Support the New WIKI Options
#1 Posted : 11/4/2011 6:36:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Hello everybody!

As you can see, we are making some big structural changes to the DMT Nexus WIKI for more intuitive and organized access

We still got a lot to do, but the basic idea is there. You can click on DMT as an example of what kind of subsections the substance pages can have. Also you can click the mimosa hostilis or phalaris spp. to see what kind of subsections the plant pages can have.

How can you help?

Just register to the Wiki and log in, and you can edit any page.

Clicking on red (currently unexistant) pages will open up the page and you can just start writting and it will automatically create it. Like for example in the Botanical section there are a lot of plants that dont have the page yet. If you want to create a page that doesnt exist and isnt linked somewhere, search for the title you want to create in the search function on the left, and when results show it doesnt exist, click "edit" and it will be automatically created.

All alkaloids need more info added. Feel free to copy paste for example the format from the DMT page.

Same with the plant sections

The science section needs more pages on methods of ingestion, as well as info on chemical compatibility, and different chemicals/materials themselves. Or in general any useful good info you think can be added and isnt there, feel free!

If you have a good link about anything that you think should be added to the wiki, but dont have time to transcript everything, its very easy to just add a link to a page you think its relevant (and others later on can keep on doing the work). The code for adding a link is:

[ Words That Will Be linked]   

in each page, the section/subsection code works as follow

== Section ==


=== Subsection ===


==== Subsubsection ====


This will automatically be added to the table of contents on the top of each page.

Do not worry about doing things wrong, changes can always be reverted, or if you dont want to work with code, just copy paste and later people will worry about the code/mark up.

Any little work is great help and very appreciated!

Hope you guys enjoy the new structure! Suggestions and criticism is welcome!

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 11/4/2011 6:41:32 PM

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looks great!

Thanks trav, end, and everyone involved Very happy

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#3 Posted : 11/4/2011 11:03:54 PM

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Great work, thanks everyone whos working on it. Smile
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#4 Posted : 12/6/2011 11:39:06 AM

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Family, we need more people helping out, a little work done by many is much easier than a lot of work done by one or two people!

Working on the wiki = answering a thousand posts!!

Do not worry about this to-do list being too long, just choose a single small part of one of these items, and just do as much as you want, no hurry.

To do list:

(* = I have raw data, links, publications or scanned books, if you want to work on this and want more data, contact me here or by pm and Ill send you things to help out)

- Add information to the Psilocin/Psilocybin, Mescaline, Harmine, Harmaline, Tetrahydroharmine, 5-MeO-NMT, LSA, LSD, MDMA, Ibogaine, 2C-x, DOx, Ketamine, Salvinorin, Cannabinoids, Gramine, Vasicine, amphetamines, cathinone analogues, ephedrine analogues wikis, all linked in the Alkaloids section (If you want to add some info to any of these substances, dont worry about having to add everything, some links and copy pasted info (with sources) is already great, others can always continue working on the same thing)

- Adding molecular drawing images to the missing alkaloids in theAlkaloids section *

- Creating an own page for each plant in the Botanicals section, by clicking the name in red, which automatically creates the page, and adding info, using a similar structure to, for example, Diplopterys cabrerana (just click edit and copy paste format)

- Unifying the alkaloid content of each plant according. For example in the DMT containing plants section we have some info on Arundo donax, like when it says 20mg from 200grams of dried plant (compared to 520mg gramine per 200g plant!) (Ghosal et al 1971b). But on the bufotenine page we also have "Bufotenine In flowers. Ghosal et at. 1971 ref Trout's Notes". So basically it would be that both in bufo page and dmt page, on the same line which refers to a single publication, have all the info, like in this case: 20mg dmt from 200grams dried plant (compared to 520mg gramine per 200g plant). Also bufotenine in flowers (Ghosal et al 1971). We can priorize plants such as Phalaris, Virolas, Anadenantheras, Arundo, Acacias. Just choose one particular plant, and look under DMT, NMT, DMT N-Oxide, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT N-oxide, Bufotenine and Bufotenine N-oxide, and see if for the same reference there is more info than written on each individual page.

- Remake the wiki pages of the plants that already have created wikis which are just copies of wikipedia, such as Anadenanthera colubrina (you can notice by how it always has this table of scientific classification, and when you click "edit", the code is very short and just has "{{:WIKIpedia: Anadenanthera colubrina}}"Pleased. So for these pages, delete this wikipedia markup link, and create a structure sort of like the diplopterys cabrerana (or any other structure or subsections you feel are relevant). The problem with wikipedia relinking is that we cant add information ourselves when editing, it only relinks all wiki info.

- Check if all the plants that are mentioned on the "Plants containing... " section of each alkaloid, are also in the Botanicals page. If not, add them there.

- Make a list with all the publications that are mentioned (like, say, Ghosal et al 1969, Suzuki et al etc etc), so that later we can try to find all the full publications and relink it instead of just having the name.

