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Or isn't it ? In the past, i've grown very fond of taking small amounts of cactus resin. It has proven to be a very great facilitator of social interactions. I only once or twice advanced into psychedelic territory with cactus and it was great and relatively easy to handle. No i'm trying to up my mesacaline hcl dose and I don't know. After not feeling much from 50mg i decided to be a bit bolder and go with 120mg this time. After an hour or so, it came on. Felt like the typical anxiety ladden mushroom onset for me. Just that it never stopped. I just had to cancel my plans for the day and stay in this pain ridden state for 3-4 hours. Slight visuals appeared...but they kinda made things worse. Sometimes, i don't know if im the only one who is feeling like this on bad, low dose experiences. Feeling wobbly, queesy...desperatly trying to focus on something lese but the nasty feeling inside. Like having a stomach bug, trying to distract yourself from the nausea. After being in this weird state for 3 hours (felt like double that) i suddenly "popped out" of that time bubble and thought i could still venture outside.... So i went into town, got something to eat...and almost puked in the train. So i was trying to calm myself down in a busy city. Impossible. Fortunatly, i found a relatively quiet spot in a park to lay down. I then entered another time bubble and felt horrible. After another two hours, i started to feel better and decided to go home. It's now T+11 hours and i'm starting to feel crappy yet again. Reminds me of my LSD experiences gone wrong.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 459 Joined: 19-Jul-2012 Last visit: 29-Mar-2024
I've never done mescaline but I can relate from taking low to moderate doses of both LSD and mushrooms. I've had almost complete depressing trips on low doses. Like nothing matters, everything is pointless, the world is dumb, etc. I get over it pretty quick but still disturbing thoughts and emotions none the less. These thoughts usually come about when ive read or been involved in some sort of unfair experience or feel subconsciously like no one gives a damn. I wish I could offer some more helpful words but i am quite inexperienced to truely bad trip and mescaline however I do think this can happen on any psychedelic substance imo. Creator help me live in a way that will make my ancestors proud.
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Posts: 533 Joined: 07-May-2009 Last visit: 04-Feb-2024
I'm really sad and sorry to hear that obliguhl. That kind if dose acts like an empathogen for me. With larger doses acting the same way just more psychedelic. I've read your troubles with this substance before I think? Perhaps it's just not for you? Listen to your body!
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Muskogee Herbman, i would not call it a "bad trip", but a very discomforting one. The discomfort I'm talking about is present in almost all psychedelic experiences of mine, but usually it doesn't dominate the experience but gives way into something better and more interesting. It only feels depressing in the sense that i don't want to be in pain and had better plans for today. It's a horrible state to be in  @antoichode No, that was probably LSD i think....i think io need a good stronmg tryptamine experience next.
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https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=55756You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
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this kind of thing happens most when I have a problem relaxing. Im not sure how to really explain it, but it's too much restless energy that I just wont let go of, causing me to feel spun out, dizzy, anxious etc. Simply laying down and giving up into it can help. I think we have become controll freaks to some extent. Long live the unwoke.
