I am GOD everytime. Options
wake and bacon
#21 Posted : 5/5/2009 5:17:51 AM
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Saidin, you are a wise brother. I'm hyped to hear of such true self-worth... to find the energy that comes from having happiness, peace, unity, all emotions just flow out of your soul... it is in there in every single one of us, it's just a matter of how we individually learn how to access it - the path we take. Many different humans have this common goal - we are just some of the few that use DMT as a most powerful tool to (hopefully) aid us. This is my interpretation, at least. Well, that is if I believed any of this shit, what the fuck is DMT or hyperspace? Rolling eyes

Wish you luck in the future, and the present, tbabit. Razz
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#22 Posted : 5/5/2009 3:27:58 PM
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I was amazed by this concept some months ago, but now I'm quite depressed about it.

What's the use of being this thing, if all it wants to do is get lost. All I want is to be found. To shrug off this damned illusion. Like a terrible dream where I really must find something, but it remains always elusive.

Like a man starving to death. Nobody will feed him. If he could only remember the password for his bank account, he could have all the food he wants. But he intuitively knows he isn't going to remember the password until it is too late. He will have already suffered the worst ravages of starvation. So maybe he will just die to spite the experience. He doesn't have anything to lose.

Just as well I don't have access to DMT. I'd probably have the most abysmal experience of infinite puss and vomit and horror.
#23 Posted : 5/5/2009 3:43:18 PM

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Morphane sorry to hear your so down.

My advise don't get hung up on these spiritual concepts. They are really just psychological tools for people to enjoy their lives and don't even need to have any real meaning.
#24 Posted : 5/5/2009 9:38:32 PM

Sun Dragon

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Morphane wrote:
I was amazed by this concept some months ago, but now I'm quite depressed about it.

What's the use of being this thing, if all it wants to do is get lost. All I want is to be found. To shrug off this damned illusion. Like a terrible dream where I really must find something, but it remains always elusive.

Like a man starving to death. Nobody will feed him. If he could only remember the password for his bank account, he could have all the food he wants. But he intuitively knows he isn't going to remember the password until it is too late. He will have already suffered the worst ravages of starvation. So maybe he will just die to spite the experience. He doesn't have anything to lose.

Just as well I don't have access to DMT. I'd probably have the most abysmal experience of infinite puss and vomit and horror.

It's the searching which has meaning. We are all lost, stumbling our way though existence, trying to learn what it is all about, asking the questions that lead to only to more questions. I would say it is not a terrible dream, but rather a wonderful one where something wonderful is hidden, and the best way to find it is with childish innocence (impossible to understand as a child, and nearly impossible to recreate as an adult!) But found it may be, and it makes all the searching and doubting and guessing well well worth it.

You are not starving, you are nourished with every breath you take. The password is irrelevant, as everything you need is being kept safe for you until the time you truly need it. Once you learn the password, it doesn't matter any more since you realize you had it all along and just didn't know it.

Don't be in any hurry to die, it will come for each of us when it is time. I believe that you would have an enormous amount to lose. Life is a precious gift, the only mode of existence we truly know. Learning and loving as much as you can while here are the keys to a fruitful life. Losing out on love and wisdom by ending it all too soon seems like a great waste to me.

Burnt is right as well, don't get hung up on spiritual concepts. They very well may be psychological tools, but you must figure that out on your own. What is the meaning of life to you? Though if spirituality keeps tugging at something you quite can't place your finger on, then search, learn, read, experience...if you ask the questions with an open and willing heart, you will find answers.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#25 Posted : 5/6/2009 1:11:10 AM

mr. jones

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For a brief moment, when I first "experienced being God?" I thought "I should just kill myself and
return to being infinite energy - since witnessing and becoming one with this endless love, cosmic energy, boundless intelligence, made going to the market and buying taco stuff for supper seem a little trivial. However, this thought
was fleeting and only lasted maybe a couple of seconds during my peak. As I reincarnated, I meditated on the love
that is accessible in this world. If one's current life situation seems to be lacking in love, then it can always
be created by doing good things for people. All of this seems to be naturally part of the spiritual awakening process.
- at least in my case.
El Ka Bong
#26 Posted : 5/6/2009 1:31:01 AM

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Every day bake 'bread' in our hearts and just give it away - love loafs all around, and feed anyone who needs some. There is so much, you just have to give ot away, or it'll just go stale. Wake up everyday with a room full of freshly baked loaves to give away and eat yourself. It seems to me that God wants us to Love as hard as possible ... above all is Love - a Universal force to guide and protect with.