Thats what I can think for now. Do not worry about it being a lot of work, any small addition or word you write is much better than nothing!
#5 Posted : 12/6/2011 11:52:00 AM

Stiletto Stoner


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If someone choose to do a task, please write it here so we won't have multiple people doing the same things Pleased
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#6 Posted : 12/6/2011 12:00:08 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Actually I thought about it but then again I thought that its no problem, because each person will be adding different things even if its on the same task, and if you try to add to a page that is currently being edited a warning will appear saying what changes were made by someone else.. So just start working Smile

To everybody: Think of working on the wiki as community work. Its like donating to everybody that ever enters the Nexus. Make your part in adding to this amazing community.

Any questions feel free to ask here or by pm Pleased
Electric Kool-Aid
#7 Posted : 5/18/2012 4:43:45 PM

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I have a suggestion for the wiki. Not sure if I should make a new thread or not.

"Which ratio of MHRB:Lye:Water is the best?
For STBs, 1g MHRB:1g Lye:15ml Water is generally accepted as a good ratio. People have had success with significantly less water, but 15ml per g bark is a recommended amount because less than that might make the whole mixture too thick and it can make the separation of the solvent more difficult. Also, one actually needs much less lye but this amount of lye helps prevent emulsions forming as well helps break down the plant material so that dmt is more exposed to the water.
Alternatively, one can just add enough lye for the solution to turn completely black, and go ahead and extract. If emulsions form, add more lye."

This only tells the method for chunk bark you have grinded your self. What about adding the 1.5% more water to mhrb ratio for prepowdered? This isn't just a Nomans tek thing, but actually a universal thing, as ppmhrb is very water obsorbent and has caused many issues. Oh and if you add more water, then you must add more lye, correct?

Thanks eh!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Electric Kool-Aid
#8 Posted : 5/20/2012 7:54:40 PM

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Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#9 Posted : 5/20/2012 7:58:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Its been a while since I did STB but I did it many times and never had a problem using such ratios, even for prepowdered bark, did you?

In fact, I even used less and had success, but I think its safer to suggest that ratio to prevent emulsion or difficultly-separating layers.
Electric Kool-Aid
#10 Posted : 5/20/2012 9:31:12 PM

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Endlessness - yup. I got VERY thick murky mix, I thought I would do it as a test to see if it would match the same prepowdered with the regular tek. It was extemely thick. I mean nearly tar thick (not quite but close!) Then when I added the additional water, it was then workable. That was my experience. Maybe a note on the wiki about the addition if needed, or some mention on it. Like: Is your mix too thick? Then add addition water if needed. (plus addition lye)
I donno. That was my first extraction and it nearly messed me up bigtime. Additional water helped perfectly. Maybe if you want, then give it a try as a test some day.

Thanks eh!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#11 Posted : 5/20/2012 9:33:55 PM

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Thanks for the feedback! Btw, you can edit yourself.. just register in the wiki and press the edit button Smile
Electric Kool-Aid
#12 Posted : 5/20/2012 9:39:04 PM

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Thanks Smile
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#13 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:18:58 AM

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I don't mean to be a complainer, and I appreciate what those involved here do more than words could say, but I've always thought the wiki was a big mess: disorganized, poorly laid out, lacking in codification and/or thematic integrity. My gripes then, are almost entirely from a design standpoint, something I couldn't just go in and fix myself.

The mediawiki platform offers all sorts of correctives to this which most members would have very little trouble using. Mainly, I'm thinking of templates here, the mediawiki equivalent of css. Each type of page, for example "alkaloid pages," are given there own set of possible fields, so... all one can really do to edit the page is add the value to the blank field as it stands on the "edit" page. For example, let's say we have a nice alkaloid main page, and let's say I know the boiling point for it but it isn't included on that page. On a template controlled wiki, I would click the "edit" tab, and what I'd see is just all whole bunch of fields like:

| logp = 3.2
| pka = 15
| boiling_point =
| molecular_mass = 114.23

Notice the "| boiling_point" field is blank... By simply adding "100" after the equals sign, the template, controlled by admin, automatically puts it where it belongs, nicely in a box an in accord with whatever thematic integrity. If it has not been filled in by anyone yet, there isn't an empty space or anything, that field just wouldn't appear for the alkaloid.

Why shouldn't the alkaloid pages all be identical with respect to format? And the botanical pages? And especially the extraction tek pages?!

So... As far as my feeback goes regarding all this, I'd say the wiki would benefit tremendously by taking this route. With all of endlessness's TLC info, our extraction teks, and everything else, I just think the information here is too valuable to be presented in such (what is in IMHO and with all due respect) an amateurish way.
adorno attached the following image(s):
Nexus_Wiki.jpg (148kb) downloaded 502 time(s).
#14 Posted : 5/21/2012 10:54:28 AM

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Thanks for the feedback! Personally I dont know much how the whole design/template thing works.. I just start pages by copying the structure of another similar page, and link/paste info, though I did ask trav for a reorganization of the main page, which is what was done when this thread was started

As for the alkaloids page, I did try to make them similar, its just up to you to edit the page and copy the format of another page which exists already. For example check

There are some small differences in structures of sub-categories but its basically the same, no?

