DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 247 Joined: 09-Aug-2014 Last visit: 19-Feb-2021
So, I've been experimenting with an acrb extract that I'm assuming is 50/50ish dmt/nmt. Lots of body rushing and euphoria and trippiness. Is pure DMT known to have a big body rush too? I really have nothing to compare the experience to and would like to know what others with more experience think about AC.
 To Infinity & Beyond
Posts: 55 Joined: 30-Aug-2014 Last visit: 22-Dec-2014 Location: On A Deserted Beach
I read there is more nmt to dmt ratio in the root bark than up top. I also read pure dmt has little body effects while nmt has more. Acacia confusa - Stem  Acacia confusa - Root  See the diagram on the right side? more nmt in root
 DMT-Nexus member
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Sandgrease wrote:So, I've been experimenting with an acrb extract that I'm assuming is 50/50ish dmt/nmt. Lots of body rushing and euphoria and trippiness. Is pure DMT known to have a big body rush too? I really have nothing to compare the experience to and would like to know what others with more experience think about AC. Look I can garentee you wouldn't know the differance in dmt extracted from root , stem or trunk bark ! Youde even be hard pressed to tell the differance in MHRB then ACRB spice in a blind test !!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 298 Joined: 17-May-2014 Last visit: 25-Sep-2022
Alkaloid content with ACRB varies incredibly. Some sources you will get virtually nothing (so far what's happened to me in my experience) but from a good source you can get amazing yields with it. Just look at some of earth walkers posts about his tek for getting crystals with acrb! I think his best yeild was 1.72%? (Correct me if I'm wrong EW)
 DMT-Nexus member
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Tyler_Trismegistus wrote:Alkaloid content with ACRB varies incredibly. Some sources you will get virtually nothing (so far what's happened to me in my experience) but from a good source you can get amazing yields with it. Just look at some of earth walkers posts about his tek for getting crystals with acrb! I think his best yeild was 1.72%? (Correct me if I'm wrong EW) Yeah it's at a steady 1.7% but once I have got nearly or just on the magic 2% !
 DMT-Nexus member
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Earthwalker wrote:Sandgrease wrote:So, I've been experimenting with an acrb extract that I'm assuming is 50/50ish dmt/nmt. Lots of body rushing and euphoria and trippiness. Is pure DMT known to have a big body rush too? I really have nothing to compare the experience to and would like to know what others with more experience think about AC. Look I can garentee you wouldn't know the differance in dmt extracted from root , stem or trunk bark ! Youde even be hard pressed to tell the differance in MHRB then ACRB spice in a blind test !! I'd disagree. ACRB is a bit more tricky to extract from and never comes out as clean. I only got stable crystals once, the rest was sloppy goo and the effects not even close to some of my MHRB extracts. The NMT in the acrb is a much more of a physical sensation and much less visual. Came to a certain point that smoking it was wastefully dull and converted it all to fumarate for aya.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 247 Joined: 09-Aug-2014 Last visit: 19-Feb-2021
100 grams powdered root, 100 grams lye, 1500ml purified water. 100 ml heptane stirred by hand for 5 to 10 mins each pull with 4 pulls.
The first time I free precip'd and got goo. Probably still had some heptane in it actually. Second time I freeze precip'd and let the hept drip off snd than ldft the tray with crystals sit out for two days in a dark closest and got orange crystal. At least 1% maybe 1.5%.
Huge body rush and visuals. But have nothing else to compare it too. Either way, its the bees knees.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 247 Joined: 09-Aug-2014 Last visit: 19-Feb-2021
Oh. Left it in freezer for a whole week. Not sure if that matters.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 614 Joined: 02-Aug-2014 Last visit: 14-Sep-2024
I think NMT is not much of a problem, or not problem at all, all it can do is dilute your dose a little bit. And, of you really hate it, you can get rid of some of it via re-x, right? 
