My First Experinces Smoking DMT Options
#1 Posted : 5/19/2009 6:52:26 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey everybody im a new user here and this is my first attempt at writing up a trip report for any drug ive ever taken. A bit of back ground about my self, Im 23 and have had an interest in psychedelics for many years now and have taken LSD, LSA, shrooms & mescaline numerous times. I had been interested in trying DMT for quite some time after reading about it for quite a few years and finally last week the opportunity came my way to try out this amazing chemical.

My mate & I were sitting in my room listening to Psytrance with some visuals going i loaded up my bong first. (We were smoking DMT in the form of Changa) So i inhale a cones worth, this stuff was very easy to smoke less harsh than smoking tobacco through a bong. Anyways i hold the smoke in for about 10 seconds then exhale, instantly my mind clicks like somebody has flicked a switch and the visuals start to roll in, i sit there staring at the carpet as it looks like a flowing river of patterns very fractal like. The overall mindset i felt from it was kind of dark and a bit scary and overwhelming after about 5 minutes of staring at the walls and carpet move and wriggle the visuals died down and me & my mate sat and reflected on our trip for a few minutes.

We decide to try having 2 in a row each a few minutes later, this is where stuff got interesting and very intense i didn't break through but the visuals got very over the top i sat in my chair for a few minutes as the edges of the walls looked like a sea of waves and i thought to my self how the fuck is my roof twisting like that! I stumble across to my bed close my eyes and put my hands over them to experience the CEV's 2 seconds later im in what feels like another dimension twisting and turning through a dark world with lots of neon patterns almost like walking down a black path with crazy patterns every where else. Once i opened my eyes i looked at the posters on my wall which seemed about 5 times as vibrant and colorful and rainbow beams of light coming from my light that would bend and form eyes on the end of them.

Some of the other visuals i experienced was everything having a red tinge to it and also a hyper sensitivity to light would be a good way of explaining it, dark shades such as black looked much derker yet everything else looked so vibrant and more realistic it was almost like seeing the world in its true way for the first time. The geometric rolling fractal like patterns on my carpet were quite mind blowing.

A few hours later that night once my friend had gone home i decided to smoke what i had left which worked out to be about 3 cones worth which i smoked all in a row and went to lay in bed as i watched my world literally melt away. All the posters in my room started to stretch warp and melt to the music and everything started to go white which made me freak out a bit. I had the new Eminem album playing. Again i got the visual of all colors becoming overly vibrant yet dark at the same time and rainbow bands flying every which way. I just sat there in awe for about 5 minutes, im a bit lost for words to explain what exactly i was seeing. I felt the presence of other people/beings in the room as i was laying in bed i could sort of see somebody laying next to me and all the finger prints on the mirror in my room formed what looked like somebody with many eyes watching me and moving about as i lay there in a bit of shock as to what was going on.
I also found the more i started to panic the more the trip would die down which i found comforting, it was almost like something could sense i was not ready to let go and break through just yet, next time i try it i feel i might be ready to break through as i know what to expect a bit better.

Overall this was an amazing experience and i look forwards to having more in the future!

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#2 Posted : 5/19/2009 7:01:56 PM

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welcome dude! its a wide wide world in there...just remember to relax..and SMILE!
it's a sound
#3 Posted : 5/19/2009 8:54:00 PM

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Great report! Thanks!
#4 Posted : 5/20/2009 6:50:40 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Welcome my friend! Glad to have you aboard.

Did you make the Changa, get it from a friend or pick it up from a head shop?
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