But ultimately, since we are God, we can each 'bake' our own fate and reality - by churning it up out of our 'God-connection' with Everything, through our hearts ... we can string anything together !

When I get fused with God, I get the thought that this awakening is like an 'inheritance', a juicy mystery handed-down to enjoy and explore all life long. And I have nothing to fear ... death is a rebirth ...
#27 Posted : 5/6/2009 4:51:25 AM

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Anyone heard of the Zen master named Bassui? His one and only method was to ask himself "WHO?" However deep he got, and whatever mystical experience he had, he would continue to ask himself WHO is having the experience. The idea being to go deeper and deeper into the source of his own reality.

Seems like it could be enlightening to try during profound experiences (experiences which I can't claim--I've yet to get started on spice travels....but this thread and others like it make my eyes widen and my mouth water Smile

I have enormous respect for all of you reporting these profound travels...
#28 Posted : 5/10/2009 3:40:12 AM

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I get the I am god thing 25peccent of the time. I find it quite satisfing to realize there is nothing to worry about, there never realy has been anything to worry about since I am the olny one alone what can go wrong. Then I return to reality as we know it and begin to remember and worry again.
#29 Posted : 5/10/2009 6:15:04 AM
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Swim went through the whole "I am that I am" breakthrough on shrooms, with which he has substantially more experience than DMT. Having this experience is certainly very mind-blowing and pretty much impossible to integrate in the ground state, but it is obviously not the end of the journey. The next trip that swim had on shrooms was actually pretty "bad" and difficult, and there were even a few minutes when he could feel the abyss under him and it was all he could do to not freak out in violent ego deconstruction, which hadn't happened since the very first time he tripped. Besides, although swim now understands the peak mushroom breakthrough, or at least that reflection of it which manifest in his trip, swim is still stuck in the swirly fractal phase of smoked DMT.


More often than meditation disciplines or rituals, [peak psychedelic experiences] can bring about heaven without purgatory, the states of insight into universal truths which are at the core of religious mysteries, unaccompanied by insight into, or change in, the individual's faulty personality. The individual may use such experience for ego inflation or for personality change, for self-justification and stagnation, or as a light to show him the way.

It is only natural to expect a spontaneous religious experience to be more permanent than one facilitated by an external agent, for the mere occurrence of the former indicates a personality that is compatible with it or its implications. The greater the external influence-chemical or other-that is necessary to bring it about, the more one can assume the existence of psychological obstacles to it, and a gap between the values, motivation system, and point of view of the ordinary state and those characteristic of the non-ordinary.

From http://www.claudionaranj...ng_journey_1_english.pdf
El Ka Bong
#30 Posted : 5/11/2009 9:48:57 AM

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I know what you mean by 'stuck' .... but 'Stuck' is just one of those words again ! nothing is ever 'stuck' ! try another dose or another batch, or you should just smoke more ! The wonderous CEV swirly-wirly world is the kind of a low-dose effect, right ? Like the Lights of the Lower Bardos, and the veil's awesomeness as you enter and return ...

