I am hellbent on discovering what's wrong with my stomach Options
#21 Posted : 8/24/2014 9:11:21 PM

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Akasha224 wrote:
inaniel wrote:
Have you tried a parasite cleanse?

I have not. What potential parasites are we trying to cleanse?

obliguhl wrote:
Have you tried testing your poop for a possible dysbiotic state of your got flora?

I have not tried this yet either.

Intestinal. I had a really bad digestive issue I'm at the tail end of getting over. Almost anything I would eat caused painful cystic acne and stomach pain. I was getting nowhere for almost a year until i started eating mostly raw and doing various parasite cleanses. Saw a lot of very strange, very large worm looking creatures in my stool. Noticed a difference immensely and immediately after passing them for a few weeks.. Helped facilitate other healing with liver and candida. I also incorporated more extreme healing methods that helped a lot which I don't think I can discuss here, if you're interested shoot me a pm.

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Cognitive Heart
#22 Posted : 8/24/2014 9:21:33 PM

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Saying its parasites is almost the same as saying its bacteria.. both of which have good and bad qualities for balancing our stomach flora. We need both and will have both until the day we all individually, physically die.. doing a parasite cleanse won't kill all the parasites due to the natural amount in your stomach.. that being billions upon billions of alien, micro creatures growing and dying every second of every day. I can agree you may have either more or less.. a cleanse (in your situation) will only mean more liquid stool, though.

As I suggested earlier about more fiber.. imo, once you have maintained the correct balance of fiber(improved digestion / BM's) you can then continue with a cleanse.. that way you can avoid any diarrhea all together. Plus, all of the benefits of moderate-high fiber has in itself, including reduction in unnecessary and overgrowth of parasites / bacteria due to inulin improvement.

I strongly encourage a good read into the mechanisms of soluble and insoluble fiber and their role within bile storage.

Entirely up to you, though.
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#23 Posted : 8/25/2014 3:49:53 PM
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Cognitive Heart wrote:
I suggest dates and lentils. With lentils, you'd be getting a whole meal with packed fiber which can help regulate your BM's. You'd also be getting a powerhouse of nutrition which can help heal your gut lining and your overall health. Lentils need to be soaked for at least 20 hrs before cooking to neutralize the anti-nutrients and also reduce cooking time.

With dates, they have also been found to help regulate BM's considering their fiber content. Both of these foods also have high iron content..which is very good for the functioning of digestion and protection of the stomach lining. The date sugar is of no concern because of the low glycemic levels and polysaccharides which are very helpful towards easing BM's and energy levels.

With eating these 2 foods on a daily basis, you'll be well on your way to reclaiming your relief. I suggest the following as a guideline balanced meal once a day until you see improvement:

- 1 tall glass of cool water
- 2 medjool dates
- 1 bowl of brown lentils with 1/2 tsp of olive oil

Of course you can still eat other foods mentioned above..this is just 1 simple method to maintaining your BM's. The pH is of no fact, I would think acidic foods would help as they are not as detoxifying as alkaline foods..which can possibly lead to diarrhea overtime. Most acidic foods also have anti-bacterial elements to them.

Hope this helps, as it does for myself.
Best of luck! Smile

I've been having this meal every day for lunch for the past 3 days and already I've noticed a pretty big difference. I also have a few dates in the morning and at night to help keep everything moving steadily.

My stomach has been bothering me since yesterday afternoon, but I think it has more to do with the fact that I've been working extra hours...on that note, I've also noticed something: I find it incredibly hard, if not full blown impossible, to have a bowel movement while I'm at work. It's not necessarily anxiety over a public bathroom or anything, it's just more of the mindset I find myself in: when I'm at work, I'm in full blown workaholic hyper focus mode, and I feel like my body kind of puts digestion on the back burner (reminds me of the whole "fight-or-flight" response your brain has to certain situations. It's been a while since I've read extensively about it though so I'm a little shaky on the details). Even if I can feel that I have to go, I can't because my body is just too worked and not really operating in a peaceful fashion. Is there any sort of natural laxative you could recommend for a situation like this? I know forcing it out isn't necessarily "natural," but if we're speaking of generalities, working and concentrating for 8-10 straight hours isn't "natural" either on a psychological level.

