Natural Spice Experience in the Bath Options
#1 Posted : 5/17/2009 5:35:32 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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Natural Spice Experience in the Bath

I had my second experience with spice; I smoked about 25mg of the spice this time. Tingshas were used to clear the bathroom of any negative energy. I had a small quartz crystal in my hand. Natural Tibetan incense was burning; I was sitting happily in a nice warm bath.

With a great nervousness very similar to the nervousness experienced right before I someone falls in love. I took three nice pulls and held in each pull as long as I could. Suddenly as I closed my eyes I felt a great intensity and the experience come on very fast but with a great gentleness to it to.

I was transported very high up into the stratosphere into an unknown part of space and time. Red flooded my vision I was looking out through a red petal of a flower there were these strange honey comb designs on the petal. I was just sitting and being within this flower (I think perhaps it might of been a red lotus flower.)

Red petals started furling and unfurling before my eyes which became a complete bombardment of colour. Rainbows and bright sunshine and sun rays shone all around me. I had a distinct feeling come over me it was the feeling of spice saying this is where I exist and I want to show you my reality. Pure warmth peace and compassion surrounded me. Tears trickled down my face and slowly the rush of colour dimmed softly down into a water colour smudge of rainbow swirls. I was left with a great understanding and deep peace.

I must say my description comes now where near in doing my experience justice as the experience was so real during the journey but afterwards the experience very much felt like a dream.

Much Peace and Happiness
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The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#2 Posted : 5/17/2009 7:02:05 PM

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wonderful! its exciting to read of such beauty..
it's a sound
#3 Posted : 5/17/2009 9:28:54 PM

Sun Dragon

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Nice report Aegle.

I just noticed your avatar, and it reminded me of a journey I had about a year ago. I had decided to do it with my eyes open. I smoked while lying on the ground on my back, and seemed to connect to the galactic logos. When I came back into myself somewhat, I noticed that my right arm was outstreched, and there were swirling stars and gas coming from my heart and swirling very similar to your avatar into a galaxy which was in the palm of my hand. I had the impression that I was the embodyment of galatic love, and this is what I was pouring into the galaxy in my hand, creating life and love for millions of civilizations. Was a quite profound expreience.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
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Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#4 Posted : 5/18/2009 9:03:47 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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Jorkest wrote:
wonderful! its exciting to read of such beauty..

Why thank you Jorkest i am honoured that you think my experience was beautiful Embarrased

Much Peace

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For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

Following a Path of Compassion and Heart
#5 Posted : 5/18/2009 9:11:31 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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Saidin wrote:
Nice report Aegle.

I just noticed your avatar, and it reminded me of a journey I had about a year ago. I had decided to do it with my eyes open. I smoked while lying on the ground on my back, and seemed to connect to the galactic logos. When I came back into myself somewhat, I noticed that my right arm was outstreched, and there were swirling stars and gas coming from my heart and swirling very similar to your avatar into a galaxy which was in the palm of my hand. I had the impression that I was the embodyment of galatic love, and this is what I was pouring into the galaxy in my hand, creating life and love for millions of civilizations. Was a quite profound expreience.

Thank you Saidin, wow what a magical experience you had. I get a similar feeling in my experience's to. This avatar resonated with me greatly when i found it. There's a guy standing on the edge of the cliff fishing for stars but he isn't easy to see. I loved the avatar so much when i came across it i knew i had to use it even though the guy is so very small at this default avatar size setting for the site.

Much Peace
The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#6 Posted : 5/18/2009 9:16:50 AM

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A lovely report....from the bath! I have wondered what might be the effects of use in an "isolation tank."

Congratulations on keeping such a clearly positive atmosphere--and it obviously paid off.

I hope we'll be hearing much more about this. It's very helpful for me in particular, because I'll be starting from the same place, with similar intentions (and perhaps trepidations). So far it looks like your sober, cautious start has worked very well!

Again, thanks for sharing this!
#7 Posted : 5/18/2009 9:44:05 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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SWIMfriend wrote:
A lovely report....from the bath! I have wondered what might be the effects of use in an "isolation tank."

Congratulations on keeping such a clearly positive atmosphere--and it obviously paid off.

I hope we'll be hearing much more about this. It's very helpful for me in particular, because I'll be starting from the same place, with similar intentions (and perhaps trepidations). So far it looks like your sober, cautious start has worked very well!

