Its true that our bodies naturally create highly acidic acids to disassemble food, water etc, but that doesn't mean the food and water we consume doesn't affect pH, I don't even think nobody officially knows, and I would also concern my body over nutrients than that of pH, though. The danger is being out of pH balance or 'neutral,' which is rare for humans but can happen with the right circumstances. Without that balance our bodies start to shut down which leads you to easier infection and disease. Its the same with too much alkalinity, though, different outcomes. Naturally, our bodies adapt to changes within the environment, as does pH. Its how the organism retains equilibrium. This is just my common sense.
For example, if the internal pH is altered, the body naturally accumulates oxidation. The free radicals that penetrate our bodies are acidic-based, which leads to spontaneous free radical damage. Alkalinity restores this action through oxidation, removing the free radical from wherever it may be in the body, hence the medical terms 'anti-inflammatory' thereby improving oxygen flow, increasing healing and pain modulation through balancing and direct, protective action. This is the effect of alkaline-based foods between that of acidic-based foods, though some acidic foods have similar functions. Its confusing because different sources have different ideas on what is acidic food and what is alkaline food. What it comes down to mainly is that healthy food feels good in terms of energy output; whereas non-healthy food feels terrible, but many enjoy doing this, its bizarre addictive patterns of behaviour.
To reach acidosis or any related disease, there would need to be an external environment change such as pollution and the availability of oxygen. Over-abundant cities are the worst for this, such as China, India, New York etc. The death rate of these places is high, and most of it, overall, comes from poor diet and the body not able to function correctly due to over-accumulation of stress on the body.
Those with obesity, diabetes, cancer etc, all have overly-acidic bodily functions from too many free radicals. To restore function you have to restore balance, within unity of the body.
Having a pH meter is always a good investment so you can measure your internal state of pH.
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'
Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?
We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.