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.rar.rar o.0 "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
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Thanks for compiling all these documents, this is a gold mine of information! *bookmark* I look forward to reading through all this. Oh and it's still Sunday here, Happy 420!
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Thank you for visiting dmtea, and happy 4tweaster to you too. I hope that this info is spread far and wide. Btw, thanks for when you pointed out here that my link to the file was down. We now have it on the nexus Happy Marijuana Day: "A Tale of Two Cities," - the number of people in jail is the differenceThe following part almost derailed my education:"Once people have convictions on their record, they no longer qualify for Pell Grants, housing assistance, our any federal aid." ^ Includes Federally subsidized student loans.Anyone is welcome to scrutinize any and/or all of this, call BS, or add info. * Cosmic Spore borrows the nexian fireproof suit *
Posts: 1716 Joined: 23-Apr-2012 Last visit: 23-Jan-2017
For those, who understand Japanese: 大麻は奇跡を呼ぶ!? 医療大麻 最前線 - Medical Marijuana in Japan この動画の記事URL: http://www.vice.com/jp/r...ical-marijuana-in-japan
アメリカでは近年、「大麻はアルコールほど危険ではない」と公言したオバマ米大統領を筆頭に、大麻の社会的受け入れ体制が強まっている。2013年にはコロラド州・ワシントン州で嗜好品として合法化され、そのほか多くの州で嗜好/医療目的の大麻規制を許容する動きが。その一方、ここ日本では今なお「ダメ、絶対!」のスローガンの下、厳罰の括りにある大麻。 これまで大麻の主成分として認知されていたのは精神面に影響を与えるとされる「THC」(テトラヒドロカンナビノール)だが、近年注目を集め始めたのが別の成分「CBD」(カンナビジオール)だ。「CBD」は「THC」と異なり、精神を活性化させる効果(いわゆる〝ハイ〟)が一切なく、医療分野での活躍が期待されている。 日本の厳しい大麻取締法においても「CBD」を規制する項目はなく、そのため個人輸入が少しずつ始まっている。VICEは今回、CBDオイルを摂取し始めてから症状が劇的に回復した末期がん患者の女性、そして生後10週間から難知性てんかんに苦しみ、3歳という若さにして脳外科手術を経験した少女を密着取材。 日本史における医療大麻の1ページが、今ここに刻まれる——。
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
Sorry if this has been posted already: http://www.iflscience.co...2%80%93-evidence-so-far
Seems like a very reasonable review of what is known so far about cannabinoids and cancer, the limits of the current research and questions still to be answered.
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Posts: 599 Joined: 09-Nov-2011 Last visit: 10-Aug-2016 Location: Spirit World
Thank you endlessness. This Entire Family Of Medical Marijuana Patients Could Go To Prison For Growing Pot.Federal Judge Says No To Washington Family's Medical Marijuana Defense. Huffington Post wrote:Federal prosecutors say the presence of firearms shows the defendants were involved in drug trafficking. Defense attorneys argue that the defendants were not "perceived to be violent in any way" and that the guns had nothing to do with the cultivation of medical cannabis. ‘Kettle Falls 5’ case tests marijuana lawsFeds Prosecute Medical Marijuana Patients While Tolerating Commercial Cannabis_ Uncle Sam is growing more marijuana. wp politics wrote:The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) oversees the federal government’s pot supply, grown since 1968 at the only legal farm, on the University of Mississippi campus. The agency has faced criticism for funding projects that examine the drug’s risks rather than its benefits. The Federal Government Just Ordered A Thousand Pounds Of Marijuana_ Public Service Announcement from NORML: Do You Know Where Your Police Are?
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Pew Research Center survey: 6 facts about marijuana, April 7, 2014America’s New Drug Policy Landscape, April 2, 2014Ufostrahlen attached the following image(s):  1.png (19kb) downloaded 142 time(s). 2.png (30kb) downloaded 144 time(s).
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Posts: 599 Joined: 09-Nov-2011 Last visit: 10-Aug-2016 Location: Spirit World
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Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
Apologies if this is a repost CBD as a treatment of schizophrenia... http://healthland.time.c...effects-clinical-trial/
Cannabis is such a complex plant and if we learn to understand how to work with this plant in a positive symbiotic manner then the benefits could be profound. I know no firm conclusions can be made but I just cant help but feel positive about how it could transform lives for the better. The wagon rolls on!
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Posts: 599 Joined: 09-Nov-2011 Last visit: 10-Aug-2016 Location: Spirit World
Posts: 1716 Joined: 23-Apr-2012 Last visit: 23-Jan-2017
More headline fodder: Cannabis causes schizophrenia!!1 R A Power, K J H Verweij, M Zuhair, G W Montgomery, A K Henders, A C Heath, P A F Madden, S E Medland, N R Wray, N G Martin. Genetic predisposition to schizophrenia associated with increased use of cannabis. Molecular Psychiatry, 2014; DOI: 10.1038/mp.2014.51
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
Im on the fence about THC being a catalyst for schizophrenia and psychosis Ive observed paranoia in myself on a number of occasions however I link that to some underlying fears I have. Which many people think is in itself a symptom of base fears, that psychosis is an avoidance strategy. On the flip side it could have therapeautic value. It is very effective at surfacing deep seated anxieties. However it surely cant be a coincidence that these effects began in myself and others when we were beginning to take on adult responsibilities and the anxieties that go with them.. A pilot study of intracranial injection of THC http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih....mc/articles/PMC2360617/
Posts: 1716 Joined: 23-Apr-2012 Last visit: 23-Jan-2017
DreaMTripper wrote:Im on the fence about THC being a catalyst for schizophrenia and psychosis Ive observed paranoia in myself on a number of occasions however I link that to some underlying fears I have.
Sure, there's no action without side action.
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