Again, thanks for sharing this!

Why thank you swimfriend i am moved that you found swims experience lovely. swim thought the bath was a special place for swim to have their second experience because swim is a water sign and swim heard that DMT also likes water. Gee thank you very much for the congratulations Embarrased I'm just myself and i try my best to be as compassionate as possible, I believe everyone needs compassion and kindness. I will defiantly be posting all swims experiences on the Nexus.Indeed i always start a journey slowly with great respect and a deep wanting to learn as much as i can. My journey is a very deep one its my life's goal to learn as much as i can and to be as compassionate as possible.

Much Peace

The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#8 Posted : 5/18/2009 6:55:28 PM

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a few months back i posted a report of my experience in the tub. i titled it something like "WATER IS A CONDUIT!"..... i had read someone's report a while back saying that the only time he ever had a "bad" journey with spice was when he took it out in the desert... he went on to say that the "best" journey he could recall was when he was on a friends boat adrift on a river.... given that information and adding to it the awareness that MH and Caapi are RAINforest plants....i put this theory to the test.

i would agree that whenever water is present (rainy days, in the tub, at the beach, in a kayak on the water...) my journeys have been particularly "happy".....i firmly believe now as i did after my first "tub trip" that water is a conduit. those who have seen Dr. Imoto's films about the collective consciousness of all life being transfered through water can see why this would be the case. it affects us deeply and, in turn, OUR intent deeply affects the water! it is like the "cosmic plasma" that connects us to ALL consciousness on ALL dimensions...

totally on a side note: did any of you see the movie "constantine" with keanu reeves? remeber how he always had to be submerged in water to "go to the other side..." veeeeery least to this nerdy swimmer....DAMN! even the word SWIM takes on a whole new relevance!! alright...enough rambling... Smile

hey! ever swum in a pool that had speakers in it? held your breath, gone underwater and listened to the cleanest, purest, most clear sound imaginable?.....water is a conduit.

Aegle my sister... i am so excited for you and your discoveries! you and phlux certainly appear to have the absolute right "set" when it comes to working with this sacrament....i look forward to hearing about more journeys!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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#9 Posted : 5/18/2009 9:10:48 PM

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I had a great grandmother that read peoples teacups. I did not know her but apparently she was very gifted..sort of like skrying I guess..sometimes I will go to this river in the forest down the hill from my house, the water rushes over all of the rocks and over a small set of mini waterfalls, and all the trees rustle as the wind blows through the canopy...and I sit and stare into the water and begin to trip out and hear voices in the sounds of the river, trees and wind. I figures this out one day last october after an all night long ayahuasca session..

Long live the unwoke.
#10 Posted : 5/20/2009 8:23:43 AM

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good stuff! What's a Tingsha?

SWIM recently purchased a kyanite stone to keep on hand. His friend also gave him some palo santo (sp?) wood from peru to burn prior to use.
#11 Posted : 5/20/2009 1:22:41 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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SoCal wrote:
good stuff! What's a Tingsha?

SWIM recently purchased a kyanite stone to keep on hand. His friend also gave him some palo santo (sp?) wood from peru to burn prior to use.

Tingshas are small cymbals used in prayer and rituals by Tibetan Buddhist practitioners. Two cymbals are joined together by a leather strap or chain. The cymbals are struck together producing a clear and high pitched tone. Typical sizes range from 2.5–4 inches in diameter. Tingsha are very thick and produce a unique long ringing tone. Antique tingsha were made from special bronze alloys that produce harmonic overtones. (from wiki) as i wanted to give the exact correct description. They are used to level out vibrations around you and clear negative vibrations and energy in a certain area. Kyanite is such a beautiful and special stone wow you are lucky. I usually burn Tibetan incense that has all natural herbs and ingredients which have healing and medicinal properties. Gee you are really lucky to have Palo Santo wood its a very special wood. Very happy

Much Peace
The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#12 Posted : 5/20/2009 5:16:52 PM

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Palo Santo is great to burn right before liftoff..the smell calms and soothes..and kyanite is good as well..

some of SWIMs best experiences have been while its either raining, foggy, or on the water..

