Mimosa hostilis and Mimosa spp. (pudica, ophthalmocentra etc) Workspace Options
#1 Posted : 7/22/2012 1:51:43 PM

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Mimosa tenuiflora syn. hostilis


Chemical Profile:



1- 0.57% DMT - (Pachter et al 1959)
2- 0.1-0.7% DMT (Gaujac et al 2012a)

Mixture of inner stem and root

- 0.7% crude extract, 0.3% pure (>95% pure DMT) by doing A/B and pulling on 60g mimosa with 5x50ml hexane, evap and one recrystallization. (Gaujac et al 2012b)

Stem (from mexico) - 0.03% DMT and 0.001% Serotonin (Meckes-Lozoya et al. 1990)
(from brazil) - 0.1-0.9% DMT (Gaujac et al 2012a)

Leaf - DMT, NMT, 2MTHBC, tryptophan - Not quantified. (Gardner et al 2012; Gardner pers comm)

A/B extract - DMT, NMT, 2MTHBC, Hordenine, unknown potentially 1,2-DMTHBC. - Not quantified (Gardner et al 2012; Gardner pers comm)
SPE extract - Same as above plus yuremamine and possible other yuremamine-like compounds. - Not quantified

Nexus / Underground analysis

Inner rootbark

1- 1% DMT yield is commonly reported around the net, sometimes reaching up to 2%, and rarely on the low 0.2% end.

2- Xylene/limonene pulls and evap or FASW/Vinegar - Mostly DMT, some 2MTHBC, small amounts of tetrahydroharman small amounts of what could be 1,2-DMTHBC or yuremamine degradation product (Jungle Spice Analysis thread)

3- Naphtha pulls and freeze/evap. Or limonene/xylene pulls and FASI/FASA - Mostly DMT, little bit NMT and 2MTHBC (Jungle Spice Analysis thread)

4- Post-FASI/FASA acqueous wash of "spent" non-polar solvent - DMT and 2MTHBC in equal amounts, a couple of unknown peaks, plus small amounts of N-Formyl-NMT, N-Methyl-Phenetylamine, Dimethyl-Phenetylamine, and DMT N-Oxide (Jungle Spice Analysis thread)

5- Methanol soak - DMT main alkaloid, plus significant amounts of resorcinol, catechol and homocatechol (possibly yuremamine or lignin breakdown products), small amounts of 2mthbc and NMT. Also trace amounts of hordenine and what could be skatole (Jungle Spice Analysis thread)

6- Xylene extract (analysed by LC-MS) - 86% DMT, + 4 other compounds (M+ 130, 144, 205, 350) (Mycotopia)

Ethnobotanical uses:

Drank as Vinho de Jurema in northeast Brazil religious ceremonies. Sometimes mixed with passiflora, sometimes with alcohol, sometimes drank as cold water infusion (sources needed)

Decoction is drank to treat coughs and bronchitis. (Agra et al 2007)

Mimosa ophthalmocentra

Native Names
Jurema de Imbira (De Lacerda 2007)

Endemic to the Brazilian Caatinga, common specially in flooded areas (De Lacerda 2007)

Chemical Profile
Rootbark - 1.6% DMT, co-occuring with NMT (0.0012%), and hordenine (0.0065%) (Batista et al 1999)

Ethnobotanical and other uses:

Decoction is drank to treat coughs and bronchitis. (Agra et al 2007)
Resin from trunk is edible, said to taste good and be good for common colds (Da Silva et Al 2011)

Mimosa pudica

Distribution (

Chemical profile

Tentative TLC tests, no amounts given
(ref Trout's Notes):
-5-MeO-DMT in low amounts in stem and leaf after the first year (November harvest of 15 month old plants).
-Concentrations were higher in the roots (August harvest). Assays 2 Nov. 1995
-Very young seedlings (whole plant) tested in 1996 showed a very dark suspected 5-MeO-DMT band.
-5-MeO-DMT in branches; 1996 assays.
- DMT did not start to show up in assays until after second year, at which time it was present in leaf and root. (ref trout's Notes)

Other literature analysis:

- Jasmonic acid, L-Mimosine, L-Noradrenaline, Turgorin, 2"-O-alpha-L-Rhamnosyl-6-C-fucosyl-luteolin, Cassiaoccidentalin B, Mimopudine (

- "The preliminary Phytochemical screening of Mimosa pudica extract showed the presence ofbioactive components like Terpenoids, Flavonoids, Glycosides, Alkaloids, Quinines, Phenols, Tannins, Saponins and Coumarin" (Gandhiraja et al 2009)

