Yes it was very welcoming, comfortable,
I would say even medicinal..
Very ephemeral psychedelic imagery at the outset
but more prominent was the spatial feeling alteration
that lasted for a while. Like something
had been expanded with me in the center.
I was just sitting and thinking "huh there's nothing to
worry about.. this is what I needed right now"
A month? Man I don't want to wait that long..
even though there has been a long intermission
with the spice, I've had some practicing
with other tryptamines.. "research chemicals" that
IMO are good training wheels for encounters with
the natural majestic ones.....
PLEASE NOTE: Contents of this post belong to an ongoing hypermedia performance project that spans across different media, including Internet message boards. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or person s living or dead, is strictly coincidental.