If you have smoked DMT.. Options
#1 Posted : 5/23/2009 11:11:31 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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If you have smoked DMT or are considering smoking it I have a great book to recommend. Alot of the stuff in this book really seems to correlate with the DMT dimensions and gives some fresh insight into what may be going on in these places. It really opened my eyes to the fact that the ancient seers seem to have already found ways to traverse hyperspace naturally.

You can get the book here: http://www.divine-portal...rticles/Buddha%20Law.pdf

Here's a few short excerpts:

On Dimensions:


The beings in this dimension are different from the beings in all other dimensions in the universe.
The beings in this dimension can’t see the beings in other dimensions, and they can’t see how the universe
really is, so it’s just like these people have dropped into a realm of delusion.


We human beings have a body in each of many, many dimensions. The largest component of the human body, as people today see it, is the cell. And that’s the case for our flesh and blood, at least. But when you go in between cells and molecules, or in between molecules and molecules, you’ll experience what it’s like to enter other

So what form does that body take? Of course, you can’t understand it with concepts from this dimension right here: your body has to assimilate to the forms of being required in those dimensions, and in other dimensions your bodies are capable, by design, of expanding and shrinking. At that time you’ll discover that that dimension is so vast it’s beyond compare.

On The Soul:


In the cultivation world we say that a person’s soul doesn’t perish. A little while back,
if somebody talked about humans having a soul people might have called that blind
belief. But we now know from research in physics on the human body that there are
molecules, protons, and electrons in it, and going further down, there are quarks,
neutrinos, and so on, and at that point even a microscope can’t see anything. But that’s
still far from the origin of life or the origin of matter.

And we know that nuclear fission takes a huge amount of energy for collision to happen
and a huge amount of heat for the nuclei to undergo fusion or for fission to take place.
Then when a person dies, do you really think the nuclei in his human body just die like that?
So we’ve found that when someone dies, it’s only the components of him that are in this
dimension of ours, this layer of the largest molecules, it’s only them that get shed,
while his bodies in other dimensions aren’t destroyed. Let’s think for a minute.

What’s the human body look like under a microscope? A person’s whole body is moving,
even if you’re just sitting there still, your whole body is moving, your molecular
cells are moving, and your whole body is loose, as if it’s made of sand. That’s what the human
body looks like under a microscope, and it’s totally different from the body our eyes see.

The reason is, this pair of human eyes can create an illusion for you, and they keep you
from seeing those things. But when your Third Eye is open you can magnify things to look
at them, and that’s actually an innate ability of human beings, only now it’s called
a supernatural ability.

About The Third Eye:


The Third Eye we’re talking about is actually located slightly above the spot that’s
between your eyebrows, and it’s connected to the pineal gland. That’s the main
passageway, at least. The body has lots and lots of other eyes, and Daoists say that every
bodily aperture is an eye. Daoists call the acupuncture points in the body “apertures,”
while in traditional Chinese medicine they’re called “acupuncture points.”


When we talk about “opening the Third Eye” it’s about bypassing your optic nerves
and opening a passageway between your eyebrows, which makes it possible for your
pineal gland to see outside directly. And this is what opening the Third Eye means. Now
some of you are thinking, “That’s not realistic.

These eyes can still serve as a tool at least, and they can capture objects’ images. How could we get by without them.” Modern medical studies in anatomy have found that at the front part of the pineal gland there’s the
complete structure of a human eye and all of the components of an eye. Since it’s inside the skull they say it’s a vestigial eye. We in the cultivation world have reservations about it being a vestigial eye.

But all the same, today’s medical sciences have acknowledged that there’s an eye in the middle of the head. The passageway we open points exactly at that spot, and this is perfectly in line with the understanding of today’s medical sciences.

That eye doesn’t produce a false picture of things like our regular eyes do. It can see the essence of any thing or any kind of matter. So, people with a high-level Third Eye can penetrate our dimension to see other space-times, and they can see scenes that ordinary people can’t.

People who aren’t at a high level might have the ability to see through things, they might be able to see through walls to look at things, or see inside the human body. It’s able to do that. Buddhists talk about the five powers: Flesh Vision, Divine Vision, Wisdom Vision, Law Vision, and Buddha Vision. These are five major levels of the Third Eye, and each level is subdivided into upper, middle, and lower levels.

Those are a few snippets but theres alot more stuff covered in this book from Remote Viewing to Gathering and Raising Ones Cosmic energy. Amazing stuff really.


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#2 Posted : 5/23/2009 2:39:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 30
Joined: 10-Nov-2008
Last visit: 03-Jul-2010
Interesting material, thanks for sharing!
If I dont meet you no more in this world then uh I'll meet you on the next one and don't be late
#3 Posted : 5/24/2009 6:57:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 238
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Location: Australia
I 2nd what Eager sead. Very interesting. And pretty damn useful for me, as I will be going on my first great journey, HOPEFULLY, in the middle of next week! I got a bit of reading to do. 199 pages!

Many thanks!
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The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#4 Posted : 5/24/2009 7:05:03 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 272
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Last visit: 22-Feb-2011
Awesome, new reading! thank you so much.
All posts are fictional.
#5 Posted : 5/24/2009 11:41:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 30
Joined: 10-Nov-2008
Last visit: 03-Jul-2010
Some parts are actually very interesting. But after at page 56 I quit after reading the following sentences

Quote from page 56:


Right now I’m the only person in the world who is publicly spreading a true
teaching. I have done something that’s never been done by anyone before, and I’ve made
this available to everyone during the Age of the Law’s End. The truth is, a person doesn’t
get an opportunity like this in 1,000 years, or even 10,000 years.
If I dont meet you no more in this world then uh I'll meet you on the next one and don't be late
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