- Phytochemical analysis of M. pudica roots shows that the plant contains ascorbic acid, crocetin, D-glucoronic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic and stearic acids, mimosine, D-xylose and β-sitosterols. (Mahanta & Mukherjee 2001)

Pharmacology and action

The plant exhibited antimicrobial activity against some tested microorganisms (Gandhiraja et al 2009)

Decoction of leaves protected mice against seizures induced by strychnine and pentylentetrazol (Bum et al 2004)

M. pudica displayed considerable bacteriostatic activity against all six bacterial strains including Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, Escherichia coli, ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Genest et al 200Cool

In india, the leaves are chewed and the mash is applied over fresh cuts to stop bleeding. The leaves ground with mustard seeds (Brassica juncea) and jaggery, are taken orally 2-3 times a day, for dysentery. (Bhandary et al 1995)

Leaf and stem of Mimosa pudica are used in scorpion sting (Patwari 1992). Roots of M. pudica are popularly used against cobra bite by snake charmers and Bejs (traditional quacks) of north-east India (personal observation). Water extract of roots was shown to reduce toxicity and lethality of cobra venom (Mahanta & Mukherjee 2001)

References used:

Agra et al 2007 SINOPSE DA FLORA MEDICINAL DO CARIRI PARAIBANO. Oecol. Bras., 11 (3): 323-330, 2007

Batista et al 1999

Bhandary et al 1995. Medical ethnobotany of the Siddis of Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka, India. Journal of ethnopharmacology 47, 149-158

Bum et al 2004 Anticonvulsant activity of Mimosa pudica decoction. Fitoterapia. Volume 75, Issues 3–4, June 2004, Pages 309–314

De Lacerda et al 2007 COMPONENTE ARBUSTIVO-ARBÓREO DE MATAS CILIARES NA BACIA DO RIO TAPEROÁ. Oecol. Bras., 11 (3): 331-340, 2007

Da Silva et al 2011. Estudo comparativo da madeira de Mimosa ophthalmocentra Mart. ex Benth e Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) na caatinga nordestina. Acta Bot. Bras. vol.25 no.2 Feira de Santana Apr./June 2011.

Gandhiraja, N. (2009) Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of the Plant
Extracts of Mimosa pudica L. Against Selected Microbes Ethnobotanical Leaflets 13:618-24, 2009.

Gardner et al 2012 Alkaloid profiles of Mimosa tenuiflora and associated methods of analysis

Gaujac et al 2012a Determination of N,N-dimethyltryptamine in Mimosa tenuiflora inner barks by matrix solid-phase dispersion procedure and GC–MS. Journal of Chromatography B Volumes 881–882, 15 January 2012, Pages 107–110

Gaujac et al 2012b Application of analytical methods for the structural characterization and purity assessment of N,N-dimethyltryptamine, a potent psychedelic agent isolated from Mimosa tenuiflora inner barks. Microchemical Journal. Available online 5 April 2012. In press

Genest et al 2008 Comparative bioactivity studies on two Mimosa species. Bol. Latinoam. Caribe Plant. Med. Aromaticas Vol. 7 (1) 2008

Mahanta & Mukherjee (2001) Neutralisation of lethality, myotoxicity and toxic enzymes of Naja kaouthia venom by Mimosa pudica root extracts. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Volume 75, Issue 1, April 2001, Pages 55–60

Meckes-Lozoya, M. et al. (1990)a Archivos de Investigación Médica (México) 21 (2): 163-169. "Propiedades farmacológicas in vitro de algunos extractos de Mimosa tenuiflora (tepescohuite) (Ref Trout's Notes)

Pachter, I.J. et al. (1959) Journal of Organic Chemistry 24: 1285-1287. "Indole Alkaloids of Acer saccharinum (the Silver Maple), Dictyoloma incanescens, Piptadenia colubrina, and Mimosa hostilis."

Trout's Notes on Some Simple Tryptamines - 2nd edition

Also attached is UV and mass spectra for LC-MS and GC-MS of mimosa from Gardner.