 DMT-Nexus member
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oversoul1919 wrote:I think NMT is not much of a problem, or not problem at all, all it can do is dilute your dose a little bit. And, of you really hate it, you can get rid of some of it via re-x, right?  Look I do a mini AB at the end of my extraction with the combined 6 back to back pulls of naphtha , and I continually post results here;t=58064&find=unread Now I get the cleanest white crystals more so from ACRB then I see with MHRB now I don't no if the mini takes out the nmt but I can garentee if you youse this method with quality ACRB you'll get the same results as I ! I'm no chemist just a average back yard alchemist with no flash kit ! It can and does work , give it a whirl it's the bees knees
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 144 Joined: 13-Sep-2014 Last visit: 14-May-2020
I feel like the nmt gets pulled from the acacia for a reason and the effect is there to prove it. The DMT/NMT combo is heavenly, espec mixed with some caapi. Mmmmmm
U can still smoke as much DMT as u would otherwise but I think the nmt add "dimension" ..and also a KILLER body buzz
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 167 Joined: 16-Aug-2014 Last visit: 21-Apr-2017 Location: Middlesex County Connecticut
I usually get a pretty good mix with ACRB. I've had 'pure' DMT and there is almost no 'Body Rush' or 'Euphoria' but with ACRB Spice I've found that there usually is a lot more 'Euphoria' and one hell of a 'Body High' associated with it. I only use Heptane to pull too which SHOULD only be pulling DMT out but apparently it's pulling either NMT or some other 'Alk' out which I know nothing about. I even get THREE types of crystal and I should be able to post them when I can find someone trustworthy to take photos. I get pure white, which I think it almost pure DMT because it's VERY Visual and 'Entity' contact happens. Then I get a more 'Tannish' kind that is a little sticky which I think is close to 50/50 and depending on method used it can have a DMT/NMT Visual/Body High which can be quite intense. Then after pulling all I can with Heptane I reduce the Liquid even more [[ After re-acidifying, that is ]], Base again, add salt while still hot from the lye, then pull with 75/25 Naphtha/Heptane which yeilds n almost brown crystal which is mostly body high and almost no visual at all besides color enhancement and line sharpening. The 'Come Up' with the tan and brown types is QUITE intense, almost overwhelming sometimes. NMT I find when smoked, to be way less visual. I haven't found a way so far to just get DMT with NO NMT from the ACRB but I'm not complaining either considering that I'm fortunate enough to have plenty of ACRB at hand. Everything I say here happened in My own Imagination. The more fantastic it sounds, the more you can count on it being in the realm of Dreams,
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 24 Joined: 01-Oct-2014 Last visit: 16-Feb-2020
Hi all, (Icon) Im sure i have come across u on the shroomery and the same argument.. As you see Earthwalker ( also ask Cyb)is very experienced in acrb extraction and i have to agree with him. I have extracted Acrb alot and yes the first time i got goo and a few xstals but after much research and finding a cleaning step added on before the precip step you can get pure white STABLE crystals that when smoked are very very similar to Mimosa because they r both nndmt..(blind test you cant tell the difference. ARe you using the wring chemicals to extract, ACRB is different process than Mimosa. You can remove the Nmt and fats from ACRB if you are not LAZY. I once saw a post from you claming ACRB extractions were only for the lazy. If u cant get stable crystals it is YOU that are LAZY. As i said to you before Dmt is Dmt....Nmt is nmt and yes nmt has a high bodyload and is very dark as i have isolated the nmt and smoked it on its own. nmt will crystalize if you defat and re-x.. I have a pic of the yellow xstals formed i just need to locate it for you guys...Sorry for the tone of this msg and we are all entitled to our opinion but i have the evidence to support my claims.I Have extrascted both and used the same set and setting ,device, technique and batchs to compare against one another..And i (I) find Nmt/Dmt a little more chaotic, higher bodyload and just as spectacular as mimosa...Heavily contaminated DMT with Nmt is different yes I agree.... If u take the time to Read some of my earlier trip reports and those are mostly on ACRB extracts....Crystal rooms,gigantic jokers,machine elves(or what people like to call them, more like Gnomes to me), cosmic ballrooms, gridded worlds ect and thasts on ACRB... The other side is the other side no matter how u get there...Low doses do make a big difference if u muck about with nmt/dmt combo. but DMT crystals are Dmt crystals. Peace and Happy Travells....
