trouble breaking through... Options
#1 Posted : 5/9/2009 11:51:51 PM

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Hi y'all,

I'm pretty new to this very legendary site, and was wondering if i could ask a little advice...

I'm familiar with DMT taken in a variety of ways (orally, nasally (OUCH, never again - but awesome), and vaporising...

So many people describe breaking through, and I can't say that I have...I've smoked anything from 30 - 100mg, and many times - (once on Syrian Rue, which was a BIG mistake - pure and incredible, unrelenting, ferocious terror).

The visuals are beauitful, very colourful and amazingly detailed. I get the fear when I smoke DMT...and when I smoke a good dose, it is profoundly weird, but I seemed to come up against a wall or vortex of energy, and can't break through, or navigate anywhere, so I can't say I've broken through to somewhere else, or encountered any of these infamous entities one hears so much about (once on Copelandia mushrooms, but that's another story).

So does anyone have any advice on how I could increase my chances of breaking through and having a deeper experience?..

Right now, although I am awed at DMT's power, I am, at the same time, just a tad underwhelmed with it, so far all the hype has slightly surpassed my experience with this bizarre and still amazing substance...

Take care y'all.

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#2 Posted : 5/10/2009 2:36:11 AM

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or navigate anywhere

There is no way to navigate anywhere, you can just stick to the tiger and enjoy the ride (or fear it).
Entities are optional IMO.
It happened often to my friend to see incredible and awesome images, or to think he was "elsewhere" but it is not what he would call a breaktrough. A breakthrough is when your view of life is changed after the experiece, whatever that experience was.
#3 Posted : 5/10/2009 4:04:31 PM

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Hi, thanks for your feedback. Actually I think you can navigate DMT space - to some extent - by vocalising. Kind of throat singing, a bit like a human didgerydoo, has a profound effect on the visuals, deepening and expanding them, one can go much deeper, and one can change the scenes that unfold by altering the pitch and tone in sound...its incredible. Terrence McKenna had a quote which crystallises this experience amazingly, but unfortunately, I am unable to find it.

I can't say DMT has 'really' changed is very profound during the 5 minutes or so of peak effects, but when I start coming down, I'm left feeling at peace - ALWAYS - for sure a positive experience, but I can't say I've had any intergalactic insights yet. Might be too much too quckly, no time for insight, or maybe I have a high threshold and need to up my dosage a bit.

#4 Posted : 5/10/2009 6:58:42 PM

The Great Namah

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I have to agree. a vaporized dmt experience can be navigated to some degree. Ayahausaca/pharma can be even more so.

Bancopuma, we'll need some more info, such as weight, type of smoking method(s), any drugs that you use (esp other tryptamines that are cross tolerance with DMT), and umm, yeah I think that's about it.

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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#5 Posted : 5/10/2009 8:48:17 PM

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Bancopuma wrote:
Hi, thanks for your feedback. Actually I think you can navigate DMT space - to some extent - by vocalising. Kind of throat singing, a bit like a human didgerydoo, has a profound effect on the visuals, deepening and expanding them, one can go much deeper, and one can change the scenes that unfold by altering the pitch and tone in sound...its incredible. Terrence McKenna had a quote which crystallises this experience amazingly, but unfortunately, I am unable to find it.

That is very interesting!! I have had many experiences where I started to "sing" (for lack of a better word) these strange sounds that seem like words or language of some kind, but none that I can recognize.
It just begins to bubble up inside of me & it is more like my body is doing it involuntarily!! I am basically just watching & listening to my voice make these tones & words. And like you said, they seem to effect or influence the visual aspects of whats going on too.
Sometimes it just goes... I couldn't stop it if I wanted to!! I just have to wait until whatever needed to be said, is finished being said...I guess. It can get pretty loud too!
It's stuff like this that makes me prefer to take DMT by myself. So I don't look like a lunatic when I can't stop singing nonsensical words really loudly!!Laughing

This happens to me almost every time I drink a MAOI tea & smoke a full-on breakthrough dose of DMT.
One of the really memorable times was during the first "SHE" launch (report here: SHE site-reports - it's 2nd from the bottom), I took a good sized dose of S.Rue tea + vaporized Spice, where I almost felt as if I was outside my body while someone/something was using it to make these sounds & control where I was going.
I must have laid there in a trance-like state, making involuntary sounds & drifting in & out of visions for at least 20-to-30 minutes!! Then out of nowhere, it stopped, like the "tape" or "speech" my body was being used to vocalize, was over or something.?.?.?
This was not at all frightening or anything, in fact it felt great & was fascinating to witness!!

