Hyperspace Healing: The medicinal power of Changa Options
#1 Posted : 7/7/2014 9:39:12 PM

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I posted this a while ago in welcome discussion, but I think it belongs here Smile

It's no secret that DMT has extreme healing benefits, but most information about it focuses on oral consumption, whether it be an Ayahuasca analog or capsuled pure alkaloids. I have recently started working with Changa and have developed a ceremonial/ritual type method of use to maximize healing and growth of the mind, body and spirit.


Changa is one of the many routes of administration of NN-DMT. It is a wonderful discovery made by an Australian using Acacia Obtusifolia as the source of DMT. Since then, Changa has grown rapidly in popularity and it's really no wonder why. Changa is composed of three components; NN-Dimethyltryptamine,Harmala alkaloids such as Harmaline, Harmine, and Harmalol, and a choice of organic plant matter to fit your fancy. This is NOT to be confused with enhanced leaf, which is DMT infused into herbs, with the absence of Harmalas.


Making Changa is a relatively simple process. I will use the process I go through as an example. First, weigh out a gram of DMT, and put it in a measuring shot glass. Next, take your freebase Harmala alkaloids (bought or extracted from B. Caapi or Syrian rue) and weigh out a gram. Put this in the shot glass with the DMT and add about 20 to 30ml of Acetone (Or IPA.. Your choice) Swirl this around to dissolve all the alkaloids. Next, take a gram of herbs of your choice and put them in a pyrex dish with one end propped up so all the herbs fall down to one side. Pour your alkaloid saturated solution over them and make sure it's mixed thouroughly. You can let it evaporate on its own, but I prefer to stick it in front of a fan and have it done relatively fast. It's that easy! You just made Changa!


Now, to make this clear, pure freebase DMT CAN be quite a healing experience. However, for deep exploration, and a more personal, comprehensive experience, Changa is much more useful. The reason for this is the addition of the Harmala alkaloids to the blend As I'm sure you all know, Harmalas contain natural Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors. The inhibition of this enzyme allows for a longer experience, a wider frame of administration, the ability to stay at any level for an extended period of time, and in a sense, helps ground you to help the experience be more integral.


Before I start, I need to say that this is the way I personally work with Changa. I'm not saying this is THE way or that it is better than anyone else's method. This method has just worked best for me in terms of healing deep emotional trauma and a frozen heart.

Setting: Choose a comfortable, relaxing spot where you won't be disturbed for an hour or more. I use my bedroom, and smudge the entire area while listening to/singing Icaros. I resonate with Shamanism more than any other religion, so these work best for me. Any music that connects with you spiritually is great. I've used some kirtan songs before and those put me in just as meditative of a state.

Preparing the dose: There are many ways to smoke changa, but I prefer to use a bong that is about 18 inches tall. Fill the bowl with your blend, and sit down and clear your mind for a few minutes. State your intention of the journey and what you would like to work on very clearly. Project the feeling of what you're seeking into hyperspace! Feel that you are going to be healed. When you're ready and the area you will be journeying is set up the way you want it, you can begin.

Step 1: Opening up the gates.

To start off my changa session, I begin with one large hit from my bong held in for about ten seconds. I then sit/lay back and wait for it to begin. The come-up is slowed down and much more comfortable than freebase, and sub-breakthrough doses aren't nearly as grueling. I experience this hit with my eyes open, as for some reason the harmalas kind of interfere with my CEV's when I first start. The room will change into incredible patterns, colors, and maybe even to a new place... it all depends on how big your hit was. Once you feel yourself coming down a little bit, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Going a little deeper.

As you start coming down from the first dose, Take another small to medium hit. This SHOULD take you from where you were, to a much more intense, and powerful experience. For me, I still am not at a breakthrough at this particular point in time, but I'm not just getting my feet wet either. It's almost as if I'm up to my neck in water. I prefer to keep my eyes open as the beings will come out of my walls and start swirling around me showing me and telling me things that need to be done in order to grow as a person. A lot of the time with changa, I encounter very motherly beings that really, really love me and want to help me. They show me what I need to do without being too forceful. When the effects from this dose start wearing off, It's time to go deep.

Step 3: Head for the light.