Posts: 537 Joined: 10-Jun-2012 Last visit: 09-Apr-2024 Location: Ata
Wow. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. It's one of the few negative experience reports I've read about mescaline. What do you think was different this time compared to the other times when it was good? Nagdeo
Posts: 1285 Joined: 02-Aug-2008 Last visit: 21-Sep-2024 Location: earf
I'm sorry to hear of your condition, please help us figure out all the variables here to learn from your experience
lets consider your diet (including food/sleep/fasting/hydration/mindstate/intention/substance)
and lets also also consider any pre existing conditions that could contribute to this pain/ feeling terrible
thank you for your efforts
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4733 Joined: 30-May-2008 Last visit: 13-Jan-2019 Location: inside moon caverns
To be completlely honest: I wasn't feeling my best to start with. I woke up feeling a bit wobbly already, but ithought, i should still go ahead, to not make this an excuse for not doing it (happens way too often!). So i thought YOLO (sorry) and swallowed the pill. I tried to relax into it, but it would not work. Perhaps that's why a good dose is better in these instance as they FORCE you to let go. I also think that pure mescaline is harder because it lacks the dreamy and sedating alkaloids of pedro which help you relax before the mescaline takes hold. I now have a typical hangover with tiredness and a headache. Tempted to drink a bit of coffee, but i better not since it is anxiogenic and i should try to calm down first.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 711 Joined: 22-Jan-2012 Last visit: 10-Mar-2023
My two mescaline experiences were painful in the same way. Without the stomach problems though.. It was like having a migraine headache, but spread over the entire body and not just in my skull. All attempts to relax brought me only to the unnerving sensation or suspicion that I would enter a seizure state if I did. (never had a seizure in my life) That was 500mg Quote:So i thought YOLO (sorry) and swallowed the pill. doh! xD
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Posts: 124 Joined: 09-Jul-2011 Last visit: 10-Oct-2018 Location: Star Ship Enterprise
Thats a pretty small dose. I can't really notice effects at the 100mg level. I think at the lower doses, you get all the bad "come up" effects and very little of the good effects. I have always had issues with the HcL. Even when tone washed and re-x many times. No issues now that I've switched to sulfate. Take mescaline in a natural surrounding. Breath fresh air, see the plants and smell the flowers. The bridge between goals and accomplishments....Self-discipline.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1892 Joined: 05-Oct-2010 Last visit: 02-Oct-2024
obliguhl wrote:To be completlely honest:
I wasn't feeling my best to start with. I woke up feeling a bit wobbly already, but ithought, i should still go ahead, to not make this an excuse for not doing it (happens way too often!). So i thought YOLO (sorry) and swallowed the pill.
Textbook set and setting error. Sorry you had a hard time, seems fairly rare with pure mescaline especially at a low dose. Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.

Posts: 5257 Joined: 29-Jul-2009 Last visit: 24-Aug-2024 Location: 🌊
I'm sorry you had a rough time brother. But I would be careful of generalizing about mescaline too much from such an experience. We all know how many of us have had many different kinds of experiences, including rough trips or even trainwreck experiences, on a large number of different plants/substances...but usually it is the set/setting to blame, and not the substances. It sounds like the typical rough period of discomfort and fear that can characterize the beginning stages of a trip with any substance, but which occasionally can get dragged out for hours unless it's worked through or 'released' in one way or another. I think this is one of the reasons some people don't like to take low doses of dmt for example, because higher ones sometimes just force you right past that stage in a sort of 'resistance is futile' fashion.
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4733 Joined: 30-May-2008 Last visit: 13-Jan-2019 Location: inside moon caverns
Well, i'm not mad at mescaline or something. The title is provocative, i agree...but it's a calculated provocation because mescaline is always portrayed as this "feel good" substance which never fails to dish out good experiences. Not too sure it was only a set and setting issue or if its just mescaline HCL. Quote:It sounds like the typical rough period of discomfort and fear that can characterize the beginning stages of a trip with any substance, but which occasionally can get dragged out for hours unless it's worked through or 'released' in one way or another. I think this is one of the reasons some people don't like to take low doses of dmt for example, because higher ones sometimes just force you right past that stage in a sort of 'resistance is futile' fashion. That's exactly how it felt. I don't think im quite ready for longer lasting psychedelics yet. I think that's what i have learned. Short and sweet (or rough) experiences are more than enough for me at this point in time....  Quote:I have always had issues with the HcL. What kind of issues ?
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1892 Joined: 05-Oct-2010 Last visit: 02-Oct-2024
obliguhl wrote:Quote:I have always had issues with the HcL. What kind of issues ? I'd also like some practical excuse to convert to beautiful crystalline sulphate, but so far I have not found one. I'd be interested to hear one though. Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4031 Joined: 28-Jun-2012 Last visit: 05-Mar-2024
What with plain "healing"? I know it's a laden term, but one can't just rid it completely either. Some shit is dug up to manifest, isn't that good news? Bravissimo mescalito !