I have also had a similar experience to the one McKenna talked about, where he said the entities seemed to be trying to teach him to sing these beautiful jeweled-Faberge-Egg-like-universes into existence.
It was a bit different in my experience of course, it was like these entities where explaining to me how to create a reality (not just my personal reality, but entire universes!!), by "singing-out" this low, chanting/humming like sound.
They started getting frustrated with me because every time I would start to get one of these universes to begin to form, I would become lost in watching it's perfect geometric designs moving & folding in & out of itself. Which would cause me to lose the focused control needed to keep it going.
So it felt like they put my consciousness outside of my body & took over my physical voice, to show me how to keep it under control & keep building these things into existence. I was watching it happen from outside of my body, but I could also still feel everything in great detail & there was this constant, stream-of-thought explanation going on, in sync with every subtle change in my body, that would then create dramatic changes in the fabric of the reality's being created by the singing!!

It was an incredible experience thinking back on it now!!

I do not have that kind of deeply defined "contact" with whatever it is out there in DMT-space very often.
When I experience beings while in the DMT trance, it is usually more like a flood of these "light-beings", coming from every direction so fast & so many, that they seem to fill up my entire field of vision (sometimes that's 360 degrees...)!!
After there are so many of them that it starts to feel "crowded" (??Confused ??), it turns into a kind of oozing of these entities & whatever it is that they do (??Confused ??) all over & through every atom of my being.
Until they slowly begin to fade away, sometimes there is a feeling of "goodbye for now..." coming from them, or from me, or from both...

What a strange chemical indeed!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#6 Posted : 5/10/2009 9:31:39 PM

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Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback...very interesting.

Found that Terrence McKenna quote:

"With Ayahuasca, an interior sound is commonly heard, which quite often triggers a spontaneous burst of imitative vocalizings, markedly unlike any conventional human speech or facial contortions. The tryptamines can apparently trigger a kind of rippling of facial muscles, which results in the production of a vocally modulated pressure wave. What is more startling is that the sound, which gains in energy the longer it is sustained, can actually become visible - as if the vibrational wave patterns were shifting into the visible spectrum or inducing a vibrational excitation of the air in such a way as to affect light diffraction. These observations suggest that although the wave is produced with sound, it may possess an electromagnetic component. This peculiar wave phenomenon will continue to be generated out of the mouth and nostrils and will be visible in the surrounding air as long as the vocalizations are continued."

The time I disocovered this was with one of my good friends...we were in the woods on acid at the time, and we had found a really nice spot, and for the first time, we tried smoking DMT while on the LSD...

An awesome synergy, and not as scary as it may sound...already being in a positive trance state makes the transition to DMT reality less jarring than smoking when sober.

My friend kind of felt a shudder or vibration of energy and basically released this energy as sound. I missed the boar this time, but then a bit later we jumpd back in with anbother cheeky toke or two...and this time I vocalised...

AMAZING!! Absolute bliss, and beautiful very rapidly unfolding visions...I didn't see any entities, but got a definite feeling of otherness, like they were there amoung the spinning unfolding realms...

My friend on the other hand met and was stroked by a ectoplasmic, alien cuttlefish, with a friendly character!

Well I smoke my DMT in my trusty little glass pipe, these days usually 50mg. Its extract, from mimosa, but very pure stuff.

I mostly smoke at night, or occassionally during the day - it seems better (not surprisngly) to be out in nature, come to thinbk of it can't say I've had the fear out in nature.

However recently I've been smoking changa - AMAZING stuff to the following recipe...

33% finely shredded caapi vine/caapi leaves
22% Mullein (lung healing herb)
22% Peppermint (soothing, anti inflammatory, anti nausea)
22% Passion flower (calming, mild MAOI)

25% DMT by weight, sprinkled over the herb mix, in a pyrex dish over a pot of simmering water, and stirred in. Takes a few minutes to prepare, and is very cheap and VERY easy to smoke. A beautiful synergy between all the herbs.

LSD + changa = extreme beauty and wholesome, nourishing bliss... Smile
#7 Posted : 5/11/2009 1:37:32 AM

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SWIM has found the best way to breakthrough.

He first realized how to do this using oral DMT + MAOI. Basically on this combo SWIM often gets shocked by images he finds threatening and immediately opens his eyes, even at lower doses. DMT temors can also make eye lids open slightly.

It isn't as much as opening the eye as much of the fact that physical distractions keep one too grounded eg. take too much oral DMT and just feel how you convulse to keep your mind from beaming up.

You say you get the fear? Is it possible that the anxiety is holding you back? When SWIM had his first large dose, he was quite intimidated and was filled with far too much emotion too clear his head. This was nowhere near a breakthrough experience, however if he just lets himself go he can relax his body, breathe smoothly, then vigourously, yet beautifully get sucked into oblivion. eyes open or closed.

SWIM breaks through the most when he's not expecting it. Usually from a small dose at the end of the day when he is very relaxed. Once he was aware that all that existed of him was his tongue and his teeth... pretty weird. No cheaks, no roof of mouth, just pearly whites and infinity. I believe this was probably because the rest of him was so relaxed
#8 Posted : 5/11/2009 2:09:51 AM

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Ok I can dig that...thanks.
#9 Posted : 5/11/2009 3:01:36 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Bancopuma wrote:

However recently I've been smoking changa - AMAZING stuff to the following recipe...