For me, even just the time of day is a huge factor to vary - early eve vs 3:00 am makes a difference. And I suppose that my 5HT receptors and dmt-cleanup enzymes are all different, at each hour of the day. Mix it up with an herb in a 2:1 ratio MJ-dmt to make a more shareable mixture. Or try eating bacon and lentil soup, an MAOI, Theobromine (cacao !), and tweak set-setting - There are those sessions when time permits one to smoke many times in a sitting, and it's impossibly different each time - nothing similar but each launch that evening returned some connection to hyperspace.
#31 Posted : 5/18/2009 9:01:27 AM

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SWIM has felt this. The oneness. An author, David Icke has wrote books about similar experiences. SWIM hasn't read any of his books, and didn't even know about them until he did research because his experiences. This guy writes that reality is a sort of matrix, in which universal consciousness has trapped itself in, in order to challenge itself and not feel so lonely. But it went wrong and it's trapped, and fed by negative emotions and blah blah blah and he gets real deep into it and talks about the Illuminati and that they're lizard people or something and it's pretty out there.

But SWIM has felt as if everything was created so the I could be the We, but he has also felt that there is an Us which is two things. We are all stuff that has always been here, from the big bang, this one event that We and everything were part of. Maybe SWIM's experience is simply a realization of that fact? SWIM doesn't know. All that SWIM does really.......not even know, but hope, is that we're all still here. We'll all do it again right? When it all ends, however that may be, whatever amazing thing that made it be, will make it be once more. That eventually, whatever thing you're made of, you will eventually have a lover made of something else, and we will all love each other eventually. Your enemy may be your mother some day. Energy can't be created or destroyed, and if mass is nothing more than energy.....who knows?

It makes you think too much about things that don't really matter. It's not even a secret, it's obvious, we just don't accept it.
Thanks for reading my dream diary! I hope you found it interesting! LMBO!
#32 Posted : 5/18/2009 10:03:38 PM

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"God also likes to play hide-and-seek, but because there is nothing
outside God, he has no one but himself to play with. But he gets over
this difficulty by pretending that he is not himself. This is his way of
hiding from himself. He pretends that he is you and I and all the people
in the world, all the animals, all the plants, all the rocks, and all the
stars. In this way he has strange and wonderful adventures, some of
which are terrible and frightening. But these are just like bad dreams,
for when he wakes up they will disappear."

"Now when God plays hide and pretends that he is you and I, he does
it so well that it takes him a long time to remember where and how he
hid himself. But that's the whole fun of it—just what he wanted to do.
He doesn't want to find himself too quickly, for that would spoil the
game. That is why it is so difficult for you and me to find out that we
are God in disguise, pretending not to be himself. But when the game
has gone on long enough, all of us will wake up, stop pretending, and
remember that we are all one single Self—the God who is all that there
is and who lives for ever and ever."
#33 Posted : 5/18/2009 10:43:00 PM

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Morphane wrote:
I was amazed by this concept some months ago, but now I'm quite depressed about it.

What's the use of being this thing, if all it wants to do is get lost. All I want is to be found. To shrug off this damned illusion. Like a terrible dream where I really must find something, but it remains always elusive.

Like a man starving to death. Nobody will feed him. If he could only remember the password for his bank account, he could have all the food he wants. But he intuitively knows he isn't going to remember the password until it is too late. He will have already suffered the worst ravages of starvation. So maybe he will just die to spite the experience. He doesn't have anything to lose.

Just as well I don't have access to DMT. I'd probably have the most abysmal experience of infinite puss and vomit and horror.

Zarathustra, however, remained standing, and just beside him fell
the body, badly injured and disfigured, but not yet dead. After a
while consciousness returned to the shattered man, and he saw
Zarathustra kneeling beside him. "What art thou doing there?" said
he at last, "I knew long ago that the devil would trip me up. Now he
draggeth me to hell: wilt thou prevent him?"
"On mine honour, my friend," answered Zarathustra, "there is nothing
of all that whereof thou speakest: there is no devil and no hell.
Thy soul will be dead even sooner than thy body; fear, therefore,
nothing any more!"
The man looked up distrustfully. "If thou speakest the truth,"
said he, "I lose nothing when I lose my life. I am not much more
than an animal which hath been taught to dance by blows and scanty
"Not at all," said Zarathustra, "thou hast made danger thy
calling; therein there is nothing contemptible. Now thou perishest
by thy calling: therefore will I bury thee with mine own hands."
When Zarathustra had said this the dying one did not reply
further; but he moved his hand as if he sought the hand of Zarathustra
in gratitude.

