nothing to worry about in the heart of consciousness. There are only lessons for a human being and human species to be done in order to go into this heart, the highest consciousness. Only through overcoming the suffering and making unconscious conscious one teaches one self how to differentiate the good and the bad for ones life and all life as one.
It is the drama that we all act and perceives, as one universe. <3
Life is Love expressed in infinite ways.
Love is oneness and one is all.
Ego cogito, ego erro, cor sict. - I think, I mistake, soul knows.
If I am that which is nothing that exist but receives existence, what can happen to me, even if there will be no existence - that will be my purity.