SWIM has gone out to little tiny the size of a big the middle of the night...with the moon overhead..and smoked...some of the COOLEST experiences hes ever time out on this island..all these little spice creatures climbed out of his eyes..thousands of them..and they all started having SEX!! and they looked at SWIM and said...look what we are what we are doing..and they were all cartoony with big floppy tits and squishy asses...and they were all moving in what seemed like one was absolutely HILARIOUS!! SWIM has never laughed so hard...
it's a sound
#13 Posted : 5/21/2009 5:58:20 PM

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antrocles wrote:
a few months back i posted a report of my experience in the tub. i titled it something like "WATER IS A CONDUIT!"..... i had read someone's report a while back saying that the only time he ever had a "bad" journey with spice was when he took it out in the desert... he went on to say that the "best" journey he could recall was when he was on a friends boat adrift on a river.... given that information and adding to it the awareness that MH and Caapi are RAINforest plants....i put this theory to the test.

i would agree that whenever water is present (rainy days, in the tub, at the beach, in a kayak on the water...) my journeys have been particularly "happy".....i firmly believe now as i did after my first "tub trip" that water is a conduit. those who have seen Dr. Imoto's films about the collective consciousness of all life being transfered through water can see why this would be the case. it affects us deeply and, in turn, OUR intent deeply affects the water! it is like the "cosmic plasma" that connects us to ALL consciousness on ALL dimensions...

totally on a side note: did any of you see the movie "constantine" with keanu reeves? remeber how he always had to be submerged in water to "go to the other side..." veeeeery least to this nerdy swimmer....DAMN! even the word SWIM takes on a whole new relevance!! alright...enough rambling... Smile

hey! ever swum in a pool that had speakers in it? held your breath, gone underwater and listened to the cleanest, purest, most clear sound imaginable?.....water is a conduit.

Aegle my sister... i am so excited for you and your discoveries! you and phlux certainly appear to have the absolute right "set" when it comes to working with this sacrament....i look forward to hearing about more journeys!


Yes, I read your thread, and was thinking of it exactly when I was reading this wonderful report as well.

Also, sound vibrations travel 7 times faster in water.
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#14 Posted : 5/21/2009 9:24:59 PM

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hmmmm....little floppy spice creature sex....


LOL!!! Very happy
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#15 Posted : 5/22/2009 8:53:42 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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Faust wrote:

Also, sound vibrations travel 7 times faster in water.

Very interesting point, SWIM definitely felt a great connection with the spice and water.

Much Peace
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For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#16 Posted : 5/22/2009 8:56:43 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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Jorkest wrote:

some of SWIMs best experiences have been while its either raining, foggy, or on the water..

I am definitely keen to explore this connection with spice and water Very happy

Much Peace
The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#17 Posted : 5/22/2009 10:45:22 PM


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4.3 times, actually. But 7 is my favorite number.Very happy
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#18 Posted : 5/22/2009 11:43:23 PM

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Faust wrote:
...Also, sound vibrations travel 7 times faster in water...

It's about 4.36 times faster (1497 m/s vs 343 m/s) in fresh water; 4.55 times faster in saltwater (1560 vs 343)

edit: oops, just saw jasons741's post Pleased
#19 Posted : 5/24/2009 8:01:40 AM

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thankyou for sharing your experience Aegle. Smile I have been awaiting to journey while submerged in the bath and I am very much looking forward to it after the good reports that I have read here.

thankyou also on your information on tinghsa's I will definitely have to get myself one.

on another note I would like to confirm the positive, powerful nature of kyanite as a crystal. I have a large blue piece and a small black piece that I have had some very interesting experiences while holding when traveling.
#20 Posted : 5/24/2009 2:20:46 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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timeloop wrote:
thankyou for sharing your experience Aegle. Smile I have been awaiting to journey while submerged in the bath and I am very much looking forward to it after the good reports that I have read here.

thankyou also on your information on tinghsa's I will definitely have to get myself one.

on another note I would like to confirm the positive, powerful nature of kyanite as a crystal. I have a large blue piece and a small black piece that I have had some very interesting experiences while holding when traveling.

No worries i really enjoy sharing my journeys. Spice and water definitely go hand in hand that's for sure. That's so awesome tingshas have powerful energy clearing abilities. I feel it is very important to clear the energy in the room before embarking on a journey with spice. Kyanite is a lovely stone to have you are lucky that you have some kyanite.

Much Peace
The Nexus Art Gallery | The Nexian | DMT Nexus Research | The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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