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#2 Posted : 7/22/2012 5:24:08 PM

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Mimosa scabrella

Chemical profile

NMT, DMT and N-Methyltetrahydrocarboline (Hegnauer 1994)

DMT in bark (Ott)

Mimosa verrucosa

Chemical profile

- No published analysis with DMT content so far.The publications that mention it have references that do not support the claim with analytical work. Usually the reference is Gonçalves de Lima who simply mentions that this plant is used for vinho da jurema. (ref Trout's Notes)

- Mimosa verrocosa is said by Da Mota 1991 to be used in making jurema, but to have sedative and not hallucinogenic effects. (Trout's Notes)

- Silveira Barbosa 1998 found it in use as a probable DMT containing brew in Brazil but (unlike M. hostilis] it appeared to be orally active as a hallucinogen only when an MAOI was coadministered. Her report of full activity with MAOI supports DMT's presence. (Trout's Notes)

Mimosa somnians

Herbarium specimens:
1, 2

Chemical profile

Whole plant - 0.026% Tryptamine and (0.029% NMT (Gupta et al 1979)

Differentiating pudica from somnians
(university of florida)

Both have pink round flowers and the leaves close/retract when touched.

The main diference is that pudica's bipinnate leafs have four primaries that start from the same point while somnians has more than four primaries that start from different points


Gupta et al 1979 The Occurrence of Tryptamine and N-Methyltryptamine in Mimosa somnians. J. Nat. Prod., 1979, 42 (2), pp 234–236

Hegnauer 1994. Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen. Birkhäuser
#3 Posted : 7/22/2012 6:51:01 PM

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This is super helpful endlessness as I have been curios about other mimosa for some time especially mimosa pudica. AKA the shy plant...

I tried some mimosa pudica once along with some harmine fumerate/caapi mix and I felt noticable effects from came in the form of a greenish powder such as what is offered in vitamin stores.. It smelled heavily of DMT sort of like how mimosa hostilis smells...I'm not sure if DMT meo5 has a similar smell?

I was very intrueged by this video of how mimosa pudica reacts to human touch...I thought:
"wow, anything that acts like that must be psychedelic in some way":

video of the "touch me not" plant- mimosa pudica

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#4 Posted : 7/22/2012 7:48:50 PM

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Mimosa pigra

Local/common names:
Giant Sensitive tree

Chemical content:

There seems to be no mention of alkaloids in literature but neither any sign of specific research looking for alkaloids.

Triterpenoid saponins (Englert et al 1995)

Leaves of Mimosa pigra yielded four acylated flavonols i.e. Kaempferol 3-O-cinnamyl sophoroside, quercetin 3-O-acetylgalactoside, quercetin 3-O-acetylarabinoside and myricetin 3-O-acetylxyloside

Ethnobotanical use
Used in Nigeria for anti-asthmatic properties (Sonibare et al 2008 )

Used by Bwiti in eyedrops:According to Samorini 1996, Raponda-Walker & Sillans (1962:52) mention an eyedrop preparation containing juice of Amorphophallus maculatus N. E. Br. (Araceae), juice of Aframomum sanguineum K. Schum (Zingiberaceae), sap of Euphorbia hermentiana Lem (Euphorbiaceae), scrapings of Mimosa pigra L. bark (Leguminosae), and seeds of Buchholzia macrophylla Pax, (Capparidaceae). All these ingredients are boiled and then allowed to clarify.

Differenciating between pigra and pudica:

It can be distinguished from Mimosa pudica by its large size, large pods (6 to 8 cm long as opposed to 2.5 cm long) and leaves, which have 6 to 16 pairs of pinnae as opposed to 1 to 2 pairs on Mimosa pudica leaves

Other information:

Mimosa pigra is considered an invasive noxious weed.

Refferences used

Englert et al 1995. Triterpenoid Saponins from Mimosa pigra J. Nat. Prod., 1995, 58 (Cool, pp 1265–1269

Samorini 1996 Visionary eyedrops

WESTERN NIGERIA. Afr. J. Trad. CAM (2008 ) 5 (4): 340 - 345
#5 Posted : 7/22/2012 7:56:23 PM

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Just to point out (and to be my anal-retentive self) Mimosa hostilis is a synonym for M. tenuiflora. Doesn't much matter for the forum at large, but is relevant here, imo.

Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir.
  • =Acacia hostilis Mart.
  • =Acacia tenuiflora Willd.
  • =Acacia tenuifolia (L.) Willd.
  • =Mimosa cabrera H. Karst.
  • =Mimosa hostilis (Mart.) Benth.
  • =Mimosa limana Rizzini
  • =Mimosa nigra Huber
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#6 Posted : 7/22/2012 9:30:41 PM

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Thanks snozz! It's good for someone to care for these details, it saves on trouble in the future Smile

Ok continuing:


When trying to identify a possible Mimosa, there are many plants which look similar in specific aspects, appart from the different Mimosas. Most of these plants are from the Mimosoideae subfamily, so it's worth it to keep an eye on different genus of this subfamily when trying to narrow down identifications. It may be different plants of this subfamily have interesting alkaloids, so more research is needed.

