Very intriguing phenomena. I can relate.
A while ago, just this year actually, I too had a dream similar to what you experienced. Though, nothing of that nature. It was much more enticing, universal, supreme and spacious. It was slightly frightening and esoteric. I haven't come to the point in my life to take N,N-DMT, but this dream was very real, forceful and awe-inspiring. Similar to how Nexians describe the experience of DMT.
As I was coming out of sleep( though in theory I was still asleep, just not quite 'awake,' ) I brought my bed covers down off my face, something felt different than usual, and immediately I was launched in to this space of a galaxy-like force with pristine colors, space and sound. It was as if it was waiting for me to wake up. As I was struck by it, I turned my head away under the covers in fear. Once I took action, my bed covers flew off in to this space as if it was sucked out. My bed started to shake, and once I glanced over and stared at this 'thing'(force), it became stronger in intensity, swirling, constructing, and two brightly light stars from left and right, suddenly emerged and started to spin together in unison, bringing on this feeling of emergence. It was incredibly loud yet beautiful, I couldn't look away. It was fast, too. Very engaging. I could barely keep up with what I was seeing and experiencing. Was this death? Was this a message? Is it my unconscious awareness preparing me for the DMT experience itself? My thoughts and self remained untouched but were of no significance due to the overwhelming force that lay ahead of me.
Once these two stars formed a circle(from spinning so fast and accurately), the visuality quickly snapped out of acuity and everything became silent. Blackness momentarily. I awoke with a feeling of awe-stuck density. Life had not changed, though.
Before this happened I had some work-related changes which were/are going very well! I found what I had been keeping my eyes open for. Could this have been a meaning-related dream event or something else? I really cannot know. It left me with a feeling of unknowing and eventually questioning it. Yet the questioning lead me nowhere externally, just here, in this moment, internally.
So, my question is(besides from having a DMT trip-based dream from previous entheogenic DMT states), have this force-like dream phenomena before engaging with DMT itself?
Heavily curious.
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'
Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?
We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.