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its in a small field where there was armed islamic people hiding to terror the city  and this poor acacia ate an RPG BTW ,and a fire started under it till the fire department came ..  ,, its really funny to write this stuff , when we used to see ppl talkin this in iraq or war areas we used feel bad * I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 463 Joined: 21-Dec-2013 Last visit: 28-Dec-2019
Tryptallmine wrote:Can anyone help ID this plant. Looks to be in the Acacia/mimosaceae family. Noticed it spring over the past few months.
Found in Vic
Rachis length 63mm Pinnae 4-5-6 varied. Pinnae Length 57.84mm Leaflet Length 13mm Leaflet width 3.2mm
A.Silvestris or A.Terminalis? It's not terminalis subs. terminalis. I have them growing locally and they have much darker and sparser foliage. ..The only variety of A.Terminalis it may be is terminalis subs. angustifolia.. but the leaves seem a little pale terminalis subs angustifolia : The branchlets and leaves contain no hair, the leafstalk bears a conspicuous gland, and the ultimate leaflets (pinnulets) have a distinct midnerve Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
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shadow what do you think of my pics ? I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
 DMT-Nexus member
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--Shadow wrote:radmotion, We can narrow it down with the following information:
a) Rachis length (mm) b) Pinnae numbers (pairs) c) Pinnae length (mm) d) leaflet length (mm) e) leaflet width (mm) f) Penduncle length (mm) g) Penduncle hairs (present or not?) h) State? (WA/VIC/etc)
Hey getting a bit technical for me, i hope these pictures help. Thanks! radmotion attached the following image(s):  DSC_0680.JPG (368kb) downloaded 223 time(s). DSC_0676.JPG (365kb) downloaded 216 time(s). DSC_0678.JPG (352kb) downloaded 217 time(s).
 DMT-Nexus member
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Looks much like a.baileyana a good one to research, apparently trypts one part of the year and THH another. They have started flowering in VIC now. http://plantnet.rbgsyd.n...p;lvl=sp&name=Acacia~baileyana the runner sorry to read RPGs are flying around near your home it must be terrifying! I hope you can keep safe and the fighting stays away from you. The nexus really does straddle the globe more than any other website Ive known. What brought you here? maybe post an intro thread? Im sure everyone would like to read your story. Stay safe freind!
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Hey , i dont know what this is , so if anyone have any idea about it .. and DreamTripper thanks for caring .. and i will post an intro thread The Runner attached the following image(s):  Photo0300.jpg (481kb) downloaded 211 time(s).I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 66 Joined: 07-Jun-2014 Last visit: 07-Jun-2019
Hey And i found these 2 The Runner attached the following image(s):  Photo0301.jpg (707kb) downloaded 196 time(s). Photo0302.jpg (589kb) downloaded 194 time(s).I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
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Edited-thanks , ill migrate over to that thread. Appreciate it
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DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 66 Joined: 07-Jun-2014 Last visit: 07-Jun-2019
Hey everybody  ,, i found this under my home and it sounds realy weird so if anyone have an idea about it it'd be very helpful  ,,,, thanks alrdy  The Runner attached the following image(s):  20140701_005.jpg (1,147kb) downloaded 169 time(s). 20140701_001.jpg (729kb) downloaded 164 time(s). 20140701_003.jpg (786kb) downloaded 166 time(s).I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 66 Joined: 07-Jun-2014 Last visit: 07-Jun-2019
and by the way , if it contains DMT or not .. this plant is very positive .. i flt great the moment i touched it , i fell in love with this thing I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
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Sandman it looks to me as if you have acacia longifolia and perhaps maidenii however I'd need a closer photos of the phyllodes. When getting photos it helps to have the veins in focus in some shots. Also note if the plant has a basal gland (little dot near where the phyllode joins to the stem) as this can be a factor that greatly helps id. Longifolia and maidenii can have dmt present but only with the right strain and there is a fair bit of talk on the net on how acacias aren't generally as potent or active at all when flowering. Keep in mind I'm not confident with my IDing just yet so hopefully someone can give a second opinion.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
^Yep looks like a.maidenii to me but cant tell for sure. Which state?
therunner post 705 looks like a varient of a.retinodes.. Post 708 not acacia but lovely plants anyway.
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These trees are located on the northern beaches of sydney! I will go back and get some phyllode pics in the next few days.. thanks!
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Hello everyone. I was exploring my local park a couple months ago when I found a colony of these acacia trees growing. I've since found more all over this park. I don't think they're native, the park is over 150 years old so who knows how long they've been there. There's also a botanical garden nearby which they could have escaped from. BundleflowerPower attached the following image(s):  image.jpg (1,863kb) downloaded 110 time(s). image.jpg (2,132kb) downloaded 110 time(s). image.jpg (1,918kb) downloaded 108 time(s). image.jpg (1,713kb) downloaded 110 time(s). image.jpg (1,624kb) downloaded 108 time(s). image.jpg (855kb) downloaded 108 time(s).
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I wasn't able to catch them blooming sadly. Here's some small ones which get mowed over with the grass. BundleflowerPower attached the following image(s):  image.jpg (1,469kb) downloaded 108 time(s).
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These seem to be a different species. Very low growing BundleflowerPower attached the following image(s):  image.jpg (1,474kb) downloaded 108 time(s). image.jpg (2,019kb) downloaded 109 time(s).
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
I dont think theyre acacia..
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Posts: 1129 Joined: 12-Jul-2014 Last visit: 18-May-2024 Location: on the world in time
Sadly I found them just after they flowered. They're leaves look remarkably like desmanthus. There's a limitless colony of foot tall ones that get mowed over with grass, the first time I saw them I though they were bundleflowers, till I saw the thorns. Here's a close up of the leaves, thorns BundleflowerPower attached the following image(s):  image.jpg (1,321kb) downloaded 87 time(s).