Age and DMT Options
#21 Posted : 4/21/2014 4:47:05 PM

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My personal view is no. DMT is DMT whatever, 5 minutes or 5 hours are the same, only difference is that vaping has an extreme come-up. Just my view of course.
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#22 Posted : 4/21/2014 5:03:29 PM

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d*l*b wrote:
My personal view is no. DMT is DMT whatever, 5 minutes or 5 hours are the same, only difference is that vaping has an extreme come-up. Just my view of course.

I think a key difference is that harmalas are involved in a 5 hour experience, and they qualitatively alter the character and aesthetic of the experience IME. Even when comparing vaped DMT with vaped DMT + harmalas where there is still the extreme come up for both (though slightly different) this qualitative difference is noticeable.
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#23 Posted : 4/21/2014 5:06:33 PM

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HolograficUniverse wrote:

When I was growing up no one could have ever convinced me I was too young to do something; I had to decide/experience it for myself. ...and then I could say whether I was too young or not haha.

Ha, yeah, how true.

Mustelid wrote:

2. Too young is ... when one doesn't unsterstand the gravity of a total shift in their perspective of everything.

This is my position, although an actual number is harder to quantify. I had had a lot of experience with psyalks when dmt came across me, on my 21st birthday, and the experience while profound was basically wasted on my youth.

However, if I had had the powerful experience that I had a few years ago at 42yo, I don't know what would have become of me. It shattered every conception I had of everything and without the wisdom of years I don't think I would have handled it too well.

Maturity is subjective yes, but a certain level should be achieved before launching headlong into hyperspace, IMO.
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#24 Posted : 4/21/2014 5:41:55 PM

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I agree that age is subjective.

I say that the individual is ready when they have a level of self confidence as well as the desire to learn things that cannot be taught in the realm that we reside.

Kids are maturing quicker these days, so who knows what the right age is. For me, it was 26. I'd say that my timing was perfect, and it came at the most needed time in my life. I'm thankful. Smile
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#25 Posted : 4/21/2014 5:57:36 PM

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AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
Kids are maturing quicker these days

I have heard this one bandied about occasionally, my view is actually quite the opposite! I think for many years now we have been less willing to mature (depending what you call maturing, of course), we have been more protected from the realities of the wider world and less willing to take responsibility.

The only thing I see is that over the past 20–30 years wider experiences are ever more more readily available, however access to varied experience does not equate to maturity, possibly rather a greater sense of entitlement.

I see the age at which my mother got married and had kids, in her early 20s in the late 70s, yet I look at people that age now and generally feel they are still very young [in terms of maturity] indeed. Only a couple of decades before I was born it was very normal in my country (UK) to leave school at 14, work and start paying toward you and your family’s life, could you imagine any “western” 14-year-old being able to deal with that now?

Saying all that, and getting back from my tangent (!)—

I think I would quite comfortably have dealt with the spice experience at 16 [note I am only talking from my own place at that time, not that it is a good age to get involved], however I don’t think I would have gained as much as I did finding it later. In some ways it may have even been easier for me as I would have had less understanding of the enormity of it.

I notice that many I see who pay little mind to the fact the experience could be seen as extreme or significant seem to have less issues with dealing with it than I do.
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#26 Posted : 4/21/2014 9:03:40 PM

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...I don’t think I would have gained as much as I did finding it later. In some ways it may have even been easier for me as I would have had less understanding of the enormity of it.[/quote

This thought also crossed my mind. I'm pretty sure I would have jumped in with reckless abandon in my late teens or early twenties, possibly to good outcome or possibly not. However, I don't think there could have been a better time for me than when I did turn to DMT at 34. There are many thoughtful, intelligent Nexians who are 19, 20, etc. but I think they have their heads screwed on straighter than I did at that age. Laughing

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#27 Posted : 4/21/2014 9:29:36 PM

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First heard about it at age 18 and was intrigued.

First met someone who had tried synthetic DMT and never broken through at age 20.

Met world respected pioneer DMT psychonauts and saw the entire contents of their Notes from the Underground at age 25. Okay now it was driving me nuts. Grrrrrr.