You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me
#34 Posted : 5/18/2009 10:46:34 PM

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Allen Watts is one of my faves he has tons of stuff on audio as well. Audio is good when your eyes can no longer comprehend the photons reflecting upon your retnia. Or in the words of another great man "Have you ever been experanced get experanced" I am sounding crazy again. It took me 25years to begin to understand what these men said. Now I am half way through my mid life crisis and coming to terms with the fact I will never know for sure. I am coming to terms with the fact that life is not easy, but I think I may be emerging form my decade long Dark Night of The Soul. Allen talks alot about Zen but stresses that he does not see it as a religion but rather as a way of liberation as becoming one with the universe. He states that things are not created but grow. Simple things grow to more complex things such is the law of nature. All things arise from nothing. No intellegance or design is required. It sounds crazy but is as good if not better than the other explantions I have heard.

#35 Posted : 5/18/2009 11:46:26 PM

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[quote=drainlife20]SWIM has felt this. The oneness. An author, David Icke has wrote books about similar experiences. SWIM hasn't read any of his books, and didn't even know about them until he did research because his experiences. This guy writes that reality is a sort of matrix, in which universal consciousness has trapped itself in, in order to challenge itself and not feel so lonely. But it went wrong and it's trapped, and fed by negative emotions and blah blah blah and he gets real deep into it and talks about the Illuminati and that they're lizard people or something and it's pretty out there.

Now this David seems crazy as they come! I have not read his work and try not to judge. I like reptiles I live with them there is a thirity pound snake ten feet away from me as I type this, but I know they have simple brains and can not think as we do. They can not move at low temps and rely on the sun and heat to control there metabosiblm(sp) How can they be the real masters of the universe? Now this has got to be the most far out thing I have ever herd of. It is a strange world indeed. Again who am I to Judge.

#36 Posted : 5/19/2009 1:10:52 AM

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I know what you mean by the godly feeling, the oness with the universe. IMO it's what buddhists call enlightenment, probably acting on the same part of your brain.
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#37 Posted : 5/19/2009 1:19:01 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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MagikVenom wrote:
Allen Watts is one of my faves he has tons of stuff on audio as well. Audio is good when your eyes can no longer comprehend the photons reflecting upon your retnia. Or in the words of another great man "Have you ever been experanced get experanced" I am sounding crazy again. It took me 25years to begin to understand what these men said. Now I am half way through my mid life crisis and coming to terms with the fact I will never know for sure. I am coming to terms with the fact that life is not easy, but I think I may be emerging form my decade long Dark Night of The Soul. Allen talks alot about Zen but stresses that he does not see it as a religion but rather as a way of liberation as becoming one with the universe. He states that things are not created but grow. Simple things grow to more complex things such is the law of nature. All things arise from nothing. No intellegance or design is required. It sounds crazy but is as good if not better than the other explantions I have heard.


mmm, good post.
#38 Posted : 6/5/2009 12:20:28 AM

mr. jones

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thank you Eschaton-
I am quite familiar with many famous seekers and have somehow overlooked alan watts.
I am now in the process of learning him. I am stricken with the resonance that i have
with his words. It was the perfect quote for you/me to post for me/you. It doesnt
suprise me at all because I now know that you are just another manifestation of
myself- God, Divine Intelligence, Eternal Source Energy(depending on your baseline
predicament of faith) communicating with yourself/me. Anyone of us who doesnt follow
all of this... give it time and we will all meet in the middle. - I promise.
#39 Posted : 6/5/2009 2:27:52 AM
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And here I was thinking you were merely a manifestation of ME.
#40 Posted : 6/5/2009 3:25:10 AM

mr. jones

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well technically; I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

But in the end we are all walruses, so it doesnt really matter who is who because walruses
all look the same anyway.
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