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 24 Joined: 01-Oct-2014 Last visit: 16-Feb-2020
Just to note, People on here are saying pure dmt has little body load, well what about THE SPIRIT MOLECULE?? Some of the subjects reported large body load, pain and lots of psi and that is on PURE injectable Lab Grade DMT so?? and yes acrb crystals usually come out whiter than Mimosa as Mimosa also has a slight nmt content MIMOSA = (3% of the total alkaloids (or 0.04% of rootbark) is NMT and 2-Methyl-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-Beta-Carboline.). so really whats the go???( yes at a low level, but still present.. SO Mimosa has nmt , and if u extract and dont clean mimosa your dmt is off white and the off is NMT.. If you Extract and clean ACRB you get pure white xstals so GO FIGURE Hope that helps Safe Travells
 Helping Keep the Evil Alive
Posts: 16 Joined: 05-Oct-2019 Last visit: 23-Feb-2020 Location: The Institute Midwest
Hello all! I've been extracting for a few months now using Gordo Tek method and MHRB, and all of my pulls have been lovely white snowflakes Everytime. My distributor is saying the bark I'm using has a high NMT content for this particular batch, yet everything comes out white as snow. There is some residual crystals floating in my Naptha upon pulling the tray from the freezer, and I'm curious what that could be. I'm no expert by any means but I thought the DMT dropped out of the solvent,but even after scraping the tray everything looks and smells the same (I can get the loose crystals to stick to the plate). So I'm confused if my spice has NMT in it or not...I can't quite confirm by experience of the slice since I haven't actually gone both feet into the realm yet so I am of no help there.  Side note is I've pulled about 1.8% yeild so far on six pulls and I think I can get a small bit more! Thank you in advance! Safe travels all! "Take the red pill, and see how far down the rabbit hole goes..."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 267 Joined: 09-Mar-2012 Last visit: 31-Dec-2022
exiled reaper wrote:Hi all, (Icon) Im sure i have come across u on the shroomery and the same argument.. As you see Earthwalker ( also ask Cyb)is very experienced in acrb extraction and i have to agree with him. I have extracted Acrb alot and yes the first time i got goo and a few xstals but after much research and finding a cleaning step added on before the precip step you can get pure white STABLE crystals that when smoked are very very similar to Mimosa because they r both nndmt..(blind test you cant tell the difference. ARe you using the wring chemicals to extract, ACRB is different process than Mimosa. You can remove the Nmt and fats from ACRB if you are not LAZY. I once saw a post from you claming ACRB extractions were only for the lazy. If u cant get stable crystals it is YOU that are LAZY. As i said to you before Dmt is Dmt....Nmt is nmt and yes nmt has a high bodyload and is very dark as i have isolated the nmt and smoked it on its own. nmt will crystalize if you defat and re-x.. I have a pic of the yellow xstals formed i just need to locate it for you guys...Sorry for the tone of this msg and we are all entitled to our opinion but i have the evidence to support my claims.I Have extrascted both and used the same set and setting ,device, technique and batchs to compare against one another..And i (I) find Nmt/Dmt a little more chaotic, higher bodyload and just as spectacular as mimosa...Heavily contaminated DMT with Nmt is different yes I agree.... If u take the time to Read some of my earlier trip reports and those are mostly on ACRB extracts....Crystal rooms,gigantic jokers,machine elves(or what people like to call them, more like Gnomes to me), cosmic ballrooms, gridded worlds ect and thasts on ACRB... The other side is the other side no matter how u get there...Low doses do make a big difference if u muck about with nmt/dmt combo. but DMT crystals are Dmt crystals. Peace and Happy Travells....
Hello, just seeing your message now. Thanks for sharing your experience, sounds like you have more knowledge with ACRB than me. Sorry for offending ACRB users by calling y'all lazy. "when smoked are very very similar to Mimosa because they r both nndmt..(blind test you cant tell the difference." ". . . As i said to you before Dmt is Dmt....Nmt is nmt and yes nmt has a high bodyload and is very dark as i have isolated the nmt and smoked it on its own. . . (I) find Nmt/Dmt a little more chaotic, higher bodyload and just as spectacular as mimosa...Heavily contaminated DMT with Nmt is different yes I agree...." Yea they're similar and might fool someone in a blind test but to the experienced user there is a difference.