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#1 Posted : 5/16/2009 6:57:49 AM

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hey my friends...been a little while since i last got a good trip report in....but it hasn't been for a lack of journeying Wink

i'm punching through the 300 journey mark and have been noticing a distinct shift in experiences.... i thought i'd share one such journey with you to give you an idea...

lemme preface this for a sec with this little piece of info: i journey every day and have done so for the past 5+ months now. most days when i "go to church", i breakthrough a couple times. this has become my daily spiritual practice and nothing but good has entered my life as a result. that being said, brace yourself for what's been going on in MY world... Shocked

so...for the first 100 or so journeys i experienced a lot of what i read from other psychonauts in this forum: beautiful geometry, glyphs, elves, clowns, ballerinas, jungles, monkeys, light beings, aliens, spacecraft, playrooms, insects...lots and lots of insects....loving, nurturing, healing....

i thought i had pretty much experienced it all. truly.

at the 200 mark i started to experience a whole new level with the spice: i started to "land" on the other side. i started to experience a level of facility within my environment. i began to understand the god-self that is the core of us of my favorite buddhist teachers, pema chodron, makes a beautiful observation in her book "when things fall apart". it says:
"it is only to the extent that we are willing to continually expose ourselves to annihilation that we begin to discover that part of us that is indestructible".

i personally cannot imagine a more complete way to experience annihilation than via smoking spice. and....true to the saying...after repeatedly destroying my ego, i began to understand that there was a "me" that never died. that never could. that never will. this marked a serious turning point in my relationship with DMT.

so....after those wonderful 100 journeys came another 100 or so journeys where i begin "landing" into other realities and set about exploring...and i am filled with awe... i am doing profound work. i am letting go of my conditioned idea of what is real. i am truly feeling a oneness with everything and an ecstatic desire to surrender to this everything....

and then it happened...

about a week ago i settled onto my bed and began my pre-journey meditation. i have long-dispensed with asking for anything from the spice. simply putting out the intent of surrender and meeting everything with love. i wonder what i'm going to be shown this time??? Smile
.03 is all it takes (that's actually a HUGE dosage for me now). i'm gone. i'm...

i'm a mid-20's asian woman in a pair of hiking shorts and a hiking pole in hand. i'm standing in the middle of a trail i have been on before in Taos, N.M. i can feel the wind blowing through my long black hair and i begin to hike down toward the bottom where three rivers flow into one. it's a powerful place. i am there. i can feel the wind blowing on my neck that is damp with sweat and the coolness that that brings. i can feel the muscles in my legs as i eccentrically contract them walking down the steep grade...i can plainly hear the crunching of the dry, rocky dirt beneath my hiking boots...

for the record, i am a 6'2" white male who lives in california. Confused

in a flash i have a distant memory of this big white guy who's body i inhabit in another reality and without any kind of fear or freakout i am told...just told.... "the more you are willing to give up the reality that you are attached to, the more realities we will let you experience."

i am now circling like a great bird around this beautiful asian woman. i am her but i have a panoramic, 4-dimensional experience of being, seeing, and knowing her. i am leaving her now but i have an overwhelming joy, gratitude and down-right giddiness at the prospect that i will be experiencing other lives now....

this report of course does the experience no justice...but sufficed to say...i'm on a whole new level of wonder with the sacred spice these days....

thanks for reading!!

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#2 Posted : 5/16/2009 7:15:26 AM

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Nothing said on this account is true. It's all fictional for artistic writing purposes.
#3 Posted : 5/16/2009 7:45:29 AM


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It makes sense your awareness/soul would find itself somewhere it's already been in space, in another time, even in another body. The star-shaped human is a good choice for the spirit. Some shamans ally with the birds and bugs to see what they see. All consciousness connected.
What a great lesson to be taught. To let go. Blessings
#4 Posted : 5/16/2009 7:53:51 AM

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Amazing report...

