Shared open eyed visuals Options
#1 Posted : 5/23/2009 2:55:11 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi all,

A friend and i were smoking through a glass crack pipe and on the 5th or 6th toke the bowl of the pipe started to look like a crystal ball, as i was staring into the smoke an egyptian style eye appered and was staring at me. after the trip was over my mate started to tell me about his experience and described the crystal ball and the eye staring at him. we were both blown away by this.

i am wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?


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#2 Posted : 5/23/2009 3:07:47 AM

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It did not happen to me. And it was not even DMT. But when my mate Dan and this other guy had LSD, they both seen these swirling colors of sorts at the same time. Dan did not stop and say, "you see that?". So the other guy would not THINK hes seeing the same thing. No they both stopped and stared at these swirling colors.

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#3 Posted : 5/23/2009 3:45:50 AM
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i have had a similar thing on lsd, my girlfriend and i were passing a ball of energy back and forth to each other, the thing about that experience is that my girl friend told me she could see the ball of energy and then i started to see it to.

A friend and i had a similar experience on k after visiting angkor wat. we each had a few lines in the hotel room and when i closed my eyes i was running through the temple when it was in its glory. My mate later told me he had the same closed eyed experience of being in the temple. i hadn’t said anything to him about my trip.

#4 Posted : 5/23/2009 6:09:18 AM
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SWIM's first breakthrough happened when his eyes were open, but that does not mean they were open the whole time. Everything vanished and swim was pulled across the universe. There have been some non-breakthroughs that forced SWIMs eyes closed however. SWIM does notice the pipe glows after the first 1-2 hits in an odd way that when SWIM first starts, is not present.
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#5 Posted : 5/23/2009 12:32:30 PM


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Many years ago we had this closet dedicated for meditation/sensory deprivation.

A few of my friends had a vial and one night they would occasionally squirt a bunch on their tongues and they all reported being able to see these people up above them. They were dancing. They were smaller than us, and they were made of rainbow light. They could hear them drumming and singing. Some of them would leap and fall down to us disintegrating and everyone would ooooo and ahhhhh in amazement all at the same time.

This only happened that one night.

We met a man once who had seen them, too. He was nearly blind and he called them the Lumerians...but honestly, I don't know about all that. Whoever/whatever they were, they were there, wherever there is.

#6 Posted : 5/24/2009 7:35:43 AM

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this hasnt happened to myself personally, But If you are the same loveweed I know, (I started writing this thread with 'i have a friend who had exactly the same experience' then realized) then I remember you telling me about this experience. Pleased

I have had deep lsd experiences where there were shared OEV... but never on spice... I usually, but not always, travel alone...

#7 Posted : 5/24/2009 8:52:58 PM

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lol, yep, I think its more the power of suggestion moat times with acid, I can remember a few times sitting with friends on acid, when someone would say hey look how the beer bottles are standing at an angle, and yep, sure enough, we would all see it (untill later).

Although I do get that with acid you get two kinds of halucinations, one is just a distortion of the real world, and the other is a total visual cortex hijack.
#8 Posted : 5/28/2009 8:55:02 AM

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It was at music festival about a month ago. I was sitting in my car with three other people. All four of us had been sharing generous amounts of sass (MDA). The two people in the back seat and I were frequent travelers to the world of spice but our friend in the front seat was a virgin. When it came time, we loaded a vessel with ample spice for a good journey and sent another space monkey into unknown realms. The three of us sat quietly as to respect our friend on his first ever journey. After a few minutes he reached his hand out to me, eyes still closed. I grabbed his hand and we embraced with a powerful grip. Right then, I felt a powerful surge...I closed my eyes and fell witness to a mirage of swirling fractal visuals that my friend had to have been seeing. It was one of my most powerful moments with the spice, though I did not ingest any in order to experience it.
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#9 Posted : 6/1/2009 5:25:33 PM

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This is what a friend told me:
When I was about sixteen I had a similar experience. Me and a friend were going at it for like three days straight, popping E like candy. Although E isn't really hallucinogenic in it's own right the sleep deprivation and other substances consumed (I really can't recall all of them, but codeine was among them) all added up that on the third day I started seeing things, dwarflike figures in the corner of my eye, fluffy ball making a round around the stereo.
I was alone with my friend in his living room wich was dimly lit and we were both looking at the ceiling when I noticed an amoebe-like thing floating thru the air, like when a spec of dust on your cornea when the lighting is right, but I could direct it with my mind, going up, down, left, right. After a minute or so I turned to my friend and said him what was happening, and his jaw dropped. He was having the exact same experience and when he pointed in the direction he was seeing it he pointed at the place where my "amoebe" floated around.

I actually almost forgot about this experience untill I saw this thread.

On a final note I'd like to ad that although these sessions were great fun, I now no longer partake in that kind of autodestructive behavior. Also, E just isn't that good quality anymore.Sad
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