A few look alikes can be for example Acacias, Vachellias, Leucaenas, Desmanthus, etc etc

Not to forget, the Guide for Researching Psychoactive Plants thread from Entropymancer is essential.
#7 Posted : 7/23/2012 3:13:59 AM

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thanks for this thread endlessness lots of good info here!
#8 Posted : 7/23/2012 3:16:39 AM

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thats an amazing video of mimosa pudica eliyahu.. powerful vibe to that plant
#9 Posted : 7/23/2012 3:59:28 AM

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this should be a pdf file or something, very valuable information =]
#10 Posted : 7/24/2012 1:04:26 PM

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Mimosa rubicauls

Botanical description

Himalayan Mimosa is a large straggling shrub which is very prickly. It sports long clusters of many pink spherical flower-heads which are 1-1.5 cm across. The flowers fade to white - so, at any time the clusters sport both pink and white flower-heads. Leaves are doubke-compound, 8-15 cm long, with thorny rachis. Leaves have 3-12 pairs of side-stalks, each with 6-15 pairs of tiny oblong leaflets 4-8 mm. Pods are thin, flat, curved, 8-13 cm long, 1 cm wide, breaking into 4-10 rectangular 1-seeded units, leaving the remains of the pod attached to the shoot. (Source)

Common names:
Himalayan mimosa

India, Nepal, Himalayas

Herbarium samples 1

Ethnobotanical use

In Nepal, Palpa District
"Infusion of leaves (about 100 leaves boiled in half a cup
of water) is given twice a day for 15 days to cure piles.
About 2 teaspoonfuls of powdered root is given twice a
day for two days to cure vomiting caused by weakness." (
Mahato & Chaudhary 2005)

In Nepal
"Local Name: Bokshi ghans; Arari

Use: To treat wounds; leaves are pounded and the
paste is applied on wound." (Joshi & Joshi 2000)

Possible synonym with Mimosa pigra

"Two species, M. pudica and M. rubicaulis were present in the Northern Territory in 1891 which indicates that M. rubicaulis was, in fact, a misnomer for M. pigra, which was probably introduced with animals or in seed samples." (Source)

Chemical Profile:

Root oil
(petroleum ether extract of root)

(Kumar & Sen 1975)

CAS: 83-46-5

MW: 426.386
CAS: 559-70-6

MW: 426.386
CAS: 559-74-0

(Yadawa & Agrawal 199Cool

5,7,4′-trihydroxy-6,3′,5′-trimethoxy-flavone-7-O-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1 → 6)-O-β-D-glucopyranoside


A.R. Joshi, K. Joshi. Indigenous knowledge and uses of medicinal plants by local
communities of the Kali Gandaki Watershed Area, Nepal. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 175–183

Kumar P, Sen P. 1975 Study of the Unsaponifiable Matter from the Root Oil of Mimosa Rubicaulis. Current Science. Volume 44 - Issue 24 : December 1975

SELECTED PLANTS OF PALPA DISTRICT, NEPAL. Scientific World, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 2005

Yadawa & Agrawal 1998 A New Flavonoid Glycoside: 5,7,4′-Trihydroxy-6,3′5′-Trimethoxy-Flavone 7-O-α-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1 → 6)-O-β-D-Glucopyranoside from the roots of Mimosa rubicaulis. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research
Volume 1, Issue 1, 1998
#11 Posted : 7/29/2012 4:17:20 AM

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would be great to see more research done on the stem bark for hostilis..
how sustainable is rootbark harvesting can the tree handle it ok?
#12 Posted : 7/29/2012 5:02:06 AM
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bricklaya wrote:
would be great to see more research done on the stem bark for hostilis..
how sustainable is rootbark harvesting can the tree handle it ok?

Agreed also the seed pods, which could prove to be a truly sustainable source.
And they can be abundant...
BTW the mimosa verrucosa pictured has pink flowers, where as the ones I have are yellow-light orange...???
I'd love to get a pink flowering specimen..looks cool!
#13 Posted : 8/2/2012 2:25:50 AM
member for the trees

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..i've quoted this from the Acacia Info thread (p14) on Mimosa pudica ("Sensitive Plant" ):
nen888 wrote:
..on Mimosa pudica ("sensitive plant" ) Panama used to treat arthritis, decoction in Guatemala used to treat urinary infections, in India to treat epilepsy, in Trinidad root taken as calming sophorific drink, also considered aphrodisiac in asia..[see Voogelbreinder 2009 p.230]
..stems found to contain mimosine and mimoside..the pulvinus contains crocetin (also found in Crocus spp.) and petiole norepinephrine [Appelwhite 1973; Tiwari & Spenser 1965]

Voogelbreinder writes
The foilage and twigs..have been both smoked and infused as an obscure psychotropic drug by experimenters in the US, reportedly producing distortions of spatial orientation...
...I can confirm the plant is psychoactive, but these reports seem to be exaggerated..
..though he also notes root-extract overdose could result in coma and possible death..
Trout (1997) found tentative DMT in seeds, and 5meDMT in aerial parts..