...nothing else can be said about it...
#5 Posted : 5/16/2009 7:56:02 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Antrocles, always pushing forward my friend!

I had read about this level but never before heard about it..

cf. Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan pp. 191-196 wrote:
One may, for example, assume the form and consciousness of a bird, and fly as a bird does. The limits of of this stage, if any, are unknown. There may be transitions to further stages.

This post opens up everything and confirms the even greater unlimited power DMT has. I sure hope I get there one day.
#6 Posted : 5/16/2009 7:57:11 AM

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Most interesting. I wish I had time to journey with the spice, but alas I do not even have five minutes.
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#7 Posted : 5/16/2009 8:36:11 AM
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beautiful story!
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#8 Posted : 5/16/2009 10:23:23 AM

The Root

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Smile push foreward always friend.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

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#9 Posted : 5/16/2009 10:42:29 AM

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#10 Posted : 5/16/2009 11:56:23 AM
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Wow thanks for sharing! 5+ months, every day... Have you noticed any unwanted physical or mental effects at all? I cant wait to do a study like this! I've only broke through once so far tho... right now I'm all about exploring Smile
#11 Posted : 5/16/2009 12:10:51 PM

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Beatiful story, thank you for sharing. I wish you the best luck in all your travels!
#12 Posted : 5/16/2009 3:27:54 PM

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i am interested to see how much farther you go with this antrocles..because as you must realize..."the more you are willing to give up the reality that you are attached to, the more realities we will let you experience." and what this means to me is that...the farther you go..the stranger it becomes..its part of the reason SWIM doesnt smoke it too often anymore..after about a year and a half of constant exploring..insanely strange things started happening to him...

it gets to the point where you have to make a decision...which reality do you want to live in..are you willing to give up everything you have have whatever is on the otherside...where ever that may be? is any reality better or worse than any other?

because you can decide in THIS YOURSELF what you want to experience..smoking spice is sorta like never know whats coming..

because there is beauty, geometry, love, light and everything good in every reality..its just about how you look at it..

it's a sound
#13 Posted : 5/16/2009 4:00:06 PM

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Wow what an incredible experience
"it is only to the extent that we are willing to continually expose ourselves to annihilation that we begin to discover that part of us that is indestructible". I love this it resonates with me completely. Attachment is one of the main hurdles that i know i have to conquer in order to be able to truly let go.

I think DMT is a complete door way it enables us to resonate a different higher frequency so that we are able to transfer our consciousness to other layers of consciousnesses. I think there are unlimited layers of reality and DMT helps us access these realities. I am fascinated with your experience because it seems to me you could of been experiencing one of your past lives which would be incredible. Knowing what some of your past lives were would me such an amazing knowledge to have.

Thank you again Antrocles soul brother

Much Peace and Happiness Very happy
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#14 Posted : 5/16/2009 4:50:32 PM
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This is fantastic... this is wonderous!!

Great report my friend. Learning of (and from) your experiences helps SWIM continually grow, as a person and as a student of the spice, in order to uncover more and more about, well, just about everything.

"do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise... rather, seek what they sought."

Here's to the future, your future, all of our futures. There is always something to be learned, to be taught, and the further one travels the deeper the lesson (and thus, the knowledge) will be, if you're able to make it just click. Cheers!
DeadLizard wrote:
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

There are 2 ways to donate
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#15 Posted : 5/16/2009 5:20:22 PM

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So why do you think this is happening all of a sudden? some would say it is a chemical change within your brain. Others would say it's your out look on life, your perception is changing. I have no idea but DMT definitely changes your perspective that's for sure.
#16 Posted : 5/16/2009 5:56:51 PM


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Chazz wrote:
So why do you think this is happening all of a sudden? some would say it is a chemical change within your brain. Others would say it's your out look on life, your perception is changing. I have no idea but DMT definitely changes your perspective that's for sure.

Welcome to the Game.
Level up !

