3rd try with DMT, First trip to hyperspace! Options
#1 Posted : 5/13/2009 5:42:30 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Heya all, this is my first post here. As a little background, I have tried LSD many times in the past and enjoy the occasional mushroom trip. I thought I knew what a psychedelic drug was capable of... I am also a little experienced (or so i thought) with astral projection and the spirit world. Before my experiences with DMT I have not read any trip reports or any other reports on the effects of the drug. I didn't want to be influenced by what I read.

A friend brought DMT to my attention about a month ago. I read a little about the chemical itself to see how dangerous it was to the physical body if at all. I was happy to see that its very safe! SO, I said I would try it. My first dose was small, my friend has had a few experiences and knew what doses I should start with. My first dose was very peaceful, I saw geometric patterns and a pair of eyes, everything was in black and white. I thought that this was amazing, the body high was better than anything I have ever felt before. 5 min later everything is back to normal... My friend let me know that this was just the beginning... the tip of the tip of the iceberg. After that we had a nice trip on some shrooms and reflected.

Fast forward to 2 nights ago. I did 2 doses. I'll spare the details of the first, except that everything was in color and I felt like I was at the brink of blasting off. My visuals were even more beautiful than the first time. A spiral of mutli colored lines, almost like a door that I could not get through, although everything seemed 2d, as if I was watching it on tv. Amazing.

My first hyperspace experience:

So my friend in lue of his trip wanted me to get to hyperspace (what a nice drug lol). He gave me his half of the spice and melted the crystals over a small bit of weed and covered that with some ashes. I took a long hard hit, the chamber was full and I just kept breathing in. about 10 seconds later after I thought I couldn't suck in anymore I let go of the carb. WOOSH. My last thoughts on earth are "I need to put this bong down..I need to exhale.." I exhaled and laid my head back on the couch.

An immediate body rush that I haven't felt before, everything went silent, so silent that I could hear new sounds, a ringing or buzzing but almost in a melody. My mind was so clear that when I thought to myself it was like my words echoed all around me. I was by myself but not alone, Patterns that cannot be described put me in utter awe, so many colors and vibrant streams of geometric shapes... this wasn't 2d anymore. The world itself was mutli colored waves of lines or patterns, it all came together in the middle and a shape seamed to be forming. I kept telling the shape "show me how beautiful you are", "show me what you really look like" I am flying around this mass of changing lines freely and this shape although it (she?) didn't talk to me, I "felt" it say "I want to show you"... I cant remember allot of it, I do know after that point the visuals get super intense, the most beautiful show of light, color and shapes, all so chaotic but all perfect, and the buzzing song in my head is just a symphony at this point that I cannot understand. A hole burns in the sky and through the hole i see a candle. That is the candle on my coffee table, I open my eyes and see my wife and friend sitting, watching, smiling. I say something to them but not sure what. I look at my wife and notice there is a big white spot in the corner of my view, I turn to face it and the world melts away! I am back in the humming and spirals of flower like shapes wrapping around my view like ribbons, or like a DNA helix, and on those strands of DNA there where hexagonal geometric patterns in the most beautiful colors. I wanted it to keep going, but I knew my world was coming back. It stopped so suddenly for me, My eyes opened and my living room was back. I had faint lsd like visuals for a couple min afterwords, My body felt relaxed but shaky from the experience, my head felt great but still in awe. All i could say for like 5 min was "WOW... it doesn't make any sense....WOW...." I asked my wife and friend how long I was out for before I opened my eyes, they said almost 15 min. At that point I'm not sure what I meant by "it doesn't make any sense" Was it the trip... or the world I came back to?

All in all, I cannot really describe in words or text what I felt, what I saw.
I tried and hope you enjoyed. I cannot wait to go back.


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#2 Posted : 5/13/2009 5:51:14 PM

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welcome friend..its always so nice reading about first brings back fond memories
it's a sound
#3 Posted : 5/13/2009 5:51:49 PM

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OEV or CEV breakthrough?

And welcome!
I can create anything with my mind. Including fiction, which this is.
#4 Posted : 5/13/2009 7:49:55 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I'm assuming CEV. But really I was not aware of my physical self at all. When I saw the room I assume my eyes where open, but it totally sucked me back a second time... almost like my eyes where forced closed again. I didn't try to open them until the ride was done.
#5 Posted : 5/14/2009 3:11:21 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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I enjoyed reading that, what a nice little journey of discovery! Smile

Ahh DMT, the way forward.

Welcome and hope to see you around!
#6 Posted : 5/14/2009 4:04:36 AM
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I'm starting to get envious of these experiences. Maybe it is more freely available in Europe or the USA, but there is no way I could find any here, and importing Mimosa is out of the question. Hunting down obscure Acacia species also impossible.
#7 Posted : 5/14/2009 4:25:50 AM
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Morphane wrote:
I'm starting to get envious of these experiences. Maybe it is more freely available in Europe or the USA, but there is no way I could find any here, and importing Mimosa is out of the question. Hunting down obscure Acacia species also impossible.

Is mimosa illegal in austrailia?
All illegal narcotics are medicinal. Boredom is a disease worse than cancer. Drugs cure it, with little or no side effects if used as directed - Doug Stanhope.

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#8 Posted : 5/14/2009 4:38:39 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Yea, but I knew a guy who got some through once or twice.

Morphane I take it your not near the east coast of Australia?
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