..M. pudica is a great plant to grow for interest and to amuse kids (told, obviously, not to eat it!)'s the one with the leaves that move when touched..
#14 Posted : 2/13/2013 11:01:07 AM
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..on Mimosa verrucosa..
Jurema Ritual in Northern Brazil by Yatra-W.M. da Silveira Barbosa, Maps newsletter 1988:
After interviewing many people, and participating in different Jurema rituals with the Indians, I also realized that the Jurema they drink in their brew is not Mimosa hostilis, but the root bark from Mimosa verucosa. Different tribes will call M. hostilis, the Jurema Negra and M. verucosa, the Jurema Branca, as well as other tribes call M. verucosa, the Jurema Negra. That means that when they say that they drink Jurema Negra, it does not necessarily mean they are drinking M. hostilis, but M. verucosa which is called both: Jurema Branca and Jurema Negra.·

Major Tom
#15 Posted : 3/14/2013 8:41:34 AM
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... on Mimosa Pigra : a dreadful invasive weed on the floodplains of Northern Territory , Australia.. Once a specimen in the Darwin botanic gardens , then escaping into the local environment before long . Seed was blown by Cyclone Tracy [ Xmas day , 1974 ] onto the site of the failed Humpty Doo rice growing project , where it has done very well indeed , and now chokes many 1000s of sq km of once pristine flood plains ; and is proving impossible to eradicate despite govt throwing $ millions at the problem ... has been used as fuel to generate electricity ... It forms an enormous wall of dense thicket that is so strong that water buffalo are unable to penetrate the thickets ... . It appears to be creating rich soil areas around the floodplains , by the bases of the thickets trapping and retaining silts in the flood waters , and creating a rich sandy - loam type soil . When standing in water the plant develops a mass of fine roots that trap the water borne silts and detritus that creates the new soil .[ pers obs ]. . Just before the flood plains dry out , the basal bark of M. Pigra - about 1/2 to 1 metre from the ground - swells up like a sponge ; and becomes very soft , thick , and spongy - perhaps to retain as much water as possible before the flood plains dry out until the next wet season . The leaves of M.Pigra are sensitive , similar to those of M. Pudica [ which is also very invasive ] . . Sadly , M . Pigra does not appear to contain alkaloids of entheogenic significance ...
Cosmic Spore
#16 Posted : 4/11/2014 1:31:15 AM

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Anyone know anything about the (potential) DMT content of Mimosa bimucronata [leaves & branch bark] ?

and Mimosa ophthalmocentra [leaves] ?
#17 Posted : 4/11/2014 3:58:25 AM

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Mimosa biunicifera

Range: Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
Acronym: Cat Claw Acacia
Flowers: white or pink
Climate: Desert Steppe
Soil: alkali
Climata: USDA 7a, possibly lower

I cannot speak to alkaloid content.

wearepeople attached the following image(s):
bi1.jpg (13kb) downloaded 1,350 time(s).
bi2.jpg (16kb) downloaded 1,354 time(s).
bi3.jpg (66kb) downloaded 1,357 time(s).
bi4.JPG (118kb) downloaded 1,342 time(s).
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#18 Posted : 5/5/2014 8:17:49 AM

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#19 Posted : 7/12/2014 11:53:25 PM

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Has anyone worked with mimosa strigillosa? I have them growing in my yard. They look a lot like pudica, same pink powder puff flower with slight difference in leaf structure.
BundleflowerPower attached the following image(s):
image.jpg (2,224kb) downloaded 1,032 time(s).
#20 Posted : 7/13/2014 7:07:39 AM

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Can´t find a single chemical analysis publication on this mimosa. This has some good info on other aspects of it though:


I guess best to know if it`s of use entheogenically would be to collect a small amount, do a crude methanol/alcohol soak and evap, and test the results with TLC or at least with ehrlich reagent and see if it turns purpleish, which would indicate presence of indole alkaloids. If results are positive, then more tests can be done to see if it`s the wanted indoles or other unwanted alkaloids.
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