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Cognitive Heart
#24 Posted : 8/25/2014 4:16:15 PM

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As long as you are having a BM at least once daily, you will be fine. Now, that may take some time due to your body adjusting to the new food.. so give it time, let it do what it needs to do naturally. Never force it! This will only further your stress levels. Do you meditate at your work? That can help greatly.

I recommend a spice to help move along your digestion and BM's.. in this case I feel cayenne pepper can help a lot with that.. not a lot .. but just enough. Peppercorns can help with this, too.

Might I also suggest changing your BM stance while in the bathroom such as squatting. With a few practices, this can really help improve your body's ability to empty as well as speeding up your BM.. one push generally is enough with this technique as your lower body is further relaxed. A greater percentage of your BM comes out resulting in further relief. I've been using this for the past few years now with outstanding results to little to no effort. Takes me about 2 min altogether to have a full BM now (thanks to squatting).
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#25 Posted : 8/26/2014 2:29:35 AM
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Cognitive Heart wrote:
As long as you are having a BM at least once daily, you will be fine. Now, that make take some time due to your body adjusting to the new give it time, let it do what it needs to do naturally. Never force it! This will only further your stress levels. Do you meditate at your work? That can help greatly.

I recommend a spice to help move along your digestion and BM' this case I feel cayenne can help a lot with that..not a lot ..but just enough. Peppercorns can help with this, too.

Might I also suggest changing your BM stance while in the bathroom such as squatting. With a few practices, this can really help improve your body's ability to empty as well as speeding up your push generally is enough with this technique as your lower body is further relaxed. A greater percentage of your BM comes out resulting in further relief. I've been using this for the past few years now with outstanding results to little to no effort. Takes me about 2 min altogether to have a full BM now(thanks to squatting).


Thumbs up

I usually go between 1-3 times a day as of recently. Unfortunately, I only have a 30 minute break at work and can't really get myself to zone out when I have to check the time every few minutes to make sure I'm not going to be late. I try to get there a few hours early though and lay in the grass in the reservation area behind my building until I have to go in. It definitely helps me detoxify my mind and ease into the day.

I will pick up some cayenne pepper in the next few days as well. Do you just sprinkle some in water as sort of a laxative drink, or do you just use it on food?

I've been reading up on squatting as well, and based on my experience about 15 minutes ago, I can say that it's definitely a different feeling than sitting.
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Cognitive Heart
#26 Posted : 8/26/2014 2:59:58 PM

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3 times a day isn't too bad.. but still can resemble an internal issue if some of it is still liquid. I'd say 1-2 times of solid, long, smooth stool a day is optimal. It certainly can fluctuate easily, though. Even if it does, it doesn't mean anything is inherently wrong with your system, sometimes it changes based on, well, everything. I usually have a BM within the morning and evening.

That is good you have a chance to relax. Use it wisely. Wink

Just sprinkle the cayenne over your finished, cooked lentils.

So what does that mean? Was it positive or negative in terms of overall relief and function?
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#27 Posted : 8/26/2014 4:02:23 PM
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Cognitive Heart wrote:
3 times a day isn't too bad.. but still can resemble an internal issue if some it is still liquid. I'd say 1-2 times of solid, long, smooth stool a day is optimal. It certainly can fluctuate easily, though. Even if it does, it doesn't mean anything is inherently wrong with your system, sometimes it changes based on, well, everything. I usually have a BM within the morning and evening.

That is good you have a chance to relax. Use it wisely. Wink

Just sprinkle the cayenne over your finished, cooked lentils.

So what does that mean? Was it positive or negative in terms of overall relief and function?

Much more positive, especially in function. I definitely felt "empty" afterwards, noticeably more so than I usually do. Just a matter of getting the technique down now. Who would have thought something so simple could have such a profound effect?
Akasha224 is a fictitious extension of my ego; all his posts do not reflect reality & are fictional
Cognitive Heart
#28 Posted : 8/26/2014 5:03:55 PM

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This is good news! Very happy Congrats! Health is within simplicity. It's actually a very ancient way of relieving oneself.. it's how our ancestors did it. Ever since the modern toilet, there has been a dramatic increase in disease in association with our bowels. Squatting has shown to completely reverse any problems whatsoever because of our evolution. Scientifically speaking, squatting has been shown to decrease disease by 20-40%.
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