#17 Posted : 5/16/2009 6:35:07 PM

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sgtWow wrote:
Hey Jorkest can you elaborate on some of these insanely strange things that started happening?

well there are quite a few things..some stranger than others..but strange none the less..

dreams..its how SWIM journeys to other realities and worlds now..he doesnt need to smoke spice to get there anymore..

the dmt space starts to spill over into this world..even when you havent smoked will start seeing these signs everywhere and its cool and all but its strange

the trips become way way stranger antrocles said..he was actually in another body..SWIM has families in other realities that he loves..but whenever he goes..he always comes back..he has friends that he hasnt seen in a the reunions are absolutely awesome..they are wonderful..but get ripped away from the people you love the most(while you are there) and it is utterly heart breaking coming back..SWIM has never cried so hard in his was grief like hes never felt felt like everyone he cared about died in one instant..and he was left alone

hes been confronted by those dear dear old spirit friends..they said that it was time to pack up and leave this reality..they said the earth game was over and its time to SWIM stood up(while spicing) and as soon as he stood up..all of his friends melted away in front of him..leaving him forever stuck in this reality(at least thats what it felt like at the time)

hes had experiences where all the sudden he had to vomit and so he somehow grabbed his trash can..pulled out the bag and puked..just to find out later that he barely puked at all..even though it felt like it was tons...and right after puking..the bag that he had pulled out of the trash can was full of messages from the he started digging through his trash thinking they were messages..just to finally get them open and find out it was nothing..

hes had his computer lock him in..the screen became scrambled so he couldnt use the computer..and then something started speaking through his speakers telling him these things over and over and over again..

hes had space ships crash into his house..and then when he tried to take a closer look at what hit the house..he had to pee like crazy..and so he ran to the door to piss(outside) and when he turned around it was gone...just to go outside a few minutes later and he heard something running off through the woods(this was after he had come down)

hes become a virus that spread throughout the multiverse devouring everything..matter and energy was like he had opened pandora's box..

hes gone to places that were made of machinery..this would be the 'ark' for humanity when we finally ruined our world...

hes had experiences where he smoked spice...and felt absolutely NOTHING from it...except that he knew he had smoked something called dmt..but he couldnt remember anything about it...none of his experiences..but nothing was was like his memories of dmt space had been erased...awfully confusing..and then when he started to come down..he slowly got his memories of dmt back..

he could go on and on..but it seems that the farther you go with SMOKED spice...the weirder and weirder and weirder it gets..

like antrocles you surrender..and become less attached to this reality..the more they can show you...and you better believe there is more than love and light to be seen..
it's a sound
#18 Posted : 5/16/2009 7:57:10 PM

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i posted my friends experience before about how his spice journey made him jump back a few months into his body while he was sitting on a hill on a beautiful day after taking some LSD. exactly back there. very glad to read someone else has been transported similiary. it freaked my friend out a bit and was only for a few seconds but it's good to read you could embrace a similiar experience antrocles and re-assuring that someone else has had a proper kinda spice OBE into BE.

safe journeys.
i post on behalf of a good friend.
#19 Posted : 5/16/2009 7:58:03 PM

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Thank you for that wonderful report antrocles.Very inspiring.I would love to hear more.
You too Jorkest.Very happy
#20 Posted : 5/16/2009 9:27:11 PM

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I too have a good friend (not myself this time...) who I always share some of each extract with, who told me one time that he had a heavy duty experience where he was "transported" back to a time 10-15 years ago where he & some friends had taken acid & he had a very bad dissociative acid trip, where his reality started spinning, morphing & twisting away (more than what acid is normally capable of) and he freaked out. He said that acid experience had always been something he thought about as more of a spiritual flash than a chemical reaction.
He told me that he was transported back to that day/time & was witnessing & feeling the same things he did that day but now he recognized it as a DMT flash breaking into that day!!

I guess I always saw it as more metaphoric, even though he told me how real it was.
I believe him a bit more now hearing others talk about it.

This chemical never ceases to amaze me!!!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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