1st and deffineately not last or least Changa experience. Options
#1 Posted : 8/11/2014 9:27:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 86
Joined: 05-Jul-2011
Last visit: 11-Aug-2014
I found a new love! Changa, of course Smile I made up a small one g batch yesterday to try it out. 1:1:1 DMT, Rue alks and mix of spearmint and mullein. Wowsa! So I had as good or better experience than just DMT or DMT and sub caapi alks and really used half as much as a normal hit for 2 launches , plus rue alks of course. So 33mgs each of material got me 2 very visual very tripy hits plus the 3rd hit was extremely head clearing afterwards. Im assuming it was mostly herb and rue by then. I dont remember much actually but I will work with it some more.

My one night experience(s) with sublingual caapi alks, .33g, plus the same amount of FB DMT 25 mins later, didnt get me anywhere near where I got to last night. Then I proceeded to take 4 more hits over a couple of hours. It was nice, dont get me wrong, but I didnt leave my body or have the disconnect from the real world. I could still hear and understand the TV in the background. There was also my first entity contacts (CEV, normally I disconnect even open eyed and cant focus on sounds), several water like pale flowing angelic figures surrounding a very geometrical brightly colored Aztek type head who had less than calming facial expressions and feelings coming from it.

I had also eaten a .5g of cubensis to try and get rid of a horrible headach but it had not had even a minute to start taking effect yet. After the changa around the 40 minute point, I got some interesting smokey grey looking CEV from the shrooms and rue Id assume. They were of a landscape and third eye type impression, morphing into different eyes and even alien like heads, but mostly just impressions. I see some rue and mushroom trials in my future.

I am so greatful for this forum and discussions on different preparations of the same materials even. Explore on!

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