Got my hands on a CD of the entire history, 1992 to 2008 of the Entheogen Review and inside found Noman's tek and his addendum and finally had DMT at age 41.

For those of you younger folks who think you waited a long time, just a reminder (and yep, this has been hashed over here a lot before) that I had to wait 23 years. Big grin It was worth the wait. Big grin

Needless to say, I can only speak for my personal opinion here and I am indeed a member of an ill culture and living in a ultra built up urban, high crime area, where many folks are awesome and oriented towards family, religion, neighbors and community,. . . real bridge builders and folks I have had over to dinner many times. So, I guess this is where I apply my opinions on age.

I feel that the ideal time to begin sincere work with DMT is somewhere between 25 the late 40's. By 25 the brain has quit all its' major growth and huge changes and all the fontenelles have sealed up - Laughing , that is to say, you no longer have any holes in your heads!

I would encourage folks to NOT wait until midlife has passed. If you are in your late 30's to late 40's and are considering it, now is the time in my opinion. For many folks this is approximately the halfway point in life. Most child-bearing and some rearing is over, the body is beginning to change in ways that confirm in a fundamental way that youth and life are NOT eternal, midlife issues rear up and folks seem to find themselves thinking about their pasts and their current concerns or traumas and realize that perhaps they are not going to have infinite time to do their work, etc.
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#28 Posted : 4/28/2014 10:59:35 AM


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Think this is the link to the original forum here
#29 Posted : 4/29/2014 4:06:53 AM

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I tried it at 35.

When should someone else try it? I think maturity level and self awareness play a big role in that decision.
#30 Posted : 4/29/2014 6:14:24 AM


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Eudaimōn wrote:
Think this is the link to the original forum here

Good find, gracias!

I was 19 when N,N- found its way into my life.
#31 Posted : 4/30/2014 6:43:46 AM

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A few months ago, 26. I don't think I would have had the same quality of experience when I first wanted to travel years ago.
#32 Posted : 5/12/2014 12:03:53 PM

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I think you can know for yourself when you are ready. You shouldn't use it in an impuls, but think about it carefully and make the right decision. Also you must be old enough to see the difference between use dmt and abuse dmt.

#33 Posted : 5/12/2014 9:55:36 PM

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I was once at a dinner table alongside the presence of 2 children, 9-12 year girls, someone started to mention shamans, ayahuasca, etc. The father is very involved in Aya and was quick to 'SHHHHHH' the rest of the convo to shelter the girls from hearing about it.

Hope that made sense... anyways I've been questioning, when should children learn about it? We've all heard that tribes expose children to it obviously. & with internet I'm sure the age is getting younger and younger in the west.

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#34 Posted : 5/13/2014 1:47:30 PM

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f1 wrote:
anyways I've been questioning, when should children learn about it? We've all heard that tribes expose children to it obviously. & with internet I'm sure the age is getting younger and younger in the west.


I think there are major issues with regards to the legal and social implications of such things. Kids have big mouths, the state has large ears and likes to poke its big nose into a lot of things.

I found out about Psilocybe semilanceata and Amanita muscaria as a result of a book on UK fungi I got given at about 8 or 9 years old. At around the same time the front pages of national newspapers here were full of stories about Acid House, LSD and ecstacy. I found drugs and likewise the music and culture that was turning my country upside down at the time very interesting, but I did not understand the social/legal implications until I was 11 and first tried pot.

On actually being around pot and the social situation around it it was clear that this was not something that you should talk to everyone about for safety’s sake. Nevertheless, my interests did become rather too well known after some time which did cause social issues in my mid-teens. I guess the same issues would be possible just by being connected to a family that works in areas that are not socially acceptable. In families that dabbled and were open about such matters it was common knowledge across my school and social group, which presents a security issue.

At least in my country it is possible to have your children removed from your care if the state decides your way of life is not fitting with the upbringing of children. Further from that there is undue school and police attention to think about as well as other kids’ (and their parents) perception of such things.
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#35 Posted : 5/13/2014 2:15:14 PM

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I was 42 before dmt found me but before then I found every drug inc heroin , I gave my son dmt when he was 17 and he's more a

muture human then most adults I no , he's never tried any chemical or pot for that matter and has no wish too , he says

occasionally the dmt he has keeps him grounded and stress free , there's just differant horses for differant courses , and everyone

should only take drugs of any kind after a lot of thought and research !!
#36 Posted : 5/18/2014 12:17:46 AM

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Hopeful, to answer your question as best as I can, firstly Im going to assume youre in your teens. Unless you contribute this info I will base my answer on that. However age isn't as important as maturaty level. While maturity and wisdom come with age many don't reach a level of maturity that is respectable at any age.