Well, just another point of view.
 Not I

Posts: 2007 Joined: 30-Aug-2010 Last visit: 23-Sep-2019
I agree with others... You are dosing in the worst possible range. For me pretty much all psychedelics have an 'uncomfortable' come up stage that is pronounced if I dose to low. Mescaline however is by far one of the smoothest, but 120mgs is a threshold dose and I'm a light head with psychedelics. I would recommend you aim for 300-350mgs and then I bet your come up anxiety is quickly displaced with a warm enveloping mescaline blanket.... and honestly even 350mgs is a smallish dose of mescaline. It really doesn't start kicking a lot of ass until 500-600mgs IMHO. I have only read a handful of bad mescaline experiences and usually these are when the person takes well over a gram and just doesn't come down for 24 hours or so. I do hope your experiences get better because honestly Mescaline is IMHO one of the most forgiving psychedelics a person can do and it's also one of the warmest. to me it's like the empathy from MDMA, the energy from MDA (though it last WAY longer) and the psychedelia of LSD... and that is a damn hard combo to beat in my opinion. Peace If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
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Posts: 375 Joined: 07-Mar-2011 Last visit: 07-Apr-2015 Location: Nepal
Hi obliguhl,
I have impression that you didn't prepare yourself for the journey:
1. To my understanding it is long lasting, so even in small dose it will be in for hours. 2. If you do do oral it may be stronger than any smoked experience, compare smoking dmt and pharma, so caution is recommended. 3. I think it was you that mentioned that weed cause you anxiety ( May be wrong can't find that thread), it used to be that way for me too, which is a reason for extra caution with working with any new stuff. 4. You went out and had food... This is odd too, never leave home after ingesting, even if you think it is over, it may kick in again, and food ... Peyotl ceremonies are done fasting in Mexico by Huichol natives who do their ceremonies still. Oral psychedelics are most likely to cause nausea. 5 even the day after you should be responssability free just in case.
I had few times peyotl tee and was pretty strong for me, and in first hour I had little anxiety , of course I have no idea what was active alkaloid count.
After all this said those who work with cactus what would be the perfect setting, and what the sitter should be aware of? I think it is more difficult than the plants I work with as Ibogaine, pharma and mushrooms in high doses all. All of them fold the body to the bed, and mescaline keeps the motoric function intact, and I was told that Huichol natives tie the person to the tree it thing "go wrong".
And btw thank you for recommending Kava Kava, it is perfect for post farma.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 533 Joined: 07-May-2009 Last visit: 04-Feb-2024
I had to check just to be sure as it had been well over a year since I imbibed. So I split 700mg of crystal and drank a foot worth of Bridgesii tea with a friend.
I purged violently within 1 hour and then experienced the warmest most liquid jelly experience on offer. To be honest I just ended up running my arms and legs through a fur blanket for a good 4 hours. Beautiful closed and open eye visuals and the best body high since MDMA. every cell in my body would go from extreme relaxation and vibrating warmth to charged and tingling stimulation and then back again. Touch taste smell and sound became inseparable and the greatest mix of alkaloids known to man surged through my brain and body. I was naked in front of the magnet for some 6 or 8 hours. And awake for at least 24.
I deduce that Mescaline is all good!!
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Posts: 372 Joined: 29-Sep-2009 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024 Location: Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
I've found that the speedy not-quite there discomfort can be smoothed right out by smoking some caapi leaf. The dreaminess of the caapi perfectly offsets the stimulation of the mesc and enhances the psychedelic effects. (Cue the Shpongle...) Some aya brew (vine only) or Syrian Rue would likely have similar effects, but I haven't experimented with them in combo with mescaline. Yet. That said I'll agree that 120 mg falls squarely into the range of the dreaded underdose when taken by itself. I already asked Alice.