33% finely shredded caapi vine/caapi leaves
22% Mullein (lung healing herb)
22% Peppermint (soothing, anti inflammatory, anti nausea)
22% Passion flower (calming, mild MAOI)

25% DMT by weight, sprinkled over the herb mix, in a pyrex dish over a pot of simmering water, and stirred in. Takes a few minutes to prepare, and is very cheap and VERY easy to smoke. A beautiful synergy between all the herbs.

I was about to suggest making some changa with an MAOi containing leaf if your having trouble breaking through but it seemed you've already had this idea. However, I'm not actually completely sure I understand what your doing here. You put all the herbs in a pyrex dish and have that on top of simmering water then sprinkle the dmt over the herb so it melts into it?

I'd advice having a look at this thread for a guide to Changa and take note of the DMT:Leaf ratio as 25% would be considered light.
#10 Posted : 5/11/2009 4:19:47 AM

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Thanks for your thoughts...I will be sure to check out the changa thread.

Yep thats my method simple and quick, and doesn't require solvents, which aren't an ally I found when making it before.

This is the basic, standard recipe I got off a very decent Australian guy I met at Boom festival in Portugal last summer...he claims to be the inventor of changa, and I beleive him, as quite a few other psychedelic people know him too, and back this up...

The average DMT% of his batches he sold at Boom were 22%, and these were MORE than ample for a very powerful experience, although he does make much potent batches as well.

My batches at 25% are POWERFUL, nothing light about them...I think after this %, the law of diminishing returns starts to set in,and you start to lose a bit more of the DMT...I could be wrong though.

I will have to cook up a more potent batch at some point methinks...

#11 Posted : 5/11/2009 8:15:05 AM

The Root

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how bout this - when smoked that buzz gets higher in frequency - a harmonic between ur brain and the spice vibration is created and that is the vibrationary level that creates ur experience - when vocalising the vibration changes somewhat or the harmonic and that leads the experience by controlling the vibration. swim does overtone singing on most things and always it makes a huge difference in visuals and mindset.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#12 Posted : 5/11/2009 9:44:40 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Bancopuma wrote:
Yep thats my method simple and quick, and doesn't require solvents, which aren't an ally I found when making it before

Oh really? Just seems a bit experimental, where as using Acetone to dissolve the DMT ensures all the leaf is saturated to mostly equal parts.

Bancopuma wrote:
The average DMT% of his batches he sold at Boom were 22%

Ye if I was selling it I wouldn't go any higher as well.

Bancopuma wrote:
My batches at 25% are POWERFUL, nothing light about them...I think after this %, the law of diminishing returns starts to set in,and you start to lose a bit more of the DMT...I could be wrong though.

Ye I'm not saying they aren't but just thought if you were having trouble breaking through making a 1:1 batch would ensure otherwise as I've found there is a distinct difference between the two. I'm not sure what you mean by law of diminishing? I've made ratios of 1:1.5 (leaf : dmt) before and only got extremely stronger effects, nothing was too diminishing about it. Around that ratio and higher the leaf is so saturated that the DMT starts to stick to the outside, resulting in a grainy texture over the leaf but again nothing is lost.

Good luck.
#13 Posted : 5/11/2009 10:57:07 PM

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Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback.

Phlux - very interesting stuff, I understand and can definitely see where your coming from, I like that theory, has a McKenna-brothers-True-Hallucinations vibe... Definitely going to persevere with the throat singing. Does amazing things in a mushroom trance I have found...

Smokeydaze - thanks for your views...will maybe try acetone, I used vodka before which didn't work so well...I will be cooking up a batch of uber changa in the future. I think I will prepare some and have it for when I feel it calling out, in the eve when I'm chilled, maybe do some breathing/relaxation meditation, and then dive right in...

The gnomes have learned a new way to say hoooorrraaaaaayyyy......

#14 Posted : 5/12/2009 11:30:36 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Bancopuma wrote:
Smokeydaze - thanks for your views...will maybe try acetone, I used vodka before which didn't work so well...I will be cooking up a batch of uber changa in the future. I think I will prepare some and have it for when I feel it calling out, in the eve when I'm chilled, maybe do some breathing/relaxation meditation, and then dive right in..

Yea definitely try Acetone, works every time.

That's why I love it so much, when ever your ready its ready to go straight away. No need weighing out crap or sprinkling stuff or tinkering with pain in the butt devices. Just load cone, light, boom. Also, take a look at some of the other herbs in that thread as they all deserve a considerable amount of attention. Let us know how it goes..
#15 Posted : 5/12/2009 11:46:17 PM

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