And as for your proposed structure in the image above, isnt this exactly what we have already in the first page now?

Maybe im misunderstanding, if so, please do correct me

Remember, whatever change you feel like making, design or content, just go and edit yourself! We have tons of work to do and not many people helping out specially in the wiki. So feel free to start editing the wiki Smile

Be well!
#15 Posted : 5/22/2012 2:22:46 AM

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endlessness wrote:
Thanks for the feedback! Personally I dont know much how the whole design/template thing works.. I just start pages by copying the structure of another similar page, and link/paste info, though I did ask trav for a reorganization of the main page, which is what was done when this thread was started

As for the alkaloids page, I did try to make them similar, its just up to you to edit the page and copy the format of another page which exists already. For example check

There are some small differences in structures of sub-categories but its basically the same, no?

And as for your proposed structure in the image above, isnt this exactly what we have already in the first page now?

Maybe im misunderstanding, if so, please do correct me

Remember, whatever change you feel like making, design or content, just go and edit yourself! We have tons of work to do and not many people helping out specially in the wiki. So feel free to start editing the wiki Smile

Be well!

The pages are more-or-less similar, but to give you an idea what I'm talking about I've attached some examples (PDF snapshots) of what a "template controlled" mediawiki alkaloid page might look like.

I created the PDFs using the mediawiki platform on my localhost.

Obviously, they contain too much information for the Nexus wiki (most of it was calculated using cheminfo software, though some of it was from Merck/SciFinder).

These examples are lacking in important information we could add: The botanicals, for example, could have their own box similar to the others, with a simple percentage on the right side of the box (one could click on their linked names to go to the botanicals separate page). Your legitimate observed spectral properties could be linked from the spectral box, etc. Finally, you'll notice that their are boxes for "source material" vendors, think "HP," or "FV," or whatever.

But either way, these should just serve primarily as examples of the kind of uniformity I was talking about. And with something like this in place, admin could adjust the template style at any time and it would change the LOOK of every single alkaloid page at once, without changing the information at all.

Finally, I'll include as text files, what the "edit page" for my DMT PDF example would look like, as well as the "alkaloid template" that would control all the alkaloid PDF pages. Keep in mind, for something like this to work, the "parser functions" would need to be added to our mediawiki extensions folder, and we'd need a couple other templates in place like the "Template:!"
Non Dua Natura
#16 Posted : 12/3/2012 2:49:52 PM

Namo Amitaba Buddha

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I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct thread...

I've added a writeup and a table of contents to The DMT Handbook page on the wiki, and also did a bit of work on the IPA extraction tek for bufotenine. I had actually spent a few hours the other night doing the same thing with Vovin's tek and tried to reformat it slightly for easier readability but, for some reason, either the changes weren't saved or I've made an arse of it somewhere along the line. Laughing

Either way, I'm happy to do as much as possible to improve and expand the wiki so I'll be keeping an eye on the ToDo list in the community portal.
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The Traveler
#17 Posted : 12/4/2012 12:08:58 PM

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Non Dua Natura wrote:
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct thread...

I've added a writeup and a table of contents to The DMT Handbook page on the wiki, and also did a bit of work on the IPA extraction tek for bufotenine. I had actually spent a few hours the other night doing the same thing with Vovin's tek and tried to reformat it slightly for easier readability but, for some reason, either the changes weren't saved or I've made an arse of it somewhere along the line. Laughing

Either way, I'm happy to do as much as possible to improve and expand the wiki so I'll be keeping an eye on the ToDo list in the community portal.

Thank you for helping out here, good work and it is highly appreciated!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#18 Posted : 8/22/2013 9:22:20 AM
member for the trees

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..i'm bumping this to also remind myself to get in there and do more..

thanks endlessness, thanks traveler..and all wiki helpers..

the nexus-wiki is a great resource..
#19 Posted : 8/22/2013 5:56:33 PM

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Thanks nen!

I think the wiki is a great tool and a lot of time has been put into it, I'm glad it is appreciated, and that people consider helping out Smile
Cosmic Spore
#20 Posted : 4/14/2014 5:06:13 PM

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Bump of Original Post. and the Wiki Workthread.

endlessness wrote:
... Just register to the Wiki and log in, and you can edit any page. ... Any little work is great help and very appreciated!
Just saw this; registered an account to the WIKI.

I intend to figure out what I can about editing the WIKI (tips welcome); seems to be more info there than I had thought.

Thank you to all who have worked on this.
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