It is my opinion that to give a child or even a child-minded individual a compound such is DMT is in lack of better words, child abuse. If one is wise and mature it is his duty to save people from themselves in many cases. Even the mature and wise get burned by paychedelics every now and again, albeit less frequently and to a lesser degree. I for one have not tried DMT. I feel that Im mature and wise enough but with my VAST prior experiences with psychedelics Im only to assume I am not ready. Im fearful I may not find it useful right now, or worse I may not be able to properly integrate the experience.

Right now Im researching the compound and living vicariously through others reports. Im choosing for my own sanity to work with substances that are enlightening, enjoyable and not so brutal right now. There are other entheogens that can give you very profound insights but the intensity experience can be better controlled through dosage. I wholeheartedly urge you to do a TON of research on this compound; the good, the bad and the ugly. Perhaps indulge in some lighter doses of similar compounds, perhaps mushrooms or mescaline to get your feet wet. Analyze your social behaviors in life. Do you find that you argue a lot with your peers, family etc? Do you have trouble at work, or holding down a job? Are you responsible i.e. pay your bills on time even though you really really really want that new PS3 game and can only afford to do one or the other? If you answer these questions to yourself honestly they can be a good insight into whether you are mature or not.

For most people with a good head on their shoulders maturity comes with age and is perfectly natural. Its ok to be a kid , don't grow up too fast and enjoy your youth. Hell I was MORE IMMATURE than anyone I knew up until mid twenties.

These compounds can cause an uncomfortable enough experience to where you may have long lasting psychological problems. It happened to me, it forced me to grow up real fast, I just feel that my heed of warning is appropriate and I hope you understand Im not trying to discourage you from indulging just try and make a smart decision and do it when you are ready.
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#37 Posted : 5/18/2014 12:53:40 AM

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I extracted it towards the end of my tenth grade year of high school I think it was. So must've been 16 or so. Knowledge is so accessible with the internet. I tried LSD end of summer transitioning into 9th grade and had done that atleast 30-50 times or more before trying DMT. I tried mushrooms 9th grade I think aswell, and had done a fair bit of those before trying DMT. I actually think I was mature enough to try it when I did, and did have full blown breakthroughs; perhaps I was prepped by the LSD and mushrooms. I had also done immense reading on the substances and did have the intent of exploration and self realization rather than trying to get "f'ed up". I often think about how such early and profound shifts in my consciousness has changed me, in addition to some others of my age and this new generation. Those of my friends who have been touched by it are all taking very interesting paths and its exciting to see. Its really inspiring actually.. this psychedelic renaissance.. I think there's more 'tapped' young minds than maybe some older fellas predict. Im only 21. It will put you on a path quite early.
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#38 Posted : 5/18/2014 4:36:04 AM

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My first was at 22.
I had the proper intentions and was capable of using it responsibly.
If you find yourself with good motives and are able to use powerful materials safely, maybe you are of age. Its really about being honest with yourself.
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#39 Posted : 7/4/2021 5:21:15 AM

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I first tried DMT recently, not long after turning 65. When it comes to tripping, I think that the main limitation (for me, at least) is physical rather than mental. I do have extensive experience with psychedelics over the last 50 years, so it was likely easier for me to handle my first experience with the spice than someone my age that has never tripped before.

When you age to the point where you’re taking meds for ongoing physical issues, you need to be much more mindful of when and how often you trip; your body doesn’t recover as easily as it did when you were still young and “bulletproof.”

I recently saw a video where Nick Sand (my personal hero) was asked if he still tripped. It was just a year or two before he passed away in his sleep. He said no, because of health reasons. He’d had a heart attack and had some other medical issues that prevented him from tripping anymore. I suppose we will all get to that point eventually.
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