hey my friends...been a little while since i last got a good trip report in....but it hasn't been for a lack of journeying
i'm punching through the 300 journey mark and have been noticing a distinct shift in experiences.... i thought i'd share one such journey with you to give you an idea...
lemme preface this for a sec with this little piece of info: i journey every day and have done so for the past 5+ months now. most days when i "go to church", i breakthrough a couple times. this has become my daily spiritual practice and nothing but good has entered my life as a result. that being said, brace yourself for what's been going on in MY world...
so...for the first 100 or so journeys i experienced a lot of what i read from other psychonauts in this forum: beautiful geometry, glyphs, elves, clowns, ballerinas, jungles, monkeys, light beings, aliens, spacecraft, playrooms, insects...lots and lots of insects....loving, nurturing, healing....
i thought i had pretty much experienced it all. truly.
at the 200 mark i started to experience a whole new level with the spice: i started to "land" on the other side. i started to experience a level of
facility within my environment. i began to understand the god-self that is the core of us all.....one of my favorite buddhist teachers, pema chodron, makes a beautiful observation in her book "when things fall apart". it says:
"it is only to the extent that we are willing to continually expose ourselves to annihilation that we begin to discover that part of us that is indestructible".
i personally cannot imagine a more complete way to experience annihilation than via smoking spice. and....true to the saying...after repeatedly destroying my ego, i began to understand that there was a "me" that never died. that never could. that never will. this marked a serious turning point in my relationship with DMT.
so....after those wonderful 100 journeys came another 100 or so journeys where i begin "landing" into other realities and set about exploring...and i am filled with awe... i am doing profound work. i am letting go of my conditioned idea of what is real. i am truly feeling a oneness with everything and an ecstatic desire to surrender to this everything....
and then it happened...
about a week ago i settled onto my bed and began my pre-journey meditation. i have long-dispensed with asking for anything from the spice. simply putting out the intent of surrender and meeting everything with love.
i wonder what i'm going to be shown this time??? 
.03 is all it takes (that's actually a HUGE dosage for me now). i'm gone. i'm...
i'm a mid-20's asian woman in a pair of hiking shorts and a hiking pole in hand. i'm standing in the middle of a trail i have been on before in Taos, N.M. i can feel the wind blowing through my long black hair and i begin to hike down toward the bottom where three rivers flow into one. it's a powerful place. i am there. i can feel the wind blowing on my neck that is damp with sweat and the coolness that that brings. i can feel the muscles in my legs as i eccentrically contract them walking down the steep grade...i can plainly hear the crunching of the dry, rocky dirt beneath my hiking boots...
for the record, i am a 6'2" white male who lives in california.
in a flash i have a distant memory of this big white guy who's body i inhabit in another reality and without any kind of fear or freakout i am told...just
told.... "the more you are willing to give up the reality that you are attached to, the more realities we will let you experience."
i am now circling like a great bird around this beautiful asian woman. i am her but i have a panoramic, 4-dimensional experience of being, seeing, and knowing her. i am leaving her now but i have an overwhelming joy, gratitude and down-right giddiness at the prospect that i will be experiencing other lives now....
this report of course does the experience no justice...but sufficed to say...i'm on a whole new level of wonder with the sacred spice these days....
thanks for reading!!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."