Okay, this is where you will reach the peak of the entire experience and enter the deepest parts of hyperspace. What I do at this point, is load a little more Changa on top of the bowl, and take two massive hits of it, lay back, and close my eyes this time. This usually sends me directly into hyperspace, and for quite some time.... about 15 minutes of complete disconnection with this reality. This is the part of the experience where I have recieved some of the most life changing insights and had some of the most emotional, beautiful experiences I've ever had.

I use changa like this because it has turned the 5 minute "WTF?!" of freebase into an hour long (or more if you want) life changing, deep, personal experience with many different levels to explore and become familiar with. The slow build up to the breakthrough helps my recall of the experience a lot, and makes me feel like it's more about myself than just beings showing me tricks. Changa has literally healed a hole in my heart and brought my emotions back when I thought they were totally buried. One more thing, the afterglow from a Changa session is absoultely incredible. I feel SO alive.... Like everything is perfect. Usually the only thing I can do is call someone I love to tell them. I'm sorry for the long post everyone but I really felt like I needed to do this and share my method of journeying. I really hope some of you will try it and have as positive of results as I do. Love and light to you all!!!!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 7/8/2014 8:52:23 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Like it very much! Thank you for this write up!

Everything is always okay in the end, if it's not, then it's not the end.
#3 Posted : 7/8/2014 10:44:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for sharing mate!
Do you mind sharing your specific blends or mixes?

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#4 Posted : 7/8/2014 10:48:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Absolutely. My favorite blend for deep personal work is approx. 1g of freebase NN-DMT with 1.5g of harmalas dissolved in acetone dumped on a bed of mugwort, lemon veranda, st. Johns wort, chamomile and mullein. You don't have to use that much harmalas but its great for extending the experience and making it more personal and grounded. I also like to sandwitch freebase right in my changa for a one hit breakthrough Thumbs up
#5 Posted : 7/8/2014 11:31:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for taking the time to write such
a detailed and informative post. Im yet to try a balanced changa the only time I have was a harmala heavy bowl and although it was mentally psychedelic it lacked any visionary aspect.
I will refer back to this before I decide to go exploring.
#6 Posted : 7/8/2014 11:42:21 AM

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Harmala heavy Changa can certainly be less visual I find.... however to me its not all about the visuals.... with chabga I can break through with the sense of my body still attached which opens me up to all sorts of strange sensations and the feelings /insights I receive are what I love most. When I want to have a very visual journey, I'll sandwitxh some freebase in my changa to ramp up the visual clarity Thumbs up
#7 Posted : 7/10/2014 5:31:37 AM

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Arczilla wrote:
Thanks for sharing mate!
Do you mind sharing your specific blends or mixes?


A few weeks ago I made my first blend. The time has not been right yet or my trepidation has caught me. It is 1g acrb extracted spice, 1g harmalas and just a touch over a gram of a mixture of equal parts blue lotus stamens, damiana and caapi leaf. Thanks for the write up, it has given me more insight on how to prepare. Do you journal?

Also do you have specific weighed doses or just eye it? I like the idea of coming in slower.

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yep my java is disabled...
Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT they all changed the way I see
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#8 Posted : 7/10/2014 5:42:54 AM

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1 gram of 10x caapi leaf, is the same of 1 gram pure harmals?
#9 Posted : 7/10/2014 11:03:59 AM

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skoobysnax wrote:
Arczilla wrote:
Thanks for sharing mate!
Do you mind sharing your specific blends or mixes?


A few weeks ago I made my first blend. The time has not been right yet or my trepidation has caught me. It is 1g acrb extracted spice, 1g harmalas and just a touch over a gram of a mixture of equal parts blue lotus stamens, damiana and caapi leaf. Thanks for the write up, it has given me more insight on how to prepare. Do you journal?

Also do you have specific weighed doses or just eye it? I like the idea of coming in slower.

javascript:insertsmiley('Thumbs up%20','/forum/images/emoticons/thumbsup.png'Pleased

yep my java is disabled...

As a matter of fact I don't :/ I've been in the process of making a blog page and writing on there but I always make lame excuses as to why I'm too busy at a moment. And as far as weighing doses goes, you can... but I usually just pack the bowl til its totally full Smile
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